295 research outputs found

    Perturbation and stability theory for Markov control problems

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    A unified approach to the asymptotic analysis of a Markov decision process disturbed by an ε-additive perturbation is proposed. Irrespective of whether the perturbation is regular or singular, the underlying control problem that needs to be understood is the limit Markov control problem. The properties of this problem are the subject of this study

    Performance analysis under finite load and improvements for multirate 802.11

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    Automatic rate adaptation in CSMA/CA wireless networks may cause drastic throughput degradation for high speed bit rate stations (STAs). The CSMA/CA medium access method guarantees equal long-term channel access probability to all hosts when they are saturated. In previous work it has been shown that the saturation throughput of any STA is limited by the saturation throughput of the STA with the lowest bit rate in the same infrastructure. In order to overcome this problem, we ÂŻrst introduce in this paper a new model for ÂŻnite load sources with multirate capabilities. We use our model to investigate the throughput degradation outside and inside the saturation regime. We deÂŻne a new fairness index based on the channel occupation time to have more suitable deÂŻnition of fairness in multirate environments. Further, we propose two simple but powerful mechanisms to partly bypass the observed decline in performance and meet the proposed fairness. Finally, we use our model for ÂŻnite load sources to evaluate our proposed mechanisms in terms of total throughput and MAC layer delay for various network conÂŻgurations

    Cyclostationary error analysis and filter properties in a 3D wavelet coding framework

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    The reconstruction error due to quantization of wavelet subbands can be modeled as a cyclostationary process because of the linear periodically shift variant property of the inverse wavelet transform. For N-dimensional data, N-dimensional reconstruction error power cyclostationary patterns replicate on the data sample lattice. For audio and image coding applications this fact is of little practical interest since the decoded data is perceived in its wholeness, the error power oscillations on single data elements cannot be seen or heard and a global PSNR error measure is often used to represent the reconstruction quality. A different situation is the one of 3D data (static volumes or video sequences) coding, where decoded data are usually visualized by plane sections and the reconstruction error power is commonly measured by a PSNR[n] sequence, with n representing either a spatial slicing plane (for volumetric data) or the temporal reference frame (for video). In this case, the cyclostationary oscillations on single data elements lead to a global PSNR[n] oscillation and this effect may become a relevant concern. In this paper we study and describe the above phenomena and evaluate their relevance in concrete coding applications. Our analysis is entirely carried out in the original signal domain and can easily be extended to more than three dimensions. We associate the oscillation pattern with the wavelet filter properties in a polyphase framework and we show that a substantial reduction of the oscillation amplitudes can be achieved under a proper selection of the basis functions. Our quantitative model is initially made under high-resolution conditions and then qualitatively extended to all coding rates for the wide family of bit-plane quantization-based coding techniques. Finally, we experimentally validate the proposed models and we perform a subjective evaluation of the visual relevance of the PSNR[n] fluctuations in the cases of medical volumes and video coding

    Multiresolution vector quantization

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    Multiresolution source codes are data compression algorithms yielding embedded source descriptions. The decoder of a multiresolution code can build a source reproduction by decoding the embedded bit stream in part or in whole. All decoding procedures start at the beginning of the binary source description and decode some fraction of that string. Decoding a small portion of the binary string gives a low-resolution reproduction; decoding more yields a higher resolution reproduction; and so on. Multiresolution vector quantizers are block multiresolution source codes. This paper introduces algorithms for designing fixed- and variable-rate multiresolution vector quantizers. Experiments on synthetic data demonstrate performance close to the theoretical performance limit. Experiments on natural images demonstrate performance improvements of up to 8 dB over tree-structured vector quantizers. Some of the lessons learned through multiresolution vector quantizer design lend insight into the design of more sophisticated multiresolution codes

    Adaptive filtering in subbands using a weighted criterion

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