142 research outputs found

    Large-scale assessment of mobile crowdsensed data: a case study

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    Mobile crowdsensing (MCS) is a well-established paradigm that leverages mobile devices’ ubiquitous nature and processing capabilities for large-scale data collection to monitor phenomena of common interest. Crowd-powered data collection is significantly faster and more cost-effective than traditional methods. However, it poses challenges in assessing the accuracy and extracting information from large volumes of user-generated data. SmartRoadSense (SRS) is an MCS technology that utilises sensors embedded in mobile phones to monitor the quality of road surfaces by computing a crowdsensed road roughness index (referred to as PPE). The present work performs statistical modelling of PPE to analyse its distribution across the road network and elucidate how it can be efficiently analysed and interpreted. Joint statistical analysis of open datasets is then carried out to investigate the effect of both internal and external road features on PPE . Several road properties affecting PPE as predicted are identified, providing evidence that SRS can be effectively applied to assess road quality conditions. Finally, the effect of road category and the speed limit on the mean and standard deviation of PPE is evaluated, incorporating previous results on the relationship between vehicle speed and PPE . These results enable more effective and confident use of the SRS platform and its data to help inform road construction and renovation decisions, especially where a lack of resources limits the use of conventional approaches. The work also exemplifies how crowdsensing technologies can benefit from open data integration and highlights the importance of making coherent, comprehensive, and well-structured open datasets available to the public

    A Cost-Quality Beneficial Cell Selection Approach for Sparse Mobile Crowdsensing with Diverse Sensing Costs

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) and mobile techniques enable real-time sensing for urban computing systems. By recruiting only a small number of users to sense data from selected subareas (namely cells), Sparse Mobile Crowdsensing (MCS) emerges as an effective paradigm to reduce sensing costs for monitoring the overall status of a large-scale area. The current Sparse MCS solutions reduce the sensing subareas (by selecting the most informative cells) based on the assumption that each sample has the same cost, which is not always realistic in real-world, as the cost of sensing in a subarea can be diverse due to many factors, e.g. condition of the device, location, and routing distance. To address this issue, we proposed a new cell selection approach consisting of three steps (information modeling, cost estimation, and cost-quality beneficial cell selection) to further reduce the total costs and improve the task quality. Specifically, we discussed the properties of the optimization goals and modeled the cell selection problem as a solvable bi-objective optimization problem under certain assumptions and approximation. Then, we presented two selection strategies, i.e. Pareto Optimization Selection (POS) and Generalized Cost-Benefit Greedy (GCB-GREEDY) Selection along with our proposed cell selection algorithm. Finally, the superiority of our cell selection approach is assessed through four real-life urban monitoring datasets (Parking, Flow, Traffic, and Humidity) and three cost maps (i.i.d with dynamic cost map, monotonic with dynamic cost map and spatial correlated cost map). Results show that our proposed selection strategies POS and GCB-GREEDY can save up to 15.2% and 15.02% sample costs and reduce the inference errors to a maximum of 16.8% (15.5%) compared to the baseline-Query by Committee (QBC) in a sensing cycle. The findings show important implications in Sparse Mobile Crowdsensing for urban context properties

    Large-scale Mixed Traffic Control Using Dynamic Vehicle Routing and Privacy-Preserving Crowdsourcing

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    Controlling and coordinating urban traffic flow through robot vehicles is emerging as a novel transportation paradigm for the future. While this approach garners growing attention from researchers and practitioners, effectively managing and coordinating large-scale mixed traffic remains a challenge. We introduce an effective framework for large-scale mixed traffic control via privacy-preserving crowdsourcing and dynamic vehicle routing. Our framework consists of three modules: a privacy-protecting crowdsensing method, a graph propagation-based traffic forecasting method, and a privacy-preserving route selection mechanism. We evaluate our framework using a real-world road network. The results show that our framework accurately forecasts traffic flow, efficiently mitigates network-wide RV shortage issue, and coordinates large-scale mixed traffic. Compared to other baseline methods, our framework not only reduces the RV shortage issue up to 69.4% but also reduces the average waiting time of all vehicles in the network up to 27%.Comment: Accepted to IEEE Internet of Things Journa

    SPACE-TA: cost-effective task allocation exploiting intradata and interdata correlations in sparse crowdsensing

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    Data quality and budget are two primary concerns in urban-scale mobile crowdsensing. Traditional research on mobile crowdsensing mainly takes sensing coverage ratio as the data quality metric rather than the overall sensed data error in the target-sensing area. In this article, we propose to leverage spatiotemporal correlations among the sensed data in the target-sensing area to significantly reduce the number of sensing task assignments. In particular, we exploit both intradata correlations within the same type of sensed data and interdata correlations among different types of sensed data in the sensing task. We propose a novel crowdsensing task allocation framework called SPACE-TA (SPArse Cost-Effective Task Allocation), combining compressive sensing, statistical analysis, active learning, and transfer learning, to dynamically select a small set of subareas for sensing in each timeslot (cycle), while inferring the data of unsensed subareas under a probabilistic data quality guarantee. Evaluations on real-life temperature, humidity, air quality, and traffic monitoring datasets verify the effectiveness of SPACE-TA. In the temperature- monitoring task leveraging intradata correlations, SPACE-TA requires data from only 15.5% of the subareas while keeping the inference error below 0.25°C in 95% of the cycles, reducing the number of sensed subareas by 18.0% to 26.5% compared to baselines. When multiple tasks run simultaneously, for example, for temperature and humidity monitoring, SPACE-TA can further reduce ∼10% of the sensed subareas by exploiting interdata correlations

    Automatic Recognition of Public Transport Trips from Mobile Device Sensor Data and Transport Infrastructure Information

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    Automatic detection of public transport (PT) usage has important applications for intelligent transport systems. It is crucial for understanding the commuting habits of passengers at large and over longer periods of time. It also enables compilation of door-to-door trip chains, which in turn can assist public transport providers in improved optimisation of their transport networks. In addition, predictions of future trips based on past activities can be used to assist passengers with targeted information. This article documents a dataset compiled from a day of active commuting by a small group of people using different means of PT in the Helsinki region. Mobility data was collected by two means: (a) manually written details of each PT trip during the day, and (b) measurements using sensors of travellers' mobile devices. The manual log is used to cross-check and verify the results derived from automatic measurements. The mobile client application used for our data collection provides a fully automated measurement service and implements a set of algorithms for decreasing battery consumption. The live locations of some of the public transport vehicles in the region were made available by the local transport provider and sampled with a 30-second interval. The stopping times of local trains at stations during the day were retrieved from the railway operator. The static timetable information of all the PT vehicles operating in the area is made available by the transport provider, and linked to our dataset. The challenge is to correctly detect as many manually logged trips as possible by using the automatically collected data. This paper includes an analysis of challenges due to missing or partially sampled information in the data, and initial results from automatic recognition using a set of algorithms. Improvement of correct recognitions is left as an ongoing challenge.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, 10 table
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