31 research outputs found

    Methodology of structural stability management for industrial enterprises

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    The article looks into the formation of a new methodology to provide company stability under growing influence of the external factors which raise the level of management uncertainty. Modern approach to management based on intellectualization which increases requirements to tools for assessment and forecasting all systems of the industrial enterprise, containing the methodological drawbacks statistic and mathematical nature which cause the information loss. Equilibrium state of the enterprise as a system is proposed to be used as a target objective and it means application of cenology theory tools Cenological approach to assessment and to management of equilibrium of systems of an industrial enterprise which allows solving problems of complexity and stochasticity of systems using relevant mathematical research apparatus and system of constraints is grounded in the article. The significant part of the enterprise systems belongs to cenotic type because they are a complex structure of its elements where classical statistic assessment to describe the system “as a whole” is not applicable. The results of economic and technical structures of a number of industrial enterprises which demonstrate the high results of coenoses theory application in company stability management are given in the conclusion.peer-reviewe

    Optimization of the selection of competence cells in regional production network

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    Današnja svjetska gospodarska kriza pokazala je da uspješno poslovanje poduzeća u normalnim ekonomskim uvjetima nije garancija održivosti, tako da je kriza odvela u stečaj mnoga poslovno uspješna poduzeća, a pogotovo velika poduzeća. Ovo je dovelo u pitanje budućnost velikih poduzeća, no u isto vrijeme i otvorilo pitanje postoji li alternativa velikim poduzećima. Alternativa, dakako, postoji u umrežavanju malih i srednjih poduzeća i njihovom optimalnom odabiru u stvaranju novih virtualnih poduzeća. Ovaj se rad bavi baš navedenim problemom odabira kooperanata (kompetencijskih stanica) za određeni novonastali proizvodni proces. Pretpostavlja se da je poduzeća moguće međusobno usporediti i rangirati, što otvara prostor za optimiranje pomoću algoritma Ant Colony Optimization (ACO).The ongoing world economic crisis has shown that being a successful enterprise in normal economic conditions is not a guarantee of sustainability. So the crisis has led to bankruptcy of many successful enterprises, especially large-sized enterprises. This brought into question the future of large-sized enterprises, but at the same time raised the question whether there is an alternative to large-sized enterprises. Of course, there is an alternative in networking of small and medium-sized enterprises and their optimal selection in the creation of new virtual enterprises. This paper deals with the problem of the selection of cooperators for the new production process. It is assumed that enterprises can be mutually compared and ranked, and that makes optimization possible, using Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm

    Ontology-based decision tree model for prediction in a manufacturing network

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    This paper aims to create a predictive model, which will assist in the allocation of newly received orders in a manufacturing network. The manufacturing network, which is taken as a case study in this research, consists of more than 300 small manufacturing enterprises with a central company as the project managing integrator. The methodology presents the mapping of a PROSA (Product-Resource-Order-Staff Architecture) based ontology model on a decision tree, which was created with the Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis (WEKA) application. Furthermore, the methodology also demonstrates the formulation of the Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) rules from the WEKA decision tree with the help of MATLAB programming. The paper validated the result generated by the ontology model with the results of the decision tree model

    mWater prototype #3 analysis and design

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    In themWater case study prototype #3 it has been used Magentix2 [1, 24, 3, 22, 4, 17] (for more details on Magentix2 see WP7 Deliverables) as the MAS platform for supporting the execution of the MAS system. The platform follows the FIPA standards [14] offering a set of useful mechanisms for the agents to communicate and also tools to allow programming agents in a high level language based on the BDI model. Magentix2 is an open system which facilitates the interaction between heterogeneous agents through FIPA-ACL messages. Also complex interactions can be carried out in a flexible an open way as conversations. The platform offers special structures to allow to use such conversations by considering a set of issues: In each conversation there are always two roles involved: Initiator and Participant. The first is the one who initiates the conversation, and the rest of agents play the Participant role. The conversation can be seen as a direct graph where nodes represent the actions to perform in each step of the conversation and arcs represent the transition between such states. Those steps allow to perform some actions and they can be of different kinds, for example: Begin, Final, Wait, Send, Receive, Action, etc. Conversations have a unique identifier that allows to manage them individually. 1Botti Navarro, VJ.; Garrido Tejero, A.; Giret Boggino, AS.; Noriega, P.; Bexi, A. (2013). mWater prototype #3 analysis and design. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/3212

    Концепції побудови виробничих систем: аналіз стану, проблеми і тенденції розвитку

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    Характерною ознакою сьогодення є те, що прогрес у галузі інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій і зростаюча конкуренція примушують виробничі підприємства змінювати свій спосіб просування бізнесу. В результаті цього виникають нові парадигми для побудови виробничих інженерних систем. У статті проведено стислий аналіз головних парадигм виробничих систем, виділено їх основні переваги та недоліки, а також окреслені проблеми та тенденції розвитку.Характерной особенностью нашего времени является то, что прогресс в области информационно-коммуникационных технологий и растущая конкуренция заставляют производственные предприятия изменять свой способ продвижения бизнеса. В результате этого возникают новые парадигмы для построения производственных инженерных систем. В статье проведен краткий анализ основных парадигм производственных систем, выделены их основные преимущества и недостатки, а также очерчены проблемы и тенденции развития.A characteristic feature of our times is that advances in information and communication technologies and increasing competition forcing manufacturing companies to change their way of business promotion. As a result, there are new paradigm for building production engineering systems. The article provides a brief analysis of the basic paradigms of production systems identified their main strengths and weaknesses, and outlines the challenges and trends

    An engineering framework for Service-Oriented Intelligent Manufacturing Systems

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    Nowadays fully integrated enterprises are being replaced by business networks in which each participant provides others with specialized services. As a result, the Service Oriented Manufacturing Systems emerges. These systems are complex and hard to engineer. The main source of complexity is the number of different technologies, standards, functions, protocols, and execution environments that must be integrated in order to realize them. This paper proposes a framework and associated engineering approach for assisting the system developers of Service Oriented Manufacturing Systems. The approach combines multi-agent system with Service Oriented Architectures for the development of intelligentautomation control and execution of manufacturing systems.Giret Boggino, AS.; Garcia Marques, ME.; Botti Navarro, VJ. (2016). An engineering framework for Service-Oriented Intelligent Manufacturing Systems. Computers in Industry. 81:116-127. doi:10.1016/j.compind.2016.02.002S1161278

    mWater prototype review

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    This document reviews our current water policy-making decision-support framework, build on top of a regulated open Multi-Agent System (MAS),mWater [BGG+10, GGG+11], that models a flexible water-rights market. Our simulator focuses on the effect of regulations on demand and thus provides means to explore the interplay of norms and conventions that regulate trading (like trader eligibility conditions, tradeable features of rights, trading periods and price-fixing conventions), the assumptions about agent behaviour (individual preferences and risk attitude, or population profile mixtures) and market scenarios (water availability and use restrictions). A policy-maker would then assess the effects of those interactions by observing the evolution of the performance indicators (efficiency of use, price dynamics, welfare functions) (s)he designs. 1.2 OurBotti Navarro, VJ.; Garrido Tejero, A.; Giret Boggino, AS.; Noriega, P. (2013). mWater prototype review. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/3212

    mWater Prototype 3

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    This report concerns the application of a regulated open Multi-Agent System (MAS), mWater, that uses intelligent agents to simulate a flexible water-right market. Our simulator focuses on demands and, in particular, on the type of regulatory (in terms of norms selection and agents behaviour), and market mechanisms that foster an efficient use of water while also trying to prevent conflicts among parties. In this scenario, a MAS plays a vital role as it allows us to define different norms, agents behaviour and roles, and assess their impact in the market, thus enhancing the quality and applicability of its results as a decision support tool.Botti Navarro, VJ.; Garrido Tejero, A.; Giret Boggino, AS.; Noriega, P.; Gimeno, J. (2013). mWater Prototype 3. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/3212

    Decentralised vs partially centralised self-organisation model for mobile robots in large structure assembly

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    Currently, manufacturing companies are heavily investing into the automation of manufacturing processes. The push to improve productivity and efficiency is increasing the demand for more flexible and adaptable solutions than the currently common dedicated automation systems. In this paper, the planning problem for mobile robots in large structure assembly was addressed. Despite near-optimal results, the previously developed hybrid agent behaviour model was found to lack responsiveness and scalability. For that reason, an alternative, fully decentralised agent behaviour model was developed and compared to the hybrid one. Through simulated experiments, it was found that the decentralised agent behaviour model achieved much higher responsiveness; however, it required additional spare capacity to compensate for its decision-making imperfections