22 research outputs found

    Managing nonuniformities and uncertainties in vehicle-oriented sensor data over next generation networks

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    Detailed and accurate vehicle-oriented sensor data is considered fundamental for efficient vehicle-to-everything V2X communication applications, especially in the upcoming highly heterogeneous, brisk and agile 5G networking era. Information retrieval, transfer and manipulation in real-time offers a small margin for erratic behavior, regardless of its root cause. This paper presents a method for managing nonuniformities and uncertainties found on datasets, based on an elaborate Matrix Completion technique, with superior performance in three distinct cases of vehicle-related sensor data, collected under real driving conditions. Our approach appears capable of handling sensing and communication irregularities, minimizing at the same time the storage and transmission requirements of Multi-access Edge Computing applications

    Improving Displacement Measurement for Evaluating Longitudinal Road Profiles

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    2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper introduces a half-wavelength peak matching (HWPM) model, which improves the accuracy of vehicle based longitudinal road profilers used in evaluating road unevenness and mega-textures. In this application, the HWPM model is designed for profilers which utilize a laser displacement sensor with an accelerometer for detecting surface irregularities. The process of converting acceleration to displacement by double integration (which is used in most rofilers) is error-prone, and although there are techniques to minimize the effect of this error, this paper proposes a novel approach for improving the generated road profile results. The technique amends the vertical displacement derived from the accelerometer samples, by using data from the laser displacement sensor as a reference. The vehicle based profiler developed for this experiment (which uses the HWPM model) shows a huge improvement in detected longitudinal irregularities when compared with pre-processed results, and uses a 3-m rolling straight edge as a benchmark.Peer reviewe

    Security of 5G-V2X: Technologies, Standardization and Research Directions

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    Cellular-Vehicle to Everything (C-V2X) aims at resolving issues pertaining to the traditional usability of Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) and Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) networking. Specifically, C-V2X lowers the number of entities involved in vehicular communications and allows the inclusion of cellular-security solutions to be applied to V2X. For this, the evolvement of LTE-V2X is revolutionary, but it fails to handle the demands of high throughput, ultra-high reliability, and ultra-low latency alongside its security mechanisms. To counter this, 5G-V2X is considered as an integral solution, which not only resolves the issues related to LTE-V2X but also provides a function-based network setup. Several reports have been given for the security of 5G, but none of them primarily focuses on the security of 5G-V2X. This article provides a detailed overview of 5G-V2X with a security-based comparison to LTE-V2X. A novel Security Reflex Function (SRF)-based architecture is proposed and several research challenges are presented related to the security of 5G-V2X. Furthermore, the article lays out requirements of Ultra-Dense and Ultra-Secure (UD-US) transmissions necessary for 5G-V2X.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, Preprin

    5G Network Performance Experiments for Automated Car Functions

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    This article discusses the results of supporting transition towards fully automated driving with remote operator support via the novel V2X channels. Automated passenger cars are equipped with multiple sensors (radars, cameras, LiDARs, inertia, GNSS, etc.), the operation of which is limited by weather, detection range, processing power and resolution. The study explores the use of a dedicated network for supporting automated driving needs. The MEC server latencies and bandwidths are compared between the Tampere, Finland test network and studies conducted in China to support remote passenger car operation. In China the main aim is to evaluate the network latencies in different communication planes, whereas the European focus is more on associated driving applications, thus making the two studies mutually complementary.5G revolutionizes connected driving, providing new avenues due to having lower and less latency variation and higher bandwidths. However, due to higher operating frequencies, network coverage is a challenge and one base station is limited to a few hundred meters and thus they deployed mainly to cities with a high population density. Therefore, the transport solutions are lacking so-called C-V2X (one form of 5G RAT) to enable data exchanges between vehicles (V2V) and also between vehicles and the digital infrastructure (V2I). The results of this study indicate that new edge-computing services do not cause a significant increase in latencies (lt100(\\lt 100 ms), but that latency variation (11 - 192 ms) remains a problem in the first new network configurations

    RF-Assisted Free-Space Optics for 5G Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications

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    Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communications are being proposed, tested and deployed to improve road safety and traffic efficiency. However, the automotive industry poses strict requirements for safety-critical applications, that call for reliable, low latency and high data rate communications. In this context, it is widely agreed that both Radio-Frequency (RF) technologies at mmWaves and Free-Space Optics (FSO) represent promising solutions, although their performances are severely degraded by transmitter-receiver misalignment due to the challenging high-mobility conditions. By combining RF and FSO technologies, this paper proposes a FSO-based V2V communication system where the pointing coordinates of laser sources are based on vehicle's information exchanged over a reliable low-rate RF link. Numerical simulations demonstrate that such compensation mechanism is mandatory to counteract the unavoidable misalignments induced by vehicle dynamics, and thus to enable FSO technology for V2V communications even in high mobility scenarios.Comment: Accepted in IEEE ICC 201

    TruPercept: Trust Modelling for Autonomous Vehicle Cooperative Perception from Synthetic Data

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    Inter-vehicle communication for autonomous vehicles (AVs) stands to provide significant benefits in terms of perception robustness. We propose a novel approach for AVs to communicate perceptual observations, tempered by trust modelling of peers providing reports. Based on the accuracy of reported object detections as verified locally, communicated messages can be fused to augment perception performance beyond line of sight and at great distance from the ego vehicle. Also presented is a new synthetic dataset which can be used to test cooperative perception. The TruPercept dataset includes unreliable and malicious behaviour scenarios to experiment with some challenges cooperative perception introduces. The TruPercept runtime and evaluation framework allows modular component replacement to facilitate ablation studies as well as the creation of new trust scenarios we are able to show

    Coordination of Cooperative Autonomous Vehicles Toward safer and more efficient road transportation

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    While intelligent transportation systems come in many shapes and sizes, arguably the most transformational realization will be the autonomous vehicle. As such vehicles become commercially available in the coming years, first on dedicated roads and under specific conditions, and later on all public roads at all times, a phase transition will occur. Once a sufficient number of autonomous vehicles is deployed, the opportunity for explicit coordination appears. This article treats this challenging network control problem, which lies at the intersection of control theory, signal processing, and wireless communication. We provide an overview of the state of the art, while at the same time highlighting key research directions for the coming decades

    Análise bibliométrica da produção científica sobre segurança de veículos autônomos.

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    Resumo: Os veículos autônomos (VAs), como parte importante do sistema inteligente de transporte, têm atraído a atenção de pesquisadores durante as últimas décadas. Um dos assuntos mais recorrentes sobre VAs busca verificar aspectos relacionados à segurança da tecnologia, para que sua implantação no mercado seja viável e aplicada em larga escala. Este artigo apresenta uma análise bibliométrica das pesquisas sobre o assunto, realizada na base de dados Web of Science, para identificar suas principais características, evolução e potenciais tendências. Os estudos focados na segurança sobre os VAs continuam em expansão e são publicados em periódicos renomados, principalmente nas áreas de tecnologia da ciência do transporte e engenharia elétrica e eletrônica, e podem ser divididos entre aqueles que buscam melhorar o desempenho dos sistemas responsáveis por responder adequadamente a um possível acidente de tráfego ou a ataque cibernético. Quanto aos acidentes, os artigos mais relevantes sobre o assunto indicam que é importante que o VA seja capaz de conduzir com habilidade e segurança em ambientes incertos, minimizando riscos potenciais. Quanto aos possíveis ataques cibernéticos, é importante que o VA tenha redundância suficiente em qualquer fonte de entrada, para permitir proteção eficiente contra possíveis ataques. Essas ações servem para aumentar a aceitação dos potenciais usuários e para tornar a tecnologia viável para comercialização. Abstract: As an important part of the intelligent transport system, the autonomous vehicles (AVs) have attracted the attention of researchers during the last decades. One of the most recurring topics about AVs is to verify their technology safety aspects, to guarantee that their market deployment is feasible and widely applied. This paper presents a bibliometric analysis of the researches on the subject, from the Web of Science database, to identify their main characteristics, evolution, and potential trends. Safety-focused studies on AV continue to expand and are published in renowned journals, mainly in the areas of transport science technology and electrical and electronic engineering, and can be divided into those that seek to improve the performance of systems responsible for responding appropriately to an accident, or to a cyberattack. As to accidents, the most relevant articles on the subject indicate that it is important that the AV is able to drive skillfully and safely in uncertain environments, minimizing potential risks. As to possible cyberattacks, it is important that the AV has sufficient redundancy in any input source, to allow of an efficient protection against possible attacks. These actions serve to increase the acceptance of potential users and to make the technology viable for commercialization.Título em inglês: Bibliometric analysis of the scientific production on autonomous vehicle safety