10 research outputs found

    A Posteriori Error Control for the Binary Mumford-Shah Model

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    The binary Mumford-Shah model is a widespread tool for image segmentation and can be considered as a basic model in shape optimization with a broad range of applications in computer vision, ranging from basic segmentation and labeling to object reconstruction. This paper presents robust a posteriori error estimates for a natural error quantity, namely the area of the non properly segmented region. To this end, a suitable strictly convex and non-constrained relaxation of the originally non-convex functional is investigated and Repin's functional approach for a posteriori error estimation is used to control the numerical error for the relaxed problem in the L2L^2-norm. In combination with a suitable cut out argument, a fully practical estimate for the area mismatch is derived. This estimate is incorporated in an adaptive meshing strategy. Two different adaptive primal-dual finite element schemes, and the most frequently used finite difference discretization are investigated and compared. Numerical experiments show qualitative and quantitative properties of the estimates and demonstrate their usefulness in practical applications.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    Adaptive Reconstruction for Electrical Impedance Tomography with a Piecewise Constant Conductivity

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    In this work we propose and analyze a numerical method for electrical impedance tomography of recovering a piecewise constant conductivity from boundary voltage measurements. It is based on standard Tikhonov regularization with a Modica-Mortola penalty functional and adaptive mesh refinement using suitable a posteriori error estimators of residual type that involve the state, adjoint and variational inequality in the necessary optimality condition and a separate marking strategy. We prove the convergence of the adaptive algorithm in the following sense: the sequence of discrete solutions contains a subsequence convergent to a solution of the continuous necessary optimality system. Several numerical examples are presented to illustrate the convergence behavior of the algorithm.Comment: 26 pages, 12 figure

    Singular solutions, graded meshes, and adaptivity for total-variation regularized minimization problems

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    Recent quasi-optimal error estimates for the finite element approximation of total-variation regularized minimization problems require the existence of a Lipschitz continuous dual solution. We discuss the validity of this condition and devise numerical methods using locally refined meshes that lead to improved convergence rates despite the occurrence of discontinuities. It turns out that nearly linear convergence is possible on suitably constructed meshes

    A C0 interior penalty discontinuous galerkin method and an equilibrated a posteriori error estimator for a nonlinear fourth order elliptic boundary value problem of p-biharmonic type

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    We consider a C0^0 Interior Penalty Discontinuous Galerkin (C0IPDG) approximation of a nonlinear fourth order elliptic boundary value problem of p-harmonic type and an equilibrated a posteriori error estimator. The C0IPDG method can be derived from a discretization of the corresponding minimization problem involving a suitably defined reconstruction operator. The equilibrated a posteriori error estimator provides an upper bound for the discretization error in the broken W2,pW^{2,p} norm in terms of the associated primal and dual energy functionals. It requires the construction of an equilibrated flux and an equilibrated moment tensor based on a three-field formulation of the C0IPDG approximation. The relationship with a residual-type a posteriori error estimated is studied as well. Numerical results illustrate the performance of the suggested approach

    Approximation schemes for materials with discontinuities

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    Damage and fracture phenomena are related to the evolution of discontinuities both in space and in time. This contribution deals with methods from mathematical and numerical analysis to handle these: Suitable mathematical formulations and time-discrete schemes for problems with discontinuities in time are presented. For the treatment of problems with discontinuities in space, the focus lies on FE-methods for minimization problems in the space of functions of bounded variation. The developed methods are used to introduce fully discrete schemes for a rate-independent damage model and for the viscous approximation of a model for dynamic phase-field fracture. Convergence of the schemes is discussed

    Discrete Riemannian Calculus and A Posteriori Error Control on Shape Spaces

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    In this thesis, a novel discrete approximation of the curvature tensor on Riemannian manifolds is derived, efficient methods to interpolate and extrapolate images in the context of the time discrete metamorphosis model are analyzed, and an a posteriori error estimator for the binary Mumford–Shah model is examined. Departing from the variational time discretization on (possibly infinite-dimensional) Riemannian manifolds originally proposed by Rumpf and Wirth, in which a consistent time discrete approximation of geodesic curves, the logarithm, the exponential map and parallel transport is analyzed, we construct the discrete curvature tensor and prove its convergence under certain smoothness assumptions. To this end, several time discrete parallel transports are applied to suitably rescaled tangent vectors, where each parallel transport is computed using Schild’s ladder. The associated convergence proof essentially relies on multiple Taylor expansions incorporating symmetry and scaling relations. In several numerical examples we validate this approach for surfaces. The by now classical flow of diffeomorphism approach allows the transport of image intensities along paths in time, which are characterized by diffeomorphisms, and the brightness of each image particle is assumed to be constant along each trajectory. As an extension, the metamorphosis model proposed by Trouvé, Younes and coworkers allows for intensity variations of the image particles along the paths, which is reflected by an additional penalization term appearing in the energy functional that quantifies the squared weak material derivative. Taking into account the aforementioned time discretization, we propose a time discrete metamorphosis model in which the associated time discrete path energy consists of the sum of squared L2-mismatch functionals of successive square-integrable image intensity functions and a regularization functional for pairwise deformations. Our main contributions are the existence proof of time discrete geodesic curves in the context of this model, which are defined as minimizers of the time discrete path energy, and the proof of the Mosco-convergence of a suitable interpolation of the time discrete to the time continuous path energy with respect to the L2-topology. Using an alternating update scheme as well as a multilinear finite element respectively cubic spline discretization for the images and deformations allows to efficiently compute time discrete geodesic curves. In several numerical examples we demonstrate that time discrete geodesics can be robustly computed for gray-scale and color images. Taking into account the time discretization of the metamorphosis model we define the discrete exponential map in the space of images, which allows image extrapolation of arbitrary length for given weakly differentiable initial images and variations. To this end, starting from a suitable reformulation of the Euler–Lagrange equations characterizing the one-step extrapolation a fixed point iteration is employed to establish the existence of critical points of the Euler–Lagrange equations provided that the initial variation is small in L2. In combination with an implicit function type argument requiring H1-closeness of the initial variation one can prove the local existence as well as the local uniqueness of the discrete exponential map. The numerical algorithm for the one-step extrapolation is based on a slightly modified fixed point iteration using a spatial Galerkin scheme to obtain the optimal deformation associated with the unknown image, from which the unknown image itself can be recovered. To prove the applicability of the proposed method we compute the extrapolated image path for real image data. A common tool to segment images and shapes into multiple regions was developed by Mumford and Shah. The starting point to derive a posteriori error estimates for the binary Mumford–Shah model, which is obtained by restricting the original model to two regions, is a uniformly convex and non-constrained relaxation of the binary model following the work by Chambolle and Berkels. In particular, minimizers of the binary model can be exactly recovered from minimizers of the relaxed model via thresholding. Then, applying duality techniques proposed by Repin and Bartels allows deriving a consistent functional a posteriori error estimate for the relaxed model. Afterwards, an a posteriori error estimate for the original binary model can be computed incorporating a suitable cut-out argument in combination with the functional error estimate. To calculate minimizers of the relaxed model on an adaptive mesh described by a quadtree structure, we employ a primal-dual as well as a purely dual algorithm. The quality of the error estimator is analyzed for different gray-scale input images