1,938 research outputs found

    Coverage Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks: Review and Future Directions

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    The coverage problem in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) can be generally defined as a measure of how effectively a network field is monitored by its sensor nodes. This problem has attracted a lot of interest over the years and as a result, many coverage protocols were proposed. In this survey, we first propose a taxonomy for classifying coverage protocols in WSNs. Then, we classify the coverage protocols into three categories (i.e. coverage aware deployment protocols, sleep scheduling protocols for flat networks, and cluster-based sleep scheduling protocols) based on the network stage where the coverage is optimized. For each category, relevant protocols are thoroughly reviewed and classified based on the adopted coverage techniques. Finally, we discuss open issues (and recommend future directions to resolve them) associated with the design of realistic coverage protocols. Issues such as realistic sensing models, realistic energy consumption models, realistic connectivity models and sensor localization are covered

    3D Multi-Objective Deployment of an Industrial Wireless Sensor Network for Maritime Applications Utilizing a Distributed Parallel Algorithm

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    Effective monitoring marine environment has become a vital problem in the marine applications. Traditionally, marine application mostly utilizes oceanographic research vessel methods to monitor the environment and human parameters. But these methods are usually expensive and time-consuming, also limited resolution in time and space. Due to easy deployment and cost-effective, WSNs have recently been considered as a promising alternative for next generation IMGs. This paper focuses on solving the issue of 3D WSN deployment in a 3D engine room space of a very large crude-oil carrier (VLCC), in which many power devices are also considered. To address this 3D WSN deployment problem for maritime applications, a 3D uncertain coverage model is proposed with a new 3D sensing model and an uncertain fusion operator, is presented. The deployment problem is converted into a multi-objective problems (MOP) in which three objectives are simultaneously considered: Coverage, Lifetime and Reliability. Our aim is to achieve extensive Coverage, long Lifetime and high Reliability. We also propose a distributed parallel cooperative co-evolutionary multi-objective large-scale evolutionary algorithm (DPCCMOLSEA) for maritime applications. In the simulation experiments, the effectiveness of this algorithm is verified in comparing with five state-of-the-art algorithms. The numerical outputs demonstrate that the proposed method performs the best with respect to both optimization performance and computation time

    Energy-efficient routing protocols in heterogeneous wireless sensor networks

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    Sensor networks feature low-cost sensor devices with wireless network capability, limited transmit power, resource constraints and limited battery energy. The usage of cheap and tiny wireless sensors will allow very large networks to be deployed at a feasible cost to provide a bridge between information systems and the physical world. Such large-scale deployments will require routing protocols that scale to large network sizes in an energy-efficient way. This thesis addresses the design of such network routing methods. A classification of existing routing protocols and the key factors in their design (i.e., hardware, topology, applications) provides the motivation for the new three-tier architecture for heterogeneous networks built upon a generic software framework (GSF). A range of new routing algorithms have hence been developed with the design goals of scalability and energy-efficient performance of network protocols. They are respectively TinyReg - a routing algorithm based on regular-graph theory, TSEP - topological stable election protocol, and GAAC - an evolutionary algorithm based on genetic algorithms and ant colony algorithms. The design principle of our routing algorithms is that shortening the distance between the cluster-heads and the sink in the network, will minimise energy consumption in order to extend the network lifetime, will achieve energy efficiency. Their performance has been evaluated by simulation in an extensive range of scenarios, and compared to existing algorithms. It is shown that the newly proposed algorithms allow long-term continuous data collection in large networks, offering greater network longevity than existing solutions. These results confirm the validity of the GSF as an architectural approach to the deployment of large wireless sensor networks

    An Enhanced Cluster-Based Routing Model for Energy-Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Energy efficiency is a crucial consideration in wireless sensor networks since the sensor nodes are resource-constrained, and this limited resource, if not optimally utilized, may disrupt the entire network's operations. The network must ensure that the limited energy resources are used as effectively as possible to allow for longer-term operation. The study designed and simulated an improved Genetic Algorithm-Based Energy-Efficient Routing (GABEER) algorithm to combat the issue of energy depletion in wireless sensor networks. The GABEER algorithm was designed using the Free Space Path Loss Model to determine each node's location in the sensor field according to its proximity to the base station (sink) and the First-Order Radio Energy Model to measure the energy depletion of each node to obtain the residual energy. The GABEER algorithm was coded in the C++ programming language, and the wireless sensor network was simulated using Network Simulator 3 (NS-3). The outcomes of the simulation revealed that the GABEER algorithm has the capability of increasing the performance of sensor network operations with respect to lifetime and stability period

    A Survey on the Application of Evolutionary Algorithms for Mobile Multihop Ad Hoc Network Optimization Problems

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    Evolutionary algorithms are metaheuristic algorithms that provide quasioptimal solutions in a reasonable time. They have been applied to many optimization problems in a high number of scientific areas. In this survey paper, we focus on the application of evolutionary algorithms to solve optimization problems related to a type of complex network likemobilemultihop ad hoc networks. Since its origin, mobile multihop ad hoc network has evolved causing new types of multihop networks to appear such as vehicular ad hoc networks and delay tolerant networks, leading to the solution of new issues and optimization problems. In this survey, we review the main work presented for each type of mobile multihop ad hoc network and we also present some innovative ideas and open challenges to guide further research in this topic

    Drone Base Station Trajectory Management for Optimal Scheduling in LTE-Based Sparse Delay-Sensitive M2M Networks

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    Providing connectivity in areas out of reach of the cellular infrastructure is a very active area of research. This connectivity is particularly needed in case of the deployment of machine type communication devices (MTCDs) for critical purposes such as homeland security. In such applications, MTCDs are deployed in areas that are hard to reach using regular communications infrastructure while the collected data is timely critical. Drone-supported communications constitute a new trend in complementing the reach of the terrestrial communication infrastructure. In this study, drones are used as base stations to provide real-time communication services to gather critical data out of a group of MTCDs that are sparsely deployed in a marine environment. Studying different communication technologies as LTE, WiFi, LPWAN and Free-Space Optical communication (FSOC) incorporated with the drone communications was important in the first phase of this research to identify the best candidate for addressing this need. We have determined the cellular technology, and particularly LTE, to be the most suitable candidate to support such applications. In this case, an LTE base station would be mounted on the drone which will help communicate with the different MTCDs to transmit their data to the network backhaul. We then formulate the problem model mathematically and devise the trajectory planning and scheduling algorithm that decides the drone path and the resulting scheduling. Based on this formulation, we decided to compare between an Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) based technique that optimizes the drone movement among the sparsely-deployed MTCDs and a Genetic Algorithm (GA) based solution that achieves the same purpose. This optimization is based on minimizing the energy cost of the drone movement while ensuring the data transmission deadline missing is minimized. We present the results of several simulation experiments that validate the different performance aspects of the technique