26 research outputs found

    THIESEL 2022. Conference on Thermo-and Fluid Dynamics of Clean Propulsion Powerplants

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    The THIESEL 2022. Conference on Thermo-and Fluid Dynamic Processes in Direct Injection Engines planned in Valencia (Spain) for 8th to 11th September 2020 has been successfully held in a virtual format, due to the COVID19 pandemic. In spite of the very tough environmental demands, combustion engines will probably remain the main propulsion system in transport for the next 20 to 50 years, at least for as long as alternative solutions cannot provide the flexibility expected by customers of the 21st century. But it needs to adapt to the new times, and so research in combustion engines is nowadays mostly focused on the new challenges posed by hybridization and downsizing. The topics presented in the papers of the conference include traditional ones, such as Injection & Sprays, Combustion, but also Alternative Fuels, as well as papers dedicated specifically to CO2 Reduction and Emissions Abatement.Papers stem from the Academic Research sector as well as from the IndustryXandra Marcelle, M.; Payri Marín, R.; Serrano Cruz, JR. (2022). THIESEL 2022. Conference on Thermo-and Fluid Dynamics of Clean Propulsion Powerplants. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thiesel.2022.632801EDITORIA

    Powertrain Systems for Net-Zero Transport

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    The transport sector continues to shift towards alternative powertrains, particularly with the UK Government’s announcement to end the sale of petrol and diesel passenger cars by 2030 and increasing support for alternatives. Despite this announcement, the internal combustion continues to play a significant role both in the passenger car market through the use of hybrids and sustainable low carbon fuels, as well as a key role in other sectors such as heavy-duty vehicles and off-highway applications across the globe. Building on the industry-leading IC Engines conference, the 2021 Powertrain Systems for Net-Zero Transport conference (7-8 December 2021, London, UK) focussed on the internal combustion engine’s role in Net-Zero transport as well as covered developments in the wide range of propulsion systems available (electric, fuel cell, sustainable fuels etc) and their associated powertrains. To achieve the net-zero transport across the globe, the life-cycle analysis of future powertrain and energy was also discussed. Powertrain Systems for Net-Zero Transport provided a forum for engine, fuels, e-machine, fuel cell and powertrain experts to look closely at developments in powertrain technology required, to meet the demands of the net-zero future and global competition in all sectors of the road transportation, off-highway and stationary power industries

    A Comparative Study on Developing the Hybrid-Electric Vehicle ‎Systems and its Future Expectation over the Conventional Engines Cars

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    The use of hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) as an alternative to traditional petroleum-powered cars has risen due to climate change, air pollution, and fuel depletion. The transportation sector is the second largest energy-consuming sector that accounts for 30% of the world’s total delivered energy and about 60% of world oil demand. In 2008, the transportation sector accounted for about 22% of total world CO2 emissions. Within this sector, road vehicles dominate oil consumption and represent 81% of total transportation energy demand. This review discusses opportunities to reduce energy consumed and greenhouse gases in this sector and briefly discusses the Hybrid electric vehicles as a solution to improve fuel economy and reduce emissions. Also, the Classification of Hybrid Electric Vehicles, and the General architectures of hybrid electric vehicles and their subtypes have been discussed. Hybrid electric vehicle system components, system analysis, and fuel economy benefits are also explained. As the comparison results proved that the benefits of improved engine thermal efficiency outweigh the losses caused by longer energy transmission paths and showed that hybridization can improve fuel economy by about 24% in typical urban cycles. This study offers a thorough analysis of hybrid electric vehicles, including information on the designs, and energy management systems, created by different researchers. According to the thorough analysis, the current systems can execute HEVs rather effectively, but their dependability and autonomous systems remain not satisfactory. Several variables, difficulties, and issues related to the future generation of hybrid cars have been highlighted in this research

    Powertrain Systems for Net-Zero Transport

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    The transport sector continues to shift towards alternative powertrains, particularly with the UK Government’s announcement to end the sale of petrol and diesel passenger cars by 2030 and increasing support for alternatives. Despite this announcement, the internal combustion continues to play a significant role both in the passenger car market through the use of hybrids and sustainable low carbon fuels, as well as a key role in other sectors such as heavy-duty vehicles and off-highway applications across the globe. Building on the industry-leading IC Engines conference, the 2021 Powertrain Systems for Net-Zero Transport conference (7-8 December 2021, London, UK) focussed on the internal combustion engine’s role in Net-Zero transport as well as covered developments in the wide range of propulsion systems available (electric, fuel cell, sustainable fuels etc) and their associated powertrains. To achieve the net-zero transport across the globe, the life-cycle analysis of future powertrain and energy was also discussed. Powertrain Systems for Net-Zero Transport provided a forum for engine, fuels, e-machine, fuel cell and powertrain experts to look closely at developments in powertrain technology required, to meet the demands of the net-zero future and global competition in all sectors of the road transportation, off-highway and stationary power industries

    Hybrid and Electric Vehicles Optimal Design and Real-time Control based on Artificial Intelligence

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    Analysis and Control of Multimode Combustion Switching Sequence.

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    Highly dilute, low temperature combustion technologies, such as homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI), show significant improvements in internal combustion engine fuel efficiency and engine-out NOx emissions. These improvements, however, occur at limited operating range and conventional spark ignition (SI) combustion is still required to fulfill the driver's high torque demands. In consequence, such multimode engines involve discrete switches between the two distinct combustion modes. Such switches unfortunately require a finite amount of time, during which they exhibit penalties in efficiency. Along with its challenges, the design of such a novel system offers new degrees of freedom in terms of engine and aftertreatment specifications. Prior assessments of this technology were based on optimistic assumptions and neglected switching dynamics. Furthermore, emissions and driveability were not fully addressed. To this end, a comprehensive simulation framework, which accounts for above-mentioned penalties and incorporates interactions between multimode engine, driveline, and three-way catalyst (TWC), has been developed. Experimental data was used to parameterize a novel mode switch model, formulated as finite-state machine. This model was combined with supervisory controller designs, which made the switching decision. The associated drive cycle results were analyzed and it was seen that mode switches have significant influence on overall fuel economy, and the issue of drivability needs to be addressed within the supervisory strategy. After expanding the analysis to address emissions assuming a TWC, it was shown that, in practice, HCCI operation requires the depletion of the TWC's oxygen storage capacity (OSC). For large OSCs the resulting lean-rich cycling nullifies HCCI's original efficiency benefits. In addition, future emissions standards are still unlikely to be fulfilled, deeming a system consisting of such a multimode engine and TWC with generous OSC unfavorable. In view of these difficulties, the modeling framework was extended to a mild hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) allowing a prolonged operation in HCCI mode with associated fuel economy benefits during city driving. Further analysis on how to reduce NOx while maintaining fuel economy resulted in a counterintuitive suggestion. It was deemed beneficial to constrain the HCCI operation to a small region, exhibiting lowest NOx, while reducing instead of increasing the OSC.PhDMechanical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/116660/1/snuesch_1.pd

    Study of the Potential of Electrified Powertrains with Dual-Fuel Combustion to Achieve the 2025 Emissions Targets in Heavy-Duty Applications

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    [ES] El transporte de personas, así como de carga ha evolucionado y crecido tremendamente en los últimos años. El desarrollo tecnológico debió ser adaptado a las diferentes medidas gubernamentales en términos de control de emisiones contaminantes. Desde el acuerdo de Paris en 2015 para mantener el crecimiento de la temperatura global por debajo de 1.5oC, se han impuesto también límites para las emisiones de CO2 por parte de vehículos de carretera. Para el sector del transporte pesado, se han impuesto límites de flota de 15% para 2025 y 30% para 2030 de reducción del CO2 con respecto a 2019. Por lo tanto, esta doble restricción de muy bajos niveles de emisiones contaminantes, así como de gases de efecto invernadero hacen que el sector del transporte este ante un gran desafío tecnológico. En 2022, el transporte de carga tiene un 99% de vehículos propulsados a motor de combustión interna con Diesel como combustible y sin ningún tipo de ayuda eléctrica en el sistema de propulsión. Los límites de emisiones contaminantes como Euro 6 son alcanzados con complejos sistemas de postratamiento que además agregan el consumo de Urea. Trabajos previos en la bibliografía, así como sistemas prototipo han demostrado que es posible alcanzar los objetivos de emisiones contaminantes con métodos avanzados de control de la combustión y así disminuyendo la complejidad del post tratamiento en la salida de gases. Con mayor éxito, el concepto de Reactivity Controlled Combustion Ignition puede alcanzar valores por debajo de Euro 6 con eficiencia similar a la combustión de Diesel. Sin embargo, no soluciona los problemas de emisiones de CO2. Por otro lado, en vehículos de pasajeros fue demostrado con suceso la aplicación de motores eléctricos en el sistema de propulsión para mejorar la eficiencia global del vehículo. El caso extremo son los vehículos puramente electicos donde se alcanza eficiencias por arriba del 70% contra 35% de los vehículos no electrificados. Sin embargo, limitaciones de autonomía, tiempo de carga y la no clara reducción global de la contaminación debido a las emisiones de la energía de la red eléctrica y la contaminación de las baterías de ion-litio hacen que este sistema de propulsión este bajo discusión. Para los vehículos con algún grado de electrificación, las emisiones de gases contaminantes siguen siendo un problema como para el caso no electrificado. Por lo tanto, esta tesis doctoral aborda el problema de emisiones contaminantes, así como de CO2 combinado modos avanzados de combustión con sistemas de propulsión electrificado. La aplicación de estas tecnologías se centra en el sector del transporte de carretera pesado. En particular, un camión de 18 toneladas de carga máxima que originalmente en 2022 equipa un motor seis cilindros de 8 litros con combustión convencional Diesel. El presente trabajo utiliza herramientas experimentales como son medidas en banco motor, así como en carretera para alimentar y validar modelos numéricos de motor, sistema de postratamiento, así como de vehículo. Este último es el punto central del trabajo ya que permite abordar sistemas como el mild hybrid, full hybrid y plug-in hybrid. Calibración de motor experimental dedicada a sistemas de propulsión hibrido es presentada con combustibles sintéticos y/o para llegar a los límites de Euro 7.[CA] El transport de persones, així com de càrrega ha evolucionat i crescut tremendament en els últims anys. El desenvolupament tecnològic degué ser adaptat a les diferents mesures governamentals en termes de control d'emissions contaminants. Des de l'acord de Paris en 2015 per a mantindre el creixement de la temperatura global per davall de 1.5oC, s'han imposat també límits per a les emissions de CO¿ per part de vehicles de carretera. Per al sector del transport pesat, s'han imposat limites de flota de 15% per a 2025 i 30% per a 2030 de reducció del CO¿ respecte a 2019. Per tant, aquesta doble restricció de molt baixos nivells d'emissions contaminants, així com de gasos d'efecte d'hivernacle fan que el sector del transport aquest davant un gran desafiament tecnològic. En 2022, el transport de càrrega té un 99% de vehicles propulsats a motor de combustió interna amb Dièsel com a combustible i sense cap mena d'ajuda elèctrica en el sistema de propulsió. Els limites d'emissions contaminants com a Euro 6 són aconseguits amb complexos sistemes de posttractament que a més agreguen el consum d'Urea. Treballs previs en la bibliografia, així com sistemes prototip han demostrat que és possible aconseguir els objectius d'emissions contaminants amb mètodes avançats de control de la combustió i així disminuint la complexitat del post tractament en l'eixida de gasos. Amb major èxit, el concepte de Reactivity Controlled Combustion Ignition pot aconseguir valors per davall d'Euro 6 amb eficiència similar a la combustió de Dièsel. No obstant això, no soluciona els problemes d'emissions de CO¿. D'altra banda, en vehicles de passatgers va ser demostrat amb succés l'aplicació de motors elèctrics en el sistema de propulsió per a millorar l'eficiència global del vehicle. El cas extrem són els vehicles purament electicos on s'aconsegueix eficiències per dalt del 70% contra 35% dels vehicles no electrificats. No obstant això, limitacions d'autonomia, temps de càrrega i la no clara reducció global de la contaminació a causa de les emissions de l'energia de la xarxa elèctrica i la contaminació de les bateries d'ió-liti fan que aquest sistema de propulsió aquest baix discussió. Per als vehicles amb algun grau d'electrificació, les emissions de gasos contaminants continuen sent un problema com per al cas no electrificat. Per tant, aquesta tesi doctoral aborda el problema d'emissions contaminants, així com de CO¿ combinat maneres avançades de combustió amb sistemes de propulsió electrificat. L'aplicació d'aquestes tecnologies se centra en el sector del transport de carretera pesat. En particular, un camió de 18 tones de càrrega màxima que originalment en 2022 equipa un motor sis cilindres de 8 litres amb combustió convencional Dièsel. El present treball utilitza eines experimentals com són mesures en banc motor, així com en carretera per a alimentar i validar models numèrics de motor, sistema de posttractament, així com de vehicle. Est ultime és el punt central del treball ja que permet abordar sistemes com el mild hybrid, full *hybrid i plug-in hybrid. Calibratge de motor experimental dedicada a sistemes de propulsió hibride és presentada amb combustibles sintètics i/o per a arribar als límits d'Euro 7.[EN] The transport of people, as well as cargo, has evolved and grown tremendously over the recent years. Technological development had to be adapted to the different government measures for controlling polluting emissions. Since the Paris agreement in 2015 limits have also been imposed on the CO2 emissions from road vehicles to keep global temperature growth below 1.5oC. For the heavy transport sector, fleet limits of 15% for 2025 and 30% for 2030 CO2 reduction have been introduced with respect to the limits of 2019. Therefore, the current restriction of very low levels of polluting emissions, as well as greenhouse gases, makes the transport sector face a great technological challenge. In 2021, 99% of freight transport was powered by an internal combustion engine with Diesel as fuel and without any type of electrical assistance in the propulsion system. Moreover, polluting emission limits such as the Euro 6 are achieved with complex post-treatment systems that also add to the consumption of Urea. Previous research and prototype systems have shown that it is possible to achieve polluting emission targets with advanced combustion control methods, thus reducing the complexity of post-treatment in the exhaust gas. With greater success, the concept of Reactivity Controlled Combustion Ignition can reach values below the Euro 6 with similar efficiency to Diesel combustion. Unfortunately, it does not solve the CO2 emission problems. On the other hand, in passenger vehicles, the application of electric motors in the propulsion system has been shown to successfully improve the overall efficiency of the vehicle. The extreme case is the purely electric vehicles, where efficiencies above 70% are achieved against 35% of the non-electrified vehicles. However, limitations of vehicle range, charging time, payload reduction and an unclear overall reduction in greenhouse emissions bring this propulsion system under discussion. For vehicles with some degree of electrification, polluting gas emissions continue to be a problem as for the non-electrified case. Therefore, this doctoral Thesis addresses the problem of polluting emissions and CO2 combined with advanced modes of combustion with electrified propulsion systems. The application of these technologies focuses on the heavy road transport sector. In particular, an 18-ton maximum load truck that originally was equipped with an 8-liter six-cylinder engine with conventional Diesel combustion. The present work uses experimental tools such as measurements on the engine bench as well as on the road to feed and validate numerical models of the engine, after-treatment system, and the vehicle. The latter is the central point of the work since it allows addressing systems such as mild hybrid, full hybrid, and plug-in hybrid. Experimental engine calibration dedicated to hybrid propulsion systems is presented with synthetic fuels in order to reach the limits of the Euro 7.This Doctoral Thesis has been partially supported by the Universitat Politècnica de València through the predoctoral contract of the author (Subprograma 2), which is included within the framework of Programa de Apoyo para la Investigación y Desarrollo (PAID)Martínez Boggio, SD. (2022). Study of the Potential of Electrified Powertrains with Dual-Fuel Combustion to Achieve the 2025 Emissions Targets in Heavy-Duty Applications [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/18883

    Model Predictive Climate Control for Connected and Automated Vehicles

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    Emerging connected and automated vehicle (CAV) technologies are improving vehicle safety and energy efficiency to the next level and creating unprecedented opportunities and challenges for the control and optimization of the vehicle systems. While previous studies have been focusing on improving the fuel efficiency via powertrain optimizations, vehicle thermal management and its interaction with powertrain control in hot and cold weather conditions have not been fully explored. For light-duty vehicles, the power used by the climate control system usually represents the most significant thermal load. It has been shown that the thermal load imposed by the climate control system may lead to dramatic vehicle range reduction, especially for the vehicles with electrified powertrains. Besides its noticeable impact on vehicle range reduction, the performance of the climate control system also has a direct influence on occupant comfort and customer satisfaction. Aiming at reducing the energy consumption and improving the occupant thermal comfort (OTC) level for the automotive climate control system, this dissertation takes air conditioning (A/C) system as an example and is dedicated to developing practical A/C management strategies for electrified vehicles. In particular, the proposed strategies leverage the predictive information enabled by the CAV technologies such as the traffic and weather predictions. There are three novel MPC-based A/C management strategies developed in this dissertation, the hierarchical optimization, the precision cooling strategy (PCS), and the combined energy and comfort optimization (CECO). They can be differentiated by their OTC assumptions, robustness considerations, and implementation complexities on the testing vehicle. In the hierarchical optimization, a two-layer hierarchical MPC (H-MPC) scheme is exploited for potential integration between the A/C and the powertrain systems of an HEV. This hierarchical structure handles the timescale difference between power and thermal systems as well as the uncertainties associated with long prediction horizon. Comprehensive simulation results over different driving cycles have demonstrated the energy saving potentials of efficient A/C energy management, which is attributes to leveraging the vehicle speed sensitivity of the A/C system efficiency. In terms of the comfort metric, the average cabin air temperature is applied. In contrast to this hierarchical optimization, PCS and CECO utilize the simpler single-layer MPC structure assuming accurate predictive information. They are focusing on formulating more practical OTC metrics and the implementation on the testing vehicle. Specifically, the PCS renders the simplest control-oriented model structure and its energy benefits are validated based on an industrial-level A/C system model. The proposed PCS exploits a more practical comfort metric, DACP, which directly motivates the design of an off-line eco-cooling strategy, which coordinates the A/C operation with respect to the vehicle speed. Vehicle-level energy saving is confirmed according to repeatable vehicle experiments. Finally, the CECO strategy considers a comprehensive OTC model, PMV, and combines the energy and comfort optimizations simultaneously. Further energy saving and OTC improvement can be achieved by explicitly leveraging both traffic and weather predictive information.PHDNaval Architecture & Marine EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/153481/1/autowang_1.pd