301 research outputs found

    Re-engineering jake2 to work on a grid using the GridGain Middleware

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    With the advent of Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs), engineers and designers of games came across with many questions that needed to be answered such as, for example, "how to allow a large amount of clients to play simultaneously on the same server?", "how to guarantee a good quality of service (QoS) to a great number of clients?", "how many resources will be necessary?", "how to optimize these resources to the maximum?". A possible answer to these questions relies on the usage of grid computing. Taking into account the parallel and distributed nature of grid computing, we can say that grid computing allows for more scalability in terms of a growing number of players, guarantees shorter communication time between clients and servers, and allows for a better resource management and usage (e.g., memory, CPU, core balancing usage, etc.) than the traditional serial computing model. However, the main focus of this thesis is not about grid computing. Instead, this thesis describes the re-engineering process of an existing multiplayer computer game, called Jake2, by transforming it into a MMOG, which is then put to run on a grid

    Enhancing trustability in MMOGs environments

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    Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs; e.g., World of Warcraft), virtual worlds (VW; e.g., Second Life), social networks (e.g., Facebook) strongly demand for more autonomic, security, and trust mechanisms in a way similar to humans do in the real life world. As known, this is a difficult matter because trusting in humans and organizations depends on the perception and experience of each individual, which is difficult to quantify or measure. In fact, these societal environments lack trust mechanisms similar to those involved in humans-to-human interactions. Besides, interactions mediated by compute devices are constantly evolving, requiring trust mechanisms that keep the pace with the developments and assess risk situations. In VW/MMOGs, it is widely recognized that users develop trust relationships from their in-world interactions with others. However, these trust relationships end up not being represented in the data structures (or databases) of such virtual worlds, though they sometimes appear associated to reputation and recommendation systems. In addition, as far as we know, the user is not provided with a personal trust tool to sustain his/her decision making while he/she interacts with other users in the virtual or game world. In order to solve this problem, as well as those mentioned above, we propose herein a formal representation of these personal trust relationships, which are based on avataravatar interactions. The leading idea is to provide each avatar-impersonated player with a personal trust tool that follows a distributed trust model, i.e., the trust data is distributed over the societal network of a given VW/MMOG. Representing, manipulating, and inferring trust from the user/player point of view certainly is a grand challenge. When someone meets an unknown individual, the question is “Can I trust him/her or not?”. It is clear that this requires the user to have access to a representation of trust about others, but, unless we are using an open source VW/MMOG, it is difficult —not to say unfeasible— to get access to such data. Even, in an open source system, a number of users may refuse to pass information about its friends, acquaintances, or others. Putting together its own data and gathered data obtained from others, the avatar-impersonated player should be able to come across a trust result about its current trustee. For the trust assessment method used in this thesis, we use subjective logic operators and graph search algorithms to undertake such trust inference about the trustee. The proposed trust inference system has been validated using a number of OpenSimulator (opensimulator.org) scenarios, which showed an accuracy increase in evaluating trustability of avatars. Summing up, our proposal aims thus to introduce a trust theory for virtual worlds, its trust assessment metrics (e.g., subjective logic) and trust discovery methods (e.g., graph search methods), on an individual basis, rather than based on usual centralized reputation systems. In particular, and unlike other trust discovery methods, our methods run at interactive rates.MMOGs (Massively Multiplayer Online Games, como por exemplo, World of Warcraft), mundos virtuais (VW, como por exemplo, o Second Life) e redes sociais (como por exemplo, Facebook) necessitam de mecanismos de confiança mais autĂłnomos, capazes de assegurar a segurança e a confiança de uma forma semelhante Ă  que os seres humanos utilizam na vida real. Como se sabe, esta nĂŁo Ă© uma questĂŁo fĂĄcil. Porque confiar em seres humanos e ou organizaçÔes depende da percepção e da experiĂȘncia de cada indivĂ­duo, o que Ă© difĂ­cil de quantificar ou medir Ă  partida. Na verdade, esses ambientes sociais carecem dos mecanismos de confiança presentes em interacçÔes humanas presenciais. AlĂ©m disso, as interacçÔes mediadas por dispositivos computacionais estĂŁo em constante evolução, necessitando de mecanismos de confiança adequados ao ritmo da evolução para avaliar situaçÔes de risco. Em VW/MMOGs, Ă© amplamente reconhecido que os utilizadores desenvolvem relaçÔes de confiança a partir das suas interacçÔes no mundo com outros. No entanto, essas relaçÔes de confiança acabam por nĂŁo ser representadas nas estruturas de dados (ou bases de dados) do VW/MMOG especĂ­fico, embora Ă s vezes apareçam associados Ă  reputação e a sistemas de reputação. AlĂ©m disso, tanto quanto sabemos, ao utilizador nĂŁo lhe Ă© facultado nenhum mecanismo que suporte uma ferramenta de confiança individual para sustentar o seu processo de tomada de decisĂŁo, enquanto ele interage com outros utilizadores no mundo virtual ou jogo. A fim de resolver este problema, bem como os mencionados acima, propomos nesta tese uma representação formal para essas relaçÔes de confiança pessoal, baseada em interacçÔes avatar-avatar. A ideia principal Ă© fornecer a cada jogador representado por um avatar uma ferramenta de confiança pessoal que segue um modelo de confiança distribuĂ­da, ou seja, os dados de confiança sĂŁo distribuĂ­dos atravĂ©s da rede social de um determinado VW/MMOG. Representar, manipular e inferir a confiança do ponto de utilizador/jogador, Ă© certamente um grande desafio. Quando alguĂ©m encontra um indivĂ­duo desconhecido, a pergunta Ă© “Posso confiar ou nĂŁo nele?”. É claro que isto requer que o utilizador tenha acesso a uma representação de confiança sobre os outros, mas, a menos que possamos usar uma plataforma VW/MMOG de cĂłdigo aberto, Ă© difĂ­cil — para nĂŁo dizer impossĂ­vel — obter acesso aos dados gerados pelos utilizadores. Mesmo em sistemas de cĂłdigo aberto, um nĂșmero de utilizadores pode recusar partilhar informaçÔes sobre seus amigos, conhecidos, ou sobre outros. Ao juntar seus prĂłprios dados com os dados obtidos de outros, o utilizador/jogador representado por um avatar deve ser capaz de produzir uma avaliação de confiança sobre o utilizador/jogador com o qual se encontra a interagir. Relativamente ao mĂ©todo de avaliação de confiança empregue nesta tese, utilizamos lĂłgica subjectiva para a representação da confiança, e tambĂ©m operadores lĂłgicos da lĂłgica subjectiva juntamente com algoritmos de procura em grafos para empreender o processo de inferĂȘncia da confiança relativamente a outro utilizador. O sistema de inferĂȘncia de confiança proposto foi validado atravĂ©s de um nĂșmero de cenĂĄrios Open-Simulator (opensimulator.org), que mostrou um aumento na precisĂŁo na avaliação da confiança de avatares. Resumindo, a nossa proposta visa, assim, introduzir uma teoria de confiança para mundos virtuais, conjuntamente com mĂ©tricas de avaliação de confiança (por exemplo, a lĂłgica subjectiva) e em mĂ©todos de procura de caminhos de confiança (com por exemplo, atravĂ©s de mĂ©todos de pesquisa em grafos), partindo de uma base individual, em vez de se basear em sistemas habituais de reputação centralizados. Em particular, e ao contrĂĄrio de outros mĂ©todos de determinação do grau de confiança, os nossos mĂ©todos sĂŁo executados em tempo real

    Hedonic Information Systems Quality

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    Hedonic Information Systems (HIS) are an entertainment-oriented IS used in nonoffice environments in which a user does not have specific goals to achieve. It is fundamentally different from the traditional IS designed for goal-oriented users in either individual or organisational work settings. Despite of the importance in improving HIS, there is a lack of academic exploration in context-specific HIS quality in a comprehensive manner. Drawing from a balanced thinking-feeling model and a theory of flow and telepresence theory, we explore the attributes of HIS quality. The Repertory Grid Interview technique (RGT) is used to interview 20 participants who have online gaming experience and 12 factors are identified. Our results show that HIS quality is a multifaceted concept that consists of not only utilitarian, but also hedonic and social features. This study is among the first to use a qualitative approach to comprehensively explore the attributes of HIS from user perspectives

    Metaverse: A Vision, Architectural Elements, and Future Directions for Scalable and Realtime Virtual Worlds

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    With the emergence of Cloud computing, Internet of Things-enabled Human-Computer Interfaces, Generative Artificial Intelligence, and high-accurate Machine and Deep-learning recognition and predictive models, along with the Post Covid-19 proliferation of social networking, and remote communications, the Metaverse gained a lot of popularity. Metaverse has the prospective to extend the physical world using virtual and augmented reality so the users can interact seamlessly with the real and virtual worlds using avatars and holograms. It has the potential to impact people in the way they interact on social media, collaborate in their work, perform marketing and business, teach, learn, and even access personalized healthcare. Several works in the literature examine Metaverse in terms of hardware wearable devices, and virtual reality gaming applications. However, the requirements of realizing the Metaverse in realtime and at a large-scale need yet to be examined for the technology to be usable. To address this limitation, this paper presents the temporal evolution of Metaverse definitions and captures its evolving requirements. Consequently, we provide insights into Metaverse requirements. In addition to enabling technologies, we lay out architectural elements for scalable, reliable, and efficient Metaverse systems, and a classification of existing Metaverse applications along with proposing required future research directions

    Ostrakinda: A Game-Based Learning Toolkit for Ancient Mediterranean Cities

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    The study develops the 'Ostrakinda' toolkit for teaching morphologies of ancient Mediterranean cities. The methodology consists of a triple structure involving design, play, and analysis phases. In the design phase, the level of interest and actual demands of students regarding game-based learning (GBL) and ancient cities were explored through pre-experiments. The play phase involved experimental studies conducted in courses and workshops, where both physical and digital toolkits were tested by a total of 331 students. The analysis phase aimed to evaluate the impact of the game by systematically addressing five research questions. The results of the paired t-test confirm a significant difference in scores before and after playing the game, thus validating the effectiveness of the proposed strategy. Additionally, Chi-square (X2) tests revealed significant relationships between the form of play and the level of abstraction in the game outputs. Individual and group experiences during gameplay were associated with various interactions, and group experiences particularly fostered competitive and collaborative learning. The extensive analysis using the GBL Design Scale, comprising ten critical factors (GBL-Fn), showed that the challenge factor (F8) had the weakest values, while fantasy (F5) and narrative (F6) had the highest values in the correlation matrix. Overall, the study contributes methodologically and contextually to the existing literature, offering valuable findings for the future development of similar strategies in architectural education. However, it is important to acknowledge the limitations of this interdisciplinary study, particularly with regards to technical, cognitive, and archaeological aspects. Nevertheless, the clear and effective structure of the game holds promise as a valuable tool for learning

    Virtual Reality Games for Motor Rehabilitation

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    This paper presents a fuzzy logic based method to track user satisfaction without the need for devices to monitor users physiological conditions. User satisfaction is the key to any product’s acceptance; computer applications and video games provide a unique opportunity to provide a tailored environment for each user to better suit their needs. We have implemented a non-adaptive fuzzy logic model of emotion, based on the emotional component of the Fuzzy Logic Adaptive Model of Emotion (FLAME) proposed by El-Nasr, to estimate player emotion in UnrealTournament 2004. In this paper we describe the implementation of this system and present the results of one of several play tests. Our research contradicts the current literature that suggests physiological measurements are needed. We show that it is possible to use a software only method to estimate user emotion

    Assistive Awareness in Smart Grids

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    Imageability and Intelligibility in 3D Game Environments Examining Experiential and Cultural Influence on the Design Process

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    The games industry has developed online multiplayer three-dimensional game worlds that allow players from different geographical locations to engage in competitive and cooperative gameplay together. This has enabled players from different cultures to inhabit the same virtual game world, bypassing any geographical or cultural boundaries found in the real world. These 3D game worlds ask the player to use the basic principles of spatial awareness and movement from the real world, and are often virtual representations of real world environments. These spaces are designed for players from all nationalities to inhabit concurrently. There is now a need to determine design considerations for these multicultural multiplayer game worlds but any investigation must consider the historical evidence from the games industry of cultural differences in gameplay preferences. This thesis discusses the effect of cultural knowledge on the spatial design and interpretation of three-dimensional game environments that are based on real world affordances. A new methodology for the comparative analysis of the design of three-dimensional game environments is established using Space Syntax metrics. This facilitates the discussion of cultural models applied to design thinking for the implementation and interpretation of game environments. Through spatial metrics the analysis of the intelligibility underlying three-dimensional game environments is correlated to the imageability of the projected two-dimensional screen image. The application of this methodology to internationally popular, and culturally specific, game environments establishes new knowledge on tacit cultural influences within game design processes. The analysed intelligibility of the environments indicates cognitive differences between Eastern and Western cultures, already recognised in the interpretation of two-dimensional imagery, also exist within the design and interpretation of three-dimensional game spaces. This study establishes a new methodology through the analysis of intelligibility for design research into game environments. The resulting evaluation of tacit cultural influences within the design of the environments establishes new cultural differences and commonalities. These design characteristics can inform future game design methodologies within industry for the design and implementation of multicultural game environments


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