5 research outputs found

    Equivalence of chatbot and paper-and-pencil versions of the De Jong Gierveld loneliness scale

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    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Current Psychology. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-020-01117-0Technological progress provides health professionals with an excellent opportunity to take advantage of these developments and contribute to the development of efficient ways of diagnosing, monitoring, treating and assisting users. The purpose of this work is to present the results of a study conducted to examine the quantitative equivalence of paper-and-pencil and a voice-based conversational assistant, popularly known as a “chatbot”, as means to administer tests. One hundred and eight undergraduate university students completed both versions of the De Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale. The interval between the first and second administration was set at four days. Validity, internal structure, internal consistency and equivalence of chatbot administration mode were assessed. A confirmatory factor analysis was used to verify the factor structure and provided a two-factor structure. Validity and internal consistency are adequate. These results support the feasibility of using chatbots for loneliness assessment in a sample of undergraduate university students and other populations in future

    The feasibility of psychometric measures for body image and lymphedema for routine practice

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    YesResearch Question: To assess the feasibility of the MGSIS-5and G3L-20 in a community sample of cisgender men aged 40 years and older Research problem: Psychometric measures can aid urologic practice by prompting patients to talk about aspects of their body that are either too sensitive or a natural part of aging. Importantly, reliable and valid measures can also contribute to a an evidenced-based-practice-based-evidence cycle where they can establish the impact of changes recommended by research while using the results in turn to inform research. In this study, we examine two psychometric measures on the opposite ends of a psychological-physical continuum; the Male Genital Self-Image Scale (MGSIS-5) and the Groin and Lower Limb Lymphedema questionnaire (G3L-20) Methodology: Non-experimental psychometric design administering the questionnaires online to a community sample of cisgender men aged 40 years old and above. Validity and reliability analyses were conducted. Results: 30 men completed the study; 14 aged 40-49, 14 aged 50-59 and 2 aged 60-69. The MGSIS-5 and G3L-20 show acceptable reliability and validity with one- and three-component structures respectively. Conclusions: The MGSIS-5 and G3L-20 show sufficient feasibility to justify the resources for studies with larger community samples and for pilot studies with clinical populations

    Self-Efficacy, Decision Latitude, and Work Ethic Among Educated Women

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    Although women are more likely to seek advanced degrees, there are substantial gaps between men and women in terms of employment rates, wages, and positions of power. This cross-sectional study aligned with the social cognitive career theory and investigated how specific demographic variables (age and education level) interacted and influenced work-related characteristics (decision latitude, self-efficacy, and work ethic) to address issues women experience in the workplace. Females who identified as working a minimum of 15 hours per week and over the age of 18 were contacted via social media or in person. A snowball effect occurred when participants invited peers to participate. Two-hundred and eighty-six females completed an online survey including demographic questions and items from 3 instruments: Job Content Questionnaire, Short Occupational Self-Efficacy Scale, and Multidimensional Work Ethic Profile-Short Form. The research questions helped evaluate the differences and interactions between the independent variables age and education level on the dependent variables decision latitude, self-efficacy, and work ethic. Six one-way analyses of variance were used to assess for differences, and 3 two-way analyses of variance were used to assess for interactions between 5 age groups and 4 education levels. The analyses showed only 1 significant difference between education level and decision latitude. The current research may influence social change at an individual level within career or therapeutic counseling and policies and procedures at the organizational level. The information can create positive change for women within current work environments as they increase responsibilities or advance to positions of power

    Confiabilidad y validez de la escala consideración de las consecuencias futuras en español :como pensamos en las consecuencias inmediatas (pero no las distantes) de nuestras acciones se asocia a un padrón conductual saludable

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    La Consideración de las Consecuencias Futuras es un rasgo de personalidad mediante el cual se puede definir la medida que las personas sopesan los resultados inmediatos versus los distantes de sus acciones y el grado que son influenciadas por los mismos. Esta tesis de maestría tuvo como objetivo principal validar la Escala Consideración de las Consecuencias Futuras de 14 ítems (ECCF-14) en su versión en español. Para ello, se realizaron tres estudios con diferentes muestras de población uruguaya (N estudio 1= 679; N estudio 2=180; N estudio 3= 309). En el primer estudio, evaluamos la confiabilidad y estructura factorial de la escala mediante análisis factoriales exploratorios y confirmatorios. En segundo lugar, evaluamos la estabilidad temporal de la ECFC-14 con un test-retest de cuatro a cinco semanas. Finalmente, en el tercer estudio examinamos su validez basada en relación con las siguientes variables: índice de masa corporal, actividad física y alimentación saludable. Para ello, estimamos sus coeficientes de correlación, se testeó un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales y se realizó un análisis de regresión lineal múltiple. Por último, se exploró su validez convergente y divergente con tres escalas que evalúan constructos de la psicología de la temporalidad mediante la estimación de sus coeficientes de correlación. Los resultados de este estudio respaldan la idea que la ECCF-14 en su versión en español está conformada por dos factores correlacionados. Las dos dimensiones presentan adecuada confiabilidad con alfa de Cronbach y omega de McDonald mayores a .70. A su vez, se obtuvo evidencia a favor de su estabilidad temporal, aunque algunos ítems presentan bajos coeficientes. La subescala Consideración de las Consecuencias Inmediatas predice moderadamente la alimentación saludable, actividad física y el índice de masa corporal.En cambio, la subescala Consideración de las Consecuencias Futuras no se relaciona con ninguna de las variables de salud estudiadas. Por último, en este trabajo se demuestra que la ECCF-14 presentó adecuada validez convergente y divergente con el Inventario de Perspectiva Temporal de Zimbardo, Escala de Actitudes hacia el Tiempo y la tasa de Descuento Temporal. En suma, la ECCF-14 es adecuada para su uso en investigación a pesar de que sus subescalas presentan diferencias en su utilidad práctica relacionada con variables de salud humana

    Small business owners’ practice of effectuation in townships in relation to business growth

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    Thesis (PhD (Business Management))--University of Pretoria, 2021.Background: With the high unemployment and increasing levels of poverty in South Africa, especially in the townships, the start-up and growth of township-owned small businesses have been proposed as the solution to address this phenomenon. The extant causation approach, which commences with a business plan followed by seeking the means or resources to start a business, has had its challenges to develop township-owned small businesses due to resource constraints. However, the emergent effectuation approach is worth investigating since it commences with the means or resources at hand to decide what business can be started. Aim: The study aimed to determine if the practise of effectuation and/or the effectuation constructs (experimentation, affordable loss, flexibility and pre-commitments), by a non-expert township small business owner (NTSBO) would result in business growth (assets, sales and employment growth) and if the industries the businesses are operating in are a moderating variable. Setting: Primary research was conducted in the three Gauteng townships of Alexandra, Honeydew and Soweto in South Africa because they contribute more than 38 % towards South Africa’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Methods: A quantitative study of 728 NTSBOs was conducted using an interview-administered structured questionnaire. Non-probability sampling methods were used and the data analysed using structural equation modelling (SEM). Results: A statistically significant relationship between effectuation and business growth (assets and sales) as well as statistically significant relationships between the effectuation constructs of experimentation and flexibility with business growth (assets and sales) were found. Industry did not moderate these relationships that were found. Experimentation and flexibility probably empowered the NTSBO to adapt to the ever changing and unpredictable township business environment they operate in. Affordable loss did not have a positive relationship with business growth probably because the NTSBO would have been too risk averse and prematurely stop seeking growth where returns were not quickly realised. Pre-commitments and business growth had no positive relationship possibly because the NTSBOs had low levels of education to draw up a detailed business plan to engage with potential interested partners. Conclusion: The findings of this study may inform policymakers that the effectuation approach can be incorporated for the training of township small business owners as an option for starting and/or growing their businesses when resources are limited. Support and funding by government and financial institutions can include effectuation by not requiring a business plan that predicts the future but is rather assessing if the township small business owner has the skills to control the future. The causation approach should not be the only theory that government utilises to support initiatives for small businesses. Keywords: Effectuation, Business growth, Township small business, Non-expert small business ownerBusiness ManagementPhD (Business Management)Unrestricte