3,022 research outputs found

    A context aware recommender system for tourism with ambient intelligence

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    Recommender system (RS) holds a significant place in the area of the tourism sector. The major factor of trip planning is selecting relevant Points of Interest (PoI) from tourism domain. The RS system supposed to collect information from user behaviors, personality, preferences and other contextual information. This work is mainly focused on user’s personality, preferences and analyzing user psychological traits. The work is intended to improve the user profile modeling, exposing relationship between user personality and PoI categories and find the solution in constraint satisfaction programming (CSP). It is proposed the architecture according to ambient intelligence perspective to allow the best possible tourist place to the end-user. The key development of this RS is representing the model in CSP and optimizing the problem. We implemented our system in Minizinc solver with domain restrictions represented by user preferences. The CSP allowed user preferences to guide the system toward finding the optimal solutions; RESUMO O sistema de recomendação (RS) detém um lugar significativo na área do sector do turismo. O principal fator do planeamento de viagens é selecionar pontos de interesse relevantes (PoI) do domínio do turismo. O sistema de recomendação (SR) deve recolher informações de comportamentos, personalidade, preferências e outras informações contextuais do utilizador. Este trabalho centra-se principalmente na personalidade, preferências do utilizador e na análise de traços fisiológicos do utilizador. O trabalho tem como objetivo melhorar a modelação do perfil do utilizador, expondo a relação entre a personalidade deste e as categorias dos POI, assim como encontrar uma solução com programação por restrições (CSP). Propõe-se a arquitetura de acordo com a perspetiva do ambiente inteligente para conseguir o melhor lugar turístico possível para o utilizador final. A principal contribuição deste SR é representar o modelo como CSP e tratá-lo como problema de otimização. Implementámos o nosso sistema com o solucionador em Minizinc com restrições de domínio representadas pelas preferências dos utilizadores. O CSP permitiu que as preferências dos utilizadores guiassem o sistema para encontrar as soluções ideais

    Supporting eco-driving with eco-feedback technologies: Recommendations targeted at improving corporate car drivers\u27 intrinsic motivation to drive more sustainable

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    The escalating rate of energy consumption underpins the need to set goals that promote a reduction in CO2 emissions. In 2011 the transport sector contributed 23% to the total EU CO2 emissions; road transport alone was responsible for 71% of this 23% compared to 12% from aviation transport. Corporate car drivers drive, on average, three times more than private car users in Europe (21,500 miles). An improvement in their fuel efficiency, by encouraging sustainable driving using eco-feedback technologies, has the potential to reduce CO2 emissions and promote fuel cost savings of 1% to 8%. This paper evaluates, through an explorative structured analysis, these findings further by defining recommendations for an organization intending to use eco-feedback technologies to reduce the overall corporate fleet\u27s CO2 emission. The theoretical analysis of these findings, through the lens of the Feedback Intervention Theory and appraisal of corporate car drivers\u27 extrinsic and intrinsic motivation, revealed that it is imperative to raise driver\u27s awareness of their fuel consumption. Drivers\u27 concerns regarding management monitoring leading to control and punishment, if their fuel efficiency has not improved, must be addressed. It is essential that an organizational roll-out is not associated with punishments, but focused on motivating employees by providing extrinsic motivation through realistic goal setting and constructive feedback

    Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2022

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    This open access book presents the proceedings of the International Federation for IT and Travel & Tourism (IFITT)’s 29th Annual International eTourism Conference, which assembles the latest research presented at the ENTER2022 conference, which will be held on January 11–14, 2022. The book provides an extensive overview of how information and communication technologies can be used to develop tourism and hospitality. It covers the latest research on various topics within the field, including augmented and virtual reality, website development, social media use, e-learning, big data, analytics, and recommendation systems. The readers will gain insights and ideas on how information and communication technologies can be used in tourism and hospitality. Academics working in the eTourism field, as well as students and practitioners, will find up-to-date information on the status of research

    Sensing Landscape History with an Interactive Location Based Service

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    This paper introduces the STEAD approach for interpreting data acquired by a “human sensor”, who uses an informal interactive location-based service (iLBS) to sense cultural-historic facts and anecdotes of, and in the landscape. This user-generated data is collected outdoors and in situ. The approach consists of four related facets (who, what, where, when). Three of the four facets are discussed and illustrated by user generated data collected during a Dutch survey in 2008. These data represent the personal cultural-historic knowledge and anecdotes of 150 people using a customized iLBS for experiencing the cultural history of a landscape. The “who” facet shows three dominant mentality groups (cosmopolitans, modern materialists and post modern hedonists) that generated user content. The “what” facet focuses on three subject types of pictures and four picture framing classes. Pictures of the place type showed to be dominant and foreground framing class was slightly favourite. The “where” facet is explored via density, distribution, and distance of the pictures made. The illustrations of the facets indirectly show the role of the “human sensor” with respect to the domain of interest. The STEAD approach needs further development of the when-facet and of the relations between the four facets. Finally the results of the approach may support data archives of iLBS applications

    Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2022

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    This open access book presents the proceedings of the International Federation for IT and Travel & Tourism (IFITT)’s 29th Annual International eTourism Conference, which assembles the latest research presented at the ENTER2022 conference, which will be held on January 11–14, 2022. The book provides an extensive overview of how information and communication technologies can be used to develop tourism and hospitality. It covers the latest research on various topics within the field, including augmented and virtual reality, website development, social media use, e-learning, big data, analytics, and recommendation systems. The readers will gain insights and ideas on how information and communication technologies can be used in tourism and hospitality. Academics working in the eTourism field, as well as students and practitioners, will find up-to-date information on the status of research

    The Impact of Information and Communication Technology on the Tourism Sector

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    Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has changed the global businesses environment by a wide range of tools, methodologies and functions, facilitating the strategic management and supporting firms to achieve a long term competitive advantage. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the new applications of Information Communication Technology in tourism industry, the contribution of ICT to the promotion of the tourist product, as well as the potential to the tourism management and the process of decision-making. One important tool, which helps in making decisions in the field of tourism economy, is the Geographic Information System (GIS), which provides a comprehensible representation of the statistical figures of the tourism economy by facilitating decision-making on tourism policy. In this paper is presented some tourist financial figures and their visualization through graphs by Geographic Information System

    International students in portuguese universities : a new model for national tourism

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    The present dissertation, written in the traditional form, aims to propose a strategic model for the use and benefit of the Portuguese players within the tourism sector, working together with the Portuguese universities. A model they could follow in order to obtain the maximum benefits from the thousands of international students that keep coming to study in Portugal every semester. Pursuing a practical approach, and relying on an exhaustive primary research, the study shows who are those international students that are coming to Portugal, how they tend to behave, what they look for once they arrive, and several other relevant considerations about them. This knowledge will help the Portuguese residents who deal with them, mainly the ones within the tourism business, to better understand their preferences, lifestyle and decisions, in order to be more prepared to approach them and create win-win situations, where both the international students will feel more satisfied with their experience in the host country, and the Portuguese tourism players will be able to take better advantage of their stay to increase revenues and, ultimately, profits.A presente dissertação, escrita na forma tradicional, busca propor um modelo estratégico para ser seguido e aproveitado pelos players do turismo português, que deverão trabalhar em parceria com as universidades portuguesas. Um modelo que estes poderão seguir de modo a maximizar os benefícios provenientes da chegada de milhares de estudantes internacionais a Portugal todos os semestres. Procurando uma abordagem prática, e contando com uma primary research exaustiva, o estudo mostra quem são esses estudantes internacionais que vêm estudar para Portugal, como tendem a comportar-se, o que buscam após a chegada, e várias outras considerações relevantes sobre eles. Conhecimento este que ajudará os residentes Portugueses que lidam com eles, principalmente aqueles que trabalham na área do turismo, a compreender melhor as suas preferências, o seu estilo de vida e as suas decisões, de modo a estarem melhor preparados para lidar com eles, criando situações vantajosas para as duas partes, onde o estudante internacional se sentirá melhor integrado e mais satisfeito com a sua experiência em Portugal, e o player do turismo português estará melhor habilitado para tirar proveito da estadia dos estudantes internacionais para aumentar as suas receitas e consequente lucro
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