1,059,975 research outputs found

    Centers, cocenters and simple quantum groups

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    We define the notion of a (linearly reductive) center for a linearly reductive quantum group, and show that the quotient of a such a quantum group by its center is simple whenever its fusion semiring is free in the sense of Banica and Vergnioux. We also prove that the same is true of free products of quantum groups under very mild non-degeneracy conditions. Several natural families of compact quantum groups, some with non-commutative fusion semirings and hence very "far from classical", are thus seen to be simple. Examples include quotients of free unitary groups by their centers, recovering previous work, as well as quotients of quantum reflection groups by their centers.Comment: 17 pages + references; TikZ diagrams; changed numbering; fixed small error in the proof of Theorem 3.1; other small modifications after referee comment

    Automated searching for quantum subsystem codes

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    Quantum error correction allows for faulty quantum systems to behave in an effectively error free manner. One important class of techniques for quantum error correction is the class of quantum subsystem codes, which are relevant both to active quantum error correcting schemes as well as to the design of self-correcting quantum memories. Previous approaches for investigating these codes have focused on applying theoretical analysis to look for interesting codes and to investigate their properties. In this paper we present an alternative approach that uses computational analysis to accomplish the same goals. Specifically, we present an algorithm that computes the optimal quantum subsystem code that can be implemented given an arbitrary set of measurement operators that are tensor products of Pauli operators. We then demonstrate the utility of this algorithm by performing a systematic investigation of the quantum subsystem codes that exist in the setting where the interactions are limited to 2-body interactions between neighbors on lattices derived from the convex uniform tilings of the plane.Comment: 38 pages, 15 figure, 10 tables. The algorithm described in this paper is available as both library and a command line program (including full source code) that can be downloaded from http://github.com/gcross/CodeQuest/downloads. The source code used to apply the algorithm to scan the lattices is available upon request. Please feel free to contact the authors with question

    A Unified Coded Deep Neural Network Training Strategy Based on Generalized PolyDot Codes for Matrix Multiplication

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    This paper has two contributions. First, we propose a novel coded matrix multiplication technique called Generalized PolyDot codes that advances on existing methods for coded matrix multiplication under storage and communication constraints. This technique uses "garbage alignment," i.e., aligning computations in coded computing that are not a part of the desired output. Generalized PolyDot codes bridge between Polynomial codes and MatDot codes, trading off between recovery threshold and communication costs. Second, we demonstrate that Generalized PolyDot can be used for training large Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) on unreliable nodes prone to soft-errors. This requires us to address three additional challenges: (i) prohibitively large overhead of coding the weight matrices in each layer of the DNN at each iteration; (ii) nonlinear operations during training, which are incompatible with linear coding; and (iii) not assuming presence of an error-free master node, requiring us to architect a fully decentralized implementation without any "single point of failure." We allow all primary DNN training steps, namely, matrix multiplication, nonlinear activation, Hadamard product, and update steps as well as the encoding/decoding to be error-prone. We consider the case of mini-batch size B=1B=1, as well as B>1B>1, leveraging coded matrix-vector products, and matrix-matrix products respectively. The problem of DNN training under soft-errors also motivates an interesting, probabilistic error model under which a real number (P,Q)(P,Q) MDS code is shown to correct PQ1P-Q-1 errors with probability 11 as compared to PQ2\lfloor \frac{P-Q}{2} \rfloor for the more conventional, adversarial error model. We also demonstrate that our proposed strategy can provide unbounded gains in error tolerance over a competing replication strategy and a preliminary MDS-code-based strategy for both these error models.Comment: Presented in part at the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory 2018 (Submission Date: Jan 12 2018); Currently under review at the IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Internet Filters: A Public Policy Report (Second edition; fully revised and updated)

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    No sooner was the Internet upon us than anxiety arose over the ease of accessing pornography and other controversial content. In response, entrepreneurs soon developed filtering products. By the end of the decade, a new industry had emerged to create and market Internet filters....Yet filters were highly imprecise from the beginning. The sheer size of the Internet meant that identifying potentially offensive content had to be done mechanically, by matching "key" words and phrases; hence, the blocking of Web sites for "Middlesex County," or words such as "magna cum laude". Internet filters are crude and error-prone because they categorize expression without regard to its context, meaning, and value. Yet these sweeping censorship tools are now widely used in companies, homes, schools, and libraries. Internet filters remain a pressing public policy issue to all those concerned about free expression, education, culture, and democracy. This fully revised and updated report surveys tests and studies of Internet filtering products from the mid-1990s through 2006. It provides an essential resource for the ongoing debate

    Three-transmit-antenna space-time codes based on SU(3)

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    Fully diverse constellations, i.e., a set of unitary matrices whose pairwise differences are nonsingular, are useful in multiantenna communications especially in multiantenna differential modulation, since they have good pairwise error properties. Recently, group theoretic ideas, especially fixed-point-free (fpf) groups, have been used to design fully diverse constellations of unitary matrices. Here, we give systematic design methods of space-time codes which are appropriate for three-transmit-antenna differential modulation. The structures of the codes are motivated by the special unitary Lie group SU(3). One of the codes, which is called the AB code, has a fast maximum-likelihood (ML) decoding algorithm using complex sphere decoding. Diversity products of the codes can be easily calculated, and simulated performance shows that they are better than group-based codes, especially at high rates and as good as the elaborately designed nongroup code