280 research outputs found

    Two-Hop Routing with Traffic-Differentiation for QoS Guarantee in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    This paper proposes a Traffic-Differentiated Two-Hop Routing protocol for Quality of Service (QoS) in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). It targets WSN applications having different types of data traffic with several priorities. The protocol achieves to increase Packet Reception Ratio (PRR) and reduce end-to-end delay while considering multi-queue priority policy, two-hop neighborhood information, link reliability and power efficiency. The protocol is modular and utilizes effective methods for estimating the link metrics. Numerical results show that the proposed protocol is a feasible solution to addresses QoS service differenti- ation for traffic with different priorities.Comment: 13 page

    RTXP : A Localized Real-Time Mac-Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Protocols developed during the last years for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are mainly focused on energy efficiency and autonomous mechanisms (e.g. self-organization, self-configuration, etc). Nevertheless, with new WSN applications, appear new QoS requirements such as time constraints. Real-time applications require the packets to be delivered before a known time bound which depends on the application requirements. We particularly focus on applications which consist in alarms sent to the sink node. We propose Real-Time X-layer Protocol (RTXP), a real-time communication protocol. To the best of our knowledge, RTXP is the first MAC and routing real-time communication protocol that is not centralized, but instead relies only on local information. The solution is cross-layer (X-layer) because it allows to control the delays due to MAC and Routing layers interactions. RTXP uses a suited hop-count-based Virtual Coordinate System which allows deterministic medium access and forwarder selection. In this paper we describe the protocol mechanisms. We give theoretical bound on the end-to-end delay and the capacity of the protocol. Intensive simulation results confirm the theoretical predictions and allow to compare with a real-time centralized solution. RTXP is also simulated under harsh radio channel, in this case the radio link introduces probabilistic behavior. Nevertheless, we show that RTXP it performs better than a non-deterministic solution. It thus advocates for the usefulness of designing real-time (deterministic) protocols even for highly unreliable networks such as WSNs

    A Case for Time Slotted Channel Hopping for ICN in the IoT

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    Recent proposals to simplify the operation of the IoT include the use of Information Centric Networking (ICN) paradigms. While this is promising, several challenges remain. In this paper, our core contributions (a) leverage ICN communication patterns to dynamically optimize the use of TSCH (Time Slotted Channel Hopping), a wireless link layer technology increasingly popular in the IoT, and (b) make IoT-style routing adaptive to names, resources, and traffic patterns throughout the network--both without cross-layering. Through a series of experiments on the FIT IoT-LAB interconnecting typical IoT hardware, we find that our approach is fully robust against wireless interference, and almost halves the energy consumed for transmission when compared to CSMA. Most importantly, our adaptive scheduling prevents the time-slotted MAC layer from sacrificing throughput and delay

    Energy Efficient Scheduling for Loss Tolerant IoT Applications with Uninformed Transmitter

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    In this work we investigate energy efficient packet scheduling problem for the loss tolerant applications. We consider slow fading channel for a point to point connection with no channel state information at the transmitter side (CSIT). In the absence of CSIT, the slow fading channel has an outage probability associated with every transmit power. As a function of data loss tolerance parameters and peak power constraints, we formulate an optimization problem to minimize the average transmit energy for the user equipment (UE). The optimization problem is not convex and we use stochastic optimization technique to solve the problem. The numerical results quantify the effect of different system parameters on average transmit power and show significant power savings for the loss tolerant applications.Comment: Published in ICC 201

    Predictable Real-Time Wireless Networking For Sensing And Control

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    Towards the end goal of providing predictable real-time wireless networking for sensing and control, we have developed a real-time routing protocol MTA that predictably delivers data by their deadlines, and a scheduling protocol PRKS to ensure a certain link reliability based on the Physical-ratio-K (PRK) model, which is both realistic and amenable for distributed implementation, and a greedy scheduling algorithm to deliver as many packets as possible to the sink by a deadline in lossy multi-hop wireless sensor networks. Real-time routing is a basic element of closed-loop, real-time sensing and control, but it is challenging due to dynamic, uncertain link/path delays. The probabilistic nature of link/path delays makes the basic problem of computing the probabilistic distribution of path delays NP-hard, yet quantifying probabilistic path delays is a basic element of real-time routing and may well have to be executed by resource-constrained devices in a distributed manner; the highly-varying nature of link/path delays makes it necessary to adapt to in-situ delay conditions in real-time routing, but it has been observed that delay-based routing can lead to instability, estimation error, and low data delivery performance in general. To address these challenges, we propose the Multi-Timescale Estimation (MTE) method; by accurately estimating the mean and variance of per-packet transmission time and by adapting to fast-varying queueing in an accurate, agile manner, MTE enables accurate, agile, and efficient estimation of probabilistic path delay bounds in a distributed manner. Based on MTE, we propose the Multi-Timescale Adaptation (MTA) routing protocol; MTA integrates the stability of an ETX-based directed-acyclic-graph (DAG) with the agility of spatiotemporal data flow control within the DAG to ensure real-time data delivery in the presence of dynamics and uncertainties. We also address the challenges of implementing MTE and MTA in resource-constrained devices such as TelosB motes. We evaluate the performance of MTA using the NetEye and Indriya sensor network testbeds. We find that MTA significantly outperforms existing protocols, e.g., improving deadline success ratio by 89% and reducing transmission cost by a factor of 9.7. Predictable wireless communication is another basic enabler for networked sensing and control in many cyber-physical systems, yet co-channel interference remains a major source of uncertainty in wireless communication. Integrating the protocol model\u27s locality and the physical model\u27s high fidelity, the physical-ratio-K (PRK) interference model bridges the gap between the suitability for distributed implementation and the enabled scheduling performance, and it is expected to serve as a foundation for distributed, predictable interference control. To realize the potential of the PRK model and to address the challenges of distributed PRK-based scheduling, we design protocol PRKS. PRKS uses a control-theoretic approach to instantiating the PRK model according to in-situ network and environmental conditions, and, through purely local coordination, the distributed controllers converge to a state where the desired link reliability is guaranteed. PRKS uses local signal maps to address the challenges of anisotropic, asymmetric wireless communication and large interference range, and PRKS leverages the different timescales of PRK model adaptation and data transmission to decouple protocol signaling from data transmission. Through sensor network testbed-based measurement study, we observe that, unlike existing scheduling protocols where link reliability is unpredictable and the reliability requirement satisfaction ratio can be as low as 0%, PRKS enables predictably high link reliability (e.g., 95%) in different network and environmental conditions without a priori knowledge of these conditions, and, through local distributed coordination, PRKS achieves a channel spatial reuse very close to what is enabled by the state-of-the-art centralized scheduler while ensuring the required link reliability. Ensuring the required link reliability in PRKS also reduces communication delay and improves network throughput. We study the problem of scheduling packet transmissions to maximize the expected number of packets collected at the sink by a deadline in a multi-hop wireless sensor network with lossy links. Most existing work assumes error-free transmissions when interference constraints are complied, yet links can be unreliable due to external interference, shadow- ing, and fading in harsh environments in practice. We formulate the problem as a Markov decision process, yielding an optimal solution. However, the problem is computationally in- tractable due to the curse of dimensionality. Thus, we propose the efficient and greedy Best Link First Scheduling (BLF) protocol. We prove it is optimal for the single-hop case and provide an approach for distributed implementation. Extensive simulations show it greatly enhances real-time data delivery performance, increasing deadline catch ratio by up to 50%, compared with existing scheduling protocols in a wide range of network and traffic settings

    Towards Real-time Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless sensor networks are poised to change the way computer systems interact with the physical world. We plan on entrusting sensor systems to collect medical data from patients, monitor the safety of our infrastructure, and control manufacturing processes in our factories. To date, the focus of the sensor network community has been on developing best-effort services. This approach is insufficient for many applications since it does not enable developers to determine if a system\u27s requirements in terms of communication latency, bandwidth utilization, reliability, or energy consumption are met. The focus of this thesis is to develop real-time network support for such critical applications. The first part of the thesis focuses on developing a power management solution for the radio subsystem which addresses both the problem of idle-listening and power control. In contrast to traditional power management solutions which focus solely on reducing energy consumption, the distinguishing feature of our approach is that it achieves both energy efficiency and real-time communication. A solution to the idle-listening problem is proposed in Energy Efficient Sleep Scheduling based on Application Semantics: ESSAT). The novelty of ESSAT lies in that it takes advantage of the common features of data collection applications to determine when to turn on and off a node\u27s radio without affecting real-time performance. A solution to the power control problem is proposed in Real-time Power Aware-Routing: RPAR). RPAR tunes the transmission power for each packet based on its deadline such that energy is saved without missing packet deadlines. The main theoretical contribution of this thesis is the development of novel transmission scheduling techniques optimized for data collection applications. This work bridges the gap between wireless sensor networks and real-time scheduling theory, which have traditionally been applied to processor scheduling. The proposed approach has significant advantages over existing design methodologies:: 1) it provides predictable performance allowing for the performance of a system to be estimated upon its deployment,: 2) it is possible to detect and handle overload conditions through simple rate control mechanisms, and: 3) it easily accommodates workload changes. I developed this framework under a realistic interference model by coordinating the activities at the MAC, link, and routing layers. The last component of this thesis focuses on the development of a real-time patient monitoring system for general hospital units. The system is designed to facilitate the detection of clinical deterioration, which is a key factor in saving lives and reducing healthcare costs. Since patients in general hospital wards are often ambulatory, a key challenge is to achieve high reliability even in the presence of mobility. To support patient mobility, I developed the Dynamic Relay Association Protocol -- a simple and effective mechanism for dynamically discovering the right relays for forwarding patient data -- and a Radio Mapping Tool -- a practical tool for ensuring network coverage in 802.15.4 networks. We show that it is feasible to use low-power and low-cost wireless sensor networks for clinical monitoring through an in-depth clinical study. The study was performed in a step-down cardiac care unit at Barnes-Jewish Hospital. This is the first long-term study of such a patient monitoring system

    In-Network Processing For Mission-Criticalwireless Networked Sensing And Control: A Real-Time, Efficiency, And Resiliency Perspective

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    As wireless cyber-physical systems (WCPS) are increasingly being deployed in mission-critical applications, it becomes imperative that we consider application QoS requirements in in-network processing (INP). In this dissertation, we explore the potentials of two INP methods, packet packing and network coding, on improving network performance while satisfying application QoS requirements. We find that not only can these two techniques increase the energy efficiency, reliability, and throughput of WCPS while satisfying QoS requirements of applications in a relatively static environment, but also they can provide low cost proactive protection against transient node failures in a more dynamic wireless environment. We first study the problem of jointly optimizing packet packing and the timeliness of data delivery. We identify the conditions under which the problem is strong NP-hard, and we find that the problem complexity heavily depends on aggregation constraints instead of network and traffic properties. For cases when the problem is NP-hard, we show that there is no polynomial-time approximation scheme (PTAS); for cases when the problem can be solved in polynomial time, we design polynomial time, offline algorithms for finding the optimal packet packing schemes. We design a distributed, online protocol tPack that schedules packet transmissions to maximize the local utility of packet packing at each node. We evaluate the properties of tPack in NetEye testbed. We find that jointly optimizing data delivery timeliness and packet packing and considering real-world aggregation constraints significantly improve network performance. We then work on the problem of minimizing the transmission cost of network coding based routing in sensor networks. We propose the first mathematical framework so far as we know on how to theoretically compute the expected transmission cost of NC-based routing in terms of expected number of transmission. Based on this framework, we design a polynomial-time greedy algorithm for forwarder set selection and prove its optimality on transmission cost minimization. We designed EENCR, an energy-efficient NC-based routing protocol that implement our forwarder set selection algorithm to minimize the overall transmission cost. Through comparative study on EENCR and other state-of-the-art routing protocols, we show that EENCR significantly outperforms CTP, MORE and CodeOR in delivery reliability, delivery cost and network goodput. Furthermore, we study the 1+1 proactive protection problem using network coding. We show that even under a simplified setting, finding two node-disjoint routing braids with minimal total cost is NP-hard. We then design a heuristic algorithm to construct two node-disjoint braids with a transmission cost upper bounded by two shortest node-disjoint paths. And we design ProNCP, a proactive NC-based protection protocol using similar design philosophy as in EENCR. We evaluate the performance of ProNCP under various transient network failure scenarios. Experiment results show that ProNCP is resilient to various network failure scenarios and provides a state performance in terms of reliability, delivery cost and goodput. Our findings in this dissertation explore the challenges, benefits and solutions in designing real-time, efficient, resilient and QoS-guaranteed wireless cyber-physical systems, and our solutions shed lights for future research on related topics
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