11 research outputs found

    Evaluación de una experiencia de aprendizaje móvil en educación a distancia

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    Introducción El uso de dispositivos móviles en el ámbito educativo ha experimentado un aumento significativo en los últimos años (Gan y Balakrishnan, 2017). De forma particular, ha crecido exponencialmente a raíz de la irrupción del COVID-19 (Aguilera-Hermida et al., 2021; Grant, 2019). Es necesario evaluar la aplicación de los dispositivos móviles en entornos educativos para conocer su grado de efectividad. Presentamos el análisis de una experiencia piloto en la que evaluamos, cuantitativamente y a través de varias medidas, una experiencia de aprendizaje móvil en educación superior a distancia. Para ello, aplicamos el aprendizaje móvil a través de Telegram en dos cursos de grado (N = 47) y evaluamos engagement académico, satisfacción con la formación, transferencia personal y conocimiento adquirido. Se propone aplicar la prueba de Wilcoxon para muestras relacionadas. El proyecto se encuentra en desarrollo. La recogida de datos finaliza en junio de 2022 y los datos serán presentados en las IV Jornadas InnovaUdima con Tecnología Educativa (JIUTE 2022). Este estudio arrojará resultados preliminares para la evaluación de la aplicación de los móviles en docencia universitaria a distancia. Se recomienda aumentar la muestra y utilizar diseños experimentales que permitan establecer relaciones causales. Objetivos El objetivo general del estudio es evaluar una experiencia de aprendizaje móvil en educación universitaria a distancia. Para ello se propusieron cuatro preguntas de investigación (PI): ¿Tenemos indicios de que el aprendizaje móvil produce un aumento en: (PI1) el engagement académico, (PI2) la satisfacción con la formación, (PI3) la transferencia personal y (PI4) el conocimiento adquirido de los alumnos? Método Estrategia de investigación Enmarcada en la corriente postpositivista (Hammersley, 2019), se presentan los resultados de una experiencia piloto de aplicación del aprendizaje móvil en docencia universitaria a distancia, en la que se toman medidas pre y post sin grupo control, y en la que se analizan los resultados de forma cuantitativa. Participantes Los participantes fueron alumnos de dos asignaturas de grado de la Universidad a Distancia de Madrid que habían dado su consentimiento informado para participar en la investigación (N = 47). Las variables (engagement académico, satisfacción con la formación, transferencia personal y conocimiento adquirido) fueron medidas de manera previa y posterior a la aplicación de las actividades. Instrumentos El engagement académico fue medido a través del Cuestionario de Engagement Académico (EQ) (Belando et al., 2012; Schaufeli et al., 2002). La satisfacción con la actividad fue medida a través de la dimensión de satisfacción con la actividad del cuestionario de Factores de Predicción de la Transferencia (FPT) (González-Ortiz-de-Zárate et al., 2020). La transferencia personal fue medida a través de un instrumento de reciente creación en base a los últimos desarrollos teóricos en medida multidimensional de la transferencia (Ford et al., 2019; Stewart et al., 2008, 2020). La escala fue elaborada por el Grupo de Investigación Efi (de eficacia de la formación), en colaboración con una de las autoras de este proyecto. El conocimiento adquirido se midió a través de preguntas de desarrollo cortas para las que los alumnos tenían entre cinco y diez líneas para elaborar su contestación. Elaboramos esta prueba en base a los contenidos trabajados en las actividades realizadas a través del dispositivo móvil. Procedimientos Los participantes realizaron dos actividades didácticas a través del dispositivo móvil utilizando la aplicación Telegram. A través de esta aplicación, la profesora explicaba conceptos teóricos de manera breve siguiendo los criterios pedagógicos del microaprendizaje (Alqurashi, 2017). Los alumnos participaban activamente en la actividad respondiendo a los comentarios de la profesora a través de mensajes de audio y escritos. Cada actividad tuvo una duración de 3 semanas, transcurridas las cuales los estudiantes recopilaban las intervenciones de la profesora y las suyas propias, y las enviaban de forma escrita a través del buzón de entrega correspondiente del aula virtual. Resultados Los resultados serán analizados a través de la prueba de Wilcoxon o de la prueba de Yuen para para muestras relacionadas, en función de la distribución obtenida para los datos. Conclusiones Este estudio presentará resultados preliminares para la evaluación de la aplicación de los móviles en docencia universitaria a distancia. Los resultados podrán ser utilizados por docentes en instituciones educativas para tomar decisiones relacionadas con la inclusión del dispositivo móvil como vía de aprendizaje. Se recomienda aumentar la muestra en diferentes contextos y utilizar diseños experimentales que permitan establecer relaciones causales.II Convocatoria de Ayudas a Proyectos de Innovación Educativa de la Universidad a Distancia de Madrid2022-2


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    Since English becomes a compulsory subject in primary school, classroom interaction becomes crucial in English as Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms in order to enhance learners’ communication skills, especially in English Young Learners (EYL) context. The result of classroom interaction analysis between English teacher and learners is beneficial to support the importance of learning English in Indonesian primary school curriculum. Thus, this study was employed as a depiction to portray classroom interaction between teacher and young learners in a private primary school using Flanders Interaction Analysis Categories System (FIACS). The case study approach is used to investigate the interaction between an English teacher and fifth graders through classroom observation and interview. The result yielded that all categories of teacher talk, student talk, and silence appeared during the learning process. However, teacher talk dominated the classroom interaction with the amount of 59.91% in all four meetings. In addition, the category of giving direction became the most dominant category of teacher talk and student talk-response became the most dominant category of student talk. It is in line with the result of matrix analysis which showed that giving direction and asking questions are used to create the pattern of teaching behavior which included ice breaking, watching learning video, small-group discussion, and ended with individual assignment. To conclude, the balance of teacher talk and student talk is suggested by giving direction and asking questions to obtain learner’s responses as attempts of enhancing learner’s engagement in the learning process

    The Impact of New Technologies on Learning: A Literature review on Mobile Collaborative Learning

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    Mobile Collaborative Learning (MCL) has recently caught the attention of the research community because of its potential impact on improving learners\u27 effectiveness and performance. Nevertheless, to be really effective, the potential of MCL-based solutions is still largely unexplored, as well as further research is needed to develop improved learning environments. This literature review aims to discuss the possible impact of MCL, looking at a number of typical parameters, such as user satisfaction, perceived ease-of-use, perceived usefulness, impact on the affective and cognitive domain, and perceived enjoyment. The literature review has pointed out that, by adopting the MCL approach, learners improve their motivation, as well as their cognitive skills. It points out a positive impact also at an affective level. Additionally, we found that MCL currently targets education at any level, including university and school level. Last but not least, it seems to positively affect also learning outcomes, namely learners’ performance. On the negative side, the study found a lack of research attention on possible difficulties, constraints, and barriers. Finally, learning environments are expected to become more and more sophisticated in the next future (e.g. by using augmented reality), and mobile technology is expected to play an even more relevant rol

    Perceived Effects of COVID-19 Crisis on Budget Consumption of Filipino Families

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    This study was conducted to determine the effects of the COVID19 crisis on the Budget Consumption of Filipino Families during the Enhanced Community Quarantine in some regions of Luzon, the Philippines, using the descriptive-inferential research methods. 237 Filipino families were the respondents of this study. It determined the families' profile, daily spending, and its test of significant difference before and during the Luzon-Wide Enhanced Community lockdown; the perceived effects of COVID19 Crisis on Budget Consumption; and its test of significant difference. It was revealed that: majority came from Region 5, from a family with 1 or more family members are government employee, student, with only one family member is working with irregular source of income, with an average combined monthly income of less than P10,000, and living together with 4-6 persons at home; the average daily consumption of the respondents before and during COVID19 crisis was within P100.00-P500.00; there was a highly significant difference in the daily spending of Families before and during Luzon-Wide Enhanced Community lockdown; they Moderately Agree that  Food consumption expenses; quantity of consumption of goods; income supplements were affected; and realized the importance of savings; they Agree that the COVID19 crisis changed their budget consumption preferences;  and Fairly Agree that they incurred loans and borrowings due to the Luzon-Wide Enhanced Community lockdown; there were significant difference on the Perceived Effects of COVID19 Crisis on Budget Consumption of Filipino Families among the regions, source of income and average combined monthly income of the family

    Using design-based research to develop a Mobile Learning Framework for Assessment Feedback

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    Students’ lack of engagement with their assessment feedback and the lack of dialogue and communication for feedback are some of the issues that affect educational institutions. Despite the affordance that mobile technologies could bring in terms of assessment feedback, research in this area is scarce. The main obstacle for research on mobile learning assessment feedback is the lack of a cohesive and unified mobile learning framework. This paper thus presents a Mobile Learning Framework for Assessment Feedback (MLFAF), developed using a design-based research approach. The framework emerged from the observation of, and reflection upon, the different stages of a research project that investigated the use of a mobile web application for summative and formative assessment feedback. MLFAF can be used as a foundation to study the requirements when developing and implementing wide-scale mobile learning initiatives that underpin longitudinal practices, as opposed to short-term practices. The paper also provides design considerations and implementation guidelines for the use of mobile technology in assessment feedback to increase student engagement and foster dialogic feedback communication channels

    Enhancing classroom interaction via IMMAP – An Interactive Mobile Messaging App

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    Large classes are prevalent in many higher learning institutions. Drawbacks of large classes over smaller ones include the reduction of quality student-lecturer interactions, and prevalence of teacher-centered approach to learning. Given these constraints, using mobile messaging apps can ease student-lecturer interactions beyond those attainable in face to face classes. As such, the main proposition of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of using an Interactive Mobile Messaging App (IMMAP) in classrooms of higher education for supporting student-lecturer interactions. The key predictors identified from the Interactive Mobile Messaging Acceptance model were used as a guide to design and develop IMMAP. The predictors are perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, self-efficacy, enjoyment, system quality, information quality, and uncertainty avoidance The pretest-posttest design where participants are studied before and after the experiment concluded was used in this study. Students’ perceptions of IMMAP in relation to their adoption intention were obtained using both pretest and posttest surveys. A total of 38 students from two different courses evaluated IMMAP. Findings revealed significant changes on a number of indicators. Uncertainty avoidance level decreased significantly (higher positive score) from pretest to posttest, while system quality increased. In terms of enjoyment, a significant decrease was observed from pretest to posttest. Adoption intention of IMMAP saw a significant increase. The findings reflect students’ readiness to use IMMAP in the classrooms to interact with their lecturers. Therefore, investing in the development of mobile messaging apps has the potential to improve the quality of student-lecturer interactions in the classrooms

    Imssap: after-school interactive mobile learning student support application

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Bu araştırmada, dünya çapında m-öğrenme geliştirme sürecine giriyoruz. M-öğrenme aracımızı tasarlarken sosyal ve pedagojik faktörler kullanılmaktadır. Popülerlik odaklı bir kültürde, kullanıcılar arasındaki etkileşim tartışmaları zenginleştirir ve bilgi paylaşımını teşvik eder. Uygulama android yazılım geliştirme seti ve java programlama dili kullanılarak tasarlandı ve oluşturuldu. Google bulut depolama, verileri kaydetmek için gerçek zamanlı bir veritabanı altyapısı kullanıldı. Test ve geribildirim için Sakarya Üniversitesi, Türkiye. Anket tanıtılmadan önce, öğrenme sürecinin kavramı tartışılmıştır. Uygulamayı kullandıktan sonra, öğrenciler anketi cevapladılar. Anket üç ana noktayı yansıtıyordu: performans, kazanç ve mobil öğrenmenin kabulünü etkileyen sosyal faktörler. Popülerlik, öğrencileri mobil öğrenmeyi benimsemeye teşvik eden en önemli faktörlerden biridir. Anahtar Kelimeler: mühendislik, eğitim, etkileşimli yazılım, sınıf gösterimi, lisans eğitimi.In this research, we are engaging in the process of developing m-learning around the world. Social and pedagogical factors are being used while designing our m- learning tool. In a popularity-driven culture, interaction between users enriches discussions and promotes knowledge share. The application was designed and created using android software development kit and java programming language. Google cloud storage a real-time database infrastructure was used to save data. The application was offered to students in different majors in engineering departments in Sakarya University, Turkey, for testing and feedback. Before conducting the questionnaire we introduced mobile learning concept to students and explained its importance in their own learning process. After using the application, students answered the questionnaire. The questionnaire reflected three major points: performance, gain and the social factors effecting mobile learning acceptance. Popularity is one of the top factors that motivated learners to adopt mobile learning. Keywords: Engineering, Education, Interactive Software, classroom Demonstration, Undergraduate Education

    Measuring Mobile Collaborative Learning and academic achievement : whatsapp and students in South Africa

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    Mobile learning has developed into an essential component within the education landscape and, with two billion users worldwide, the social media platform WhatsApp has become a prominent feature in this domain. Nevertheless, with ambiguity in the literature about the effects of WhatsApp on teaching and learning and especially a paucity of research measuring collaboration on WhatsApp in relation to students’ academic achievement. The purpose of the study was to explain and predict WhatsApp’s effect on academic achievement using a quantitative questionnaire. The results suggest that increased collaboration on WhatsApp may improve academic achievement. Additionally, improving other aspects, such as active learning, trust, support, formality, interaction and interdependence, may enhance collaboration and, in turn, improve academic achievement. The study has value by providing measurable scientific evidence about the effects of WhatsApp on learning that can be incorporated into the design of teaching and learning activities with WhatsApp to improve academic achievement.Uhlelo lokufunda uhamba (Mobile learning) selikhule ladlondlobala laba yisigaba esibalulekile ngaphansi komkhakha wemfundo kanti, lolu hlelo selunabasebenzisi abangamabhiliyoni amabili emhlabeni wonke jikelele, uhlelo lwenkundla yezokuxhumana komphakathi lwe-WhatsApp seluyinkanyezi egqamile kulesi sizinda. Yize-kunjalo, kukhona okungacaci kahle mayelana nombhalo wobuciko kwimiphumela yohlelo lwe-WhatsApp mayelana nokufundisa kanye nokufunda, kanti ikakhulu, uhlelo lwezocwaningo olulinganisa izinga lokusebenzisana kohlelo lwe-WhatsApp okumayelana nokuphumelela kwabafundi kwizifundo zabo. Inhloso yalolu cwaningo kwaye kuwukuchaza kanye nokuhlahla umphumela wohlelo lwe-WhatsApp kwezemfundo, ngokusebenzisa uhlelo locwaningo lwemibuzo egxile kumanani (quantitative questionnaire) . Imiphumela iphakamisa ukuthi izinga lokusbenzisana ohlelweni lwe-WhatsApp lungathuthukisa umphumela wezemfundo. Ngaphezu kwalokho, lungathuthukisa ezinye izinhlaka, ezinjengohlelo lokufunda olumatasa. Lungaletha ukwethembana, ukuxhasana, ukwenza izinto ngendlela esemthethweni, lungaletha ukuxoxisana kanye nokusebenzisana kwangaphakathi, lungaqinisa ukusebenzisana, kanti ngakolunye uhlangothi, lungaletha impumelelo kwezemfundo. Ucwaningo lubalulekile ngoba lunikeza ubufakazi bezesayensi obulinganisekayo mayelana nemithelela yohlelo lwe-WhatsApp ohlelweni lokufunda, okuwuhlelo olungafakwa ngaphansi kohlelo lokudizayina imisebenzi yohlelo lokufunda nokufundisa ku-WhatsApp ukuthuthukisa ukwenza ngcono imiphumela yezemfundo.Mobiele leer het in ’n noodsaaklike komponent van die onderwyslandskap ontwikkel en met twee miljard gebruikers wêreldwyd, het die sosiale mediaplatform WhatsApp ’n prominente kenmerk van hierdie domein geword. Nogtans bestaan daar dubbelsinnigheid in die letterkunde oor die uitwerking van WhatsApp op onderrig en leer, en is daar veral ’n gebrek aan navorsing wat die samewerking op WhatsApp in verhouding tot die studente se akademiese prestasies meet. Die doel van hierdie studie was om WhatsApp se uitwerking op akademiese prestasie aan die hand van ’n kwantitatiewe vraelys te verduidelik en te voorspel. Die resultate stel voor dat ’n groter mate van samewerking op WhatsApp akademiese prestasie kan verbeter. Dit kan ook ander aspekte soos aktiewe leer, vertroue, ondersteuning, formaliteit, interaksie en onderlinge afhanklikheid verbeter en kan samewerking verhoog, wat op sy beurt akademiese prestasie kan verbeter. Die studie is waardevol in die sin dat dit meetbare, wetenskaplike bewyse oor die uitwerking van WhatsApp op leer verskaf het, wat by die ontwerp van onderrig- en leeraktiwiteite geïnkorporeer kan word om akademiese prestasie te verbeter.School of ComputingM. Tech. (Information Technology

    The use of mobile devices to improve teaching and learning in distance education in Namibia

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    English, with abstracts in English, Afrikaans and ZuluODL institutions have adopted the use of mobile devices for teaching and learning. mLearning is an emerging area of distance education that enables lecturers and students to access course content with their mobile devices from anywhere, at any time. The purpose of this study of limited scope was to determine the use of mobile devices for teaching and learning at Namibian open and distance learning institutions. The study focused on the two public ODL institutions in Namibia, namely, the Namibian University of Science and Technology (NUST) - Centre of Open and Lifelong Learning (COLL) and the Namibian College of Open Learning (NAMCOL). To achieve this, a literature study and an empirical investigation were conducted. A mixed-method research approach was applied and included a research sample of 12 lecturers and 12 students from two ODL institutions. Data were collected through questionnaires and semi-structured individual interviews. The research data were studied, analysed and validated. The results of this study showed that lecturers and students are making use of mobile devices for accessing the Learning Management System (LMS)/Moodle. Although the lecturers and students displayed positive attitudes towards the use of mobile devices for teaching and learning, very little has been achieved in the effective use of mobile devices. The study identified challenges that hamper the effective use of mobile devices, such as lack of knowledge in mobile applications for teaching and learning, insufficient storage capacity, opening of applications are sometimes slow, screen size of the mobile devices, as well as lack of access to WIFI and limited/no access to electricity. The study proposed recommendations for considerations to the lecturers, ODL institutions and the Ministry of Higher Education, as well as suggestions for future research.OAO-instellings het die gebruik van mobiele toestelle vir onderrig en leer aanvaar. mLeer is 'n ontluikende terrein van afstandsonderrig wat dosente en leerders in staat stel om toegang tot kursusinhoud deur middel van hul mobiele toestelle te verkry, vanaf enige plek en op enige tyd. Die doel van hierdie studie van beperkte omvang was om die gebruik van mobiele toestelle by Namibiese oop- en afstandsleerinstellings te bepaal. Die studie het op twee openbare OAO-instellings in Namibië gefokus, naamlik die Namibian University of Science and Technology (NUST) – Centre of Open and Lifelong Learning (COLL), en die Namibian College of Open Learning (NAMCOL). Met die oog hierop is 'n literatuurstudie en 'n empiriese ondersoek onderneem. 'n Gemengdemetode-navorsingsbenadering is toegepas, wat 'n navorsingsteekproef van 12 dosente en 12 studente van die twee OAO-instellings ingesluit het. Data is deur middel van vraelyste en semi-gestruktureerde individuele onderhoude ingewin. Die navorsingsdata is toe bestudeer, ontleed en gevalideer. Die resultate van hierdie studie het getoon dat dosente en studente van mobiele toestelle gebruik maak om toegang tot die leerbestuurstelsel (LBS), naamlik Moodle, te verkry. Alhoewel die dosente en student positiewe houdings jeens die gebruik van mobiele toestelle vir onderrig en leer getoon het, is bitter min bereik in die effektiewe gebruik van mobiele toestelle vir onderrig en leer. Die studie het enkele uitdagings identifiseer wat die effektiewe gebruik van mobiele toestelle belemmer, soos 'n gebrek aan kennis van mobiele toepassings vir onderrig en leer, onvoldoende bergingskapasiteit, toepassings wat stadig oopmaak, die beperkte skermgrootte van die mobiele toestelle, asook die gebrek aan toegang tot WiFi en beperkte of geen toegang tot elektrisiteit. Die studie het aanbevelings aan die hand gedoen vir oorweging deur die dosente, OAO-instellings en die Ministerie Van Hoër Onderwys, asook voorstelle vir toekomstige navorsing.Izikhungo ze-ODL zamukele ukusetshenziswa kwamathuluzi axhunywa ku-inthanethi ukufundisa nokufunda. I-mLearning yindawo evelayo yemfundo yebanga eyenza abafundisi nabafundi bakwazi ukufinyelela kokuqukethwe kwezifundo ngamathulusi wabo axhunywa ku-inthanethi kunoma iyiphi indawo futhi nganoma yisiphi isikhathi. Inhloso yalolu cwaningo lobubanzi obunqunyelwe kwakuwukuthola ukusetshenziswa kwamathuluzi axhunywa ku-inthanethi ekufundiseni nasekufundeni ezikhungweni zokufunda ezivulekile nezebanga zaseNamibia. Ucwaningo belugxile ezikhungweni ezimbili zomphakathi ze-ODL eNamibia, okuyiMfundo Ephakeme yeSayensi noBuchwepheshe eNamibia (NUST) - Isikhungo Sokufunda Okuvulekile Nokufunda Impilo Yonke (COLL) kanye neKholiji Lokufunda Okuvulekile eNamibia (NAMCOL). Kuze kube manje, kwenziwa ucwaningo lwemibhalo kanye nophenyo olusebenzisa ubufakazi obuqinisekisiwe ukuze kutholakale imiphumela yocwaningo. Kusetshenziswe indlela yocwaningo oluxubile, olufake isampula yocwaningo lwabafundisi abangu-12 nabafundi abayi-12 abavela ezikhungweni ezimbili ze-ODL. Imininingwane yaqoqwa ngemibuzo nangezingxoxo zomuntu ngamunye ezihlelwe kahle. Imininingwane yocwaningo yabe seyifundwa, yahlaziywa yaqinisekiswa. Imiphumela yalolu cwaningo ikhombise ukuthi abafundisi nabafundi basebenzisa amathuluzi axhunywa ku-inthanethi ukufinyelela ohlelweni lokuphathwa kokufunda (i-LMS), okuyiMoodle. Yize abafundisi nabafundi bekhombisa izimo ezinhle maqondana nokusetshenziswa kwamathuluzi axhunywa ku-inthanethi ekufundiseni nasekufundeni, kuncane kakhulu okuzuziwe ekusetshenzisweni ngempumelelo kwamathuluzi axhunywa ku-inthanethi ekufundiseni nasekufundeni. Ucwaningo luveze ezinye izinselelo eziphazamisa ukusetshenziswa ngempumelelo kwamathuluzi axhunywa ku-inthanethi, njengokuntuleka kolwazi lwezinhlelo zokusebenza kwamathuluzi axhunywa ku-inthanethi okufundisa nokufunda, amandla okugcina anganele, ukuvulwa kancane kwezinto zokusebenza, usayizi olinganiselwe wento eyisicaba yethulusi elixhunywa ku-inthanethi, kanye nokuntuleka ukufinyelela ku-WiFi nokufinyelela okulinganiselwe noma okungenawo ugesi. Ucwaningo luphakamise izincomo ezizocutshungulwa ngabafundisi, izikhungo ze-ODL noMnyango Wezemfundo Ephezulu, kanye neziphakamiso zocwaningo oluzayo.Curriculum and Instructional StudiesM. Ed. (Open Distance Learning

    Die ontwerp van ’n model vir ’n toepassing vir Afrikaanse uitspraak in ’n taakgebaseerde leer-en-onderrigprogram

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    Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study focuses on designing a pronunciation application model for students of the modules Afrikaanse Taalverwerwing (Afrikaans Language Acquisition) 178 and Afrikaanse Taalverwerwing 278 of the Department Afrikaans and Dutch at Stellenbosch University. The ultimate purpose of this application is to serve as a supporting aid outside of the classroom to help students improve their Afrikaans pronunciation (segmental features). In the current presentation of the task-based language learning and teaching approach, pronunciation does not receive sufficient attention since the primary focus of task-based language learning and teaching is meaning. Furthermore, classroom time for ensuring listener-friendly pronunciation is limited. Participants in this study confirmed this statement in their answers to the questionnaire. This time limit prevents students from improving their pronunciation to listener-friendly pronunciation. This is one of the main reasons for the decision to design a pronunciation application model. The theoretical framework for the design of the study is supported by mobile-assisted language learning, with specific reference to the principles for the development and implementation of mobile-assisted teaching by Stockwell and Hubbard (2013); guidelines for a user-friendly user interface by Clearbridge Mobile (2020) and user experience by Babich (2018); the gamification model by Huang and Soman (2013); the guidelines for pronunciation teaching (Smith and Conti, 2016 and Conti, 2016) and the guidelines for ethical gamification as proposed by Rootman-Le Grange, Barnard and Adams (2016). I used a mixed-methods approach. Observations and deductions were made from the data recorded in the form of answers to the questionnaire, as well as from sound recordings and previous studies. The use of these sources ensured triangulation and therefore increased the validity and credibility of the findings. Twenty-two students participated in this study The participants first completed a questionnaire. The aim of the questionnaire was to determine the participants’ needs and opinions with regards to their pronunciation, while also investigating their cell phone and application usage. Data on the participants’ language background were also collected in this way. Sound recording data was used in conjunction with the questionnaire data in order to determine which sounds are not pronounced as listener-friendly. The contribution of this study includes, among others, a user-centred pronunciation application model that can be used by all interested parties. Furthermore, guidelines for the execution of a needs analysis for the design of a pronunciation application is provided. A list of sounds that can help foreign language speakers of Afrikaans with their pronunciation is also provided. The study discusses how games can help students become aware of pronunciation differences between their first language and their target language. Other findings include participants’ language priorities, preferences and needs for a pronunciation application. In addition, the study reports on Afrikaans sounds that English-speaking students do not pronounce as listener-friendly. These findings can be applied in the foreign-language learning classroom as well as in the mobile-assisted language learning field.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie fokus op die ontwerp van ’n uitspraaktoepassingsmodel vir studente van die modules Afrikaanse Taalverwerwing 178 en Afrikaanse Taalverwerwing 278 van die Departement Afrikaans en Nederlands aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch. Die uiteindelike doel van dié toepassing is om as ekstra hulpmiddel buite die klaskamer gebruik te word om studente te help om hulle Afrikaanse uitspraak (segmentele eienskappe) te verbeter. In die huidige aanbieding van taakgebaseerde leer en onderrig kan studente nie genoegsame aandag aan die uitspraak van ’n taal skenk nie omdat die benadering primêr op betekenis fokus. Verder is tyd in die klaskamer beperk om luistervriendelike uitspraak by studente te bewerkstellig. Dié stelling is deur die deelnemers aan hierdie studie tydens hulle behoefte-analise bevestig. Dit lei daartoe dat studente se uitspraak nie verbeter tot luistervriendelike uitspraak nie. Dit is een van die redes wat gelei het tot die besluit om ’n uitspraaktoepassingsmodel te ontwerp. Die teoretiese begronding vir die ontwerp van die toepassingsmodel steun op mobielgesteunde taalonderrig, met spesifieke verwysing na die beginsels vir die ontwikkeling en implementering van mobielgesteunde onderrig van Stockwell en Hubbard (2013: 8-9); die riglyne vir ’n gebruikersvriendelike gebruikerskoppelvlak deur Clearbridge Mobile (2020) en gebruikerservaring deur Babich (2018); die spelifiëringmodel van Huang en Soman (2013: 7-14); die riglyne vir uitspraakonderrig van Conti (Smith en Conti, 2016: 27 en Conti, 2016) en die riglyne vir etiese spelifiëring soos voorgestel deur Rootman-Le Grange, Barnard en Adams (2016: 1). Daar word gebruik gemaak van ’n gemengdemetodebenadering. Waarnemings en afleidings word uit die vraelys- en klankopname-data asook uit vorige studies gemaak. Die gebruik van dié metodes om data in te samel bewerkstellig triangulasie en verhoog daardeur die geldigheid en die betroubaarheid van die bevindings. Twee-en-twintig studente het aan die studie deelgeneem. Die deelnemers het eerstens ’n vraelys voltooi. Die vraelys het ten doel gehad om te bepaal wat studente se behoeftes en menings is met verwysing na uitspraak en hulle selfoon- en toepassingsgebruik. Data oor die studente se taalagtergrond is ook hierdeur ingesamel. Die data van die klankopnames is gebruik in oorleg met die data in die vraelys om te bepaal watter klanke nieluistervriendelik uitgespreek word. Die bydrae van hierdie studie sluit onder meer in ’n gebruikersgerigte uitspraaktoepassingsmodel wat deur alle belangstellendes gebruik kan word. Hierby word riglyne vir ’n behoefte-analise met betrekking tot die ontwerp van ’n toepassing vir uitspraak voorsien. ’n Lys klanke vir tweedetaalsprekers van Afrikaans wat vir hulle leiding gee oor hoe om Afrikaanse klanke uit te spreek, word ook verskaf. Daar word ook bespreek hoe speletjies studente kan help om hulle bewus te maak van uitspraakverskille tussen hulle eerste taal en hulle teikentaal. Bevindings word gemaak oor onder meer studente se taalprioriteite; hulle voorkeure en vereistes vir ’n uitspraaktoepassing; Afrikaanse klanke wat Engelssprekende studente nieluistervriendelik uitspreek en opmerkings daaroor. Dié bevindings kan toegepas word in die tweedetaalaanleerklaskamer asook in die veld van mobielgesteunde taalaanleer.Doctora