42 research outputs found

    Efficient Minimum Distance Computation for Solids of Revolution

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    We present a highly efficient algorithm for computing the minimum distance between two solids of revolution, each of which is defined by a planar cross-section region and a rotation axis. The boundary profile curve for the cross-section is first approx- imated by a bounding volume hierarchy (BVH) of fat arcs. By rotating the fat arcs around the axis, we generate the BVH of fat tori that bounds the surface of revolution. The minimum distance between two solids of revolution is then computed very efficiently using the distance between fat tori, which can be boiled down to the minimum distance computation for circles in the three-dimensional space. Our circle-based approach to the solids of revolution has distinctive features of geometric simplifica- tion. The main advantage is in the effectiveness of our approach in handling the complex cases where the minimum distance is obtained in non-convex regions of the solids under consideration. Though we are dealing with a geometric problem for solids, the algorithm actually works in a computational style similar to that of handling planar curves. Compared with conventional BVH-based methods, our algorithm demonstrates outperformance in computing speed, often 10–100 times faster. Moreover, the minimum distance can be computed very efficiently for the solids of revolution under deformation, where the dynamic reconstruction of fat arcs dominates the overall computation time and takes a few milliseconds

    Surface-Surface-Intersection Computation using a Bounding Volume Hierarchy with Osculating Toroidal Patches in the Leaf Nodes

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    We present an efficient and robust algorithm for computing the intersection curve of two freeform surfaces using a Bounding Volume Hierarchy (BVH), where the leaf nodes contain osculating toroidal patches. The covering of each surface by a union of tightly fitting toroidal patches greatly simplifies the geometric operations involved in the surface-surface-intersection computation, i.e., the bounding of surface normals, the detection of surface binormals, the point projection from one surface to the other surface, and the intersection of local surface patches. Moreover, the hierarchy of simple bounding volumes (such as rectangle-swept spheres) accelerates the geometric search for the potential pairs of surface patches that may generate some curve segments in the surface-surface-intersection. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by using test examples of intersecting two freeform surfaces, including some highly non-trivial examples with tangential intersections. In particular, we test the intersection of two almost identical surfaces, where one surface is obtained from the same surface, using a rotation around a normal line by a smaller and smaller angle θ = 10−k degree, k = 0, · · · , 5. The intersection results are often given as surface subpatches in some highly tangential areas, and even as the whole surface itself, when θ = 0.00001◦

    BVH와 토러스 패치를 이용한 곡면 교차곡선 연산

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    학위논문(박사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 공과대학 컴퓨터공학부, 2021.8. 김명수.두 변수를 가지는 B-스플라인 자유곡면의 곡면간 교차곡선과 자가 교차곡선, 그리고 오프셋 곡면의 자가 교차곡선을 구하는 효율적이고 안정적인 알고리즘을 개발하는 새로운 접근 방법을 제시한다. 새로운 방법은 최하단 노드에 최대 접촉 토러스를 가지는 복합 바운딩 볼륨 구조에 기반을 두고 있다. 이 바운딩 볼륨 구조는 곡면간 교차나 자가 교차가 발생할 가능성이 있는 작은 곡면 조각 쌍들의 기하학적 검색을 가속화한다. 최대 접촉 토러스는 자기가 근사한 C2-연속 자유곡면과 2차 접촉을 가지므로 주어진 곡면에서 다양한 기하 연산의 정밀도를 향상시키는데 필수적인 역할을 한다. 효율적인 곡면간 교차곡선 계산을 지원하기 위해, 미리 만들어진, 최하단 노드에 최대 접촉 토러스가 있으며 구형구면 트리를 가지는 복합 이항 바운딩 볼륨 구조를 설계하였다. 최대 접촉 토러스는 거의 모든 곳에서 접선교차가 발생하는, 자명하지 않은 곡면간 교차곡선 계산 문제에서도 효율적이고 안정적인 결과를 제공한다. 곡면의 자가 교차 곡선을 구하는 문제는 주로 마이터 점 때문에 곡면간 교차곡선을 계산하는 것 보다 훨씬 더 어렵다. 자가 교차 곡면은 마이터 점 부근에서 법선 방향이 급격히 변하며, 마이터 점은 자가 교차 곡선의 끝점에 위치한다. 따라서 마이터 점은 자가 교차 곡면의 기하 연산 안정성에 큰 문제를 일으킨다. 마이터 점을 안정적으로 감지하여 자가 교차 곡선의 계산을 용이하게 하기 위해, 자유곡면을 위한 복합 바운딩 볼륨 구조에 적용할 수 있는 삼항 트리 구조를 제시한다. 특히, 두 변수를 가지는 곡면의 매개변수영역에서 마이터 점을 충분히 작은 사각형으로 감싸는 특별한 표현 방법을 제시한다. 접선교차와 마이터 점을 가지는, 아주 자명하지 않은 자유곡면 예제를 사용하여 새 방법이 효과적임을 입증한다. 모든 실험 예제에서, 기하요소들의 정확도는 하우스도르프 거리의 상한보다 낮음을 측정하였다.We present a new approach to the development of efficient and stable algorithms for intersecting freeform surfaces, including the surface-surface-intersection and the surface self-intersection of bivariate rational B-spline surfaces. Our new approach is based on a hybrid Bounding Volume Hierarchy(BVH) that stores osculating toroidal patches in the leaf nodes. The BVH structure accelerates the geometric search for the potential pairs of local surface patches that may intersect or self-intersect. Osculating toroidal patches have second-order contact with C2-continuous freeform surfaces that they approximate, which plays an essential role in improving the precision of various geometric operations on the given surfaces. To support efficient computation of the surface-surface-intersection curve, we design a hybrid binary BVH that is basically a pre-built Rectangle-Swept Sphere(RSS) tree enhanced with osculating toroidal patches in their leaf nodes. Osculating toroidal patches provide efficient and robust solutions to the problem even in the non-trivial cases of handling two freeform surfaces intersecting almost tangentially everywhere. The surface self-intersection problem is considerably more difficult than computing the intersection of two different surfaces, mainly due to the existence of miter points. A self-intersecting surface changes its normal direction dramatically around miter points, located at the open endpoints of the self-intersection curve. This undesirable behavior causes serious problems in the stability of geometric algorithms on self-intersecting surfaces. To facilitate surface self-intersection computation with a stable detection of miter points, we propose a ternary tree structure for the hybrid BVH of freeform surfaces. In particular, we propose a special representation of miter points using sufficiently small quadrangles in the parameter domain of bivariate surfaces and expand ideas to offset surfaces. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed new approach using some highly non-trivial examples of freeform surfaces with tangential intersections and miter points. In all the test examples, the closeness of geometric entities is measured under the Hausdorff distance upper bound.Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Surface-Surface-Intersection 5 1.3 Surface Self-Intersection 8 1.4 Main Contribution 12 1.5 Thesis Organization 14 Chapter 2 Preliminaries 15 2.1 Differential geometry of surfaces 15 2.2 Bezier curves and surfaces 17 2.3 Surface approximation 19 2.4 Torus 21 2.5 Summary 24 Chapter 3 Previous Work 25 3.1 Surface-Surface-Intersection 25 3.2 Surface Self-Intersection 29 3.3 Summary 32 Chapter 4 Bounding Volume Hierarchy for Surface Intersections 33 4.1 Binary Structure 33 4.1.1 Hierarchy of Bilinear Surfaces 34 4.1.2 Hierarchy of Planar Quadrangles 37 4.1.3 Construction of Leaf Nodes with Osculating Toroidal Patches 41 4.2 Ternary Structure 44 4.2.1 Miter Points 47 4.2.2 Leaf Nodes 50 4.2.3 Internal Nodes 51 4.3 Summary 56 Chapter 5 Surface-Surface-Intersection 57 5.1 BVH Traversal 58 5.2 Construction of SSI Curve Segments 59 5.2.1 Merging SSI Curve Segments with G1-Biarcs 60 5.2.2 Measuring the SSI Approximation Error Using G1-Biarcs 63 5.3 Tangential Intersection 64 5.4 Summary 65 Chapter 6 Surface Self-Intersection 67 6.1 Preprocessing 68 6.2 BVH Traversal 69 6.3 Construction of Intersection Curve Segments 70 6.4 Summary 72 Chapter 7 Trimming Offset Surfaces with Self-Intersection Curves 74 7.1 Offset Surface and Ternary Hybrid BVH 75 7.2 Preprocessing 77 7.3 Merging Intersection Curve Segments 81 7.4 Summary 84 Chapter 8 Experimental Results 85 8.1 Surface-Surface-Intersection 85 8.2 Surface Self-Intersection 97 8.2.1 Regular Surfaces 97 8.2.2 Offset Surfaces 100 Chapter 9 Conclusion 106 Bibliography 108 초록 120박

    Coaxing a planar curve to comply

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    AbstractA long-standing problem in computer graphics is to find a planar curve that is shaped the way you want it to be shaped. A selection of various methods for achieving this goal is presented. The focus is on mathematical conditions that we can use to control curves while still allowing the curves some freedom. We start with methods invented by Newton (1643–1727) and Lagrange (1736–1813) and proceed to recent methods that are the subject of current research. We illustrate almost all the methods discussed with diagrams. Three methods of control that are of special interest are interpolation methods, global minimization methods (such as least squares), and (Bézier) control points. We concentrate on the first of these, interpolation methods

    Global radii of curvature, and the biarc approximation of space curves:in pursuit of ideal knot shapes

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    The distance from self-intersection of a (smooth and either closed or infinite) curve q in three dimensions can be characterised via the global radius of curvature at q(s), which is defined as the smallest possible radius amongst all circles passing through the given point and any two other points on the curve. The minimum value of the global radius of curvature along the curve gives a convenient measure of curve thickness or normal injectivity radius. Given the utility of the construction inherent to global curvature, it is natural to consider variants defined in related ways. The first part of the thesis considers all possible circular and spherical distance functions and the associated, single argument, global radius of curvature functions that are constructed by minimisation over all but one argument. It is shown that among all possible global radius of curvature functions there are only five independent ones. And amongst these five there are two particularly useful ones for characterising thickness of a curve. We investigate the geometry of how these two functions, ρpt and ρtp, can be achieved. Properties and interrelations of the divers global radius of curvature functions are illustrated with the simple examples of ellipses and helices. It is known that any Lipschitz continuous curve with positive thickness actually has C1,1-regularity. Accordingly, C1,1 is the natural space in which to carry out computations involving self-avoiding curves. The second part of the thesis develops the mathematical theory of biarcs, which are a geometrically elegant way of discretizing C1,1 space curves. A biarc is a pair of circular arcs joined in a C1 fashion according to certain matching rules. We establish a self-contained theory of the geometry of biarc interpolation of point-tangent data sampled from an underlying base curve, and demonstrate that such biarc curves have attractive convergence properties in both a pointwise and function-space sense, e.g. the two arcs of the biarc interpolating a coalescent point-tangent data pair on a C2-curve approach the osculating circle of the curve at the limit of the data points, and for a C1,1-base curve and a sequence of (possibly non-uniform) meshes, the interpolating biarc curves approach the base curve in the C1-norm. For smoother base curves, stronger convergence can be obtained, e.g. interpolating biarc curves approach a C2 base curve in the C1,1-norm. The third part of the thesis concerns the practical utility of biarcs in computation. It is shown that both the global radius of curvature function ρpt and thickness can be evaluated efficiently (and to an arbitrarily small, prescribed precision) on biarc curves. Moreover, both the notion of a contact set, i.e. the set of points realising thickness, and an approximate contact set can be defined rigorously. The theory is then illustrated with an application to the computation of ideal shapes of knots. Informally ideal knot shapes can be described as the configuration allowing a given knot to be tied with the shortest possible piece of rope of prescribed thickness. The biarc discretization is combined with a simulated annealing code to obtain approximate ideal shapes. These shapes provide rigorous upper bounds for rope length of ideal knots. The approximate contact set and the function ρpt evaluated on the computed shapes allow us to assess closeness of the computations to ideality. The high accuracy of the computations reveal various, previously unrecognized, features of ideal knot shapes

    Precise Hausdorff distance computation for freeform surfaces based on computations with osculating toroidal patches

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    We present an efficient algorithm for computing the precise Hausdorff Distance (HD) between two freeform surfaces. The algorithm is based on a hybrid Bounding Volume Hierarchy (BVH), where osculating toroidal patches (stored in the leaf nodes) provide geometric properties essential for the HD computation in high precision. Intrinsic features from the osculating geometry resolve computational issues in handling the cross-boundary problem for composite surfaces, which leads to the acceleration of HD algorithm with a solution (within machine precision) to the exact HD. The HD computation for general freeform surfaces is discussed, where we focus on the computational issues in handling the local geometry across surface boundaries or around surface corners that appear as the result of gluing multiple patches together in the modeling of generic composite surfaces. We also discuss how to switch from an approximation stage to the final step of computing the precise HD using numerical improvements and confirming the correctness of the HD computation result. The main advantage of our algorithm is in the high precision of HD computation result. As the best cases of the proposed torus-based approach, we also consider the acceleration of HD computation for freeform surfaces of revolution and linear extrusion, where we can support real-time computation even for deformable surfaces. The acceleration is mainly due to a fast biarc approximation to the planar profile curves of the simple surfaces, each generated by rotating or translating a planar curve. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach using experimental results


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    The geometric properties of conjugated circular arcs connecting two points on the plane with set directions of tan- gent vectors are studied in the work. It is shown that pairs of conjugated circular arcs with the same conditions in frontier points create one-parameter set of smooth curves tightly filling all the plane. One of the basic properties of this set is the fact that all coupling points of circular arcs are on the circular curve going through the initially given points. The circle radius depends on the direction of tangent vectors. Any point of the circle curve, named auxiliary in this work, determines a pair of conjugated arcs with given boundary conditions. One more condition of the auxiliary circle curve is that it divides the plane into two parts. The arcs going from the initial point are out of the circle limited by this circle curve and the arcs coming to the final point are inside it. These properties are the basis for the method of conjugated circular arcs tracing pro- posed in this article. The algorithm is rather simple and allows to fulfill all the needed plottings using only the divider and ruler. Two concrete examples are considered. The first one is related to the problem of tracing of a pair of conjugated arcs with the minimal curve jump when going through the coupling point. The second one demonstrates the possibility of trac- ing of the smooth curve going through any three points on the plane under condition that in the initial and final points the directions of tangent vectors are given. The proposed methods of conjugated circular arcs tracing can be applied in solving of a wide variety of problems connected with the tracing of cam contours, for example pattern curves in textile industry or in computer-aided-design systems when programming of looms with numeric control.В работе исследуются геометрические свойства сопряженных круговых дуг, соединяющих две точки на плоскости, с заданными в них направлениями касательных векторов. Показано, что пары сопряженных дуг с одинаковыми условиями в граничных точках образуют однопараметрическое множество гладких кривых, плотно заполняющих всю плоскость. Одним из основных свойств этого множества является то, что все точки сопряжения круговых дуг лежат на окружности, проходящей через изначально заданные точки. Радиус окружности зависит от направления касательных векторов. Любая точка этой окружности, названная в данной работе вспомогательной, однозначно определяет пару сопряженных дуг с заданными граничными условиями. Еще одно свойство вспомогательной окружности состоит в том, что она делит плоскость на две части. Дуги, выходящие из начальной точки, лежат вне круга, ограниченного этой окружностью, а дуги, приходящие в конечную точку - внутри него. Эти свойства положены в основу предложенного в данной статье метода построения сопряженных круговых дуг. Алгоритм достаточно простой и позволяет выполнить все необходимые построения, пользуясь только циркулем и линейкой. Рассмотрены два конкретных примера. Первый относится к задаче построения пары спряженных дуг с минимальным скачком кривизны при прохождении через точку сопряжения. Второй демонстрирует возможность построения гладкой кривой, проходящей через любые три точки на плоскости, при условии, что в начальной и конечной точках заданы направления касательных векторов. Предложенный метод построения сопряженных круговых дуг может найти применение при решении широкого круга задач, связанных с построением криволинейных контуров, например лекальных кривых в текстильной промышленности или в системах автоматизированного проектирования при программировании станков с числовым программным управлением

    Shape characterisation of tool path motion

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    For a given application, the autonomous regulation of tool path motion by a machine’s controller can produce undesirable and unknown machining conditions. Machining parameters may therefore require a posteriori optimisation. Indeed, the methods employed are often iterative and informed by empirical evidence from machining trials. A shape characterisation of tool path motion is postulated by enforcing constraints on the kinematic equations describing velocity, acceleration and jerk. The resulting description of motion depends only upon the kinematic limits of a machine and the intrinsic shape properties of a tool path. The resulting shape schematics provide complete illustrations of the distinctive features of each of the kinematic vectors. Kinematic profiles, derived from a series of test tool path motions are compared with these shape schematics in order to provide supportive empirical evidence. The main contribution of this thesis is to demonstrate a priori shape characterisation of tool path motion. This characterisation is achieved without knowledge of the motion control algorithms implemented by a given machine’s controller. The characterisation may be employed to inform the selection of machining parameters and thereby reduce the time and the number of machining trials