6,721 research outputs found

    Extremal varieties 3-rationally connected by cubics, quadro-quadric Cremona transformations and rank 3 Jordan algebras

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    For any n≥3n\geq 3, we prove that there exist equivalences between these apparently unrelated objects: irreducible nn-dimensional non degenerate projective varieties X⊂P2n+1X\subset \mathbb P^{2n+1} different from rational normal scrolls and 3-covered by twisted cubic curves, up to projective equivalence; quadro-quadric Cremona transformations of Pn−1 \mathbb P^{n-1}, up to linear equivalence; nn-dimensional complex Jordan algebras of rank three, up to isotopy. We also provide some applications to the classification of particular classes of varieties in the class defined above and of quadro-quadric Cremona transformations, proving also a structure theorem for these birational maps and for varieties 3-covered by twisted cubics by reinterpreting for these objects the solvability of the radical of a Jordan algebra.Comment: 30 pages, 1 figure. Corrected typo

    The derived category of a non generic cubic fourfold containing a plane

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    We describe an Azumaya algebra on the resolution of singularities of the double cover of a plane ramified along a nodal sextic associated to a non generic cubic fourfold containing a plane. We show that the derived category of such a resolution, twisted by the Azumaya algebra, is equivalent to the Kuznetsov component in the semiorthogonal decomposition of the derived category of the cubic fourfold.Comment: 14 pages, many edits and correction

    Moduli Spaces and Formal Operads

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    Let overline{M}_{g,n} be the moduli space of stable algebraic curves of genus g with n marked points. With the operations which relate the different moduli spaces identifying marked points, the family (overline{M}_{g,n})_{g,n} is a modular operad of projective smooth Deligne-Mumford stacks, overline{M}. In this paper we prove that the modular operad of singular chains C_*(overline{M};Q) is formal; so it is weakly equivalent to the modular operad of its homology H_*(overline{M};Q). As a consequence, the "up to homotopy" algebras of these two operads are the same. To obtain this result we prove a formality theorem for operads analogous to Deligne-Griffiths-Morgan-Sullivan formality theorem, the existence of minimal models of modular operads, and a characterization of formality for operads which shows that formality is independent of the ground field.Comment: 36 pages (v3: some typographical corrections

    Parametrizing quartic algebras over an arbitrary base

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    We parametrize quartic commutative algebras over any base ring or scheme (equivalently finite, flat degree four SS-schemes), with their cubic resolvents, by pairs of ternary quadratic forms over the base. This generalizes Bhargava's parametrization of quartic rings with their cubic resolvent rings over Z\mathbb{Z} by pairs of integral ternary quadratic forms, as well as Casnati and Ekedahl's construction of Gorenstein quartic covers by certain rank 2 families of ternary quadratic forms. We give a geometric construction of a quartic algebra from any pair of ternary quadratic forms, and prove this construction commutes with base change and also agrees with Bhargava's explicit construction over Z\mathbb{Z}.Comment: submitte

    On representations of Clifford algebras of ternary cubic forms

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    In this article, we provide an overview of a one-to-one correspondence between representations of the generalized Clifford algebra CfC_f of a ternary cubic form ff and certain vector bundles (called Ulrich bundles) on a cubic surface XX. We study general properties of Ulrich bundles, and using a recent classification of Casanellas and Hartshorne, deduce the existence of irreducible representations of CfC_f of every possible dimension.Comment: 9 pages, to appear in proceedings for the conference "New Trends in Noncommutative Algebra: A Conference in Honor of Ken Goodearl's 65th Birthday

    Rings of small rank over a Dedekind domain and their ideals

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    In 2001, M. Bhargava stunned the mathematical world by extending Gauss's 200-year-old group law on integral binary quadratic forms, now familiar as the ideal class group of a quadratic ring, to yield group laws on a vast assortment of analogous objects. His method yields parametrizations of rings of degree up to 5 over the integers, as well as aspects of their ideal structure, and can be employed to yield statistical information about such rings and the associated number fields. In this paper, we extend a selection of Bhargava's most striking parametrizations to cases where the base ring is not Z but an arbitrary Dedekind domain R. We find that, once the ideal classes of R are properly included, we readily get bijections parametrizing quadratic, cubic, and quartic rings, as well as an analogue of the 2x2x2 cube law reinterpreting Gauss composition for which Bhargava is famous. We expect that our results will shed light on the analytic distribution of extensions of degree up to 4 of a fixed number field and their ideal structure.Comment: 39 pages, 1 figure. Harvard College senior thesis, edite
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