4 research outputs found

    Including Financial Criteria in the Strategic Planning of Knowledge Repository Operation

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    Abstract: This paper presents an application of roadmapping methodology to establish a strategic plan for an innovative knowledge repository providing dynamically updated economic information, online courses and other data. The repository will fulfill relevant information provision tasks for a few target communities of users, including financial auditors and academia. The diversified scope of planned actions contributed to a higher degree of complexity of strategy planning optimization. This was the reason to choose roadmapping as a framework for the decision-support and selection process. First, we will present an extension of the roadmapping methodology that will allow to solve the above planning problem. It turns out that – as far as the financial criteria are concerned - the real options are a natural and useful tool to describe the relations between different variants of the roadmapping objects deployment plans corresponding to the planning scenarios and the associated financial yields. Moreover, we will show that the financial valuation of operation plans may be easily combined with the SWOTC (SWOT with Challenges) assessment of roadmapping objects. Rights gained during the repository operation as well as the liabilities can be modeled by long or short real-option positions, respectively. The iterative dependence of future investment opportunities on previous outcomes will be modeled by nested real options, and embedded into an anticipatory network that allows to model the expected consequences of implementing an operation strategy. The provision of new content and services on the platform will be modelled as an innovation development and market placement problem (NPD-MP). The latter is a dynamic four-criteria problem with options-enhanced NPV (ENPV) – aggregating subordinated momentary financial performance criteria, options- affected risk (ER), social impact index (SII), and the Strategic Position Index (SPI). The multicriteria optimization problem so arisen will be solved during an interactive group decision procedure with the roadmapping methodology. As a final result, we will provide an example of a building an exploitation strategy for the digital platform established within the H2020 project MOVING

    Future-Proofing Islamic Business: A Systematic Review of Strategic Foresight Implementation Using Vosviewer

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    Islamic businesses encounter distinctive problems and opportunities in the current dynamic and uncertain commercial landscape. In VUCA environment, success hinges on the capacity to anticipate future developments and quickly adjust strategies accordingly. What are the current trends, concerns, opportunities, and challenges faced by Islamic businesses while adopting strategic foresight in the VUCA era for future studies? This research’s objective is to identify patterns, problems, prospects, and obstacles encountered by Islamic enterprises in VUCA world. This review seeks to identify essential themes, insights, and patterns regarding trend analysis, concerns, opportunities, and challenges faced by Islamic firms in the VUCA world by a thorough analysis of scholarly works. VOSviewer extracted Scopus search results. We analysed and mapped 590 publications on future-proofing Islamic business: a systematic evaluation of strategic foresight implementation. Based on the mapping results, 200 articles on strategic foresight from 2003 to 2023, 190 about Islamic business terms from 2005 to 2023, and 200 about VUCA from 2013 to 2023 were found. Many potential future research questions related topics such as how can strategic foresight help corporation forecast environmental changes, how can strategic foresight help Islamic business meet changing stakeholders needs, and how can strategic foresight improve Islamic business promising futur

    Enhancing Creativity of Strategic Decision Processes by Technological Roadmapping and Foresight

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    Az információrendszerek és a jövőkutatás összekapcsolása és értelmezése a döntéstámogatásban = The interconnection of information systems and futures studies and its interpretation in decision support

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    A kutatásom célja az informatika és a jövőkutatás elméleti és módszertani kapcsolatának, összefüggéseinek vizsgálata. Az elméleti összekapcsolás során annak vizsgálata kerül előtérbe, hogyan értelmezhető a jövőkutatás megjelenése az informatikában, valamint hogyan támogatja az informatika a jövőkutatást. Az elméleti szintű elemzést követően az informatika és a jövőkutatás kapcsolatának módszertani, gyakorlati szintű meghatározása a célom, amelyet a döntéstámogatás területén értelmezek. A két terület együttes alkalmazását elemzem, arra a kérdésre keresve a választ, hogy miért érdemes a felhasználónak a döntéshozatal előtt az informatikát és a jövőkutatást együttesen használnia? Az informatika az információrendszerek szintjén válik kutathatóvá és körülhatárolhatóvá. A jövőkutatás leginkább elterjedt mai megjelenési módjai az előrejelzés és előretekintés fogalmain keresztül elemezhető és értelmezhető