6 research outputs found

    Epistemic querying of OWL knowledge bases

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    Abstract. Epistemic querying extends standard ontology inferencing by allowing for deductive introspection. We propose a technique for epistemic querying of OWL 2 ontologies not featuring nominals and universal roles by a reduction to a series of standard OWL 2 reasoning steps thereby enabling the deployment of off-the-shelf OWL 2 reasoning tools for this task. We prove formal correctness of our method, justify the omission of nominals and universal role, and provide an implementation as well as evaluation results

    Epistemic querying of OWL knowledge bases

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    Abstract. Epistemic querying extends standard ontology inferencing by allowing for deductive introspection. We propose a technique for epistemic querying of OWL 2 ontologies not featuring nominals and universal roles by a reduction to a series of standard OWL 2 reasoning steps thereby enabling the deployment of off-the-shelf OWL 2 reasoning tools for this task. We prove formal correctness of our method, justify the omission of nominals and universal role, and provide an implementation as well as evaluation results

    The Data Complexity of Ontology-Mediated Queries with Closed Predicates

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    In the context of ontology-mediated querying with description logics (DLs), we study the data complexity of queries in which selected predicates can be closed (OMQCs). We provide a non-uniform analysis, aiming at a classification of the complexity into tractable and non-tractable for ontologies in the lightweight DLs DL-Lite and EL, and the expressive DL ALCHI. At the level of ontologies, we prove a dichotomy between FO-rewritable and coNP-complete for DL-Lite and between PTime and coNP-complete for EL. The meta problem of deciding tractability is proved to be in PTime. At the level of OMQCs, we show that there is no dichotomy (unless NP equals PTime) if both concept and role names can be closed. If only concept names can be closed, we tightly link the complexity of query evaluation to the complexity of surjective CSPs. We also identify a class of OMQCs based on ontologies formulated in DL-Lite that are guaranteed to be tractable and even FO-rewritable

    Epistemic Reasoning in OWL 2 DL

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    We extend the description logic SROIQ (OWL 2 DL) with the epistemic operator K and argue that unintended effects occur when imposing the semantics traditionally employed. Consequently, we identify the most expressive DL for which the traditional approach can still be adapted. For the epistemic extension of SROIQ and alike expressive DLs, we suggest a revised semantics that behaves more intuitively in these cases and coincides with the traditional semantics on less expressive DLs