871 research outputs found

    Enriching Deontic Logic

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    It is well known that systems of action deontic logic emerging from a standard analysis of permission in terms of possibility of doing an action without incurring in a violation of the law are subject to paradoxes. In general, paradoxes are acknowledged as such if we have intuitions telling us that things should be different. The aim of this paper is to introduce a paradox-free deontic action system by (i) identifying the basic intuitions leading to the emergence of the paradoxes and (ii) exploiting these intuitions in order to develop a consistent deontic framework, where it can be shown why some phenomena seem to be paradoxical and why they are not so if interpreted in a correct way

    Enriching deontic logic with typicality

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    Legal reasoning is a method that is applied by legal practitioners to make legal decisions. For a scenario, legal reasoning requires not only the facts of the scenario but also the legal rules to be enforced within it. Formal logic has long been used for reasoning tasks in many domains. Deontic logic is a logic which is often used to formalise legal scenarios with its built-in notions of obligation, permission and prohibition. Within the legal domain, it is important to recognise that there are many exceptions and conflicting obligations. This motivates the enrichment of deontic logic with not only the notion of defeasibility, which allows for reasoning about exceptions, but a stronger notion of typicality which is based on defeasibility. KLM-style defeasible reasoning introduced by Kraus, Lehmann and Magidor (KLM), is a logic system that employs defeasibility while a logic that serves the same role for the stronger notion of typicality is Propositional Typicality Logic (PTL). Deontic paradoxes are often used to examine deontic logic systems as the scenarios arising from the paradoxes' structures produce undesirable results when desirable deontic properties are applied to the scenarios. This is despite the various scenarios themselves seeming intuitive. This dissertation shows that KLM-style defeasible reasoning and PTL are both effective when applied to the analysis of the deontic paradoxes. We first present the background information which comprises propositional logic, which forms the foundation for the other logic systems, as well as the background of KLM-style defeasible reasoning, deontic logic and PTL. We outline the paradoxes along with their issues within the presentation of deontic logic. We then show that for each of the two logic systems we can intuitively translate the paradoxes, satisfy many of the desirable deontic properties and produce reasonable solutions to the issues resulting from the paradoxes

    Bases for an Action Logic to Model Negative Modes of Actions

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    Currently available systems of action deontic logic are not designed to model procedures to assess the conduct of an agent which take into account the intentions of the agent and the circumstances in which she is acting. Yet, procedures of this kind are essential to determine what counts as culpable not doing. In light of this, we design an action logic, AL, in which it is possible to distinguish actions that are objectively possible for an agent, viz. there are no objective impediments for the agent to do them, and actions that, besides being objectively possible, are compatible with the setting or intentions of the agent

    Intangible trust requirements - how to fill the requirements trust "gap"?

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    Previous research efforts have been expended in terms of the capture and subsequent instantiation of "soft" trust requirements that relate to HCI usability concerns or in relation to "hard" tangible security requirements that primarily relate to security a ssurance and security protocols. Little direct focus has been paid to managing intangible trust related requirements per se. This 'gap' is perhaps most evident in the public B2C (Business to Consumer) E- Systems we all use on a daily basis. Some speculative suggestions are made as to how to fill the 'gap'. Visual card sorting is suggested as a suitable evaluative tool; whilst deontic logic trust norms and UML extended notation are the suggested (methodologically invariant) means by which software development teams can perhaps more fully capture hence visualize intangible trust requirements

    Adaptive logic characterizations of input/output logic

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    We translate unconstrained and constrained input/output logics as introduced by Makinson and van der Torre to modal logics, using adaptive logics for the constrained case. The resulting reformulation has some additional benefits. First, we obtain a proof-theoretic (dynamic) characterization of input/output logics. Second, we demonstrate that our framework naturally gives rise to useful variants and allows to express important notions that go beyond the expressive means of input/output logics, such as violations and sanctions
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