10 research outputs found

    Desenvolvimento de uma rede social utilizando Erlang e a arquitetura Flux

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Engenharia de Controle e Automação.O objetivo deste projeto é desenvolver uma rede social capaz de melhorar o consumo e produção de conteúdo na internet, visto que há uma clara sobrecarga de informação no dia-a-dia do usuário. No documento são discutidos os requisitos do sistema e é chegada a conclusão que a linguagem mais indicada é Erlang, desenvolvida pela Ericsson na década de 90. Para o desenvolvimento da camada visual da aplicação, Vue.js, uma biblioteca de Javascript que compila para três linguagens, se mostrou um ótimo candidato em conjunto com Vuex, uma ferramenta que utiliza as vantagens de Vue para aplicar a arquitetura Flux, desenvolvida pelo Facebook. Além de todo e desenvolvimento e apresentação dos componentes e modelos da rede, são apresentados resultados de pequenas ações de divulgação com dados de usuários reais.The goal of this project is to develop a social network that can improve the consumption and production of content on the internet, as there is a clear information overload to many people using it. In the document the system requirements are discussed and the conclusion is that Erlang – developed by Ericsson in the 90’s – is the most appropriate language for its development. As for the development of the visual layer of the application, Vue.js, a Javascript library that compiles to three languages, was a great candidate together with Vuex, a tool that uses the advantages of Vue to apply the Flux architecture developed by Facebook. Besides the development and presentation of components and models of network, the results of small dissemination actions are shown, with real user data

    A disk based stream oriented approach for storing big data

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    Abstract—This paper proposes an extension to the generally accepted definition of Big Data and from this extended definition proposes a specialized database design for storing high through-put data from low-latency sources. It discusses the challenges a financial company faces with regards to processing and storing data and how existing database technologies are unsuitable for this niche task. A prototype database called CakeDB is built using a stream oriented, disk based storage design and insert throughput tests are conducted to demonstrate how effectively such a design would handle high throughput data as per the use case. I

    Avaliação de performance comparativa do Angra-DB com uso do Yahoo! Cloud Serving Benchmark

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Ciência da Computação, 2017.Neste trabalho analisamos o Banco de Dados Angra-DB em uma série de simulações de um ambiente de intensa geração de dados utilizando o framework Yahoo! Cloud Serving Benchmark (YCSB). Com isso verificamos a possibilidade de uso desta ferramenta em um estudo caso real. Como resultado verificamos as limitações (e necessidades de melhoria) do Angra-DB sobre outras ferramentas disponíveis no mercado. Também é apresentado um modelo de teste que pode auxiliar no desenvolvimento da ferramenta.This work presents analises over a series of simlations on Angra-DB. The tests put this new NoSQL DMBS under intense data load using Yahoo! Cloud Serving Benchmark (YCSB) framework. After this, we verified the possibility of using Angra-DB in a real situation at the current development stage. We also compare Angra-DB with another 3 Market DBMSs and build a model of tests wich should be useful to evolution of Angra-DB

    Додаток для створення та розпізнавання QR-коду на основі електронного цифрового підпису

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    В бакалаврському дипломному проєкті розроблено додаток для створення та розпізнавання QR-коду на основі електронного цифрового підпису. Система дозволяє авторизуватися за допомогою файлового ключа, завантажувати файли та підписувати їх електронним цифровим підписом з накладанням QR-коду. Програмний продукт був створений на мові Erlang/Elixir у візуальному середовищі Midnight Commander.In this project for a Bachelor's Degree, an app for QR code generation and recognition using electronic signature is realized. The system allows to log in with a file key, upload files and sign them with an electronic digital signature, applying a QR-code. This program was realized in the Erlang/Elixir language in Midnight Commander visual environment

    The design of a RESTful web-service

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    As of today, most of the financial systems provides an XML-RPC API used for computer to computer communication and a GUI API used for human to computer communication. This represents an issue given the fact that in most cases the same services are provided by both APIs. This means that almost double amount of code is needed and when refactoring or applying some change, double amount of work is required. Furthermore, each one of the APIs themselves have some disadvantages. An investigation of the REST architectural style will be carried out to find out if it would be a proper solution for this issue. The investigation has the following goals: Understand the principles of REST. Get an understanding of what kind of data is handled by the financial systems. Devise a method to structure the access of the data using a REST API. Implement a RESTful API following that method. Show how the API can be used by persons and computers

    Erlang Programming: A Concurrent Approach to Software Development

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    This book offers you an in-depth explanation of Erlang, a programming language ideal for any situation where concurrency, fault-tolerance, and fast response is essential. You'll learn how to write complex concurrent programs in this language, regardless of your programming background or experience. Erlang Programming focuses on the language's syntax and semantics, and explains pattern matching, proper lists, recursion, debugging, networking, and concurrency, with exercises at the end of each chapter