23,437 research outputs found

    Adoption of augmented reality technology by university students

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    In recent times, Augmented Reality has gained more relevance in the field of education. This relevance has been enhanced due to its ease of use, as well as the availability of the technical devices for the students. The present study was conducted with students enrolled in the Pedagogy Degree in the Faculty of Education at the University of Seville. The objective was to understand the degree of technological acceptance of students during their interaction with the AR objects produced, the performance achieved by the students, and if their gender affected their acquisition of knowledge. For this, three data collection instruments were utilized: a multiple choice test for the analysis of the student's performance after the interaction, the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) diagnostic instrument, created by Davis (1989), and an “ad hoc” instrument created so that the students could evaluate the class notes enriched with the AR objects created. The study has allowed us to broaden the scientific knowledge of the TAM by Davis, to understand that AR objects can be utilized in university teaching, and to know that the student's gender does not influence learning.Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain EDU-5746-

    The motivation of technological scenarios in augmented reality (AR): results of different experiments

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    Augmented Reality (AR) is an emergent technology that is acquiring more and more relevance in teaching every day. Together with mobile technology, this combination arises as one of the most effective binomials to support significant and ubiquitous learning. Nevertheless, this binomial can only prove valid if the student is motivated to use it during the learning process. An attempt was made through the implementation of Keller’s Instructional Material Motivational Survey model o determine the degree of motivation of Pedagogy, Medicine and Art students from the University of Seville for using AR-enriched notes available by means of mobile devices in the classroom. Three applications designed for the subjects of Educational Technology, Anatomy and Art served to assess it positively in terms of the motivation raised by the participation in the experiment, as well as regarding academic performance improvement. It can additionally be stated that our main finding was a link between students’ motivation to use the enriched notes and the performance obtained in the subject in which they use them. Evidence was also found that the utilization of Augmented Reality benefits the learning process

    Facilitating the creation of interactive multi-device Learning Objects using an online authoring tool

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    Learning Objects facilitate reuse leading to cost and time savings as well as to the enhancement of the quality of educational resources. However, teachers find it difficult to create or to find high quality Learning Objects, and the ones they find need to be customized. Teachers can overcome this problem using suitable authoring systems that enable them to create high quality Learning Objects with little effort. This paper presents an open source online e-Learning authoring tool called ViSH Editor together with four novel interactive Learning Objects that can be created with it: Flashcards, Virtual Tours, Enriched Videos and Interactive Presentations. All these Learning Objects are created as web applications, which can be accessed via mobile devices. Besides, they can be exported to SCORM including their metadata in IEEE LOM format. All of them are described in the paper including an example of each. This approach for creating Learning Objects was validated through two evaluations: a survey among authors and a formal quality evaluation of 209 Learning Objects created with the tool. The results show that ViSH Editor facilitates educators the creation of high quality Learning Objects

    Fünf evidenzbasierte Heuristiken für den Einsatz von Video in der universitären Lehrerausbildung

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    This article provides a research synthesis on the use of video in pre-service teacher education. Common ideas and evidences concerning the use of video in pre-service teacher education are reviewed. Based on the state-of-the-art in using video, five research-based heuristics are derived. Research findings of a number of studies are further used to illustrate the specification of heuristics. Specifically, a set of rules of thumb about when, how, and why to use video is presented to clarify the strengths and limitations of video as a medium to support pre-service teacher learning. (DIPF/Orig.)Der Beitrag liefert eine Forschungssynthese zur Nutzung von Video in der universitären Lehrerausbildung. Die Forschung wird dahingehend zusammengefasst, welche Ideen derzeit verfolgt werden und welche Evidenzen zur Nutzung von Video vorliegen. Basierend auf dem Forschungsstand leiten die Autoren fünf forschungsbasierte Heuristiken zum Einsatz von Video ab. Die Forschungsergebnisse einer Reihe ausgewählter Studien werden genutzt, um die Heuristiken weiter zu spezifizieren. Es werden Erfahrungsregeln vorgestellt, wann, wie und warum Video in der universitären Lehrerbildung eingesetzt werden kann. Die Erfahrungsregeln sollen helfen, Stärken und Schwächen von Video als ein Medium zur Unterstützung des Lernens von Lehramtsstudierenden zu klären. (DIPF/Orig.

    Teaching Tip: developing an intercollegiate Twitter forum to aid student exam study and the development of digital professionalism

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    #VetFinals has been developed as a novel online Twitter teaching event designed to support intercollegiate veterinary teaching using social media. Previous studies in other fields have suggested that Twitter use within universities may have benefits for undergraduate education. This “teaching tip” paper describes a project using Twitter to host online exam study sessions. The project has been a highly successful collaborative effort between the Royal Veterinary College and Nottingham Veterinary School in the UK. Over 4 years, the #VetFinals project has developed into a long-term, self-sustaining enterprise. This initiative provides a semi-structured means for student exam preparation with direct real-time input from a faculty member. It also creates a network of peers both horizontally across institutions and vertically throughout year groups. Based on similar initiatives in other disciplines, an anticipated outcome of this project was to contribute to student online professionalism. This could help address the veterinary community's recently highlighted problems with professional conduct and appropriate use of social media. Analysis of the success of this endeavor will be available in a future publication

    The Use of Digital Video Annotation in Teacher Training: The Teachers’ Perspectives

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    The use of digital video offers interesting opportunities in teacher training, particularly the possibilities provided by video annotation, whereby people can add and share comments and opinions on the same videos, even from different places. This exploratory study aims to examine teachers’ perspectives of this technology, taking into account both their explicit and implicit evaluations. Different methods of using video annotation for training are compared, one based on its individual use, another supported by various types of tutorship. The data were collected and analysed first through a quantitative phase, followed by an in-depth qualitative phase. It is pointed out that to make this technology fully operational it is important to address the cultural and psychosocial aspects that control the emotional conditions which arise when one’s teaching behaviour is being observed and assessed
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