10 research outputs found

    Extending Scratch: New pathways into programming

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    We present the Scratch extension system, a toolkit that enables anyone to extend the vocabulary of the visual Scratch programming language through custom programming blocks written in JavaScript. The extension system is designed to (i) enable innovating on the Scratch programming language itself, in addition to innovating with it through projects, and (ii) enable the creation of new interest-driven pathways into Scratch programming. In this paper, we describe some of the prior work done in this space, our design and implementation, open questions and challenges, and some preliminary outcomes.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (grant number 1002713)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (grant number 1027848)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (grant number 1417952

    Programação com blocos visuais para representar conceitos científicos por docentes da área de ciências

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    Este artigo é parte de uma pesquisa de mestrado e tem por objetivo identificarcomo a tecnologia pode proporcionar habilidades para o desenvolvimento de Objetos Digitais de Aprendizagem (ODA) para representação de conceitos científicos, empregando programação com blocos visuais, na formação inicial e continuada do docente. Durante um curso de capacitação foram desenvolvidos ODA e, após, avaliados, por professores convidados, aplicando a escala de Likert. Considerando os dados obtidos e o material utilizado, é razoável assumir que a presença das tecnologias digitais na formação docente pode proporcionar habilidades e competências que permitam aos docentes desenvolver ODA com adequação aos conceitos científicos. Também é possível ponderar a viabilidade de capacitá-los com programação em blocos visuais

    Uso do Scratch no Brasil com objetivos educacionais: uma revisão sistemática

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    O Scratch é uma linguagem de programação visual utilizada no mundo inteiro para introdução à programação, com mais de 18 milhões de usuários cadastrados. Nesse contexto, este artigo apresenta uma revisão sistemática da literatura em torno do uso do Scratch no Brasil com fins educacionais, identificando e analisando os artigos sobre o tema publicados em língua portuguesa em revistas e eventos, entre 2012 e 2016. Por meio da revisão, foi possível caracterizar o público e contexto de uso do Scratch, que em sua maioria são estudantes do ensino fundamental - apesar de parcela considerável ser do ensino superior - em ambientes escolares, com o fim de promover a introdução à programação ou ao pensamento computacional. Não se observou uniformidade quanto à descrição de estratégias de avaliação e de impactos aferidos, mas em geral apontam como principais objetivos melhor desempenho acadêmico e maior engajamento escolar


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    Abstract One of the first challenges in the programming field, apart from ones related to the traditional teaching methods, is the introduction of technological tools that can help improving children's learning experience by presenting them with the most appropriate problems according to their ages. This choice is of great importance since it allows students to develop their capacity of abstraction in a natural way. Moreover, it also improves students' creativity and problem-solving abilities. In order to overcome these challenges, we propose a methodology based on VARK questionnaire that defines the students' profile and, consequently, what are the most appropriate educational materials based on technologies. Once the students' profiles are defined it is suggested the use of Scratch programming language to develop the student's skills on the resolution of problems through the following concepts: sequencing, repetition and conditions

    An Educational Coding Laboratory for Elementary Pre-service Teachers: A Qualitative Approach

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    The present study involved 64 pre-service teachers in a first experience of coding with the software Scratch, foreseeing its qualitative evaluation. In particular, the procedure in the laboratorial setting was designed as follows: firstly, subjects attended theoretical lessons on the use of the software, ideated and implemented an educational app. Afterwards, subjects wrote a report on the negative and positive aspects of their laboratorial experience. The analysis of results show that pre-service teachers appreciated the collaborative work, the freedom to code an app following their own interests, and the use of an engaging software. A constant concern regarding teachers' self-efficacy as future mentors was present. Further quantitative studies are necessary

    Desenho de interface para o desenvolvimento do pensamento computacional no Ensino Básico: análise do Scratch

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    O pensamento computacional é a habilidade de aplicar métodos e técnicas das Ciências da Computação para resolver problemas em outras ciências, profissões e vida cotidiana. Nos últimos anos, acumulam-se evidências que reforçam os argumentos económicos, sociais e educativos para o desenvolvimento do pensamento computacional no Ensino Básico. Esse desafio foi impulsionado, em boa parte, pelo artigo Computational Thinking, escrito por Jeannete Wing, em 2006, em que a autora aponta as razões pelas quais ter a capacidade de pensar computacionalmente será tão importante quanto ler, escrever e fazer operações aritméticas. O crescente consenso sobre a importância do tema tem aproximado entidades profissionais, educadores, governos e organizações privadas para o desenvolvimento de metodologias e ferramentas adequadas para a promoção do pensamento computacional em ambientes formais e informais de aprendizagem. Um traço comum às diferentes iniciativas é o uso de recursos tecnológicos, como linguagens de programação, jogos digitais e kits robóticos. Diversos estudos têm sido conduzidos para avaliar as potencialidades pedagógicas dessas ferramentas, mas poucos indicam os melhores caminhos para desenvolvê-las. Nesta dissertação, indicamos os princípios que devem orientar o desenho de interfaces de softwares educativos para o desenvolvimento do pensamento computacional no Ensino Básico. Para tanto, reunimos relevantes estudos provenientes do campo da Interação Homem-Computador que fornecem orientações para o desenho, implementação e avaliação de interfaces de aprendizagem apropriadas à idade e ao desenvolvimento cognitivo da audiência visada. Demonstramos, por meio da análise do Scratch, o resultado concreto de decisões de design guiadas por esses princípios.Computational thinking is the skill to apply methods and techniques from Computer Science in order to solve problems in other sciences, professions and daily life. In the last years, evidences reinforce economic, social and educational arguments for the development of computational thinking in elementary school. A challenge that was sparked by the article Computational Thinking, written by Jeannete Wing, in 2006, in which the author points the reasons why having the ability to think computationally is as important as being capable of read, write or solve aritmetic operations. A wide agreement over the importance of this assumption has lead professional entities, educators, governments and private organizations to elaborate methodologies and tools to promote computational thinking in formal and informal learning environments. It is common to the different initiatives the use of technological resources, like programming languages, digital games and robotic kits. Several studies have been assembled in order to evaluate the potential pedagogic benefits, but only a few of those studies indicates how to design it. This dissertation indicates the design principles that should guide the designing of educational software to promote computational thinking in elementary school. We considered relevant studies from the field of Human Computer Interaction that provided guidelines to the design, implementation and evaluation of leaning interfaces appropriate to the age and to the cognitive development of the target audience. We demonstrate, by analysing Scratch, the efective results of design decisions guided by those principles

    Engaging novices in programming, experimenting, and learning with data

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    Extending Text-Based Programming Languages to Embed Computing into Middle School Science Classrooms:

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    Thesis advisor: C. Patrick . ProctorThe demand for talent in the technology sector and the notion of computational thinking as everyday skills propel computing to enter middle school classrooms. The growing popularity of physical computing in educational spaces also infuses computing with elements of creativity and joy. Despite these recent movements, computing remains primarily in informal spaces due to a shortage of computer science teachers and the increasing focus on standardized testing. Arguing that computing and science share practices, this study views computing as problem-solving tools for science and proposes an integrated approach to teaching computing in science classrooms that takes advantage of the affordances of modern physical computing devices. Based on this perspective, a set of physical computing tools was developed to de-emphasize the mechanisms of computer science and shift focus to problem-solving and authentic scientific practices. This study aims to investigate the experiences of two science teachers and 16 students who learned to build self-regulated smart tabletop greenhouses with these tools as complete novices and critically evaluate the principles that undergird the design of the tools. With a qualitative, multiple case study design, this study answers two questions: 1) how did the teachers implement and reflect on their instruction? 2) how did the students engage with computing and science? Data from interviews and observations suggest that although the teachers shared similar instructional practices, their conceptualizations of the interplay between computing and science differed initially. They also had different instructional focuses and followed different trajectories in teaching, which may have produced subtly different understandings of computing-science relationships from their students. Despite these differences, all participants’ understandings of computing-science relationship conformed to a reciprocal pattern, which augmented the shared-practice argument for the integrated approach found in the literature. The challenges that the participants experienced contributed to the revision of the design of the computing tools. Based on these findings, the study recommends future directions in disambiguating the role of computing in middle school classrooms and in working with science teachers who are often simultaneously content experts and computing novices.Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2019.Submitted to: Boston College. Lynch School of Education.Discipline: Teacher Education, Special Education, Curriculum and Instruction