1 research outputs found

    Prototipe Lampu Lalu Lintas Dengan Pewaktuan Adaptif

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    This prototype working with the video recording of cameras that processed by OpenCV on Mini PC (Open Source Computer Vision Library) is a software that aims to process data in real-time, made by Intel, the image processing method was worked with background substraction where the function is to identifying the moved object from the traffic (car, motorcylce, truck) then translated to unknown object with comparing frame per frame at the image. After the object was successfully identified, then the diffent of the object was taken, thresholding is happen at this process. From that threshold the object has been differentiated each other to determine the countors. After that, then the algoritm was implemented to get the indicator of the length of vehicle/traffic queue. From that indicator will be used for determine how long the duration of traffic light. The result of the data processed is time allocation then forward to processed by Arduino Uno that the function is to switch the light (red, yellow, green)