451 research outputs found

    Feedback Control as a Framework for Understanding Tradeoffs in Biology

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    Control theory arose from a need to control synthetic systems. From regulating steam engines to tuning radios to devices capable of autonomous movement, it provided a formal mathematical basis for understanding the role of feedback in the stability (or change) of dynamical systems. It provides a framework for understanding any system with feedback regulation, including biological ones such as regulatory gene networks, cellular metabolic systems, sensorimotor dynamics of moving animals, and even ecological or evolutionary dynamics of organisms and populations. Here we focus on four case studies of the sensorimotor dynamics of animals, each of which involves the application of principles from control theory to probe stability and feedback in an organism's response to perturbations. We use examples from aquatic (electric fish station keeping and jamming avoidance), terrestrial (cockroach wall following) and aerial environments (flight control in moths) to highlight how one can use control theory to understand how feedback mechanisms interact with the physical dynamics of animals to determine their stability and response to sensory inputs and perturbations. Each case study is cast as a control problem with sensory input, neural processing, and motor dynamics, the output of which feeds back to the sensory inputs. Collectively, the interaction of these systems in a closed loop determines the behavior of the entire system.Comment: Submitted to Integr Comp Bio

    Tropical Support Vector Machines: Evaluations and Extension to Function Spaces

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    Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are one of the most popular supervised learning models to classify using a hyperplane in an Euclidean space. Similar to SVMs, tropical SVMs classify data points using a tropical hyperplane under the tropical metric with the max-plus algebra. In this paper, first we show generalization error bounds of tropical SVMs over the tropical projective space. While the generalization error bounds attained via VC dimensions in a distribution-free manner still depend on the dimension, we also show theoretically by extreme value statistics that the tropical SVMs for classifying data points from two Gaussian distributions as well as empirical data sets of different neuron types are fairly robust against the curse of dimensionality. Extreme value statistics also underlie the anomalous scaling behaviors of the tropical distance between random vectors with additional noise dimensions. Finally, we define tropical SVMs over a function space with the tropical metric and discuss the Gaussian function space as an example

    Lognormal firing rate distribution reveals prominent fluctuation-driven regime in spinal motor networks

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    When spinal circuits generate rhythmic movements it is important that the neuronal activity remains within stable bounds to avoid saturation and to preserve responsiveness. Here, we simultaneously record from hundreds of neurons in lumbar spinal circuits of turtles and establish the neuronal fraction that operates within either a ‘mean-driven’ or a ‘fluctuation–driven’ regime. Fluctuation-driven neurons have a ‘supralinear’ input-output curve, which enhances sensitivity, whereas the mean-driven regime reduces sensitivity. We find a rich diversity of firing rates across the neuronal population as reflected in a lognormal distribution and demonstrate that half of the neurons spend at least 50 [Formula: see text] of the time in the ‘fluctuation–driven’ regime regardless of behavior. Because of the disparity in input–output properties for these two regimes, this fraction may reflect a fine trade–off between stability and sensitivity in order to maintain flexibility across behaviors. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.18805.00

    Analysis and Detection of Outliers in GNSS Measurements by Means of Machine Learning Algorithms

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    Recurrent neural network based approach for estimating the dynamic evolution of grinding process variables

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    170 p.El proceso de rectificado es ampliamente utilizado para la fabricación de componentes de precisión por arranque de viruta por sus buenos acabados y excelentes tolerancias. Así, el modelado y el control del proceso de rectificado es altamente importante para alcanzar los requisitos económicos y de precisión de los clientes. Sin embargo, los modelos analíticos desarrollados hasta ahora están lejos de poder ser implementados en la industria. Es por ello que varias investigaciones han propuesto la utilización de técnicas inteligentes para el modelado del proceso de rectificado. Sin embargo, estas propuestas a) no generalizan para nuevas muelas y b) no tienen en cuenta el desgaste de la muela, efecto esencial para un buen modelo del proceso de rectificado. Es por ello que se propone la utilización de las redes neuronales recurrentes para estimar variables del proceso de rectificado que a) sean capaces de generalizar para muelas nuevas y b) que tenga en cuenta el desgaste de la muela, es decir, que sea capaz de estimar variables del proceso de rectificado mientras la muela se va desgastando. Así, tomando como base la metodología general, se han desarrollado sensores virtuales para la medida del desgaste de la muela y la rugosidad de la pieza, dos variables esenciales del proceso de rectificado. Por otro lado, también se plantea la utilización la metodología general para estimar fuera de máquina la energía específica de rectificado que puede ayudar a seleccionar la muela y los parámetros de rectificado por adelantado. Sin embargo, una única red no es suficiente para abarcar todas las muelas y condiciones de rectificado existentes. Así, también se propone una metodología para generar redes ad-hoc seleccionando unos datos específicos de toda la base de datos. Para ello, se ha hecho uso de los algoritmos Fuzzy c-Means. Finalmente, hay que decir que los resultados obtenidos mejoran los existentes hasta ahora. Sin embargo, estos resultados no son suficientemente buenos para poder controlar el proceso. Así, se propone la utilización de las redes neuronales de impulsos. Al trabajar con impulsos, estas redes tienen inherentemente la capacidad de trabajar con datos temporales, lo que las hace adecuados para estimar valores que evolucionan con el tiempo. Sin embargo, estas redes solamente se usan para clasificación y no predicción de evoluciones temporales por la falta de métodos de codificación/decodificación de datos temporales. Así, en este trabajo se plantea una metodología para poder codificar en trenes de impulsos señales secuenciales y poder reconstruir señales secuenciales a partir de trenes de impulsos. Esto puede llevar a en un futuro poder utilizar las redes neuronales de impulsos para la predicción de secuenciales y/o temporales

    Tracing timing of growth in cultured molluscs using strontium spiking

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    Introduction: Growth experiments present a powerful tool for determining the effect of environmental parameters on growth and carbonate composition in biogenic calcifiers. For successful proxy calibration and biomineralization studies, it is vital to identify volumes of carbonate precipitated by these organisms at precise intervals during the experiment. Here, we investigate the use of strontium labelling in mollusc growth experiments. Methods: Three bivalve species (Cerastoderma edule, Mytilus edulis and Ostrea edulis) were grown under monitored field conditions. The bivalves were regularly exposed to seawater with elevated concentrations of dissolved strontium chloride (SrCl2). In addition, the size of their shells was determined at various stages during the experiment using calliper measurements and digital photography. Trace element profiles were measured in cross sections through the shells of these molluscs using laser ablation ICPMS and XRF techniques. Results: Our results show that doses of dissolved strontium equivalent to 7-8 times the background marine value (~0.6 mmol/L) are sufficient to cause reproducible peaks in shell-incorporated strontium in C. edule and M. edulis shells. No negative effects were observed on shell calcification rates. Lower doses (3-5 times background values) resulted in less clearly identifiable peaks, especially in M. edulis. Strontium spiking labels in shells of O. edulis are more difficult to detect, likely due to their irregular growth. Discussion: Strontium spiking is a useful technique for creating time marks in cultured shells and a reproducible way to monitor shell size during the growing season while limiting physical disturbance of the animals. However, accurate reconstructions of growth rates at high temporal resolution require frequent spiking with high doses of strontium
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