52 research outputs found

    Facial recognition using new LBP representations

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    In this paper, we propose a facial recognition based on the LBP operator. We divide the face into non-overlapped regions. After that, we classify a training set using each region at a time under different configurations of the LBP operator. Regarding to the best recognition rate, we consider a weight and specific LBP configuration to the regions. To represent the face image, we extract LBP histograms with the specific configuration (radius and neighbors) and concatenate them into feature histogram. We propose a multi-resolution approach, to gather local and global information and improve the recognition rate. To evaluate our proposed approach, we considered the FERET data set, which includes different facial expressions, lighting, and aging of the subjects. In addition, weighted Chi-2 is considered as a dissimilarity measure. The experimental results show a considerable improvement against the original idea

    Global and local characterization of rock classification by Gabor and DCT filters with a color texture descriptor

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    In the automatic classification of colored natural textures, the idea of proposing methods that reflect human perception arouses the enthusiasm of researchers in the field of image processing and computer vision. Therefore, the color space and the methods of analysis of color and texture, must be discriminating to correspond to the human vision. Rock images are a typical example of natural images and their analysis is of major importance in the rock industry. In this paper, we combine the statistical (Local Binary Pattern (LBP) with Hue Saturation Value (HSV) and Red Green Blue (RGB) color spaces fusion) and frequency (Gabor filter and Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT)) descriptors named respectively Gabor Adjacent Local Binary Pattern Color Space Fusion (G-ALBPCSF) and DCT Adjacent Local Binary Pattern Color Space Fusion (D-ALBPCSF) for the extraction of visual textural and colorimetric features from direct view images of rocks. The textural images from the two G-ALBPCSF and D-ALBPCSF approaches are evaluated through similarity metrics such as Chi2 and the intersection of histograms that we have adapted to color histograms. The results obtained allowed us to highlight the discrimination of the rock classes. The proposed extraction method provides better classification results for various direct view rock texture images. Then it is validated by a confusion matrix giving a low error rate of 0.8% of classification

    Face recognition using multiple features in different color spaces

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    Face recognition as a particular problem of pattern recognition has been attracting substantial attention from researchers in computer vision, pattern recognition, and machine learning. The recent Face Recognition Grand Challenge (FRGC) program reveals that uncontrolled illumination conditions pose grand challenges to face recognition performance. Most of the existing face recognition methods use gray-scale face images, which have been shown insufficient to tackle these challenges. To overcome this challenging problem in face recognition, this dissertation applies multiple features derived from the color images instead of the intensity images only. First, this dissertation presents two face recognition methods, which operate in different color spaces, using frequency features by means of Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and spatial features by means of Local Binary Patterns (LBP), respectively. The DFT frequency domain consists of the real part, the imaginary part, the magnitude, and the phase components, which provide the different interpretations of the input face images. The advantage of LBP in face recognition is attributed to its robustness in terms of intensity-level monotonic transformation, as well as its operation in the various scale image spaces. By fusing the frequency components or the multi-resolution LBP histograms, the complementary feature sets can be generated to enhance the capability of facial texture description. This dissertation thus uses the fused DFT and LBP features in two hybrid color spaces, the RIQ and the VIQ color spaces, respectively, for improving face recognition performance. Second, a method that extracts multiple features in the CID color space is presented for face recognition. As different color component images in the CID color space display different characteristics, three different image encoding methods, namely, the patch-based Gabor image representation, the multi-resolution LBP feature fusion, and the DCT-based multiple face encodings, are presented to effectively extract features from the component images for enhancing pattern recognition performance. To further improve classification performance, the similarity scores due to the three color component images are fused for the final decision making. Finally, a novel image representation is also discussed in this dissertation. Unlike a traditional intensity image that is directly derived from a linear combination of the R, G, and B color components, the novel image representation adapted to class separability is generated through a PCA plus FLD learning framework from the hybrid color space instead of the RGB color space. Based upon the novel image representation, a multiple feature fusion method is proposed to address the problem of face recognition under the severe illumination conditions. The aforementioned methods have been evaluated using two large-scale databases, namely, the Face Recognition Grand Challenge (FRGC) version 2 database and the FERET face database. Experimental results have shown that the proposed methods improve face recognition performance upon the traditional methods using the intensity images by large margins and outperform some state-of-the-art methods

    High Performance Video Stream Analytics System for Object Detection and Classification

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    Due to the recent advances in cameras, cell phones and camcorders, particularly the resolution at which they can record an image/video, large amounts of data are generated daily. This video data is often so large that manually inspecting it for object detection and classification can be time consuming and error prone, thereby it requires automated analysis to extract useful information and meta-data. The automated analysis from video streams also comes with numerous challenges such as blur content and variation in illumination conditions and poses. We investigate an automated video analytics system in this thesis which takes into account the characteristics from both shallow and deep learning domains. We propose fusion of features from spatial frequency domain to perform highly accurate blur and illumination invariant object classification using deep learning networks. We also propose the tuning of hyper-parameters associated with the deep learning network through a mathematical model. The mathematical model used to support hyper-parameter tuning improved the performance of the proposed system during training. The outcomes of various hyper-parameters on system's performance are compared. The parameters that contribute towards the most optimal performance are selected for the video object classification. The proposed video analytics system has been demonstrated to process a large number of video streams and the underlying infrastructure is able to scale based on the number and size of the video stream(s) being processed. The extensive experimentation on publicly available image and video datasets reveal that the proposed system is significantly more accurate and scalable and can be used as a general purpose video analytics system.N/

    Local Binary Patterns in Focal-Plane Processing. Analysis and Applications

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    Feature extraction is the part of pattern recognition, where the sensor data is transformed into a more suitable form for the machine to interpret. The purpose of this step is also to reduce the amount of information passed to the next stages of the system, and to preserve the essential information in the view of discriminating the data into different classes. For instance, in the case of image analysis the actual image intensities are vulnerable to various environmental effects, such as lighting changes and the feature extraction can be used as means for detecting features, which are invariant to certain types of illumination changes. Finally, classification tries to make decisions based on the previously transformed data. The main focus of this thesis is on developing new methods for the embedded feature extraction based on local non-parametric image descriptors. Also, feature analysis is carried out for the selected image features. Low-level Local Binary Pattern (LBP) based features are in a main role in the analysis. In the embedded domain, the pattern recognition system must usually meet strict performance constraints, such as high speed, compact size and low power consumption. The characteristics of the final system can be seen as a trade-off between these metrics, which is largely affected by the decisions made during the implementation phase. The implementation alternatives of the LBP based feature extraction are explored in the embedded domain in the context of focal-plane vision processors. In particular, the thesis demonstrates the LBP extraction with MIPA4k massively parallel focal-plane processor IC. Also higher level processing is incorporated to this framework, by means of a framework for implementing a single chip face recognition system. Furthermore, a new method for determining optical flow based on LBPs, designed in particular to the embedded domain is presented. Inspired by some of the principles observed through the feature analysis of the Local Binary Patterns, an extension to the well known non-parametric rank transform is proposed, and its performance is evaluated in face recognition experiments with a standard dataset. Finally, an a priori model where the LBPs are seen as combinations of n-tuples is also presentedSiirretty Doriast

    Design and Real-World Application of Novel Machine Learning Techniques for Improving Face Recognition Algorithms

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    Recent progress in machine learning has made possible the development of real-world face recognition applications that can match face images as good as or better than humans. However, several challenges remain unsolved. In this PhD thesis, some of these challenges are studied and novel machine learning techniques to improve the performance of real-world face recognition applications are proposed. Current face recognition algorithms based on deep learning techniques are able to achieve outstanding accuracy when dealing with face images taken in unconstrained environments. However, training these algorithms is often costly due to the very large datasets and the high computational resources needed. On the other hand, traditional methods for face recognition are better suited when these requirements cannot be satisfied. This PhD thesis presents new techniques for both traditional and deep learning methods. In particular, a novel traditional face recognition method that combines texture and shape features together with subspace representation techniques is first presented. The proposed method is lightweight and can be trained quickly with small datasets. This method is used for matching face images scanned from identity documents against face images stored in the biometric chip of such documents. Next, two new techniques to increase the performance of face recognition methods based on convolutional neural networks are presented. Specifically, a novel training strategy that increases face recognition accuracy when dealing with face images presenting occlusions, and a new loss function that improves the performance of the triplet loss function are proposed. Finally, the problem of collecting large face datasets is considered, and a novel method based on generative adversarial networks to synthesize both face images of existing subjects in a dataset and face images of new subjects is proposed. The accuracy of existing face recognition algorithms can be increased by training with datasets augmented with the synthetic face images generated by the proposed method. In addition to the main contributions, this thesis provides a comprehensive literature review of face recognition methods and their evolution over the years. A significant amount of the work presented in this PhD thesis is the outcome of a 3-year-long research project partially funded by Innovate UK as part of a Knowledge Transfer Partnership between University of Hertfordshire and IDscan Biometrics Ltd (partnership number: 009547)

    Biometric Systems

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    Biometric authentication has been widely used for access control and security systems over the past few years. The purpose of this book is to provide the readers with life cycle of different biometric authentication systems from their design and development to qualification and final application. The major systems discussed in this book include fingerprint identification, face recognition, iris segmentation and classification, signature verification and other miscellaneous systems which describe management policies of biometrics, reliability measures, pressure based typing and signature verification, bio-chemical systems and behavioral characteristics. In summary, this book provides the students and the researchers with different approaches to develop biometric authentication systems and at the same time includes state-of-the-art approaches in their design and development. The approaches have been thoroughly tested on standard databases and in real world applications
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