7,744 research outputs found

    Enhancing surgical training by audio-visual simulation with hazard cognitive training and reflection tools: a design-based study in laparoscopic cholecystectomy

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    Abstract Background Surgical training has become more challenging in the UK with the reduction in training time and the reduced training opportunities, making every training opportunity precious. This study aims to address this curriculum challenge by enhancing surgical training and assessment in the surgical training environment. Methodology Using a design-based approach a two-step design was created. Step One involved creating an online, standalone, Cognitive Hazard Training module. It uses videos of real operations to mentally train candidates to recognise, anticipate and avoid hazards during the operation. An online example of this Module was created for laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The second design step was a Reflective Formative Assessment. The trainee and supervisor reviewed the trainee’s video-recording of a supervised-operation which involved reassessing the trainee’s performance to enhance feedback and reflection. Design feasibility was tested in the Northern Deanery training environment and the feasibility study was complemented by a theatre observation study to capture the details of the complex surgical training environment. Results The feasibility of this two-step design was tested with 2 experts, 32 trainees and 15 trainers. Trainee and trainer qualitative feedback was collected, via semi-structured interviews. Users’ feedback along with multiple additional data from the operation-recordings and video-review session were analysed and triangulated to improve the design and establish the feasibility and role of this style of video-review in the current surgical training. Observational data was also collected during live surgery in theatre to identify any factors affecting safety and training. Discussion This study has developed a novel approach to enhance surgical training, which has been tested and has received overwhelming support from both supervisors and their trainees. Cognitive Hazards Training steepened the learning curve and increased adherence to safety. The videoed operations were found to be an excellent teaching tool, which enhanced feedback and reflection. It increased trainees’ confidence and competence by tailoring the training to their individual needs. The success of this work forms the foundation for future development and testing of this new approach to surgical skills training in the UK

    Development and evaluation of flipped learning classes using film clips within a nursing informatics course

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    Aim: To develop flipped learning classes by using film clips for undergraduate nursing students in an online nursing informatics course, based on the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation model, and to evaluate the effectiveness and students’ responses to this method of teaching.Methods: Sixty-four second-year nursing students participated in the course. The nursing students’ knowledge was assessed at the beginning and end of each of the five classes. Moreover, their intention to recommend the classes to other students and additional comments were elicited by using semistructured questionnaires.Results: Knowledge about each core concept of nursing informatics reflected significant improvement. Regarding the intention to recommend the class to others, 62 (96.8%) students answered “strongly recommend” or “recommend.”Conclusion: Integrating flipped learning classes by using film clips in an online nursing informatics course improved the nursing students’ knowledge and is a format that is desired by students

    Computer Science's Digest Volume 2

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    This series of textbooks was created for the students of the Systems Engineering Program at the University of Nariño. They have been intentionally written in English to promote reading in a foreign language. The textbooks are a collection of reflections and workshops on specific situations in the field of computer science, based on the authors’ experiences. The main purpose of these textbooks is essentially academic. The way in which the reflections and workshops were constructed follows a didactic structure, to facilitate teaching and learning, making use of English as a second language. This book covers Internet and Multimedia Technology, System Analysis and Design, and Software Engineerin

    The impact of ICT in schools: Landscape review

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    Minding the Baby: The challenges of implementing a reflective functioning programme with high-risk families

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    Part 1: Literature Review: This section consists of a meta-analytic review examining the efficacy of video-feedback interventions aimed at promoting parental sensitivity and infant attachment. Outcomes from 18 RCTs contributing 20 intervention effects were examined. Results indicated that video-feedback interventions are efficacious in promoting parental sensitivity, infant attachment security and preventing infant attachment disorganisation. These findings suggest that video-feedback interventions may offer exciting potential for clinical practice. Part 2: Empirical Paper: The empirical paper reports on a qualitative study examining the challenges of implementing ‘Minding the Baby’ (MTB), a preventative parenting programme developed explicitly to promote secure parent-child attachment relationships. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 13 practitioners delivering the programme. Transcripts were analysed thematically and themes were organised into two domains relating to the challenges of implementation and the components of MTB which practitioners identified as being crucial in engaging mothers in reflective work. Results highlight the importance of designing and delivering services which support mentalisation throughout. In addition, a strong therapeutic relationship was identified to be crucial in engaging mothers in reflective work and in responding to the challenges of implementing a mentalisation-based parenting intervention. The study was conducted in collaboration with another UCL Clinical Psychology doctoral student, whose thesis examines parents’ experiences of the therapeutic process in MTB (Burns, 2014)

    Partners in learning : proceedings of the 12th annual Teaching and Learning Forum, Edith Cowan University, 11-12 February 2003

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    This publication of selected papers addressing the 12th Annual Teaching and Learning Forum theme of Partners in Learning provides an overview of the issues facing staff in higher education in Australia. The articles chosen for this post-forum publication provide innovative ideas that bring the opportunity to share and learn about teaching and learning into focus as lecturers consider ways to improve students’ learning and experiences in higher education through partnerships with them and with others. With the advent of Higher Education at the Crossroads by Federal Minister Brendan Nelson, it is evident that staff will face new challenges

    Web 2.0 technologies for learning: the current landscape – opportunities, challenges and tensions

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    This is the first report from research commissioned by Becta into Web 2.0 technologies for learning at Key Stages 3 and 4. This report describes findings from an additional literature review of the then current landscape concerning learner use of Web 2.0 technologies and the implications for teachers, schools, local authorities and policy makers


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    isr@bucknell was a newsletter published by Bucknell University\u27s Information Services and Resources department (later Library and Information Technology). The publication served the community by providing software, project, and service updates. Regular features included a letter from the Associate Vice President for Information Services and Resources, the Ask ISR column, and featured ISR web pages. This issue includes the following articles: New Staff, C-D Rom Burning, Student Voicemail, Optimize with Opscan, Tolhurst Butler\u27s Gift, The Tortoise and the Hare, and JSTOR

    Feeling Insecure? : Stadi Derby: Football Hooligans, Spectators, Bystanders and General Public

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    Tarkastelen pro gradu -tutkimuksessani miten eri ryhmät: tavalliset katsojat, sivulliset – kuten ohikulkijat – ja suuri yleisö suhtautuvat Helsingissä pelattavien jalkapallon miesten pääsarjatason paikallisotteluiden yhteydessä tapahtuviin häiriötilanteisiin. Näiden ryhmien lisäksi tapahtumin osallistuu myös ultria, eli intohimoisesti joukkueeseensa suhtautuvia katsojia sekä pieni määrä huligaaneja, jotka aiheuttavat varsinaiset häiriötilanteet. Eri ryhmien suhtautumisen lisäksi tarkastelen, miten kansainvälisen politiikan tutkimuksessa alkunsa saanut turvallistamisteoria toimii kansatieteellisessä eli etnologisessa tutkimuksessa, kun tutkimuskohteena on paikallinen tapahtuma. Lisäksi tarkoitukseni on saada selville, miten Facebook-yhteisöpalvelua voi käyttää aineistonkeruuvälineenä kansatieteellisessä tutkimuksessa. Tarkastelun kohteena olevia otteluja kutsutaan nimellä Stadin derby. Otteluissa pelaa kaksi perinteistä jalkapalloseuraa, Helsingin Jalkapalloklubi (HJK) ja HIFK. Jälkimmäisen noustua pääsarjatasolle saatiin Helsinkiin pitkään odotetut paikallisottelut, jotka aiheuttavat joukkueiden kannattajissa suuria tunteita. Otteluiden myötä tulivat myös häiriötilanteet – suuren maailman jalkapallokulttuuri saapui Helsinkiin hyvässä ja pahassa. Tutkimusmateriaalini tulee useasta lähteestä: salaisesta Facebook-ryhmästä, ryhmähaastattelusta ja järjestäjien haastatteluista. Lisäksi käytän taustamateriaalina artikkeleita Yleisradiolta ja Ilta-Sanomilta. Facebookissa käytän materiaalin hankintaan ensin julkista tutkimussivua ja sen jälkeen salaista tutkimusryhmää. Odotetusti – sosiaalisen median nykyilmapiirin vuoksi – en saanut ensimmäisessä vaiheessa vastauksia tutkimuskysymyksiini. Esitin ryhmässä seitsemän kysymystä, joista kolmen yhteyteen liitin joko artikkelin tai videon tapahtumista. Käytän tutkimuksessa kriittistä diskurssianalyysiä ja lähilukua eri aineistojen analysoimisessa. Näiden ohella käytän apunani tunteisiin liittyvää teoreettista keskustelua. Kaikki ryhmässä vastanneet tuomitsevat huliganismin Osassa tapahtumat aiheuttavat jopa raivoa, pelkoa ja vihaa. Moni ilmoitti, ettei halua lähteä tällaisissa tilanteissa stadionille katsomaan pelejä. Facebook-ryhmän aineiston avulla tuli selkeästi esiin, että lajia ja itse derbyjä tuntevat suhtautuivat häiriötilanteisiin tyynemmin. Osa heistä on ollut derbyissä, eivätkä he olleet kokeneet oloaan turvattomaksi. Tutkimusaineiston ja vastaajien kirjoittamien tunteiden ja näkemysten avulla pystyy myös jäljittämään derbyihin liittyviä turvallistamisen mekanismeja. Yllättävää on, että voimakkaimmin turvallistamista tuottavat media ja lajia tuntemattomat eli ulkopuoliset, eivätkä toimijat, joilla on asemansa vuoksi valta tehdä päätöksiä tilanteen rauhoittamiseksi. Tutkielman kieli on englanti. Sivumäärä 63 + liitteet