3 research outputs found

    Towards next generation coordination infrastructures

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    Coordination infrastructures play a central role in the engineering of multiagent systems. Since the advent of agent technology, research on coordination infrastructures has produced a significant number of infrastructures with varying features. In this paper, we review the the state-of-the-art coordination infrastructures with the purpose of identifying open research challenges that next generation coordination infrastructures should address. Our analysis concludes that next generation coordination infrastructures must address a number of challenges: (i) to become socially aware, by facilitating human interaction within a MAS; (ii) to assist agents in their decision making by providing decision support that helps them reduce the scope of reasoning and facilitates the achievement of their goals; and (iii) to increase openness to support on-line, fully decentralised design and execution. Furthermore, we identify some promising approaches in the literature, together with the research issues worth investigating, to cope with such challenges. © Cambridge University Press, 2015.The work presented in this paper has been partially funded by projects EVE (TIN2009-14702-C02-01), AT (CSD2007-0022), and the Generalitat of Catalunya grant 2009-SGR-1434Peer Reviewe

    Towards next generation coordination infrastructures

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    Coordination infrastructures play a central role in the engineering of multiagent systems. Since the advent of agent technology, research on coordination infrastructures has produced a significant number of infrastructures with varying features. In this paper, we review the the state-of-the-art coordination infrastructures with the purpose of identifying open research challenges that next generation coordination infrastructures should address. Our analysis concludes that next generation coordination infrastructures must address a number of challenges: (i) to become socially aware, by facilitating human interaction within a MAS; (ii) to assist agents in their decision making by providing decision support that helps them reduce the scope of reasoning and facilitates the achievement of their goals; and (iii) to increase openness to support on-line, fully decentralised design and execution. Furthermore, we identify some promising approaches in the literature, together with the research issues worth investigating, to cope with such challenges

    Agent Bodies: An Interface Between Agent and Environment

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-23850-0_2Interfacing the agents with their environment is a classical problem when designing multiagent systems. However, the models pertaining to this interface generally choose to either embed it in the agents, or in the environment. In this position paper, we propose to highlight the role of agent bodies as primary components of the multiagent system design. We propose a tentative definition of an agent body, and discuss its responsibilities in terms of MAS components. The agent body takes from both agent and environment: low-level agent mechanisms such as perception and influences are treated locally in the agent bodies. These mechanism participate in the cognitive process, but are not driven by symbol manipulation. Furthermore, it allows to define several bodies for one mind, either to simulate different capabilities, or to interact in the different environments - physical, social- the agent is immersed in. We also draw the main challenges to apply this concept effectively.Saunier, J.; Carrascosa Casamayor, C.; Galland, S.; Kanmeugne, PS. (2015). Agent Bodies: An Interface Between Agent and Environment. En Agent Environments for Multi-Agent Systems IV. 4th International Workshop, E4MAS 2014 - 10 Years Later, Paris, France, May 6, 2014. 25-40. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-23850-0_2S2540Barella, A., Ricci, A., Boissier, O., Carrascosa, C.: MAM5: Multi-agent model for intelligent virtual environments. In: 10th European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS 2012), pp. 16–30 (2012)Behe, F., Galland, S., Gaud, N., Nicolle, C., Koukam, A.: An ontology-based metamodel for multiagent-based simulations. Int. J. Simul. Model. Pract. 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