7,014 research outputs found

    Learning Models in Educational Game Interactions: A Review

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    Educational games have now been used as innovative media and teaching strategies to achieve more effective learning and have an impact that tends to be very good in the learning process. However, it is important to know and systematically prove that the application of the learning model in the interaction of educational games is indeed feasible to be adopted and has an effect. This paper aims to present empirical evidence of the current situation regarding the application of learning models in the flow of educational game interactions. The method used is a systematic literature review by adopting three main stages, namely: 1) Planning; 2) Implementation; 3) Reporting. Then recommend the ten steps in the systematic literature review process along with the selection process through the test-retest approach. The initial search obtained 1,405,310 papers, then go through the selection stage. The selection process took place at stage B1 with the number of papers that successfully passed 198, at the B2 selection stage there were 102 papers, and we focus 75 papers that have passed a fairly rigorous screening and selection process on the quality assessment process for primary studies, used to answer research objectives and questions. We can confirm and conclude that 75 papers have applied the learning model in educational game interactions. The dominating domain is Education, the type of game that dominates is Educational Game, for the most dominating subjects are Programming, Student Learning Motivation as the most dominating impact, Experimental Design as a trial technique, the most widely used evaluation instruments are Questionnaires and Tests, a population that dominates between 79-2,645 people, and 8 papers to support learning in vocational education

    Designing with Fantasy in Augmented Reality Games for Learning

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    Designing with Fantasy in Augmented Reality Games for Learning

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    Evaluating the Practicality of Android-Based Courseware in Enhancing Electrical Circuit Proficiency among Vocational Students

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    The evaluation and analysis of the practicality of Android-based courseware in enhancing vocational students’ understanding of electrical circuits (EC) is the primary focus of this research. A quantitative survey-based research approach was employed, utilizing the Practicality Assessment Instrument to evaluate the practicality level of the Android-based courseware among students. The collected data will undergo statistical analysis using descriptive analysis techniques. The practicality assessment results for each aspect will be calculated as a percentage and grouped into various categories. The findings reveal a high practicality level across different aspects, namely 90.19% for Availability and Accessibility, 89.88% for Performance and Responsiveness, 86.96% for Content Compatibility and Completeness, and 90.06% for Functionality and Resource Utilization. These outcomes demonstrate that the Android-based courseware serves as a highly practical learning medium for enhancing the understanding of electrical circuits. The integration of Android-based technology in the educational environment has proven to be effective and beneficial. These findings offer valuable insights for educators, instructional designers, and stakeholders to enhance modern learning environments. Future research can further investigate the impact of Android-based courseware on learning outcomes and explore additional practical dimensions to comprehensively evaluate its effectiveness

    Virtual Reality in Mathematics Education (VRiME):An exploration of the integration and design of virtual reality for mathematics education

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    This thesis explores the use of Virtual Reality (VR) in mathematics education. Four VR prototypes were designed and developed during the PhD project to teach equations, geometry, and vectors and facilitate collaboration.Paper A investigates asymmetric VR for classroom integration and collaborative learning and presents a new taxonomy of asymmetric interfaces. Paper B proposes how VR could assist students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in learning daily living skills involving basic mathematical concepts. Paper C investigates how VR could enhance social inclusion and mathematics learning for neurodiverse students. Paper D presents a VR prototype for teaching algebra and equation-solving strategies, noting positive student responses and the potential for knowledge transfer. Paper E investigates gesture-based interaction with dynamic geometry in VR for geometry education and presents a new taxonomy of learning environments. Finally, paper F explores the use of VR to visualise and contextualise mathematical concepts to teach software engineering students.The thesis concludes that VR offers promising avenues for transforming mathematics education. It aims to broaden our understanding of VR's educational potential, paving the way for more immersive learning experiences in mathematics education

    Game-Based Learning, Gamification in Education and Serious Games

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    The aim of this book is to present and discuss new advances in serious games to show how they could enhance the effectiveness and outreach of education, advertising, social awareness, health, policies, etc. We present their use in structured learning activities, not only with a focus on game-based learning, but also on the use of game elements and game design techniques to gamify the learning process. The published contributions really demonstrate the wide scope of application of game-based approaches in terms of purpose, target groups, technologies and domains and one aspect they have in common is that they provide evidence of how effective serious games, game-based learning and gamification can be

    Strata Managers and Educational Mishaps

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    In Australia, educational qualifications are a prescribed requirement for licensing within various occupations and professions, and each state and territory has varying degrees of educational aims and objectives. This research paper examines the minimum standards of education and knowledge, which are imposed as a pre-requisite for the licensing of a Strata Manager. The paper traces the historical progression which occurred during the last century to the current decade, and includes an assessment of societies changing needs of the role within the profession. In this regard, it is argued that the educational requirements during the mid 1990s to the early 2000s best served the needs of the consumer in comparison to these last 10 years. The discussion is complemented with data from New South Wales, mapping the educational knowledge fields and comparing this information to the duties and responsibilities of a Strata Manager

    Simulation-Based Countermeasures Towards Accident Prevention : Virtual Reality Utilization in Industrial Processes and Activities

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    Despite growing industrial interests in fully immersive virtual reality (VR) applications for safety countermeasures, there is scanty research on the subject in the context of accident prevention during manufacturing processes and plant maintenance activities. This dissertation aims to explore and experiment with VR for accident prevention by targeting three workplace safety countermeasures: fire evacuation drills, hazard identification and risk assessments (HIRA), and emergency preparedness and response (EPR) procedures. Drawing on the virtual reality accident causation model (VR-ACM) (i.e., 3D modelling and simulation, accident causation, and safety drills) and the fire evacuation training model, two industrial 3D simulation models were utilized for the immersive assessment and training. These were a lithium-ion battery (LIB) manufacturing factory and a gas power plant (GPP). In total, five studies (publications) were designed to demonstrate the potential of VR in accident prevention during the manufacturing processes and maintenance activities at the facility conceptual stages. Two studies were with the LIB factory simulation to identify inherent hazards and assess risks for redesigning the factory to ensure workplace safety compliance. The other three studies constituted fire hazard identifications, emergency evacuations and hazard control/mitigations during the maintenance activity in the GPP simulation. Both study models incorporated several participants individually immersed in the virtual realm to experience the accident phenomena intuitively. These participants provided feedback for assessing the research objectives. Results of the studies indicated that several inherent hazards in the LIB factory were identified and controlled/mitigated. Secondly, the GPP experiment results suggested that although the maintenance activity in the virtual realm increased the perception of presence, a statistically significant delay was recorded at the pre-movement stage due to the lack of situational safety awareness. Overall, the study demonstrates that participants immersed in a VR plant maintenance activity and manufacturing factory process simulation environments can experience real-time emergency scenarios and conditions necessary for implementing the essential safety countermeasures to prevent accidents.Vaikka kiinnostus virtuaalitodellisuuden (VR) käyttöön turvallisuuden varotoimissa teollisuudessa on kasvanut, tutkimuksia ei ole juurikaan tehty onnettomuuksien ehkäisystä valmistus- ja kunnossapitotoiminnassa. Tämän väitöskirjan tavoitteena on tutkia ja kokeilla VR:ää tapaturmien ehkäisyssä kohdistuen kolmeen työpaikan turvallisuuden varotoimeen: paloharjoitukset, riskien arvioinnit sekä hätätilanteiden valmiusmenettelyt ja toimintasuunnitelmat (EPR). Kokemuksellisessa ja uppouttavassa koulutuksessa hyödynnettiin kahta teollisuuden 3D-simulointimallia, jotka nojautuvat virtuaalitodellisuuden onnettomuuksien aiheutumismalliin (VR-ACM) (eli 3D-mallinnus- ja simulointi, onnettomuussyy- ja turvallisuuskoulutus) sekä paloharjoitusmalliin. Nämä 3D-simulointimallit ovat litiuminoniakkuja (LIB) valmistava tehdas, joka rakennettiin Visual Components 3D-simulointiohjelmistolla (versio 4.0) ja kaasuvoimala (GPP) Unrealin reaaliaikaisella pelimoottorilla (versio 4.2). Yhteensä viisi tutkimusta (julkaisua) suunniteltiin havainnollistamaan VR:n potentiaalia tapaturmien ehkäisyssä valmistusprosessin layout-suunnittelun ja tehtaan konseptivaiheissa tehtävän kunnossapidon aikana. Kaksi tutkimusta tehtiin LIB-tehdassimulaatiolla vaarojen tunnistamiseksi sekä riskien arvioimiseksi. Tutkimukset tehtiin tehtaan uudelleensuunnittelua varten, työturvallisuuden noudattamisen varmistamiseksi. Muut kolme tutkimusta käsittelevät palovaaran tunnistamista, hätäevakuointia ja riskien vähentämistä huoltotoiminnan aikana GPP-simulaatiossa. Molemmissa tutkimusmalleissa oli useita virtuaalimaailmaan uppoutuneita osallistujia, jotka saivat kokea onnettomuudet yksilöllisesti ja intuitiivisesti. Osallistujat antoivat palautetta kokeen jälkeisessä kyselyssä. Kyselyn tuloksien avulla LIB-tehtaassa tunnistettiin ja lievennettiin useita vaaroja. GPP-kokeilun tulokset viittasivat siihen, että vaikka ylläpitotoiminta virtuaalimaailmassa lisäsi teleläsnäoloa, tilastollisesti merkittävä viive kirjattiin liikettä edeltävässä vaiheessa turvallisuustietoisuuden puuteen vuoksi. Kaiken kaikkiaan tutkimus osoittaa, että VR-laitoksen kunnossapitotoimintaan ja tuotantotehtaan prosessisimulaatioympäristöihin uppoutuvat osallistujat voivat kokea reaaliaikaisia hätäskenaarioita ja olosuhteita, jotka ovat välttämättömiä olennaisten turvallisuustoimien toteuttamiseksi.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Education in Undergraduate Construction Management Degrees - Is it "Construction" or "Management" that is in bold type?

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    The proposition of this study is that the content of education in construction management degree programs has changed over time. Content has moved away from construction technology and has moved more towards generic areas of management. Here, issues arise such as prescriptive versus principle-base teaching and the degree to which experiential learning can be provided. This study explores quantifiable data to test the above proposition over an extended period of time for a selected University in Australia. The study looks at course handbook data for the construction management degree including the likes of assigned subject credit points and contact hours. From the analysis, debate and related sources of supporting information are used to extrapolate themes demonstrating the resultant changes in graduate profile arising from the analysis. Comment is also provided on the impact of such changes including the differentiation of university graduates in the past and present. The industry perspective is also canvassed in terms of how changes have affected their expectations relating to employment of University qualified graduates

    Ostrakinda: A Game-Based Learning Toolkit for Ancient Mediterranean Cities

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    The study develops the 'Ostrakinda' toolkit for teaching morphologies of ancient Mediterranean cities. The methodology consists of a triple structure involving design, play, and analysis phases. In the design phase, the level of interest and actual demands of students regarding game-based learning (GBL) and ancient cities were explored through pre-experiments. The play phase involved experimental studies conducted in courses and workshops, where both physical and digital toolkits were tested by a total of 331 students. The analysis phase aimed to evaluate the impact of the game by systematically addressing five research questions. The results of the paired t-test confirm a significant difference in scores before and after playing the game, thus validating the effectiveness of the proposed strategy. Additionally, Chi-square (X2) tests revealed significant relationships between the form of play and the level of abstraction in the game outputs. Individual and group experiences during gameplay were associated with various interactions, and group experiences particularly fostered competitive and collaborative learning. The extensive analysis using the GBL Design Scale, comprising ten critical factors (GBL-Fn), showed that the challenge factor (F8) had the weakest values, while fantasy (F5) and narrative (F6) had the highest values in the correlation matrix. Overall, the study contributes methodologically and contextually to the existing literature, offering valuable findings for the future development of similar strategies in architectural education. However, it is important to acknowledge the limitations of this interdisciplinary study, particularly with regards to technical, cognitive, and archaeological aspects. Nevertheless, the clear and effective structure of the game holds promise as a valuable tool for learning