9 research outputs found

    Accurate Cardinality Estimation of Co-occurring Words Using Suffix Trees (Extended Version)

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    Estimating the cost of a query plan is one of the hardest problems in query optimization. This includes cardinality estimates of string search patterns, of multi-word strings like phrases or text snippets in particular. At first sight, suffix trees address this problem. To curb the memory usage of a suffix tree, one often prunes the tree to a certain depth. But this pruning method "takes away" more information from long strings than from short ones. This problem is particularly severe with sets of long strings, the setting studied here. In this article, we propose respective pruning techniques. Our approaches remove characters with low information value. The various variants determine a character\u27s information value in different ways, e.g., by using conditional entropy with respect to previous characters in the string. Our experiments show that, in contrast to the well-known pruned suffix tree, our technique provides significantly better estimations when the tree size is reduced by 60% or less. Due to the redundancy of natural language, our pruning techniques yield hardly any error for tree-size reductions of up to 50%

    A synopsis based approach for XML fast approximate querying

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    In the last few years, XML has spread in many application fields and today it is used as a format to exchange data on the web, to ensure inter-operability among applications. Due to this success, the W3C has proposed a new query language, XQuery [25], specifically designed to query XML data. XQuery is a well-defined but rather complex language [14]. In this work we propose a new approach to overcome the problem of the high computational costs required by aggregate queries over massive XML data collections. In traditional relational warehouses [11] a similar problem is solved by means of fast approximate queries, that use concise data statistics based on histograms or on other statistical techniques. Their most common application is for aggregate queries in modern decision support systems, where large volumes of data need to be queried, and quick and interactive responses from the DBMS are claimed, e.g., to analyze the data in the warehouse in order to get trend information to evaluate marketing strategies. In such applications, users are often more interested to obtain an approximate answer computed in a short time rather than an exact one obtained in some minutes or, at the worst, hours

    Synopsis data structures for massive data sets

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    Querying and Efficiently Searching Large, Temporal Text Corpora

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    Estimating alphanumeric selectivity in the presence of wildcards

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    Advanced rank/select data structures: succinctness, bounds and applications.

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    The thesis explores new theoretical results and applications of rank and select data structures. Given a string, select(c, i) gives the position of the ith occurrence of character c in the string, while rank(c, p) counts the number of instances of character c on the left of position p. Succinct rank/select data structures are space-efficient versions of standard ones, designed to keep data compressed and at the same time answer to queries rapidly. They are at the basis of more involved compressed and succinct data structures which in turn are motivated by the nowadays need to analyze and operate on massive data sets quickly, where space efficiency is crucial. The thesis builds up on the state of the art left by years of study and produces results on multiple fronts. Analyzing binary succinct data structures and their link with predecessor data structures, we integrate data structures for the latter problem in the former. The result is a data structure which outperforms the one of Patrascu 08 in a range of cases which were not studied before, namely when the lower bound for predecessor do not apply and constant-time rank is not feasible. Further, we propose the first lower bound for succinct data structures on generic strings, achieving a linear trade-off between time for rank/select execution and additional space (w.r.t. to the plain data) needed by the data structure. The proposal addresses systematic data structures, namely those that only access the underlying string through ADT calls and do not encode it directly. Also, we propose a matching upper bound that proves the tightness of our lower bound. Finally, we apply rank/select data structures to the substring counting problem, where we seek to preprocess a text and generate a summary data structure which is stored in lieu of the text and answers to substring counting queries with additive error. The results include a theory-proven optimal data structure with generic additive error and a data structure that errs only on infrequent patterns with significative practical space gains

    Declarative Querying For Biological Sequences.

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    Life science research labs today manage increasing volumes of sequence data. Much of the data management and querying today is accomplished procedurally using Perl, Python, or Java programs that integrate data from different sources and query tools. The dangers of this procedural approach are well known to the database community-- a) severe limitations on the ability to rapidly express queries and b) inefficient query plans due to the lack of sophisticated optimization tools. This situation is likely to get worse with advances in high-throughput technologies that make it easier to quickly produce vast amounts of sequence data. The need for a declarative and efficient system to manage and query biological sequence data is urgent. To address this need, we designed the Periscope/SQ system. Periscope/SQ extends current relational systems to enable sophisticated queries on sequence data and can optimize and execute these queries efficiently. This thesis describes the problems that need to be solved to make it possible to build the Periscope/SQ system. First, we describe the algebraic framework which forms the backbone of Periscope/SQ. Second, we describe algorithms to construct large scale suffix tree indexes for efficiently answering sequence queries. Third, we describe techniques for selectivity estimation and optimization in the context of queries over biological sequences. Next, we demonstrate how some of the techniques developed for Periscope/SQ can be applied to produce a powerful mining algorithm that we call FLAME. Finally, we describe GeneFinder, a biological application built on top of Periscope/SQ. GeneFinder is currently being used to predict the targets of transcription factors. Today, genomic and proteomic sequences are the most abundantly available source of high-quality biological data. By making it possible to declaratively and efficiently query vast amount of sequence data, Periscope/SQ opens the door to vast improvements in the pace of bioinformatics research.Ph.D.Computer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/55670/2/tatas_1.pd