11 research outputs found

    A Uniform Approach to Domain Theory in Realizability Models

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    this paper we provide a uniform approach to modelling them in categories of modest sets. To do this, we identify appropriate structure for doing "domain theory" in such "realizability models". In Sections 2 and 3 we introduce PCAs and define the associated "realizability" categories of assemblies and modest sets. Next, in Section 4, we prepare for our development of domain theory with an analysis of nontermination. Previous approaches have used (relatively complicated) categorical formulations of partial maps for this purpose. Instead, motivated by the idea that A provides a primitive programming language, we consider a simple notion of "diverging" computation within A itself. This leads to a theory of divergences from which a notion of (computable) partial function is derived together with a lift monad classifying partial functions. The next task is to isolate a subcategory of modest sets with sufficient structure for supporting analogues of the usual domain-theoretic constructions. First, we expect to be able to interpret the standard constructions of total type theory in this category, so it should inherit cartesian-closure, coproducts and the natural numbers from modest sets. Second, it should interact well with the notion of partiality, so it should be closed under application of the lift functor. Third, it should allow the recursive definition of partial functions. This is achieved by obtaining a fixpoint object in the category, as defined in (Crole and Pitts 1992). Finally, although there is in principle no definitive list of requirements on such a category, one would like it to support more complicated constructions such as those required to interpret polymorphic and recursive types. The central part of the paper (Sections 5, 6, 7 and 9) is devoted to establish..

    Topological and limit-space subcategories of countably-based equilogical spaces

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    this paper we show that the two approaches are equivalent for

    Effectivity and Density in Domains A Survey

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    AbstractThis article surveys the main results on effectivity and totality in domain theory and its applications. A more abstract and informative proof of Normann's generalized density theorem for total functionals of finite type over the reals is presented

    Domain Representable Spaces Defined by Strictly Positive Induction

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    Recursive domain equations have natural solutions. In particular there are domains defined by strictly positive induction. The class of countably based domains gives a computability theory for possibly non-countably based topological spaces. A qcb0 qcb_{0} space is a topological space characterized by its strong representability over domains. In this paper, we study strictly positive inductive definitions for qcb0 qcb_{0} spaces by means of domain representations, i.e. we show that there exists a canonical fixed point of every strictly positive operation on qcb0qcb_{0} spaces.Comment: 48 pages. Accepted for publication in Logical Methods in Computer Scienc

    Exhaustible sets in higher-type computation

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    We say that a set is exhaustible if it admits algorithmic universal quantification for continuous predicates in finite time, and searchable if there is an algorithm that, given any continuous predicate, either selects an element for which the predicate holds or else tells there is no example. The Cantor space of infinite sequences of binary digits is known to be searchable. Searchable sets are exhaustible, and we show that the converse also holds for sets of hereditarily total elements in the hierarchy of continuous functionals; moreover, a selection functional can be constructed uniformly from a quantification functional. We prove that searchable sets are closed under intersections with decidable sets, and under the formation of computable images and of finite and countably infinite products. This is related to the fact, established here, that exhaustible sets are topologically compact. We obtain a complete description of exhaustible total sets by developing a computational version of a topological Arzela--Ascoli type characterization of compact subsets of function spaces. We also show that, in the non-empty case, they are precisely the computable images of the Cantor space. The emphasis of this paper is on the theory of exhaustible and searchable sets, but we also briefly sketch applications

    Topological Domain Theory

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    This thesis presents Topological Domain Theory as a powerful and flexible framework for denotational semantics. Topological Domain Theory models a wide range of type constructions and can interpret many computational features. Furthermore, it has close connections to established frameworks for denotational semantics, as well as to well-studied mathematical theories, such as topology and computable analysis.We begin by describing the categories of Topological Domain Theory, and their categorical structure. In particular, we recover the basic constructions of domain theory, such as products, function spaces, fixed points and recursive types, in the context of Topological Domain Theory.As a central contribution, we give a detailed account of how computational effects can be modelled in Topological Domain Theory. Following recent work of Plotkin and Power, who proposed to construct effect monads via free algebra functors, this is done by showing that free algebras for a large class of parametrised equational theories exist in Topological Domain Theory. These parametrised equational theories are expressive enough to generate most of the standard examples of effect monads. Moreover, the free algebras in Topological Domain Theory are obtained by an explicit inductive construction, using only basic topological and set-theoretical principles.We also give a comparison of Topological and Classical Domain Theory. The category of omega-continuous dcpos embeds into Topological Domain Theory, and we prove that this embedding preserves the basic domain-theoretic constructions in most cases. We show that the classical powerdomain constructions on omega-continuous dcpos, including the probabilistic powerdomain, can be recovered in Topological Domain Theory.Finally, we give a synthetic account of Topological Domain Theory. We show that Topological Domain Theory is a specific model of Synthetic Domain Theory in the realizability topos over Scott's graph model. We give internal characterisations of the categories of Topological Domain Theory in this realizability topos, and prove the corresponding categories to be internally complete and weakly small. This enables us to show that Topological Domain Theory can model the polymorphic lambda-calculus, and to obtain a richer collection of free algebras than those constructed earlier.In summary, this thesis shows that Topological Domain Theory supports a wide range of semantic constructions, including the standard domain-theoretic constructions, computational effects and polymorphism, all within a single setting

    Nonflatness and totality

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    We interpret finite types as domains over nonflat inductive base types in order to bring out the finitary core that seems to be inherent in the concept of totality. We prove a strong version of the Kreisel density theorem by providing a total compact element as a witness, a result that we cannot hope to have if we work with flat base types. To this end, we develop tools that deal adequately with possibly inconsistent finite sets of information. The classical density theorem is reestablished via a ‘finite density theorem,’ and corollaries are obtained, among them Berger's separation property

    Classifying topoi in synthetic guarded domain theory

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    Several different topoi have played an important role in the development and applications of synthetic guarded domain theory (SGDT), a new kind of synthetic domain theory that abstracts the concept of guarded recursion frequently employed in the semantics of programming languages. In order to unify the accounts of guarded recursion and coinduction, several authors have enriched SGDT with multiple "clocks" parameterizing different time-streams, leading to more complex and difficult to understand topos models. Until now these topoi have been understood very concretely qua categories of presheaves, and the logico-geometrical question of what theories these topoi classify has remained open. We show that several important topos models of SGDT classify very simple geometric theories, and that the passage to various forms of multi-clock guarded recursion can be rephrased more compositionally in terms of the lower bagtopos construction of Vickers and variations thereon due to Johnstone. We contribute to the consolidation of SGDT by isolating the universal property of multi-clock guarded recursion as a modular construction that applies to any topos model of single-clock guarded recursion.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics (MFPS 2022

    Selection functions, bar recursion and backward induction

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    On the ubiquity of certain total type structures

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    It is a fact of experience from the study of higher type computability that a wide range of approaches to defining a class of (hereditarily) total functionals over N leads in practice to a relatively small handful of distinct type structures. Among these are the type structure C of Kleene-Kreisel continuous functionals, its effective substructure C eff, and the type structure HEO of the hereditarily effective operations. However, the proofs of the relevant equivalences are often non-trivial, and it is not immediately clear why these particular type structures should arise so ubiquitously. In this paper we present some new results which go some way towards explaining this phenomenon. Our results show that a large class of extensional collapse constructions always give rise to C, C eff or HEO (as appropriate). We obtain versions of our results for both the “standard” and “modified” extensional collapse constructions. The proofs make essential use of a technique due to Normann. Many new results, as well as some previously known ones, can be obtained as instances of our theorems, but more importantly, the proofs apply uniformly to a whole family of constructions, and provide strong evidence that the above three type structures are highly canonical mathematical objects