10,624 research outputs found

    Energy-efficient node selection algorithms with correlation optimization in wireless sensor networks

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    The sensing data of nodes is generally correlated in dense wireless sensor networks, and the active node selection problem aims at selecting a minimum number of nodes to provide required data services within error threshold so as to efficiently extend the network lifetime. In this paper, we firstly propose a new Cover Sets Balance (CSB) algorithm to choose a set of active nodes with the partially ordered tuple (data coverage range, residual energy). Then, we introduce a new Correlated Node Set Computing (CNSC) algorithm to find the correlated node set for a given node. Finally, we propose a High Residual Energy First (HREF) node selection algorithm to further reduce the number of active nodes. Extensive experiments demonstrate that HREF significantly reduces the number of active nodes, and CSB and HREF effectively increase the lifetime of wireless sensor networks compared with related works.This work is supported by the National Science Foundation of China under Grand nos. 61370210 and 61103175, Fujian Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant nos. 2011J01345, 2013J01232, and 2013J01229, and the Development Foundation of Educational Committee of Fujian Province under Grand no. 2012JA12027. It has also been partially supported by the "Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion," through the "Plan Nacional de I+D+i 2008-2011" in the "Subprograma de Proyectos de Investigacion Fundamental," Project TEC2011-27516, and by the Polytechnic University of Valencia, though the PAID-15-11 multidisciplinary Projects.Cheng, H.; Su, Z.; Zhang, D.; Lloret, J.; Yu, Z. (2014). Energy-efficient node selection algorithms with correlation optimization in wireless sensor networks. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. 2014:1-14. https://doi.org/10.1155/2014/576573S1142014Yick, J., Mukherjee, B., & Ghosal, D. (2008). Wireless sensor network survey. Computer Networks, 52(12), 2292-2330. doi:10.1016/j.comnet.2008.04.002Sendra, S., Lloret, J., Garcia, M., & Toledo, J. F. (2011). Power Saving and Energy Optimization Techniques for Wireless Sensor Neworks (Invited Paper). Journal of Communications, 6(6). doi:10.4304/jcm.6.6.439-459Diallo, O., Rodrigues, J. J. P. C., Sene, M., & Lloret, J. (2015). Distributed Database Management Techniques for Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 26(2), 604-620. doi:10.1109/tpds.2013.207Oliveira, L. M. L., Rodrigues, J. J. P. C., Elias, A. G. F., & Zarpelão, B. B. (2014). Ubiquitous Monitoring Solution for Wireless Sensor Networks with Push Notifications and End-to-End Connectivity. Mobile Information Systems, 10(1), 19-35. doi:10.1155/2014/270568Diallo, O., Rodrigues, J. J. 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Improving Energy Efficiency in a Wireless Sensor Network by Combining Cooperative MIMO With Data Aggregation. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 59(8), 3956-3965. doi:10.1109/tvt.2010.2063719Wei, G., Ling, Y., Guo, B., Xiao, B., & Vasilakos, A. V. (2011). Prediction-based data aggregation in wireless sensor networks: Combining grey model and Kalman Filter. Computer Communications, 34(6), 793-802. doi:10.1016/j.comcom.2010.10.003Xiang, L., Luo, J., & Vasilakos, A. (2011). Compressed data aggregation for energy efficient wireless sensor networks. 2011 8th Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks. doi:10.1109/sahcn.2011.5984932Xu, Y., & Choi, J. (2012). Spatial prediction with mobile sensor networks using Gaussian processes with built-in Gaussian Markov random fields. Automatica, 48(8), 1735-1740. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2012.05.029Min, J.-K., & Chung, C.-W. (2010). 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Distortion Analysis for Real-Time Data Collection of Spatially Temporally Correlated Data Fields in Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 58(3), 1583-1594. doi:10.1109/tvt.2008.928906Karasabun, E., Korpeoglu, I., & Aykanat, C. (2013). Active node determination for correlated data gathering in wireless sensor networks. Computer Networks, 57(5), 1124-1138. doi:10.1016/j.comnet.2012.11.018Gupta, H., Navda, V., Das, S., & Chowdhary, V. (2008). Efficient gathering of correlated data in sensor networks. ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, 4(1), 1-31. doi:10.1145/1325651.1325655Campobello, G., Leonardi, A., & Palazzo, S. (2012). Improving Energy Saving and Reliability in Wireless Sensor Networks Using a Simple CRT-Based Packet-Forwarding Solution. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 20(1), 191-205. doi:10.1109/tnet.2011.2158442Tseng, L.-C., Chien, F.-T., Zhang, D., Chang, R. Y., Chung, W.-H., & Huang, C. (2013). 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Proceeding of the 2006 international conference on Communications and mobile computing - IWCMC ’06. doi:10.1145/1143549.1143774Cheng, H., Guo, R., & Chen, Y. (2013). Node Selection Algorithms with Data Accuracy Guarantee in Service-Oriented Wireless Sensor Networks. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 9(4), 527965. doi:10.1155/2013/52796

    Markov Decision Processes with Applications in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) consist of autonomous and resource-limited devices. The devices cooperate to monitor one or more physical phenomena within an area of interest. WSNs operate as stochastic systems because of randomness in the monitored environments. For long service time and low maintenance cost, WSNs require adaptive and robust methods to address data exchange, topology formulation, resource and power optimization, sensing coverage and object detection, and security challenges. In these problems, sensor nodes are to make optimized decisions from a set of accessible strategies to achieve design goals. This survey reviews numerous applications of the Markov decision process (MDP) framework, a powerful decision-making tool to develop adaptive algorithms and protocols for WSNs. Furthermore, various solution methods are discussed and compared to serve as a guide for using MDPs in WSNs

    Optimisation of Mobile Communication Networks - OMCO NET

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    The mini conference “Optimisation of Mobile Communication Networks” focuses on advanced methods for search and optimisation applied to wireless communication networks. It is sponsored by Research & Enterprise Fund Southampton Solent University. The conference strives to widen knowledge on advanced search methods capable of optimisation of wireless communications networks. The aim is to provide a forum for exchange of recent knowledge, new ideas and trends in this progressive and challenging area. The conference will popularise new successful approaches on resolving hard tasks such as minimisation of transmit power, cooperative and optimal routing

    Efficient calculation of sensor utility and sensor removal in wireless sensor networks for adaptive signal estimation and beamforming

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    Wireless sensor networks are often deployed over a large area of interest and therefore the quality of the sensor signals may vary significantly across the different sensors. In this case, it is useful to have a measure for the importance or the so-called "utility" of each sensor, e.g., for sensor subset selection, resource allocation or topology selection. In this paper, we consider the efficient calculation of sensor utility measures for four different signal estimation or beamforming algorithms in an adaptive context. We use the definition of sensor utility as the increase in cost (e.g., mean-squared error) when the sensor is removed from the estimation procedure. Since each possible sensor removal corresponds to a new estimation problem (involving less sensors), calculating the sensor utilities would require a continuous updating of different signal estimators (where is the number of sensors), increasing computational complexity and memory usage by a factor. However, we derive formulas to efficiently calculate all sensor utilities with hardly any increase in memory usage and computational complexity compared to the signal estimation algorithm already in place. When applied in adaptive signal estimation algorithms, this allows for on-line tracking of all the sensor utilities at almost no additional cost. Furthermore, we derive efficient formulas for sensor removal, i.e., for updating the signal estimator coefficients when a sensor is removed, e.g., due to a failure in the wireless link or when its utility is too low. We provide a complexity evaluation of the derived formulas, and demonstrate the significant reduction in computational complexity compared to straightforward implementations
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