60 research outputs found

    Needed for completion of the human genome: hypothesis driven experiments and biologically realistic mathematical models

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    With the sponsorship of ``Fundacio La Caixa'' we met in Barcelona, November 21st and 22nd, to analyze the reasons why, after the completion of the human genome sequence, the identification all protein coding genes and their variants remains a distant goal. Here we report on our discussions and summarize some of the major challenges that need to be overcome in order to complete the human gene catalog.Comment: Report and discussion resulting from the `Fundacio La Caixa' gene finding meeting held November 21 and 22 2003 in Barcelon

    Extraction of Transcript Diversity from Scientific Literature

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    Transcript diversity generated by alternative splicing and associated mechanisms contributes heavily to the functional complexity of biological systems. The numerous examples of the mechanisms and functional implications of these events are scattered throughout the scientific literature. Thus, it is crucial to have a tool that can automatically extract the relevant facts and collect them in a knowledge base that can aid the interpretation of data from high-throughput methods. We have developed and applied a composite text-mining method for extracting information on transcript diversity from the entire MEDLINE database in order to create a database of genes with alternative transcripts. It contains information on tissue specificity, number of isoforms, causative mechanisms, functional implications, and experimental methods used for detection. We have mined this resource to identify 959 instances of tissue-specific splicing. Our results in combination with those from EST-based methods suggest that alternative splicing is the preferred mechanism for generating transcript diversity in the nervous system. We provide new annotations for 1,860 genes with the potential for generating transcript diversity. We assign the MeSH term “alternative splicing” to 1,536 additional abstracts in the MEDLINE database and suggest new MeSH terms for other events. We have successfully extracted information about transcript diversity and semiautomatically generated a database, LSAT, that can provide a quantitative understanding of the mechanisms behind tissue-specific gene expression. LSAT (Literature Support for Alternative Transcripts) is publicly available at http://www.bork.embl.de/LSAT/

    Metabolic and Chaperone Gene Loss Marks the Origin of Animals: Evidence for Hsp104 and Hsp78 Sharing Mitochondrial Clients

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    The evolution of animals involved acquisition of an emergent gene repertoire for gastrulation. Whether loss of genes also co-evolved with this developmental reprogramming has not yet been addressed. Here, we identify twenty-four genetic functions that are retained in fungi and choanoflagellates but undetectable in animals. These lost genes encode: (i) sixteen distinct biosynthetic functions; (ii) the two ancestral eukaryotic ClpB disaggregases, Hsp78 and Hsp104, which function in the mitochondria and cytosol, respectively; and (iii) six other assorted functions. We present computational and experimental data that are consistent with a joint function for the differentially localized ClpB disaggregases, and with the possibility of a shared client/chaperone relationship between the mitochondrial Fe/S homoaconitase encoded by the lost LYS4 gene and the two ClpBs. Our analyses lead to the hypothesis that the evolution of gastrulation-based multicellularity in animals led to efficient extraction of nutrients from dietary sources, loss of natural selection for maintenance of energetically expensive biosynthetic pathways, and subsequent loss of their attendant ClpB chaperones.Comment: This is a reformatted version from the recent official publication in PLoS ONE (2015). This version differs substantially from first three arXiV versions. This version uses a fixed-width font for DNA sequences as was done in the earlier arXiv versions but which is missing in the official PLoS ONE publication. The title has also been shortened slightly from the official publicatio

    NOPdb: Nucleolar Proteome Database

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    The Nucleolar Proteome Database (NOPdb) archives data on >700 proteins that were identified by multiple mass spectrometry (MS) analyses from highly purified preparations of human nucleoli, the most prominent nuclear organelle. Each protein entry is annotated with information about its corresponding gene, its domain structures and relevant protein homologues across species, as well as documenting its MS identification history including all the peptides sequenced by tandem MS/MS. Moreover, data showing the quantitative changes in the relative levels of ∼500 nucleolar proteins are compared at different timepoints upon transcriptional inhibition. Correlating changes in protein abundance at multiple timepoints, highlighted by visualization means in the NOPdb, provides clues regarding the potential interactions and relationships between nucleolar proteins and thereby suggests putative functions for factors within the 30% of the proteome which comprises novel/uncharacterized proteins. The NOPdb () is searchable by either gene names, nucleotide or protein sequences, Gene Ontology terms or motifs, or by limiting the range for isoelectric points and/or molecular weights and links to other databases (e.g. LocusLink, OMIM and PubMed)

    BacMap: an interactive picture atlas of annotated bacterial genomes

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    BacMap is an interactive visual database containing fully labeled, zoomable and searchable chromosome maps from more than 170 bacterial (archaebacterial and eubacterial) species. It uses a recently developed visualization tool (CGView) to generate high-resolution circular genome maps from sequence feature information. Each map includes an interface that allows the image to be expanded and rotated. In the default view, identified genes are drawn to scale and colored according to coding directions. When a region of interest is expanded, gene labels are displayed. Each label is hyperlinked to a custom ‘gene card’ which provides several fields of information concerning the corresponding DNA and protein sequences. Each genome map is searchable via a local BLAST search and a gene name/synonym search. BacMap is freely available at http://wishart.biology.ualberta.ca/BacMap/

    ChickVD: a sequence variation database for the chicken genome

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    Working in parallel with the efforts to sequence the chicken (Gallus gallus) genome, the Beijing Genomics Institute led an international team of scientists from China, USA, UK, Sweden, The Netherlands and Germany to map extensive DNA sequence variation throughout the chicken genome by sampling DNA from domestic breeds. Using the Red Jungle Fowl genome sequence as a reference, we identified 3.1 million non-redundant DNA sequence variants. To facilitate the application of our data to avian genetics and to provide a foundation for functional and evolutionary studies, we created the ‘Chicken Variation Database’ (ChickVD). A graphical MapView shows variants mapped onto the chicken genome in the context of gene annotations and other features, including genetic markers, trait loci, cDNAs, chicken orthologs of human disease genes and raw sequence traces. ChickVD also stores information on quantitative trait loci using data from collaborating institutions and public resources. Our data can be queried by search engine and homology-based BLAST searches. ChickVD is publicly accessible at http://chicken.genomics.org.cn

    DG-CST (Disease Gene Conserved Sequence Tags), a database of human�mouse conserved elements associated to disease genes

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    The identification and study of evolutionarily conserved genomic sequences that surround disease-related genes is a valuable tool to gain insight into the functional role of these genes and to better elucidate the pathogenetic mechanisms of disease. We created the DG-CST (Disease Gene Conserved Sequence Tags) database for the identification and detailed annotation of human–mouse conserved genomic sequences that are localized within or in the vicinity of human disease-related genes. CSTs are defined as sequences that show at least 70% identity between human and mouse over a length of at least 100 bp. The database contains CST data relative to over 1088 genes responsible for monogenetic human genetic diseases or involved in the susceptibility to multifactorial/polygenic diseases. DG-CST is accessible via the internet at http://dgcst.ceinge.unina.it/ and may be searched using both simple and complex queries. A graphic browser allows direct visualization of the CSTs and related annotations within the context of the relative gene and its transcripts

    PRODOC: a resource for the comparison of tethered protein domain architectures with in-built information on remotely related domain families

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    PROtein Domain Organization and Comparison (PRODOC) comprises several programs that enable convenient comparison of proteins as a sequence of domains. The in-built dataset currently consists of ∼698 000 proteins from 192 organisms with complete genomic data, and all the SWISSPROT proteins obtained from the Pfam database. All the entries in PRODOC are represented as a sequence of functional domains, assigned using hidden Markov models, instead of as a sequence of amino acids. On average 69% of the proteins in the proteomes and 49% of the residues are covered by functional domain assignments. Software tools allow the user to query the dataset with a sequence of domains and identify proteins with the same or a jumbled or circularly permuted arrangement of domains. As it is proposed that proteins with jumbled or the same domain sequences have similar functions, this search tool is useful in assigning the overall function of a multi-domain protein. Unique features of PRODOC include the generation of alignments between multi-domain proteins on the basis of the sequence of domains and in-built information on distantly related domain families forming superfamilies. It is also possible using PRODOC to identify domain sharing and gene fusion events across organisms. An exhaustive genome–genome comparison tool in PRODOC also enables the detection of successive domain sharing and domain fusion events across two organisms. The tool permits the identification of gene clusters involved in similar biological processes in two closely related organisms. The URL for PRODOC is

    Integr8 and Genome Reviews: integrated views of complete genomes and proteomes

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    Integr8 is a new web portal for exploring the biology of organisms with completely deciphered genomes. For over 190 species, Integr8 provides access to general information, recent publications, and a detailed statistical overview of the genome and proteome of the organism. The preparation of this analysis is supported through Genome Reviews, a new database of bacterial and archaeal DNA sequences in which annotation has been upgraded (compared to the original submission) through the integration of data from many sources, including the EMBL Nucleotide Sequence Database, the UniProt Knowledgebase, InterPro, CluSTr, GOA and HOGENOM. Integr8 also allows the users to customize their own interactive analysis, and to download both customized and prepared datasets for their own use. Integr8 is available at http://www.ebi.ac.uk/integr