41 research outputs found

    Estimation of Perceptual Redundancies of HEVC Encoded Dynamic Textures

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    International audienceStatistical redundancies have been the dominant target in the image/video compression standards. Perceptually, there exists further redundancies that can be removed to further enhance the compression efficiency. In this paper, we considered short term homogeneous patches that fall into the foveal vision as dynamic textures, for which a psychophysical test was used to estimate their amount of perceptual redundancies. We demonstrated the possible rate saving by utilizing these redundancies. We further designed a learning model that can precisely predict the amount of redundancies and accordingly proposed a generalized perceptual optimization framework


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    The massive volume of data generated daily by the gathering of medical images with different modalities might be difficult to store in medical facilities and share through communication networks. To alleviate this issue, efficient compression methods must be implemented to reduce the amount of storage and transmission resources required in such applications. However, since the preservation of all image details is highly important in the medical context, the use of lossless image compression algorithms is of utmost importance. This thesis presents the research results on a lossless compression scheme designed to encode both computerized tomography (CT) and positron emission tomography (PET). Different techniques, such as image-to-image translation, intra prediction, and inter prediction are used. Redundancies between both image modalities are also investigated. To perform the image-to-image translation approach, we resort to lossless compression of the original CT data and apply a cross-modality image translation generative adversarial network to obtain an estimation of the corresponding PET. Two approaches were implemented and evaluated to determine a PET residue that will be compressed along with the original CT. In the first method, the residue resulting from the differences between the original PET and its estimation is encoded, whereas in the second method, the residue is obtained using encoders inter-prediction coding tools. Thus, in alternative to compressing two independent picture modalities, i.e., both images of the original PET-CT pair solely the CT is independently encoded alongside with the PET residue, in the proposed method. Along with the proposed pipeline, a post-processing optimization algorithm that modifies the estimated PET image by altering the contrast and rescaling the image is implemented to maximize the compression efficiency. Four different versions (subsets) of a publicly available PET-CT pair dataset were tested. The first proposed subset was used to demonstrate that the concept developed in this work is capable of surpassing the traditional compression schemes. The obtained results showed gains of up to 8.9% using the HEVC. On the other side, JPEG2k proved not to be the most suitable as it failed to obtain good results, having reached only -9.1% compression gain. For the remaining (more challenging) subsets, the results reveal that the proposed refined post-processing scheme attains, when compared to conventional compression methods, up 6.33% compression gain using HEVC, and 7.78% using VVC

    Bitrate Ladder Prediction Methods for Adaptive Video Streaming: A Review and Benchmark

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    HTTP adaptive streaming (HAS) has emerged as a widely adopted approach for over-the-top (OTT) video streaming services, due to its ability to deliver a seamless streaming experience. A key component of HAS is the bitrate ladder, which provides the encoding parameters (e.g., bitrate-resolution pairs) to encode the source video. The representations in the bitrate ladder allow the client's player to dynamically adjust the quality of the video stream based on network conditions by selecting the most appropriate representation from the bitrate ladder. The most straightforward and lowest complexity approach involves using a fixed bitrate ladder for all videos, consisting of pre-determined bitrate-resolution pairs known as one-size-fits-all. Conversely, the most reliable technique relies on intensively encoding all resolutions over a wide range of bitrates to build the convex hull, thereby optimizing the bitrate ladder for each specific video. Several techniques have been proposed to predict content-based ladders without performing a costly exhaustive search encoding. This paper provides a comprehensive review of various methods, including both conventional and learning-based approaches. Furthermore, we conduct a benchmark study focusing exclusively on various learning-based approaches for predicting content-optimized bitrate ladders across multiple codec settings. The considered methods are evaluated on our proposed large-scale dataset, which includes 300 UHD video shots encoded with software and hardware encoders using three state-of-the-art encoders, including AVC/H.264, HEVC/H.265, and VVC/H.266, at various bitrate points. Our analysis provides baseline methods and insights, which will be valuable for future research in the field of bitrate ladder prediction. The source code of the proposed benchmark and the dataset will be made publicly available upon acceptance of the paper

    Joint Hierarchical Priors and Adaptive Spatial Resolution for Efficient Neural Image Compression

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    Recently, the performance of neural image compression (NIC) has steadily improved thanks to the last line of study, reaching or outperforming state-of-the-art conventional codecs. Despite significant progress, current NIC methods still rely on ConvNet-based entropy coding, limited in modeling long-range dependencies due to their local connectivity and the increasing number of architectural biases and priors, resulting in complex underperforming models with high decoding latency. Motivated by the efficiency investigation of the Tranformer-based transform coding framework, namely SwinT-ChARM, we propose to enhance the latter, as first, with a more straightforward yet effective Tranformer-based channel-wise auto-regressive prior model, resulting in an absolute image compression transformer (ICT). Through the proposed ICT, we can capture both global and local contexts from the latent representations and better parameterize the distribution of the quantized latents. Further, we leverage a learnable scaling module with a sandwich ConvNeXt-based pre-/post-processor to accurately extract more compact latent codes while reconstructing higher-quality images. Extensive experimental results on benchmark datasets showed that the proposed framework significantly improves the trade-off between coding efficiency and decoder complexity over the versatile video coding (VVC) reference encoder (VTM-18.0) and the neural codec SwinT-ChARM. Moreover, we provide model scaling studies to verify the computational efficiency of our approach and conduct several objective and subjective analyses to bring to the fore the performance gap between the adaptive image compression transformer (AICT) and the neural codec SwinT-ChARM

    Low complexity in-loop perceptual video coding

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    The tradition of broadcast video is today complemented with user generated content, as portable devices support video coding. Similarly, computing is becoming ubiquitous, where Internet of Things (IoT) incorporate heterogeneous networks to communicate with personal and/or infrastructure devices. Irrespective, the emphasises is on bandwidth and processor efficiencies, meaning increasing the signalling options in video encoding. Consequently, assessment for pixel differences applies uniform cost to be processor efficient, in contrast the Human Visual System (HVS) has non-uniform sensitivity based upon lighting, edges and textures. Existing perceptual assessments, are natively incompatible and processor demanding, making perceptual video coding (PVC) unsuitable for these environments. This research allows existing perceptual assessment at the native level using low complexity techniques, before producing new pixel-base image quality assessments (IQAs). To manage these IQAs a framework was developed and implemented in the high efficiency video coding (HEVC) encoder. This resulted in bit-redistribution, where greater bits and smaller partitioning were allocated to perceptually significant regions. Using a HEVC optimised processor the timing increase was < +4% and < +6% for video streaming and recording applications respectively, 1/3 of an existing low complexity PVC solution. Future work should be directed towards perceptual quantisation which offers the potential for perceptual coding gain

    Learned-based Intra Coding Tools for Video Compression.

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    PhD Theses.The increase in demand for video rendering in 4K and beyond displays, as well as immersive video formats, requires the use of e cient compression techniques. In this thesis novel methods for enhancing the e ciency of current and next generation video codecs are investigated. Several aspects that in uence the way conventional video coding methods work are considered. The methods proposed in this thesis utilise Neural Networks (NNs) trained for regression tasks in order to predict data. In particular, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are used to predict Rate-Distortion (RD) data for intra-coded frames. Moreover, a novel intra-prediction methods are proposed with the aim of providing new ways to exploit redundancies overlooked by traditional intraprediction tools. Additionally, it is shown how such methods can be simpli ed in order to derive less resource-demanding tools

    Verilog implementation of the VESA DSC compression algorithm

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    O trabalho consiste em implementar em verilog o Standard de compressão VESA DSC v1.1. O projecto está na fase de teste e optimização para cumprir restrições de timming. É esperado estar concluido nos inicios de Junho. Feito isto será feita uma comparação entre uma abordagem usando ferramentes de síntese de alto nível e a abordagem "manual" (RTL