4,136 research outputs found

    Carthago Delenda Est: Co-opetitive Indirect Information Diffusion Model for Influence Operations on Online Social Media

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    For a state or non-state actor whose credibility is bankrupt, relying on bots to conduct non-attributable, non-accountable, and seemingly-grassroots-but-decentralized-in-actuality influence/information operations (info ops) on social media can help circumvent the issue of trust deficit while advancing its interests. Planning and/or defending against decentralized info ops can be aided by computational simulations in lieu of ethically-fraught live experiments on social media. In this study, we introduce Diluvsion, an agent-based model for contested information propagation efforts on Twitter-like social media. The model emphasizes a user's belief in an opinion (stance) being impacted by the perception of potentially illusory popular support from constant incoming floods of indirect information, floods that can be cooperatively engineered in an uncoordinated manner by bots as they compete to spread their stances. Our model, which has been validated against real-world data, is an advancement over previous models because we account for engagement metrics in influencing stance adoption, non-social tie spreading of information, neutrality as a stance that can be spread, and themes that are analogous to media's framing effect and are symbiotic with respect to stance propagation. The strengths of the Diluvsion model are demonstrated in simulations of orthodox info ops, e.g., maximizing adoption of one stance; creating echo chambers; inducing polarization; and unorthodox info ops, e.g., simultaneous support of multiple stances as a Trojan horse tactic for the dissemination of a theme.Comment: 60 pages, 9 figures, 1 tabl

    Using Tiktok as a Live Marketing Strategy to Attract Female Consumers' Interest in Purchasing Cosmetic Products in Indonesia

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    This research examines TikTok's role as a direct marketing strategy to engage female consumers in purchasing cosmetic products in Indonesia. It employs a quantitative approach, surveying 250 active female TikTok users who interacted with cosmetic content. The study investigates various factors, including TikTok user recommendations, shopping experiences, content interactivity, shopping guidance, product visibility, influencer impact, customer engagement, and repurchase intention. Respondents rate these factors on a Likert Scale. The analysis, carried out utilizing Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM), intends to uncover how these variables affect individuals' intentions to make repurchases   This study aims to offer an understanding of how TikTok serves as an effective marketing platform for cosmetics targeted at female consumers in Indonesia.. The PLS-SEM approach is chosen for its ability to handle complex relationships in the data, including non-linear ones. By examining the relationships and conducting statistical analysis, this study aims to contribute to our understanding of how TikTok influences consumer behavior in the cosmetic industry

    The role of product portfolio management in market expansion:a case of the mobile gaming industry

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    Abstract. The rapid growth of mobile game consumer spending has led to Free-to-Play mobile game developers’ constant competition for players by offering new games. The product portfolio management (PPM) approach helps tackle questions about the market, product and technologies based on a company’s strategic targets. However, to discover game genre diversity by aligning product portfolio with business strategy and existing capabilities in new product development process is challenging. A single-case study was conducted to examine the important connection between PPM and business strategy as well as existing capabilities to propose a practical approach for seeking game genre portfolio expansion opportunities. The main results include proposing an analysis framework using PPM and mobile app intelligence software to identify game genres in market expansion that are strategic fit, bring the best economic value and are resonated with company’s existing capabilities and competence. PPM focused areas and key performance indicators are proposed. This study is the first attempt to apply PPM approach with targets and KPIs in mobile game development. It contributes to the previous studies by extending the application of PPM approach in the initial stage of product development process in discoveries and innovation stage. Also, the results can be applied to other mobile game companies with similar new product development process

    Marketing communication on a non-profit organization: A case study about the activity of a students' union - Associação de Estudantes do ISCTE-IUL

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    The following Case Study aims to study the importance of following a communication strategy in the context of a Student’ Union of an institution of higher education, applied to the case of Associação de Estudantes do ISCTE-IUL, also denominated as AEISCTE-IUL. Through the analysis of the case, it is bear in mind the understanding that both profitable and non-profit organizations aim to achieve certain results in terms of their communication, must be increasingly market-oriented and to the consumer, given the new trends. In this way, these tendencies are linked to Marketing communication concepts, such as Digital Engagement, a 21st century phenomenon provoked by the emergence of several social media and has brought to brands new interactive forms of communicating with consumers and vice-versa, or the integration of online and offline platforms through the IMC program. It is also relevant the study of the phenomenon of Festa do Caloiro, a cultural and recreational event organized by AEISCTE-IUL. With this, it is presented the problematic of the Students’ Union and its difficulties of interacting with three main targets, which in this case are International Students, Doctorate students and Alumni. Finally, it is important to reflect on the most compelling communication strategies with the competitive reality of the market.O caso pedagógico seguinte visa o estudo da importância de seguir uma estratégia de comunicação no contexto de uma Associação de Estudantes de uma Instituição do Ensino Superior, aplicado ao caso da Associação de Estudantes do ISCTE-IUL, também denominada como AEISCTE-IUL. Através da análise do caso, tem-se em vista a compreensão de que, tanto as organizações lucrativas como as não lucrativas, visam atingir determinados resultados em termos da sua comunicação, que deve ser cada vez mais orientada para o mercado e para o consumidor, dadas as novas tendências. Desta forma, essas tendências estão ligadas a conceitos de Comunicação de Marketing, como são o Digital Engagement, um fenómeno do Século XXI provocado pelo aparecimento de vários social media e que trouxe às marcas novas formas interativas de comunicar com os consumidores e vice-versa, ou a integração das plataformas online e offline através do programa do IMC. Também é relevante o estudo de fenómenos como a Festa do Caloiro, um evento de teor cultural e recreativo organizado pela AEISCTE-IUL. Com isto, apresenta-se também a problemática ao leitor de que a Associação de Estudantes do ISCTE-IUL tem algumas dificuldades de interação com três targets principais, que neste caso são os estudantes internacionais, os estudantes de doutoramento e os Alumni, pelo que, no final, importa refletir sobre as estratégias de comunicação mais contundentes com a realidade competitiva do mercado

    Corporate Governance Gaming: The Collective Power of Retail Investors

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    The GameStop saga and meme stock frenzy have shown the pathway to the most disruptive revolution in corporate governance of the millennium. New generations of retail investors use technologies, online forums, and gaming dynamics to coordinate their actions and obtain unprecedented results. Signals indicate that these investors, whom we can dub wireless investors, are currently expanding their actions to corporate governance. Wireless investors\u27 generational characteristics suggest that they will use corporate governance to pursue social and environmental causes. In fact, wireless investors can set in motion asocial movement able to bring business corporations to serve their original partly-private-partly-public purpose. This Article discusses premises, architecture, and characteristics of the movement that would cause business corporations to remarry their partly-private -partly-public purpose. If such a movement proves successful, the paradigm shift that finally makes corporations serve the welfare of a broader range of stakeholders would happen at the hands of shareholders

    Corporate Governance Gaming: The Collective Power of Retail Investors

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    The GameStop saga and meme stock frenzy have shown the pathway to the most disruptive revolution in corporate governance of the millennium. New generations of retail investors use technologies, online forums, and gaming dynamics to coordinate their actions and obtain unprecedented results. Signals indicate that these investors, whom we can dub wireless investors, are currently expanding their actions to corporate governance. Wireless investors\u27 generational characteristics suggest that they will use corporate governance to pursue social and environmental causes. In fact, wireless investors can set in motion asocial movement able to bring business corporations to serve their original partly-private-partly-public purpose. This Article discusses premises, architecture, and characteristics of the movement that would cause business corporations to remarry their partly-private -partly-public purpose. If such a movement proves successful, the paradigm shift that finally makes corporations serve the welfare of a broader range of stakeholders would happen at the hands of shareholders

    Formation of a Millennial Cafe Ministry in Ogden, Utah: An Economically Viable Model

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    Problem Connecting and retaining millennials within established church structure has proven difficult in my context. I have a genuine desire for community and purpose within millennial groups, yet the majority remain removed from traditional church programming and events. A growing disenfranchisement with current church framework has caused many millennials to disengage or seek purpose elsewhere. Method Press Together was formed as a new millennial friendly approach to ministry in Ogden, UT. This raw cold-pressed juicery serves the healthiest organic options from its retail location while providing a space for fellowship, ministry and employment. This uses millenial focus groups and financial data to evaluate millennial engagement and the economic viability of Press Together. The Results Millennials were attracted to Press Together models. They would not hesitate to engage with and recommend Press Together. Most desired additional space for fellowship beyond space offered at the Ogden, Utah location. The production and sale of organic cold-pressed juice products is laborious and expensive. Retail sales alone did not validate an economically viable model given the cost of denominational waga scales and benefits. However, Press Together\u27s non-profit status provided a foundation for philanthropic efforts showing promise for an economically viable model. Conclusions Press Together represents a modern approach to ministry that resonates with millennials. For Press Together to reach its full potential, visionary leadership and skilled management are essential to sustain economic viability and realize ministry potential. With proper oversight and leadership, Press Together represents relevant millennial church planting model that can be strategically reproduced in affluent areas around the world

    A Strategy for the Commons: Business-driven Networks for Collective Action and Policy Dialogue. The Example of Global Compact Local Networks

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    The current challenges involved with ensuring global sustainability are daunting. Climate change is increasing the incidence of severe weather events, natural resources are undergoing rapid depletion, labor conditions in global supply chains are often inhumane and degrading, and corruption around the globe is undermining competition and destroying wealth. These and other global challenges pose serious problems not only to mankind in general, but also to the sustainability of companies. Indeed, companies rely on enabling environments, local and global alike, for long-term success. Companies depend on a reliable legal framework conducive to investment and competition, a healthy and viable natural environment, and a secure social environment that facilitates the wellbeing of its inhabitants. However, given the overexploitation of shared resources, also known as the “tragedy of the commons,” companies often find it difficult to address global sustainability challenges and invest in enabling environments. All sustainability challenges face this tragedy: Although each societal actor ought to have an interest in creating or ensuring the viability of these common goods, the incentive to “free ride” on the efforts of others and let them bear the costs is exceedingly high. As a result, short-term profit maximization often damages the longterm growth prospects of companies. Since governments lack the capacity to address the complexity and global scope of sustainability challenges alone, a “strategy for the commons” is needed that allows companies, governments and other actors to overcome the free rider dilemma and invest in sustainable development