36,723 research outputs found

    Snap-8 corrosion program quarterly progress report, period ending 28 feb. 1965

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    SNAP-8 corrosion program - hydrogen solubility in sodium-potassium, permeability of hydrogen and deuterum through stainless steel, and phase equilibri

    Equilibri asimmetrici

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    La decomposizione del welfare e i suoi riflessi sulle cooperative sociali. 1) La riduzione della spesa sociale e la proliferazione delle disuguaglianze. 2) Crisi delle politche e delle etiche della cura. 3) Il ridisegno dello status delle cooperartive sociali: da organizzazioni di solidarietà a organizzazioni di interesse. 4) Cooperative sociali come agenti esternalizzati dell'amministrazione pubblica. 5) La compressione dei diritti degli affidati in cura e dei soci-lavoratori

    Correlated equilibria in static mean-field games

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    Lo scopo della tesi è trovare un equazione che deve essere soddisfatta dagli equilibri correlati di giochi ad N giocatori con interazioni di campo medio, quando N tende ad infinito. Nella prima parte viene introdotto e studiato il modello quando il numero di giocatori è finito; vengono definiti gli equilibri correlati, dimostrate alcune proprietà e vengono messi a confronto con gli equilibri di Nash. Nella seconda parte si studia il comportamento di entrambi i tipi di equilibrio quando N va ad infinito

    Un terremoto elettorale e politico? No e sì

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    terremoto elettorale e politico-unione europea-equilibri-astensionism

    Large deviation techniques applied to systems with long-range interactions

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    We discuss a method to solve models with long-range interactions in the microcanonical and canonical ensemble. The method closely follows the one introduced by Ellis, Physica D 133, 106 (1999), which uses large deviation techniques. We show how it can be adapted to obtain the solution of a large class of simple models, which can show ensemble inequivalence. The model Hamiltonian can have both discrete (Ising, Potts) and continuous (HMF, Free Electron Laser) state variables. This latter extension gives access to the comparison with dynamics and to the study of non-equilibri um effects. We treat both infinite range and slowly decreasing interactions and, in particular, we present the solution of the alpha-Ising model in one-dimension with 0α<10\leq\alpha<1

    La Cerdanya: obertura i equilibri

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    Seigniorage, Operating Rules and the High Inflation Trap

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    A given amount of seigniorage revenue can be collected at either a high or a low rate of inflation. Thus there ray be two equilibria when a government finances its deficit by printing money--implying that an economy may be stuck in a high inflation equilibrium when, with the same fiscal policy, it could be at a lower inflation rate. We show that under rational expectations the high inflation equilibrium is stable and the low inflation equilibrium unstable; under adaptive expectations or lagged adjustment of money balances with rational expectations, it may be the low inflation equilibrium that is stable. Extending the model to allow for bond as well as money financing of deficits, we show that one of the equilibria disappears if the government sets a nominal anchor for the economy, for instance by fixing the growth rate of money. The dual equilibria and their stability.

    Bank runs, deposit insurance, and liquidity

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    This article develops a model which shows that bank deposit contracts can provide allocations superior to those of exchange markets, offering an explanation of how banks subject to runs can attract deposits. Investors face privately observed risks which lead to a demand for liquidity. Traditional demand deposit contracts which provide liquidity have multiple equilibria, one of which is a bank run. Bank runs in the model cause real economic damage, rather than simply reflecting other problems. Contracts which can prevent runs are studied, and the analysis shows that there are circumstances when government provision of deposit insurance can produce superior contracts.Deposit insurance ; Liquidity (Economics)

    How severe is the time-inconsistency problem in monetary policy?

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    This study analyzes two monetary economies, a cash-credit good model and a limited-participation model. In these models, monetary policy is made by a benevolent policymaker who cannot commit to future policies. The study defines and analyzes Markov equilibrium in these economies and shows that there is no time-inconsistency problem for a wide range of parameter values.Monetary policy ; Inflation (Finance) ; Money supply

    Biomass steam gasification in fluidized bed of inert or catalytic particles: Comparison between experimental results and thermodynamic equilibrium predictions

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    In order to improve the understanding of biomass gasification in a bed fluidized by steam, the thermochemical equilibrium of the reactive system was studied. The equilibrium results were compared to LGC experimental results, obtained by the gasification of oak and fir in a laboratory-scale fluidized bed of different catalysts: sand, alumina, and alumina impregnated with nickel. The research was completed by a study of the influence on the equilibrium of additional parameters such as the quantity of steam, the pressure or the kind of biomass. Those results of simulation may be used for evaluating the limits of actual reactors.The following conclusion may be drawn from all the results: The thermodynamic equilibrium state calculated is far away from the experimental results obtained on sand particles. The steam to biomass ratio, between 0.4 and 1 kgsteam/kgdry biomass, has a strong influence on the gas mixture composition. The temperature increase and the use of catalyst allow producing a gas mixture with a high content of hydrogen and carbon monoxide. The H2:CO ratio may reach values greater than 3. The use of catalyst allows the system to get closer from the equilibrium, especially for the nickel based catalyst