247 research outputs found

    Power Management Techniques for Data Centers: A Survey

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    With growing use of internet and exponential growth in amount of data to be stored and processed (known as 'big data'), the size of data centers has greatly increased. This, however, has resulted in significant increase in the power consumption of the data centers. For this reason, managing power consumption of data centers has become essential. In this paper, we highlight the need of achieving energy efficiency in data centers and survey several recent architectural techniques designed for power management of data centers. We also present a classification of these techniques based on their characteristics. This paper aims to provide insights into the techniques for improving energy efficiency of data centers and encourage the designers to invent novel solutions for managing the large power dissipation of data centers.Comment: Keywords: Data Centers, Power Management, Low-power Design, Energy Efficiency, Green Computing, DVFS, Server Consolidatio

    Synthesis of application specific processor architectures for ultra-low energy consumption

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    In this paper we suggest that further energy savings can be achieved by a new approach to synthesis of embedded processor cores, where the architecture is tailored to the algorithms that the core executes. In the context of embedded processor synthesis, both single-core and many-core, the types of algorithms and demands on the execution efficiency are usually known at the chip design time. This knowledge can be utilised at the design stage to synthesise architectures optimised for energy consumption. Firstly, we present an overview of both traditional energy saving techniques and new developments in architectural approaches to energy-efficient processing. Secondly, we propose a picoMIPS architecture that serves as an architectural template for energy-efficient synthesis. As a case study, we show how the picoMIPS architecture can be tailored to an energy efficient execution of the DCT algorithm

    Dynamic Thermal and Power Management: From Computers to Buildings

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    Thermal and power management have become increasingly important for both computing and physical systems. Computing systems from real-time embedded systems to data centers require effective thermal and power management to prevent overheating and save energy. In the mean time, as a major consumer of energy buildings face challenges to reduce the energy consumption for air conditioning while maintaining comfort of occupants. In this dissertation we investigate dynamic thermal and power management for computer systems and buildings. (1) We present thermal control under utilization bound (TCUB), a novel control-theoretic thermal management algorithm designed for single core real-time embedded systems. A salient feature of TCUB is to maintain both desired processor temperature and real-time performance. (2) To address unique challenges posed by multicore processors, we develop the real-time multicore thermal control (RT-MTC) algorithm. RT-MTC employs a feedback control loop to enforce the desired temperature and CPU utilization of the multicore platform via dynamic frequency and voltage scaling. (3) We research dynamic thermal management for real-time services running on server clusters. We develop the control-theoretic thermal balancing (CTB) to dynamically balance temperature of servers via distributing clients\u27 service requests to servers. Next, (4) we propose CloudPowerCap, a power cap management system for virtualized cloud computing infrastructure. The novelty of CloudPowerCap lies in an integrated approach to coordinate power budget management and resource management in a cloud computing environment. Finally we expand our research to physical environment by exploring several fundamental problems of thermal and power management on buildings. We analyze spatial and temporal data acquired from an real-world auditorium instrumented by a multi-modal sensor network. We propose a data mining technique to determine the appropriate number and location of temperature sensors for estimating the spatiotemporal temperature distribution of the auditorium. Furthermore, we explore the potential energy savings that can be achieved through occupancy-based HVAC scheduling based on real occupancy data of the auditorium

    A Survey of Fault-Tolerance Techniques for Embedded Systems from the Perspective of Power, Energy, and Thermal Issues

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    The relentless technology scaling has provided a significant increase in processor performance, but on the other hand, it has led to adverse impacts on system reliability. In particular, technology scaling increases the processor susceptibility to radiation-induced transient faults. Moreover, technology scaling with the discontinuation of Dennard scaling increases the power densities, thereby temperatures, on the chip. High temperature, in turn, accelerates transistor aging mechanisms, which may ultimately lead to permanent faults on the chip. To assure a reliable system operation, despite these potential reliability concerns, fault-tolerance techniques have emerged. Specifically, fault-tolerance techniques employ some kind of redundancies to satisfy specific reliability requirements. However, the integration of fault-tolerance techniques into real-time embedded systems complicates preserving timing constraints. As a remedy, many task mapping/scheduling policies have been proposed to consider the integration of fault-tolerance techniques and enforce both timing and reliability guarantees for real-time embedded systems. More advanced techniques aim additionally at minimizing power and energy while at the same time satisfying timing and reliability constraints. Recently, some scheduling techniques have started to tackle a new challenge, which is the temperature increase induced by employing fault-tolerance techniques. These emerging techniques aim at satisfying temperature constraints besides timing and reliability constraints. This paper provides an in-depth survey of the emerging research efforts that exploit fault-tolerance techniques while considering timing, power/energy, and temperature from the real-time embedded systems’ design perspective. In particular, the task mapping/scheduling policies for fault-tolerance real-time embedded systems are reviewed and classified according to their considered goals and constraints. Moreover, the employed fault-tolerance techniques, application models, and hardware models are considered as additional dimensions of the presented classification. Lastly, this survey gives deep insights into the main achievements and shortcomings of the existing approaches and highlights the most promising ones

    Modeling and optimization of high-performance many-core systems for energy-efficient and reliable computing

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston UniversityMany-core systems, ranging from small-scale many-core processors to large-scale high performance computing (HPC) data centers, have become the main trend in computing system design owing to their potential to deliver higher throughput per watt. However, power densities and temperatures increase following the growth in the performance capacity, and bring major challenges in energy efficiency, cooling costs, and reliability. These challenges require a joint assessment of performance, power, and temperature tradeoffs as well as the design of runtime optimization techniques that monitor and manage the interplay among them. This thesis proposes novel modeling and runtime management techniques that evaluate and optimize the performance, energy, and reliability of many-core systems. We first address the energy and thermal challenges in 3D-stacked many-core processors. 3D processors with stacked DRAM have the potential to dramatically improve performance owing to lower memory access latency and higher bandwidth. However, the performance increase may cause 3D systems to exceed the power budgets or create thermal hot spots. In order to provide an accurate analysis and enable the design of efficient management policies, this thesis introduces a simulation framework to jointly analyze performance, power, and temperature for 3D systems. We then propose a runtime optimization policy that maximizes the system performance by characterizing the application behavior and predicting the operating points that satisfy the power and thermal constraints. Our policy reduces the energy-delay product (EDP) by up to 61.9% compared to existing strategies. Performance, cooling energy, and reliability are also critical aspects in HPC data centers. In addition to causing reliability degradation, high temperatures increase the required cooling energy. Communication cost, on the other hand, has a significant impact on system performance in HPC data centers. This thesis proposes a topology-aware technique that maximizes system reliability by selecting between workload clustering and balancing. Our policy improves the system reliability by up to 123.3% compared to existing temperature balancing approaches. We also introduce a job allocation methodology to simultaneously optimize the communication cost and the cooling energy in a data center. Our policy reduces the cooling cost by 40% compared to cooling-aware and performance-aware policies, while achieving comparable performance to performance-aware policy

    Aggressive and reliable high-performance architectures - techniques for thermal control, energy efficiency, and performance augmentation

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    As more and more transistors fit in a single chip, consumers of the electronics industry continue to expect decline in cost-per-function. Advancements in process technology offer steady improvements in system performance. The improvements manifest themselves as shrinking area, faster circuits and improved battery life. However, this migration toward sub-micro/nano-meter technologies presents a new set of challenges as the system becomes extremely sensitive to any voltage, temperature or process variations. One approach to immunize the system from the adverse effects of these variations is to add sufficient safety margins to the operating clock frequency of the system. Clearly, this approach is overly conservative because these worst case scenarios rarely occur. But, process technology in nanoscale era has already hit the power and frequency walls. Regardless of any of these challenges, the present processors not only need to run faster, but also cooler and use lesser energy. At a juncture where there is no further improvement in clock frequency is possible, data dependent latching through Timing Speculation (TS) provides a silver lining. Timing speculation is a widely known method for realizing better-than-worst-case systems. TS is aggressive in nature, where the mechanism is to dynamically tune the system frequency beyond the worst-case limits obtained from application characteristics to enhance the performance of system-on-chips (SoCs). However, such aggressive tuning has adverse consequences that need to be overcome. Power dissipation, on-chip temperature and reliability are key issues that cannot be ignored. A carefully designed power management technique combined with a reliable, controlled, aggressive clocking not only attempts to constrain power dissipation within a limit, but also improves performance whenever possible. In this dissertation, we present a novel power level switching mechanism by redefining the existing voltage-frequency pairs. We introduce an aggressive yet reliable framework for energy efficient thermal control. We were able to achieve up to 40% speed-up compared to a base scheme without overclocking. We compare our method against different schemes. We observe that up to 75% Energy-Delay squared product (ED2) savings relative to base architecture is possible. We showcase the loss of efficiency in present chip multiprocessor systems due to excess power supplied, and propose Utilization-aware Task Scheduling (UTS) - a power management scheme that increases energy efficiency of chip multiprocessors. Our experiments demonstrate that UTS along with aggressive timing speculation squeezes out maximum performance from the system without loss of efficiency, and breaching power & thermal constraints. From our evaluation we infer that UTS improves performance by up to 12% due to aggressive power level switching and over 50% in ED2 savings compared to traditional power management techniques. Aggressive clocking systems having TS as their central theme operate at a clock frequency range beyond specified safe limits, exploiting the data dependence on circuit critical paths. However, the margin for performance enhancement is restricted due to extreme difference between short paths and critical paths. In this thesis, we show that increasing the lengths of short paths of the circuit increases the margin of TS, leading to performance improvement in aggressively designed systems. We develop Min-arc algorithm to efficiently add delay buffers to selected short paths while keeping down the area penalty. We show that by using our algorithm, it is possible to increase the circuit contamination delay by up to 30% without affecting the propagation delay, with moderate area overhead. We also explore the possibility of increasing short path delays further by relaxing the constraint on propagation delay, and achieve even higher performance. Overall, we bring out the inter-relationship between power, temperature and reliability of aggressively clocked systems. Our main objective is to achieve maximal performance benefits and improved energy efficiency within thermal constraints by effectively combining dynamic frequency scaling, dynamic voltage scaling and reliable overclocking. We provide solutions to improve the existing power management in chip multiprocessors to dynamically maximize system utilization and satisfy the power constraints within safe thermal limits

    Task Activity Vectors: A Novel Metric for Temperature-Aware and Energy-Efficient Scheduling

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    This thesis introduces the abstraction of the task activity vector to characterize applications by the processor resources they utilize. Based on activity vectors, the thesis introduces scheduling policies for improving the temperature distribution on the processor chip and for increasing energy efficiency by reducing the contention for shared resources of multicore and multithreaded processors