453 research outputs found

    Adaptive Transactional Memories: Performance and Energy Consumption Tradeoffs

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    Energy efficiency is becoming a pressing issue, especially in large data centers where it entails, at the same time, a non-negligible management cost, an enhancement of hardware fault probability, and a significant environmental footprint. In this paper, we study how Software Transactional Memories (STM) can provide benefits on both power saving and the overall applications’ execution performance. This is related to the fact that encapsulating shared-data accesses within transactions gives the freedom to the STM middleware to both ensure consistency and reduce the actual data contention, the latter having been shown to affect the overall power needed to complete the application’s execution. We have selected a set of self-adaptive extensions to existing STM middlewares (namely, TinySTM and R-STM) to prove how self-adapting computation can capture the actual degree of parallelism and/or logical contention on shared data in a better way, enhancing even more the intrinsic benefits provided by STM. Of course, this benefit comes at a cost, which is the actual execution time required by the proposed approaches to precisely tune the execution parameters for reducing power consumption and enhancing execution performance. Nevertheless, the results hereby provided show that adaptivity is a strictly necessary requirement to reduce energy consumption in STM systems: Without it, it is not possible to reach any acceptable level of energy efficiency at all

    Concurrent and Adaptive Extreme Scale Binding Free Energy Calculations

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    The efficacy of drug treatments depends on how tightly small molecules bind to their target proteins. The rapid and accurate quantification of the strength of these interactions (as measured by binding affinity) is a grand challenge of computational chemistry, surmounting which could revolutionize drug design and provide the platform for patient-specific medicine. Recent evidence suggests that molecular dynamics (MD) can achieve useful predictive accuracy (< 1 kcal/mol). For this predictive accuracy to impact clinical decision making, binding free energy computational campaigns must provide results rapidly and without loss of accuracy. This demands advances in algorithms, scalable software systems, and efficient utilization of supercomputing resources. We introduce a framework called HTBAC, designed to support accurate and scalable drug binding affinity calculations, while marshaling large simulation campaigns. We show that HTBAC supports the specification and execution of free-energy protocols at scale. This paper makes three main contributions: (1) shows the importance of adaptive execution for ensemble-based free energy protocols to improve binding affinity accuracy; (2) presents and characterizes HTBAC -- a software system that enables the scalable and adaptive execution of binding affinity protocols at scale; and (3) for a widely used free-energy protocol (TIES), shows improvements in the accuracy of simulations for a fixed amount of resource, or reduced resource consumption for a fixed accuracy as a consequence of adaptive execution

    Integrated support for Adaptivity and Fault-tolerance in MPSoCs

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    The technology improvement and the adoption of more and more complex applications in consumer electronics are forcing a rapid increase in the complexity of multiprocessor systems on chip (MPSoCs). Following this trend, MPSoCs are becoming increasingly dynamic and adaptive, for several reasons. One of these is that applications are getting intrinsically dynamic. Another reason is that the workload on emerging MPSoCs cannot be predicted because modern systems are open to new incoming applications at run-time. A third reason which calls for adaptivity is the decreasing component reliability associated with technology scaling. Components below the 32-nm node are more inclined to temporal or even permanent faults. In case of a malfunctioning system component, the rest of the system is supposed to take over its tasks. Thus, the system adaptivity goal shall influence several de- sign decisions, that have been listed below: 1) The applications should be specified such that system adaptivity can be easily supported. To this end, we consider Polyhedral Process Networks (PPNs) as model of computation to specify applications. PPNs are composed by concurrent and autonomous processes that communicate between each other using bounded FIFO channels. Moreover, in PPNs the control is completely distributed, as well as the memories. This represents a good match with the emerging MPSoC architectures, in which processing elements and memories are usually distributed. Most importantly, the simple operational semantics of PPNs allows for an easy adoption of system adaptivity mechanisms. 2) The hardware platform should guarantee the flexibility that adaptivity mechanisms require. Networks-on-Chip (NoCs) are emerging communication infrastructures for MPSoCs that, among many other advantages, allow for system adaptivity. This is because NoCs are generic, since the same platformcan be used to run different applications, or to run the same application with different mapping of processes. However, there is a mismatch between the generic structure of the NoCs and the semantics of the PPN model. Therefore, in this thesis we investigate and propose several communication approaches to overcome this mismatch. 3) The system must be able to change the process mapping at run-time, using process migration. To this end, a process migration mechanism has been proposed and evaluated. This mechanism takes into account specific requirements of the embedded domain such as predictability and efficiency. To face the problem of graceful degradation of the system, we enriched the MADNESS NoC platform by adding fault tolerance support at both software and hardware level. The proposed process migration mechanism can be exploited to cope with permanent faults by migrating the processes running on the faulty processing element. A fast heuristic is used to determine the new mapping of the processes to tiles. The experimental results prove that the overhead in terms of execution time, due to the execution time of the remapping heuristic, together with the actual process migration, is almost negligible compared to the execution time of the whole application. This means that the proposed approach allows the system to change its performance metrics and to react to faults without a substantial impact on the user experience

    Integrated support for Adaptivity and Fault-tolerance in MPSoCs

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    The technology improvement and the adoption of more and more complex applications in consumer electronics are forcing a rapid increase in the complexity of multiprocessor systems on chip (MPSoCs). Following this trend, MPSoCs are becoming increasingly dynamic and adaptive, for several reasons. One of these is that applications are getting intrinsically dynamic. Another reason is that the workload on emerging MPSoCs cannot be predicted because modern systems are open to new incoming applications at run-time. A third reason which calls for adaptivity is the decreasing component reliability associated with technology scaling. Components below the 32-nm node are more inclined to temporal or even permanent faults. In case of a malfunctioning system component, the rest of the system is supposed to take over its tasks. Thus, the system adaptivity goal shall influence several de- sign decisions, that have been listed below: 1) The applications should be specified such that system adaptivity can be easily supported. To this end, we consider Polyhedral Process Networks (PPNs) as model of computation to specify applications. PPNs are composed by concurrent and autonomous processes that communicate between each other using bounded FIFO channels. Moreover, in PPNs the control is completely distributed, as well as the memories. This represents a good match with the emerging MPSoC architectures, in which processing elements and memories are usually distributed. Most importantly, the simple operational semantics of PPNs allows for an easy adoption of system adaptivity mechanisms. 2) The hardware platform should guarantee the flexibility that adaptivity mechanisms require. Networks-on-Chip (NoCs) are emerging communication infrastructures for MPSoCs that, among many other advantages, allow for system adaptivity. This is because NoCs are generic, since the same platformcan be used to run different applications, or to run the same application with different mapping of processes. However, there is a mismatch between the generic structure of the NoCs and the semantics of the PPN model. Therefore, in this thesis we investigate and propose several communication approaches to overcome this mismatch. 3) The system must be able to change the process mapping at run-time, using process migration. To this end, a process migration mechanism has been proposed and evaluated. This mechanism takes into account specific requirements of the embedded domain such as predictability and efficiency. To face the problem of graceful degradation of the system, we enriched the MADNESS NoC platform by adding fault tolerance support at both software and hardware level. The proposed process migration mechanism can be exploited to cope with permanent faults by migrating the processes running on the faulty processing element. A fast heuristic is used to determine the new mapping of the processes to tiles. The experimental results prove that the overhead in terms of execution time, due to the execution time of the remapping heuristic, together with the actual process migration, is almost negligible compared to the execution time of the whole application. This means that the proposed approach allows the system to change its performance metrics and to react to faults without a substantial impact on the user experience

    Enhancing Energy Production with Exascale HPC Methods

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    High Performance Computing (HPC) resources have become the key actor for achieving more ambitious challenges in many disciplines. In this step beyond, an explosion on the available parallelism and the use of special purpose processors are crucial. With such a goal, the HPC4E project applies new exascale HPC techniques to energy industry simulations, customizing them if necessary, and going beyond the state-of-the-art in the required HPC exascale simulations for different energy sources. In this paper, a general overview of these methods is presented as well as some specific preliminary results.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Programme (2014-2020) under the HPC4E Project (www.hpc4e.eu), grant agreement n° 689772, the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the CODEC2 project (TIN2015-63562-R), and from the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation through Rede Nacional de Pesquisa (RNP). Computer time on Endeavour cluster is provided by the Intel Corporation, which enabled us to obtain the presented experimental results in uncertainty quantification in seismic imagingPostprint (author's final draft

    Towards Automotive Embedded Systems with Self-X Properties

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    With self-adaptation and self-organization new paradigms for the management of distributed systems have been introduced. By enhancing the automotive software system with self-X capabilities, e.g. self-healing, self-configuration and self-optimization, the complexity is handled while increasing the flexibility, scalability and dependability of these systems. In this chapter we present an approach for enhancing automotive systems with self-X properties. At first, we discuss the benefits of providing automotive software systems with self-management capabilities and outline concrete use cases. Afterwards, we will discuss requirements and challenges for realizing adaptive automotive embedded systems

    Designing Distributed, Component-Based Systems for Industrial Robotic Applications

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    none3noneM. Amoretti; S. Caselli; M. ReggianiM., Amoretti; S., Caselli; Reggiani, Monic

    Pervasive Service Ecosystems

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