6 research outputs found

    Entropy-based analysis for diffusion anisotropy mapping of healthy and myelopathic spinal cord

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    The present study utilized diffusion MR imaging and fractional anisotropy (FA) mapping to delineate the microstructure of spinal cord. The concept of Shannon entropy was introduced to analyze the complex microstructure of healthy and injured spinal cords based on FA map. A total of 30 volunteers were recruited in this study with informed consent, including 13 healthy adult subjects (group A, 25. ±. 3. years), 12 healthy elderly subjects (group B, 53. ±. 7. years) and 5 cervical spondylotic myelopathy (CSM) patients (group C, 53. ±. 15. years). Diffusion MRI images of cervical spinal cord were taken using pulsed gradient spin-echo-echo-planar imaging (SE-EPI) sequence with a 3. T MR system. The region of interest was defined to cover the spinal cord in FA maps. The Shannon entropy of FA values of voxels in the cord was calculated as well as the average FA values. The significant differences were determined among three groups using one-way ANOVA and post-hoc test. As compared with adult and elderly healthy subjects, the entropy of whole spinal cord was significantly lower in CSM patients (group A: 6.07. ±. 0.18; B: 6.01. ±. 0.23; C: 5.32. ±. 0.44; p<. 0.05). Whereas there were no significant difference in FA values among groups (group A: 0.62. ±. 0.08; B: 0.64. ±. 0.09; C: 0.64. ±. 0.12). In CSM patients, there was a loss of architectural structural complexity in the cervical spinal cord tissue as noted by the lower Shannon entropy value. It indicated the potential application of entropy-based analysis for the diagnosis of the severity of chronic compressive spinal cord injuries, i.e. CSM. © 2010 Elsevier Inc.link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    Integrated Graph Theoretic, Radiomics, and Deep Learning Framework for Personalized Clinical Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Treatment Response Assessment of Body Tumors

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    Purpose: A new paradigm is beginning to emerge in radiology with the advent of increased computational capabilities and algorithms. The future of radiological reading rooms is heading towards a unique collaboration between computer scientists and radiologists. The goal of computational radiology is to probe the underlying tissue using advanced algorithms and imaging parameters and produce a personalized diagnosis that can be correlated to pathology. This thesis presents a complete computational radiology framework (I GRAD) for personalized clinical diagnosis, prognosis and treatment planning using an integration of graph theory, radiomics, and deep learning. Methods: There are three major components of the I GRAD framework–image segmentation, feature extraction, and clinical decision support. Image Segmentation: I developed the multiparametric deep learning (MPDL) tissue signature model for segmentation of normal and abnormal tissue from multiparametric (mp) radiological images. The segmentation MPDL network was constructed from stacked sparse autoencoders (SSAE) with five hidden layers. The MPDL network parameters were optimized using k-fold cross-validation. In addition, the MPDL segmentation network was tested on an independent dataset. Feature Extraction: I developed the radiomic feature mapping (RFM) and contribution scattergram (CSg) methods for characterization of spatial and inter-parametric relationships in multiparametric imaging datasets. The radiomic feature maps were created by filtering radiological images with first and second order statistical texture filters followed by the development of standardized features for radiological correlation to biology and clinical decision support. The contribution scattergram was constructed to visualize and understand the inter-parametric relationships of the breast MRI as a complex network. This multiparametric imaging complex network was modeled using manifold learning and evaluated using graph theoretic analysis. Feature Integration: The different clinical and radiological features extracted from multiparametric radiological images and clinical records were integrated using a hybrid multiview manifold learning technique termed the Informatics Radiomics Integration System (IRIS). IRIS uses hierarchical clustering in combination with manifold learning to visualize the high-dimensional patient space on a two-dimensional heatmap. The heatmap highlights the similarity and dissimilarity between different patients and variables. Results: All the algorithms and techniques presented in this dissertation were developed and validated using breast cancer as a model for diagnosis and prognosis using multiparametric breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The deep learning MPDL method demonstrated excellent dice similarity of 0.87±0.05 and 0.84±0.07 for segmentation of lesions on malignant and benign breast patients, respectively. Furthermore, each of the methods, MPDL, RFM, and CSg demonstrated excellent results for breast cancer diagnosis with area under the receiver (AUC) operating characteristic (ROC) curve of 0.85, 0.91, and 0.87, respectively. Furthermore, IRIS classified patients with low risk of breast cancer recurrence from patients with medium and high risk with an AUC of 0.93 compared to OncotypeDX, a 21 gene assay for breast cancer recurrence. Conclusion: By integrating advanced computer science methods into the radiological setting, the I-GRAD framework presented in this thesis can be used to model radiological imaging data in combination with clinical and histopathological data and produce new tools for personalized diagnosis, prognosis or treatment planning by physicians