11 research outputs found

    Morphological analysis of cells by means of an elastic metric in the shape space

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    Shape analysis is of great importance in many fields, such as computer vision, medical imaging, and computational biology. This analysis can be performed considering shapes as closed planar curves in the shape space. This approach has been used for the first time to obtain the morphological classification of erythrocytes in digital images of sickle cell disease considering the shape space S1, which has the property of being isometric to an infinite-dimensional Grassmann manifold of two-dimensional subspaces (Younes et al., 2008), without taking advantage of all the features offered by the elastic metric related to the possibility of stretching and bending of the curves. In this paper, we study this deformation in the shape space, S2, which is based on the representation of closed planar curves by means of the square-root velocity function (SRVF) (Srivastava et al., 2011), using the elastic metric of this space to obtain more efficient geodesics and geodesic lengths between planar curves. Supervised classification with this approach achieved an accuracy of 94.3%, classification using templates achieved 94.2% and unsupervised clustering in three groups achieved 94.7%, considering three classes of erythrocytes: normal, sickle, and with other deformations. These results are better than those previously achieved in the morphological analysis of erythrocytes and the method can be used in different applications related to the treatment of sickle cell disease, even in cases where it is necessary to study the process of evolution of the deformation, something that can not be done in a natural way in the feature space

    Curvature approximation from parabolic sectors

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    We propose an invariant three-point curvature approximation for plane curves based on the arc of a parabolic sector, and we analyze how closely this approximation is to the true curvature of the curve. We compare our results with the obtained with other invariant three-point curvature approximations. Finally, an application is discussed


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    Erythrocyte as a therapeutic target

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    漏 All rights are reserved by Carlota SaldanhaErythrocytes are powerful components of blood flow designed to scavenger or deliver nitic oxide (NO) and oxygen to all cells in the body and transport carbon dioxide from them to the lungs. Blood components started to be quantified and erythrocyte blood shapes used as diagnostic and prognostic tools in clinical practice. Erythrocytes have hemorheological, hemostatic and pro or anti-inflammatory properties enlarging their physiological implications in health and disease. As blood component the erythrocytes establish interaction with others white blood cells, platelets, plasma lipoproteins and vascular endothelial cells. The aim of this mini review is highlight the signaling pathway of nitric oxide in which some steps explain the efficacy of some therapeutic drugs already used and could point new targets for further application in inflammatory vascular diseasesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Clasificaci贸n autom谩tica de gl贸bulos rojos en frotis de sangre perif茅rica

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    Introducci贸n: El diagn贸stico del estado eritrocitario en frotis de sangre perif茅rica es un proceso realizado normalmente de forma manual a partir de observaci贸n microsc贸pica, lo cual implica una considerable inversi贸n de tiempo y recursos, adem谩s de posibles problemas de subjetividad y diicultad en la reproducibilidad del diagn贸stico. Objetivo: Desarrollar una aplicaci贸n que permita la clasiicaci贸n autom谩tica de gl贸bulos rojos en frotis de sangre perif茅rica, de utilidad como herramienta de ayuda diagn贸stica. Metodolog铆a: Se usaron t茅cnicas de procesamiento de im谩genes para segmentar los eritrocitos en las fotograf铆as microsc贸picas y medir en ellos 谩rea, per铆metro, solidez, circularidad, excentricidad, textura y dimensi贸n box-counting. Se us贸 una red neuronal artiicial para clasiicar los eritrocitos seg煤n sus caracter铆sticas en siete clases, incluyendo normalidad y seis alteraciones patol贸gicas. La red se entren贸 de acuerdo con la clasiicaci贸n de 262 eritrocitos realizada por un hemat贸logo experto. Los desarrollos se hicieron en matlab庐, una poderosa plataforma de computaci贸n cient铆ica. Resultados: La red escogida alcanza el 97.3% de aciertos en los datos de validaci贸n. Las equivocaciones en la red corresponden a c茅lulas de dudosa clasiicaci贸n a煤n para un experto, por presentar caracter铆sticas correspondientes a varias clasiicaciones patol贸gicas. Conclusiones: La aplicaci贸n desarrollada clasiica de manera r谩pida y acertada los diferentes tipos de gl贸bulos rojos presentes en una muestra microsc贸pica de frotis de sangre perif茅rica, siendo de utilidad como herramienta de apoyo diagn贸stico.Introduction: The process of erythrocyte classification in peripheral blood smear is normally done manually from microscopic observation. This implies not only a considerable investment of time and resources but also brings potential problems of subjectivity and difficulty in the reproducibility of diagnosis. Objective: To develop an application that allows the automatic classification of red blood cells in peripheral blood smears, as a diagnostic aid tool. Methodology: Image processing techniques were used in order to segment erythrocytes in the microscopic photographs and to measure characteristics as area, perimeter, solidity, circularity, eccentricity, texture and box-counting dimension. An artificial neural network was used to classify the red blood cells in the images in seven classes, including normal and six pathological changes, according to their characteristics. The network was trained according to the classification of 262 erythrocytes by an expert hematologist. The developments were made in matlab 庐, a powerful scientific computing platform. Results: The chosen network reaches 97.3% correct in the validation data. Mistakes in the network correspond to cells with various pathological classifications features, which make them difficult to classify even for an expert. Conclusions: The developed application classifies quickly and accurately the different types of red blood cells in a microscopic sample of peripheral blood smear, so it could be useful as a diagnostic support tool

    M茅todos computacionales para estudio de la anemia drepanoc铆tica

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    El procesamiento de im谩genes digitales y la visi贸n por computador son ampliamente utilizados en medicina actualmente y son de gran inter茅s las propuestas de nuevos m茅todos de an谩lisis automatizado de im谩genes digitales o mejorar la eficiencia de los existentes. En este trabajo se desarrollaron m茅todos nuevos para estudiar computacionalmente a trav茅s de im谩genes de muestras de sangre la drepanocitosis, dolencia con alta incidencia mundial y en Cuba, sobre todo en la regi贸n oriental. Se propusieron nuevos m茅todos de an谩lisis de formas, obtenidos a partir de resultados cl谩sicos de geometr铆a integral y nuevas propuestas de visi贸n por computador para evaluar trastornos neurofisiol贸gicos asociados a trav茅s del estudio de las expresiones faciales del paciente. La validaci贸n estad铆stica realizada comprob贸 la superioridad de estos m茅todos sobre otros, se determin贸 que son v谩lidos para ser introducidos en software de apoyo para mejorar la calidad de la atenci贸n m茅dica.Palabras clave: an谩lisis de forma, an谩lisis de expresiones faciales, drepanocitosis.</p

    Clasificaci贸n autom谩tica de gl贸bulos rojos en frotis de sangre perif茅rica

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    Introducci贸n: El diagn贸stico del estado eritrocitario en frotis de sangre perif茅rica es un proceso realizado normalmente de forma manual a partir de observaci贸n microsc贸pica, lo cual implica una considerable inversi贸n de tiempo y recursos, adem谩s de posibles problemas de subjetividad y diicultad en la reproducibilidad del diagn贸stico. Objetivo: Desarrollar una aplicaci贸n que permita la clasiicaci贸n autom谩tica de gl贸bulos rojos en frotis de sangre perif茅rica, de utilidad como herramienta de ayuda diagn贸stica. Metodolog铆a: Se usaron t茅cnicas de procesamiento de im谩genes para segmentar los eritrocitos en las fotograf铆as microsc贸picas y medir en ellos 谩rea, per铆metro, solidez, circularidad, excentricidad, textura y dimensi贸n box-counting. Se us贸 una red neuronal artiicial para clasiicar los eritrocitos seg煤n sus caracter铆sticas en siete clases, incluyendo normalidad y seis alteraciones patol贸gicas. La red se entren贸 de acuerdo con la clasiicaci贸n de 262 eritrocitos realizada por un hemat贸logo experto. Los desarrollos se hicieron en matlab庐, una poderosa plataforma de computaci贸n cient铆ica. Resultados: La red escogida alcanza el 97.3% de aciertos en los datos de validaci贸n. Las equivocaciones en la red corresponden a c茅lulas de dudosa clasiicaci贸n a煤n para un experto, por presentar caracter铆sticas correspondientes a varias clasiicaciones patol贸gicas. Conclusiones: La aplicaci贸n desarrollada clasiica de manera r谩pida y acertada los diferentes tipos de gl贸bulos rojos presentes en una muestra microsc贸pica de frotis de sangre perif茅rica, siendo de utilidad como herramienta de apoyo diagn贸stico.Introduction: The process of erythrocyte classification in peripheral blood smear is normally done manually from microscopic observation. This implies not only a considerable investment of time and resources but also brings potential problems of subjectivity and difficulty in the reproducibility of diagnosis. Objective: To develop an application that allows the automatic classification of red blood cells in peripheral blood smears, as a diagnostic aid tool. Methodology: Image processing techniques were used in order to segment erythrocytes in the microscopic photographs and to measure characteristics as area, perimeter, solidity, circularity, eccentricity, texture and box-counting dimension. An artificial neural network was used to classify the red blood cells in the images in seven classes, including normal and six pathological changes, according to their characteristics. The network was trained&nbsp;according to the classification of 262 erythrocytes by an expert hematologist. The developments were made in matlab&nbsp;庐, a powerful scientific computing platform. Results: The chosen network reaches 97.3% correct in the&nbsp;validation data. Mistakes in the network correspond to cells with various pathological classifications features, which make them difficult to classify even for an expert. Conclusions: The developed application classifies quickly and accurately the different types of red blood cells in a microscopic sample of peripheral blood smear, so it could be useful as a diagnostic support tool

    Clasificaci贸n de eritrocitos empleando modelos ocultos de M谩rkov

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    Se realiza un estudio del desempe帽o de los modelos ocultos de M谩rkov (HMM) en la clasificaci贸n morfol贸gica supervisada de eritrocitos en muestras de sangre perif茅rica de pacientes con anemia drepanoc铆tica. Los contornos se representan de forma novedosa considerando las diferencias angulares en la curvatura de los puntos del mismo. El entrenamiento de cada modelo se realiza tanto con la descripci贸n normal de los contornos como con la representaci贸n de la rotaci贸n de los mismos, para garantizar una mayor estabilidad en los par谩metros estimados. Se desarrolla un proceso de validaci贸n cruzada de 5x1 para estimaci贸n del error. Se obtienen las medidas de sensibilidad, precisi贸n y especificidad de la clasificaci贸n. Los mejores resultados en cuanto a sensibilidad se obtienen al clasificar eritrocitos pertenecientes a dos clases: normales (96%) y elongados (99%). Al considerar adem谩s una clase de eritrocitos con otras deformaciones los mejores resultados se obtienen realizando el entrenamiento de los modelos con la rotaci贸n de todos los contornos, que alcanz贸 sensibilidades de normales (94%), elongados (82%) y con otras deformaciones (76%). Palabras Clave: clasificaci贸n morfol贸gica de eritrocitos, modelos ocultos de M谩rkov, representaci贸n de contornos

    Erythrocyte shape classification using integral-geometry-based methods

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    Erythrocyte shape deformations are related to different important illnesses. In this paper, we focus on one of the most important: the Sickle cell disease. This disease causes the hardening or polymerization of the hemoglobin that contains the erythrocytes. The study of this process using digital images of peripheral blood smears can offer useful results in the clinical diagnosis of these illnesses. In particular, it would be very valuable to find a rapid and reproducible automatic classification method to quantify the number of deformed cells and so gauge the severity of the illness. In this paper, we show the good results obtained in the automatic classification of erythrocytes in normal cells, sickle cells, and cells with other deformations, when we use a set of functions based on integral-geometry methods, an active contour-based segmentation method, and a k-NN classification algorithm. Blood specimens were obtained from patients with Sickle cell disease. Seventeen peripheral blood smears were obtained for the study, and 45 images of different fields were obtained. A specialist selected the cells to use, determining those cells which were normal, elongated, and with other deformations present in the images. A process of automatic classification, with cross-validation of errors with the proposed descriptors and with other two functions used in previous studies, was realized.Work supported by the UJI project P11B2012-24