456 research outputs found

    Numerical investigation on nonlocal problems with the fractional Laplacian

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    Nonlocal models have recently become a powerful tool for studying complex systems with long-range interactions or memory effects, which cannot be described properly by the traditional differential equations. So far, different nonlocal (or fractional differential) models have been proposed, among which models with the fractional Laplacian have been well applied. The fractional Laplacian (-Δ)α/2 represents the infinitesimal generator of a symmetric α-stable Lévy process. It has been used to describe anomalous diffusion, turbulent flows, stochastic dynamics, finance, and many other phenomena. However, the nonlocality of the fractional Laplacian introduces considerable challenges in its mathematical modeling, numerical simulations, and mathematical analysis. To advance the understanding of the fractional Laplacian, two novel and accurate finite difference methods -- the weighted trapezoidal method and the weighted linear interpolation method are developed for discretizing the fractional Laplacian. Numerical analysis is provided for the error estimates, and fast algorithms are developed for their efficient implementation. Compared to the current state-of-the-art methods, these two methods have higher accuracy but less computational complexity. As an application, the solution behaviors of the fractional Schördinger equation are investigated to understand the nonlocal effects of the fractional Laplacian. First, the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the fractional Schrödinger equation in an infinite potential well are studied, and the results provide insights into an open problem in the fractional quantum mechanics. Second, three Fourier spectral methods are developed and compared in solving the fractional nonlinear Schördinger equation (NLS), among which the SSFS method is more effective in the study of the plane wave dynamics. Sufficient conditions are provided to avoid the numerical instability of the SSFS method. In contrast to the standard NLS, the plane wave dynamics of the fractional NLS are more chaotic due to the long-range interactions --Abstract, page iii

    International Conference on Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications

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    Dear Participants, Colleagues and Friends It is a great honour and a privilege to give you all a warmest welcome to the first Portugal-Italy Conference on Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications (PICNDEA). This conference takes place at the Colégio Espírito Santo, University of Évora, located in the beautiful city of Évora, Portugal. The host institution, as well the associated scientific research centres, are committed to the event, hoping that it will be a benchmark for scientific collaboration between the two countries in the area of mathematics. The main scientific topics of the conference are Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations, with particular regard to non-linear problems originating in applications, and its treatment with the methods of Numerical Analysis. The fundamental main purpose is to bring together Italian and Portuguese researchers in the above fields, to create new, and amplify previous collaboration, and to follow and discuss new topics in the area

    An Efficient Hybrid Numerical Scheme for Nonlinear Multiterm Caputo Time and Riesz Space Fractional-Order Diffusion Equations with Delay

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    In this paper, we construct and analyze a linearized finite difference/Galerkin-Legendre spectral scheme for the nonlinear multiterm Caputo time fractional-order reaction-diffusion equation with time delay and Riesz space fractional derivatives. The temporal fractional orders in the considered model are taken as 0<β0<β1<β2<⋯<βm<1. The problem is first approximated by the L1 difference method on the temporal direction, and then, the Galerkin-Legendre spectral method is applied on the spatial discretization. Armed by an appropriate form of discrete fractional Grönwall inequalities, the stability and convergence of the fully discrete scheme are investigated by discrete energy estimates. We show that the proposed method is stable and has a convergent order of 2-βm in time and an exponential rate of convergence in space. We finally provide some numerical experiments to show the efficacy of the theoretical results. © 2021 A. K. Omran et al.A. K. Omran is funded by a scholarship under the joint executive program between the Arab Republic of Egypt and Russian Federation. M. A. Zaky wishes to acknowledge the support of the Nazarbayev University Program (091019CRP2120). M. A. Zaky wishes also to acknowledge the partial support of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Grant “Dynamical Analysis and Synchronization of Complex Neural Networks with Its Applications”)

    Numerical evaluation of fractional Tricomi-type model arising from physical problems of gas dynamics

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    This paper deals with approximating the time fractional Tricomi-type model in the sense of the Caputo derivative. The model is often adopted for describing the anomalous process of nearly sonic speed gas dynamics. The temporal semi-discretization is computed via a finite difference algorithm, while the spatial discretization is obtained using the local radial basis function in a finite difference mode. The local collocation method approximates the differential operators using a weighted sum of the function values over a local collection of nodes (named stencil) through a radial basis function expansion. This technique considers merely the discretization nodes of each subdomain around the collocation node. This leads to sparse systems and tackles the ill-conditioning produced of global collocation. The theoretical convergence and stability analyses of the proposed time semi-discrete scheme are proved by means of the discrete energy method. Numerical results confirm the accuracy and efficiency of the new approach.The authors are very grateful to the reviewers for their valuable comments on the manuscript that led to many improvements.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    In recent decades, nonlocal models have been proved to be very effective in the study of complex processes and multiscale phenomena arising in many fields, such as quantum mechanics, geophysics, and cardiac electrophysiology. The fractional Laplacian(−Δ)/2 can be reviewed as nonlocal generalization of the classical Laplacian which has been widely used for the description of memory and hereditary properties of various material and process. However, the nonlocality property of fractional Laplacian introduces challenges in mathematical analysis and computation. Compared to the classical Laplacian, existing numerical methods for the fractional Laplacian still remain limited. The objectives of this research are to develop new numerical methods to solve nonlocal models with fractional Laplacian and apply them to study seismic wave modeling in both homogeneous and heterogeneous media. To this end, we have developed two classes of methods: meshfree pseudospectral method and operator factorization methods. Compared to the current state-of-the-art methods, both of them can achieve higher accuracy with less computational complexity. The operator factorization methods provide a general framework, allowing one to achieve better accuracy with high-degree Lagrange basis functions. The meshfree pseudospectral methods based on global radial basis functions can solve both classical and fractional Laplacians in a single scheme which are the first compatible methods for these two distinct operators. Numerical experiments have demonstrated the effectiveness of our methods on various nonlocal problems. Moreover, we present an extensive study of the variable-order Laplacian operator (−Δ)(x)/2 by using meshfree methods both analytically and numerically. Finally, we apply our numerical methods to solve seismic wave modeling and study the nonlocal effects of fractional wave equation --Abstract, p. i

    Asymptotic Lattices, Good Labellings, and the Rotation Number for Quantum Integrable Systems

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    This article introduces the notion of good labellings for asymptotic lattices in order to study joint spectra of quantum integrable systems from the point of view of inverse spectral theory. As an application, we consider a new spectral quantity for a quantum integrable system, the quantum rotation number. In the case of two degrees of freedom, we obtain a constructive algorithm for the detection of appropriate labellings for joint eigenvalues, which we use to prove that, in the semiclassical limit, the quantum rotation number can be calculated on a joint spectrum in a robust way, and converges to the well-known classical rotation number. The general results are applied to the semitoric case where formulas become particularly natural

    On some nonlinear and nonlocal effective equations in kinetic theory and nonlinear optics

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    This thesis deals with some nonlinear and nonlocal effective equations arising in kinetic theory and nonlinear optics. First, it is shown that the homogeneous non-cutoff Boltzmann equation for Maxwellian molecules enjoys strong smoothing properties: In the case of power-law type particle interactions, we prove the Gevrey smoothing conjecture. For Debye-Yukawa type interactions, an analogous smoothing effect is shown. In both cases, the smoothing is exactly what one would expect from an analogy to certain heat equations of the form tu=f(Δ)u\partial_t u = f(-\Delta)u, with a suitable function ff, which grows at infinity, depending on the interaction potential. The results presented work in arbitrary dimensions, including also the one-dimensional Kac-Boltzmann equation. In the second part we study the entropy decay of certain solutions of the Kac master equation, a probabilistic model of a gas of interacting particles. It is shown that for initial conditions corresponding to NN particles in a thermal equilibrium and MNM\leq N particles out of equilibrium, the entropy relative to the thermal state decays exponentially to a fraction of the initial relative entropy, with a rate that is essentially independent of the number of particles. Finally, we investigate the existence of dispersion management solitons. Using variational techniques, we prove that there is a threshold for the existence of minimisers of a nonlocal variational problem, even with saturating nonlinearities, related to the dispersion management equation