5 research outputs found

    A comparative approach to Question Answering Systems

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    In this paper I will analyze three different algorithms and approaches to implement Question Answering Systems (QA-Systems). I will analyze the efficiency, strengths, and weaknesses of multiple algorithms by explaining them in detail and comparing them with each other. The overarching aim of this thesis is to explore ideas that can be used to create a truly open context QA-System. Open context QA-Systems remain an open problem. The various algorithms and approaches presented in this work will be focused on complex questions. Complex questions are usually verbose and the context of the question is equally important to answer the query as is the question itself. Such questions represent an interesting problem in the field because they can be answered and written in a number of distinct ways. Also, the answer structure is not always the same and the QA-System needs to compensate for this. The analysis of complex questions differ between contexts. Contexts are the topic to which a complex question belongs, e.g. Biology, literature, etc… The analysis of the answer also differs according to the corpus used. Corpus is a set of documents, belonging to a specific context, where we can find the answer to a specified question. I will start by explaining various algorithms and approaches. I will then analyze its different parts. Finally, I will present some ideas on how to implement QA-Systems

    Enhancing QA systems with complex temporal question processing capabilities

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    This paper presents a multilayered architecture that enhances the capabilities of current QA systems and allows different types of complex questions or queries to be processed. The answers to these questions need to be gathered from factual information scattered throughout different documents. Specifically, we designed a specialized layer to process the different types of temporal questions. Complex temporal questions are first decomposed into simple questions, according to the temporal relations expressed in the original question. In the same way, the answers to the resulting simple questions are recomposed, fulfilling the temporal restrictions of the original complex question. A novel aspect of this approach resides in the decomposition which uses a minimal quantity of resources, with the final aim of obtaining a portable platform that is easily extensible to other languages. In this paper we also present a methodology for evaluation of the decomposition of the questions as well as the ability of the implemented temporal layer to perform at a multilingual level. The temporal layer was first performed for English, then evaluated and compared with: a) a general purpose QA system (F-measure 65.47% for QA plus English temporal layer vs. 38.01% for the general QA system), and b) a well-known QA system. Much better results were obtained for temporal questions with the multilayered system. This system was therefore extended to Spanish and very good results were again obtained in the evaluation (F-measure 40.36% for QA plus Spanish temporal layer vs. 22.94% for the general QA system).This paper has been partially supported by the Spanish government, project TIN-2006-15265-C06-01, and by the framework of the project QALL-ME, which is a 6th Framework Research Programme of the European Union (EU), contract number: FP6-IST-033860

    Open-domain web-based multiple document : question answering for list questions with support for temporal restrictors

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    Tese de doutoramento, Informática (Ciências da Computação), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2015With the growth of the Internet, more people are searching for information on the Web. The combination of web growth and improvements in Information Technology has reignited the interest in Question Answering (QA) systems. QA is a type of information retrieval combined with natural language processing techniques that aims at finding answers to natural language questions. List questions have been widely studied in the QA field. These are questions that require a list of correct answers, making the task of correctly answering them more complex. In List questions, the answers may lie in the same document or spread over multiple documents. In the latter case, a QA system able to answer List questions has to deal with the fusion of partial answers. The current Question Answering state-of-the-art does not provide yet a good way to tackle this complex problem of collecting the exact answers from multiple documents. Our goal is to provide better QA solutions to users, who desire direct answers, using approaches that deal with the complex problem of extracting answers found spread over several documents. The present dissertation address the problem of answering Open-domain List questions by exploring redundancy and combining it with heuristics to improve QA accuracy. Our approach uses the Web as information source, since it is several orders of magnitude larger than other document collections. Besides handling List questions, we develop an approach with special focus on questions that include temporal information. In this regard, the current work addresses a topic that was lacking specific research. A additional purpose of this dissertation is to report on important results of the research combining Web-based QA, List QA and Temporal QA. Besides the evaluation of our approach itself we compare our system with other QA systems in order to assess its performance relative to the state-of-the-art. Finally, our approaches to answer List questions and List questions with temporal information are implemented into a fully-fledged Open-domain Web-based Question Answering System that provides answers retrieved from multiple documents.Com o crescimento da Internet cada vez mais pessoas buscam informações usando a Web. A combinação do crescimento da Internet com melhoramentos na Tecnologia da Informação traz como consequência o renovado interesse em Sistemas de Respostas a Perguntas (SRP). SRP combina técnicas de recuperação de informação com ferramentas de apoio à linguagem natural com o objetivo de encontrar respostas para perguntas em linguagem natural. Perguntas do tipo lista têm sido largamente estudadas nesta área. Neste tipo de perguntas é esperada uma lista de respostas corretas, o que torna a tarefa de responder a perguntas do tipo lista ainda mais complexa. As respostas para este tipo de pergunta podem ser encontradas num único documento ou espalhados em múltiplos documentos. No último caso, um SRP deve estar preparado para lidar com a fusão de respostas parciais. Os SRP atuais ainda não providenciam uma boa forma de lidar com este complexo problema de coletar respostas de múltiplos documentos. Nosso objetivo é prover melhores soluções para utilizadores que desejam buscar respostas diretas usando abordagens para extrair respostas de múltiplos documentos. Esta dissertação aborda o problema de responder a perguntas de domínio aberto explorando redundância combinada com heurísticas. Nossa abordagem usa a Internet como fonte de informação uma vez que a Web é a maior coleção de documentos da atualidade. Para além de responder a perguntas do tipo lista, nós desenvolvemos uma abordagem para responder a perguntas com restrição temporal. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho aborda este tema onde há pouca investigação específica. Adicionalmente, esta dissertação tem o propósito de informar sobre resultados importantes desta pesquisa que combina várias áreas: SRP com base na Web, SRP especialmente desenvolvidos para responder perguntas do tipo lista e também com restrição temporal. Além da avaliação da nossa própria abordagem, comparamos o nosso sistema com outros SRP, a fim de avaliar o seu desempenho em relação ao estado da arte. Por fim, as nossas abordagens para responder a perguntas do tipo lista e perguntas do tipo lista com informações temporais são implementadas em um Sistema online de Respostas a Perguntas de domínio aberto que funciona diretamente sob a Web e que fornece respostas extraídas de múltiplos documentos.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), SFRH/BD/65647/2009; European Commission, projeto QTLeap (Quality Translation by Deep Language Engineering Approache

    Grounding event references in news

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    Events are frequently discussed in natural language, and their accurate identification is central to language understanding. Yet they are diverse and complex in ontology and reference; computational processing hence proves challenging. News provides a shared basis for communication by reporting events. We perform several studies into news event reference. One annotation study characterises each news report in terms of its update and topic events, but finds that topic is better consider through explicit references to background events. In this context, we propose the event linking task which—analogous to named entity linking or disambiguation—models the grounding of references to notable events. It defines the disambiguation of an event reference as a link to the archival article that first reports it. When two references are linked to the same article, they need not be references to the same event. Event linking hopes to provide an intuitive approximation to coreference, erring on the side of over-generation in contrast with the literature. The task is also distinguished in considering event references from multiple perspectives over time. We diagnostically evaluate the task by first linking references to past, newsworthy events in news and opinion pieces to an archive of the Sydney Morning Herald. The intensive annotation results in only a small corpus of 229 distinct links. However, we observe that a number of hyperlinks targeting online news correspond to event links. We thus acquire two large corpora of hyperlinks at very low cost. From these we learn weights for temporal and term overlap features in a retrieval system. These noisy data lead to significant performance gains over a bag-of-words baseline. While our initial system can accurately predict many event links, most will require deep linguistic processing for their disambiguation