6 research outputs found

    Deep learning for diabetic retinopathy detection and classification based on fundus images: A review.

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    Diabetic Retinopathy is a retina disease caused by diabetes mellitus and it is the leading cause of blindness globally. Early detection and treatment are necessary in order to delay or avoid vision deterioration and vision loss. To that end, many artificial-intelligence-powered methods have been proposed by the research community for the detection and classification of diabetic retinopathy on fundus retina images. This review article provides a thorough analysis of the use of deep learning methods at the various steps of the diabetic retinopathy detection pipeline based on fundus images. We discuss several aspects of that pipeline, ranging from the datasets that are widely used by the research community, the preprocessing techniques employed and how these accelerate and improve the models' performance, to the development of such deep learning models for the diagnosis and grading of the disease as well as the localization of the disease's lesions. We also discuss certain models that have been applied in real clinical settings. Finally, we conclude with some important insights and provide future research directions

    Deep learning for diabetic retinopathy analysis : a review, research challenges, and future directions

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    Deep learning (DL) enables the creation of computational models comprising multiple processing layers that learn data representations at multiple levels of abstraction. In the recent past, the use of deep learning has been proliferating, yielding promising results in applications across a growing number of fields, most notably in image processing, medical image analysis, data analysis, and bioinformatics. DL algorithms have also had a significant positive impact through yielding improvements in screening, recognition, segmentation, prediction, and classification applications across different domains of healthcare, such as those concerning the abdomen, cardiac, pathology, and retina. Given the extensive body of recent scientific contributions in this discipline, a comprehensive review of deep learning developments in the domain of diabetic retinopathy (DR) analysis, viz., screening, segmentation, prediction, classification, and validation, is presented here. A critical analysis of the relevant reported techniques is carried out, and the associated advantages and limitations highlighted, culminating in the identification of research gaps and future challenges that help to inform the research community to develop more efficient, robust, and accurate DL models for the various challenges in the monitoring and diagnosis of DR

    AI and Blockchain-assisted diagnostics in resource-limited setting

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    Diseases, including communicable and noncommunicable diseases, have been one of the major causes of human morbidity and mortality since the beginning of our history. Although many diseases have become treatable or preventable, thanks to interventions including pharmaceutical and technological advances, many people die each year in developing countries and remote rural areas due to limited (or even no) access to medical facilities and expertise. An accurate, rapid, and reliable diagnostic test is vital to improved disease treatment and prevention. However, running diagnostic tests usually requires complex, expensive instruments, professionally trained operators, and a stable power supply. Unfortunately, these resources are generally limited or unavailable in many low-resource settings. Although there are countless limitations in running diagnostic tests in low-resource settings, various endeavours have been made to overcome the existing obstacles. One of the most important advances has been the development of point-of-care or point-of-need tests. These diagnostic assays can be delivered in convenient formats and have successfully reduced the cost of running diagnostics, so playing an essential role in disease management and lifesaving in low-income countries. One key aspect of diagnosis may be the interpretation of the test, which can either be done by an expert in the field or by communicating that data to a remote expert or a “smart” system to interpret the data. Accurately interpreting the test outcome can help the patients receive appropriate treatment timely. However, issues presented in data management during such communication, such as tampered and counterfeited test results and unsecured data sharing between end users (patients) and professionals (doctors, healthcare workers, researchers, etc.). Also, problems like unreliable electricity supply and internet connection were found during the field study conducted by our group previously, and those issues can also delay the diagnosis of the disease. In this PhD study, an AI-assisted platform for DNA-based malaria diagnostic tests was developed and tested in the field. This platform allows users to run a test with a low-cost portable heater and record the test information with an Android phone. It can be used to run LAMP-based malaria tests with a portable heater and read the test results automatically with 97.8% accuracy. And it only takes around 20 milliseconds to classify one image on an inexpensive (~£100) Android phone. When the internet connection is available, the test information can be safely kept in a Blockchain network for future use to inform treatment or surveillance activities. Expertise developed in the deep neural network was also used to train algorithms for the diagnosis of retinopathies, involving developing methods for retina vessel segmentation and classification, which explores the possibility of applying AI to diagnostics in low-resource settings. In such settings, accessing medical expertise can be challenging. It has been found that using only a convolutional neural network is not sufficient in identifying arteries and veins. Models were trained for performing vessel segmentation and classification tasks; for segmenting vessels from the background achieved over 95% accuracy and over 0.8 mean average over the union score (MIoU) on the DRIVE dataset, while for A/V classification tasks, the MIoU decreased to less than 0.7. However, combining it with the traditional approach has the potential to achieve good performance. In addition, research was conducted on the utilisation of digital technologies to assist other researchers and engage with the public. To assist researchers in determining the minimum required sample size, a web-based calculator was developed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, a website was created containing 360-degree images to help individuals comprehend the challenges of diagnostics and healthcare in developing regions and to raise awareness about how infectious diseases spread

    Deep Learning Techniques for Medical Image Classification

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Information Management, specialization in Information and Decision SystemsIn recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has been applied in many fields to address complex and critical real-world tasks. Deep learning rises as a subfield of AI, where artificial neural networks (ANN) are used to map complicated functions, which can be challenging even for experienced users. One of the ANN variants is called convolutional neural network (CNN), which has shown great potential in image processing by providing state-of-the-art results for many significant image processing challenges. The medical field can significantly benefit from AI usage, especially in the medical image classification domain. In this doctoral dissertation, we applied different AI techniques to analyze medical images and to give the physicians a second opinion or reduce the time and effort needed for the image classification. Initially, we reviewed several studies that were published to discuss the transfer learning of CNNs. Afterward, we studied different hyperparameters that need to be optimized for CNNs to be trained accurately. Lastly, we proposed a novel CNN architecture to help in the classification of histopathology images

    Non-communicable Diseases, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence

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    This reprint includes 15 articles in the field of non-communicable Diseases, big data, and artificial intelligence, overviewing the most recent advances in the field of AI and their application potential in 3P medicine