5 research outputs found

    Built environment determinants of bicycle volume: A longitudinal analysis

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    This study examines determinants of bicycle volume in the built environment with a five-year bicycle count dataset from Seattle, Washington. A generalized linear mixed model (GLMM) is used to capture the bicycle volume change over time while controlling for temporal autocorrelations. The GLMM assumes that bicycle count follows a Poisson distribution. The model results show that (1) the variables of non-winter seasons, peak hours, and weekends are positively associated with the increase of bicycle counts over time; (2) bicycle counts are fewer in steep areas; (3) bicycle counts are greater in zones with more mixed land use, a higher percentage of water bodies, or a greater percentage of workplaces; (4) the increment of bicycle infrastructure is positively associated with the increase of bicycle volume; and (5) bicycling is more popular in neighborhoods with a greater percentage of whites and younger adults. It concludes that areas with a smaller slope variation, a higher employment density, and a shorter distance to water bodies encourage bicycling. This conclusion suggests that to best boost bicycling, decision-makers should consider building more bicycle facilities in flat areas and integrating the facilities with employment densification and open-space creation and planning.published_or_final_versio

    15-06 Integrated Crowdsourcing Platform to Investigate Non-Motorized Behavior and Risk Factors on Walking, Running, and Cycling Routes

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    There are several factors on the roads that impact bicyclists’ safety. This research aims to find the most important risk factors on roads, mainly in infrastructure facilities, to improve the safety for walkers, runners, and bicyclists. Most mobile cycling applications currently used by cyclists and runners were reviewed in this study in order to gain insight about the features that users care about. Features, such as speed, cumulative elevation gain, and connectivity to Google Fit, were found to be the most common features in the widely-used cycling apps. In this research, we developed and launched a mobile application for crowd-sourcing of roads’ risk factors. With the proposed application, some of the cycling risk factors can be mitigated. We launched the BikeableRoute mobile application allowing bicyclists to share reports of hazards encountered on roads with other fellow bicyclists and the local authorities. To achieve the goals of this study, the mobile application collects anonymous data and self-reported risk factors and biking data. This study allows collecting user’s data for later processing to extract knowledge and insight. Our proposed system enables local authorities to operate more efficiently to handle the feedback provided by the citizens. Also, the local government will be able to provide statistical reports that provide estimates of the traffic on the different routes throughout the local community

    Built environment determinants of bicycle volume: A longitudinal analysis

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    Road transport and emissions modelling in England and Wales: A machine learning modelling approach using spatial data

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    An expanding street network coupled with an increasing number of vehicles testifies to the significance and reliance on road transportation of modern economies. Unfortunately, the use of road transport comes with drawbacks such as its contribution to greenhouse gases (GHG) and air pollutant emissions, therefore becoming an obstacle to countries’ objectives to improve air quality and a barrier to the ambitious targets to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions. Unsurprisingly, traffic forecasting, its environmental impacts and potential future configurations of road transport are some of the topics which have received a great deal of attention in the literature. However, traffic forecasting and the assessment of its determinants have been commonly restricted to specific, normally urban, areas while road transport emission studies do not take into account a large part of the road network, as they usually focus on major roads. This research aimed to contribute to the field of road transportation, by firstly developing a model to accurately estimate traffic across England and Wales at a granular (i.e., street segment) level, secondly by identifying the role of factors associated with road transportation and finally, by estimating CO2 and air pollutant emissions, known to be responsible for climate change as well as negative impacts on human health and ecosystems. The thesis identifies potential emissions abatement from the adoption of novel road vehicles technologies and policy measures. This is achieved by analysing transport scenarios to assess future impacts on air quality and CO2 emissions. The thesis concludes with a comparison of my estimates for road emissions with those from DfT modelling to assess the methodological robustness of machine learning algorithms applied in this research. The traffic modelling outputs reveal traffic patterns across urban and rural areas, while traffic estimation is achieved with high accuracy for all road classes. In addition, specific socioeconomic and roadway characteristics associated with traffic across all vehicle types and road classes are identified. Finally, CO2 and air pollution hot spots as well as the impact of open spaces on pollutants emissions and air quality are explored. Potential emission reduction with the employment of new vehicle technologies and policy implementation is also assessed, so as the results can support urban planning and inform policies related to transport congestion and environmental impacts mitigation. Considering the disaggregated approach, the methodology can be used to facilitate policy making for both local and national aggregated levels