261 research outputs found

    Epidemic and Cascading Survivability of Complex Networks

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    Our society nowadays is governed by complex networks, examples being the power grids, telecommunication networks, biological networks, and social networks. It has become of paramount importance to understand and characterize the dynamic events (e.g. failures) that might happen in these complex networks. For this reason, in this paper, we propose two measures to evaluate the vulnerability of complex networks in two different dynamic multiple failure scenarios: epidemic-like and cascading failures. Firstly, we present \emph{epidemic survivability} (ESES), a new network measure that describes the vulnerability of each node of a network under a specific epidemic intensity. Secondly, we propose \emph{cascading survivability} (CSCS), which characterizes how potentially injurious a node is according to a cascading failure scenario. Then, we show that by using the distribution of values obtained from ESES and CSCS it is possible to describe the vulnerability of a given network. We consider a set of 17 different complex networks to illustrate the suitability of our proposals. Lastly, results reveal that distinct types of complex networks might react differently under the same multiple failure scenario

    Resilience of the Critical Communication Networks Against Spreading Failures: Case of the European National and Research Networks

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    A backbone network is the central part of the communication network, which provides connectivity within the various systems across large distances. Disruptions in a backbone network would cause severe consequences which could manifest in the service outage on a large scale. Depending on the size and the importance of the network, its failure could leave a substantial impact on the area it is associated with. The failures of the network services could lead to a significant disturbance of human activities. Therefore, making backbone communication networks more resilient directly affects the resilience of the area. Contemporary urban and regional development overwhelmingly converges with the communication infrastructure expansion and their obvious mutual interconnections become more reciprocal. Spreading failures are of particular interest. They usually originate in a single network segment and then spread to the rest of network often causing a global collapse. Two types of spreading failures are given focus, namely: epidemics and cascading failures. How to make backbone networks more resilient against spreading failures? How to tune the topology or additionally protect nodes or links in order to mitigate an effect of the potential failure? Those are the main questions addressed in this thesis. First, the epidemic phenomena are discussed. The subjects of epidemic modeling and identification of the most influential spreaders are addressed using a proposed Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) system approach. Throughout the years, LTI system theory has been used mostly to describe electrical circuits and networks. LTI is suitable to characterize the behavior of the system consisting of numerous interconnected components. The results presented in this thesis show that the same mathematical toolbox could be used for the complex network analysis. Then, cascading failures are discussed. Like any system which can be modeled using an interdependence graph with limited capacity of either nodes or edges, backbone networks are prone to cascades. Numerical simulations are used to model such failures. The resilience of European National Research and Education Networks (NREN) is assessed, weak points and critical areas of the network are identified and the suggestions for its modification are proposed

    Towards a Realistic Model for Failure Propagation in Interdependent Networks

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    Modern networks are becoming increasingly interdependent. As a prominent example, the smart grid is an electrical grid controlled through a communications network, which in turn is powered by the electrical grid. Such interdependencies create new vulnerabilities and make these networks more susceptible to failures. In particular, failures can easily spread across these networks due to their interdependencies, possibly causing cascade effects with a devastating impact on their functionalities. In this paper we focus on the interdependence between the power grid and the communications network, and propose a novel realistic model, HINT (Heterogeneous Interdependent NeTworks), to study the evolution of cascading failures. Our model takes into account the heterogeneity of such networks as well as their complex interdependencies. We compare HINT with previously proposed models both on synthetic and real network topologies. Experimental results show that existing models oversimplify the failure evolution and network functionality requirements, resulting in severe underestimations of the cascading failures.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, to be published in conference proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC 2016), Kauai, US

    Failure propagation in GMPLS optical rings: CTMC model and performance analysis

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    Network reliability and resilience has become a key design parameter for network operators and Internet service providers. These often seek ways to have their networks fully operational for at least 99.999% of the time, regardless of the number and type of failures that may occur in their networks. This article presents a continuous-time Markov chain model to characterise the propagation of failures in optical GMPLS rings. Two types of failures are considered depending on whether they affect only the control plane, or both the control and data planes of the node. Additionally, it is assumed that control failures propagate along the ring infecting neighbouring nodes, as stated by the Susceptible-Infected-Disabled (SID) propagation model taken from epidemic-based propagation models. A few numerical examples are performed to demonstrate that the CTMC model provides a set of guidelines for selecting the appropriate repair rates in order to attain specific availability requirements, both in the control plane and the data plane.This work is partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation project TEC 2009-10724 and by the Generalitat de Catalunya research support programme (SGR-1202). Additionally, the authors would like to thank the support of the T2C2 Spanish project (under code TIN2008-06739-C04-01) and the CAM-UC3M Greencom research grant (under code CCG10-UC3M/TIC-5624) in the development of this work.Publicad

    Analysis and optimization of highly reliable systems

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    In the field of network design, the survivability property enables the network to maintain a certain level of network connectivity and quality of service under failure conditions. In this thesis, survivability aspects of communication systems are studied. Aspects of reliability and vulnerability of network design are also addressed. The contributions are three-fold. First, a Hop Constrained node Survivable Network Design Problem (HCSNDP) with optional (Steiner) nodes is modelled. This kind of problems are N P-Hard. An exact integer linear model is built, focused on networks represented by graphs without rooted demands, considering costs in arcs and in Steiner nodes. In addition to the exact model, the calculation of lower and upper bounds to the optimal solution is included. Models were tested over several graphs and instances, in order to validate it in cases with known solution. An Approximation Algorithm is also developed in order to address a particular case of SNDP: the Two Node Survivable Star Problem (2NCSP) with optional nodes. This problem belongs to the class of N P-Hard computational problems too. Second, the research is focused on cascading failures and target/random attacks. The Graph Fragmentation Problem (GFP) is the result of a worst case analysis of a random attack. A fixed number of individuals for protection can be chosen, and a non-protected target node immediately destroys all reachable nodes. The goal is to minimize the expected number of destroyed nodes in the network. This problem belongs to the N P-Hard class. A mathematical programming formulation is introduced and exact resolution for small instances as well as lower and upper bounds to the optimal solution. In addition to exact methods, we address the GFP by several approaches: metaheuristics, approximation algorithms, polytime methods for specific instances and exact methods in exponential time. Finally, the concept of separability in stochastic binary systems is here introduced. Stochastic Binary Systems (SBS) represent a mathematical model of a multi-component on-off system subject to independent failures. The reliability evaluation of an SBS belongs to the N P-Hard class. Therefore, we fully characterize separable systems using Han-Banach separation theorem for convex sets. Using this new concept of separable systems and Markov inequality, reliability bounds are provided for arbitrary SBS
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