134 research outputs found

    Robust long-term production planning

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    Real-time algorithm configuration

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    This dissertation presents a number of contributions to the field of algorithm configur- ation. In particular, we present an extension to the algorithm configuration problem, real-time algorithm configuration, where configuration occurs online on a stream of instances, without the need for prior training, and problem solutions are returned in the shortest time possible. We propose a framework for solving the real-time algorithm configuration problem, ReACT. With ReACT we demonstrate that by using the parallel computing architectures, commonplace in many systems today, and a robust aggregate ranking system, configuration can occur without any impact on performance from the perspective of the user. This is achieved by means of a racing procedure. We show two concrete instantiations of the framework, and show them to be on a par with or even exceed the state-of-the-art in offline algorithm configuration using empirical evaluations on a range of combinatorial problems from the literature. We discuss, assess, and provide justification for each of the components used in our framework instantiations. Specifically, we show that the TrueSkill ranking system commonly used to rank players’ skill in multiplayer games can be used to accurately es- timate the quality of an algorithm’s configuration using only censored results from races between algorithm configurations. We confirm that the order that problem instances arrive in influences the configuration performance and that the optimal selection of configurations to participate in races is dependent on the distribution of the incoming in- stance stream. We outline how to maintain a pool of quality configurations by removing underperforming configurations, and techniques to generate replacement configurations with minimal computational overhead. Finally, we show that the configuration space can be reduced using feature selection techniques from the machine learning literature, and that doing so can provide a boost in configuration performance

    Transportation Systems:Managing Performance through Advanced Maintenance Engineering

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    Genetic algorithms and GIS data for decision making in planning water distribution networks

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    This thesis is concerned with the optimal design of Water Distribution Networks (WDNs). The design involves finding an acceptable trade-off between cost minimisation and the maximisation of numerous system benefits. The primary design problem involves cost-effective specification of a pipe network layout and pipe sizes in order to satisfy expected consumer water demands within required pressure limits. The design of a WDN has many variable parameters such as position and size of the water sources, position and the size of the pipes and position of the treatment plants. However, the layout is constrained by the location of existing facilities such as streets and buildings and other geographic features. The total costs may consist of the cost of network materials such as pipes, construction works and system operation and maintenance. The problem may be extended to consider the design of additional components, such as reservoirs, tanks, pumps and valves. Practical designs must also cater for the uncertainty of demand, the requirement of surplus capacity for future growth, and the hydraulic reliability of the system under different demand and potential failure conditions. The thesis reviews the literature related to water distribution networks, their design and optimisation. It then presents a Genetic Algorithm (GA) formulation to assist in developing the design of a water distribution network. The main aim of this research is to investigate the possibility of combining GAs and GIS in the design optimisation. A decision mechanism is developed which enables the model to reach a meaningful solution and provide a practical design technique for WDNs. The aim is also to provide an experimental analysis of the combined GA and decision mechanism to solve the problem in hand and to assess the robustness of these techniques when applied to different instances. An initial prototype model is presented for the design of a WDN which is used to determine the necessary features of the 'final' model. These features include the world in which the model will be built, the design of the fitness function, chromosome representation, and GA operators. The research mainly concluded that the initial model prototype was useful to determine the necessary features and to produce the final model which enables a variety of necessary factors to be explicitly included in the design of WDNs. This initial model suggested that the final model should include the decision mechanism, which is a matter of policy management and hydraulics, and hydraulic principles which allowed to compare the behaviour of different parameters and to simulate the functioning of the network under different scenarios. Water allocation and distribution policies can be applied according to the importance of the demand area and the ability of the system to deliver sufficient water amounts. These policies link essential hydraulic and institutional relationships as well as water uses and users and allocation decision-making process. It was also found that the representation of the world layout is important. The world is described in GIS in terms of models that define the concepts and procedures needed to translate real-world features into data. The important aspects in the chromosome representation are the node positions, the links. In this case, a chromosome must contain the three-dimensional node coordinates, the connection between nodes, the head required to pump the water. The best model parameters were extracted to be used in real-life situations. The result of tests on an example world demonstrated that the model was successful, and the potential exists for the use of this formulation in more complex and real-world scenarios

    Constraint Programming-Based Heuristics for the Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem with a Rolling Planning Horizon

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    Der Transportmarkt ist sowohl durch einem intensiven Kostenwettbewerb als auch durch hohe Erwartungen der Kunden an den Service geprägt. Die vorliegende Dissertation stellt zwei auf Constraint Programming basierende heuristische Frameworks vor, die eine Reoptimierung bereits geplanter Touren zu festgelegten Zeitpunkten erlauben und so eine Reaktion auf die gesteigerte Wettbewerbsdynamik und den Kostendruck ermöglichen.Actors on the transportation market currently face two contrary trends: Cost pressure caused by intense competition and a need for prompt service. We introduce two heuristic solution frameworks to enable freight carriers to deal with this situation by reoptimizing tours at predefined points in time. Both heuristics are based on Constraint Programming techniques

    Dynamic communication across supply chain services

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    This thesis deals with the design of communication protocol solutions across a Supply Chain Management System. These solutions are capable of operating in multi-agent environments, and allow customers to order services online. As part of two Australian Research Council (ARC) grants, it is divided into four main sections. The first issue deals with a dynamic communication protocol, which aims at agent-to-agent operability in an open environment, such as the Internet. In the second section, we proposed a protocol correctness system, which enables detection of deadlock errors in communication protocols. Further, a comparison of the proposed validation techniques and those currently in use, is provided. Next, the problem of routing and scheduling in the transport industry was tackled, resulting in the development of an autonomous route scheduling system, MIDAS (Mobile Intelligent Distributed Application Software). The MIDAS server uses wireless technology to communicate with different parts of the system, which was investigated in the final section of the thesis. The MIDAS system was tested on devices with a GSM-enabled network connection, with results indicating that it takes less than thirty seconds for information to be processed and transmitted. Further, studies relating to this topic could involve extensions of the proposed systems using SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol). While undertaking my PhD, I wrote the following five papers, which were published in various journals and conferences: 1. Towards the Right Communication Protocol for Web Services, International Journal for Web Services Research (IJWSR), June 2005 2. MIDAS - An Integrated E-Commerce Solution for the Australian Transport Industries, International Journal on Web Engineering and Technology (IJWET), 1(3), 353-373, October 2004 3. MIDAS’s Routing and Scheduling Approach for the Australian Transport Industries, International OTM (OntheMove) Workshops, November 2003 4. An XML-based Conversational Protocol for Web Services, 18th ACM International Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), 1179-1184, May 2003 5. Towards Robust and Scalable Infrastructure for Web Service, IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT), December 200

    Meta-heuristics development framework: Design and applications

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    Scalable intelligent electronic catalogs

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    The world today is full of information systems which make huge quantities of information available. This incredible amount of information is clearly overwhelming Internet endusers. As a consequence, intelligent tools to identify worthwhile information are needed, in order to fully assist people in finding the right information. Moreover, most systems are ultimately used, not just to provide information, but also to solve problems. Encouraged by the growing popular success of Internet and the enormous business potential of electronic commerce, e-catalogs have been consolidated as one of the most relevant types of information systems. Nearly all currently available electronic catalogs are offering tools for extracting product information based on key-attribute filtering methods. The most advanced electronic catalogs are implemented as recommender systems using collaborative filtering techniques. This dissertation focuses on strategies for coping with the difficulty of building intelligent catalogs which fully support the user in his purchase decision-making process, while maintaining the scalability of the whole system. The contributions of this thesis lie on a mixed-initiative system which is inspired by observations on traditional commerce activities. Such a conversational model consists basically of a dialog between the customer and the system, where the user criticizes proposed products and the catalog suggests new products accordingly. Constraint satisfaction techniques are analyzed in order to provide a uniform framework for modeling electronic catalogs for configurable products. Within the same framework, user preferences and optimization constraints are also easily modeled. Searching strategies for proposing the adequate products according to criteria are described in detail. Another dimension of this dissertation faces the problem of scalability, i.e., the problem of supporting hundreds, or thousands of users simultaneously using intelligent electronic catalogs. Traditional wisdom would presume that in order to provide full assistance to users in complex tasks, the business logic of the system must be complex, thus preventing scalability. SmartClient is a software architectural model that uses constraint satisfaction problems for representing solution spaces, instead of traditional models which represent solution spaces by collections of single solutions. This main idea is supported by the fact that constraint solvers are extreme in their compactness and simplicity, while providing sophisticated business logic. Different SmartClient architecture configurations are provided for different uses and architectural requirements. In order to illustrate the use of constraint satisfaction techniques for complex electronic catalogs with the SmartClient architecture, a commercial Internet-based application for travel planning, called reality, has been successfully developed. Travel planning is a particularly appropriate domain for validating the results of this research, since travel information is dynamic, travel planning problems are combinatorial, and moreover, complex user preferences and optimization constraints must be taken into consideration

    A Polyhedral Study of Mixed 0-1 Set

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    We consider a variant of the well-known single node fixed charge network flow set with constant capacities. This set arises from the relaxation of more general mixed integer sets such as lot-sizing problems with multiple suppliers. We provide a complete polyhedral characterization of the convex hull of the given set

    Public Transport Optimization

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    This textbook provides a comprehensive step-by-step guide for new public transport modelers. It includes an introduction to mathematical modeling, continuous and discrete optimization, numerical optimization, computational complexity analysis, metaheuristics, and multi-objective optimization. These tools help engineers and modelers to use better existing public transport models and also develop new models that can address future challenges. By reading this book, the reader will gain the ability to translate a future problem description into a mathematical model and solve it using an appropriate solution method. The textbook provides the knowledge needed to develop highly accurate mathematical models that can serve as decision support tools at the strategic, tactical, and operational planning levels of public transport services. Its detailed description of exact optimization methods, metaheuristics, bi-level, and multi-objective optimization approaches together with the detailed description of implementing these approaches in classic public transport problems with the use of open source tools is unique and will be highly useful to students and transport professionals.</p