346,643 research outputs found

    Whither slacktivism? Political engagement and social media use in the 2013 Czech Parliamentary elections

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    This article examines the relationship between online political expression and offline forms of political participation in the context of the 2013 Czech Parliamentary elections. It draws on the rapidly growing but still very much inconclusive empirical evidence concerning the use of new media and social network sites in particular for electoral mobilization and social activism, and their impact on more traditional forms of civic and political engagement. The theoretical framework of the paper is inspired by the competing perspectives on the role of social media for democratic participation and civic engagement, the mobilization vs. normalization thesis, as well as by the popular concepts of clicktivism or slacktivism (Morozov, 2009), denouncing online activism for allegedly not being complemented by offline actions and having little or no impact on real-life political processes. With the intention to empirically contribute to these discussions, this study uses data from a cross-sectional survey on a representative sample of the Czech adult population (N=1,653) which was conducted directly following the 2013 Parliamentary elections. The study was driven by the main research question: Is there a link between online political expression during the election campaign and traditional forms of political participation among Czech Facebook users? Furthermore, the analysis examined the relationship between online political participation and a declared political interest, electoral participation and political news consumption. The results obtained from an ordinal logistic regression analysis confirm the existence of a significant positive relationship between the respondents’ level of campaign engagement on Facebook and their political interest, political information seeking as well as traditional (mainly offline) participation activities, including voting

    Fostering Resident Voice and Influence: The Making Connections Experience with Resident Engagement and Leadership

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    Resident engagement is often noted as a key element in neighborhood transformation and community change efforts, yet very little literature exists that explains and captures how resident engagement actually happens and what it takes to achieve lasting resident engagement capacity and success. As one step toward expanding the information available, this report presents insights gained by the Annie E. Casey Foundation after more than a decade of working with residents to achieve better results during the Making Connections initiative, Casey's signature community change effort of the 2000s. The report describes the various activities in which residents were engaged during Making Connections, the sequence and timing of those activities and some of the impact and community improvements that were achieved as a result. Through a focus on the Making Connections experience, the report highlights effective resident engagement strategies and assesses the factors that can inhibit or enhance their effectiveness

    The Internet and Civic Engagement

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    Based on a survey, analyzes how socioeconomic status and other demographics correlate with online and offline political and civic engagement. Explores suggestions that younger generations' political use of social media may alter such patterns

    Our Space: Online Civic Engagement Tools for Youth

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    Part of the Volume on Civic Life Online: Learning How Digital Media Can Engage YouthThe popularity of Facebook, MySpace, IM, and email with youth in developed countries demonstrates how second nature the online world has become for youth. People behind youth civic engagement initiatives are starting to see that the best way to engage youth is on their own terms and in the way they expect -- that is, online. With this in mind, this chapter examines the emerging world of online civic engagement sites for youth and by youth. Through a close examination of TakingITGlobal, an global online civic engagement site, combined with a landscape survey of sites with a mandate to civically engage youth, we present some initial findings on how youth are civically engaged and what it is they are actually doing on these sites

    Investigation of the utilisation of social networks in e-learning at universities

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    Over the years universities have considered to use social networks for learning purposes as most of their students now engage on them. However, questions on the impact social networks would have on learning and how they can be utilised further for more effective teaching and learning are still unclear. To solve these questions, an in-depth investigation has been conducted to understand the benefits and drawback of social network features available for students. The investigation results show that students strongly believe that social network features will help enhance learning and the key ways of utilising such features have been suggested

    Living and Learning With New Media: Summary of Findings From the Digital Youth Project

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    Summarizes findings from a three-year study of how new media have been integrated into youth behaviors and have changed the dynamics of media literacy, learning, and authoritative knowledge. Outlines implications for educators, parents, and policy makers

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    Re-Imagining Journalism: Local News for a Networked World

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    Details strategies for realizing healthy local information ecologies through for-profit and nonprofit media; higher education and community institutions; emphasis on relevance, research, and revenues; and government support. Includes case summaries