5 research outputs found

    Assessing the role of big data and the Internet of things on the transition to circular economy: part I: an extension of the ReSOLVE framework proposal through a literature review

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    The debate about circular economy (CE) is increasingly present in the strategic agenda of organisations around the world, being driven by government agencies and general population pressures, or by organisations’ own vision for sustainable future. This is due in part to the increasing possibility of turning original theoretical CE proposals into real economically viable initiatives, now possible with modern technology applications such as big data and the internet of things (IoT). Information technology (IT) professionals have been called upon to incorporate technology projects into their strategic plans to support their organisations’ transition to CE, but a structured framework with the necessary IT capabilities still lacks. This study focuses on taking the first step towards this path, by extending the technology attributes present on the existing Ellen MacArthur Foundation (EMF) Regenerate, Share, Optimise, Loop, Virtualise and Exchange (ReSOLVE) framework. The research was conducted based on an extensive literature review through 226 articles retrieved from Scopus® and Web of ScienceTM databases, which were triangulated, validated and complemented with content analysis using the ‘R’ statistical tool, grey literature research and inputs from specialists. Part I describes the introduction and methods used in this study.Indisponível


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    Rad je baziran na tome da bi ukazali da pametni grad uvelike stvara bolju kvalitetu ţivota. Pristupi strategiji s obzirom na elemente koji ĉine grad pametnim su informacijsko komunikacijska tehnologija, pametna mreţa, energetska uĉinkovitost. Kod razvoja ideje pametnog grada potrebno je uzeti u obzir i detaljne korake koji su potrebni da bi se sama ideja implementirala. Potom je vaţno odrediti dugoroĉne vizije grada i mjerljive ciljeve te identificirati same projekte, Nakon toga slijedi izrada investicijskog plana i identifikacija financijskih mehanizama i pokretanje pilot projekata i razmjena iskustava s drugim gradovima. Na kraju se sam projekt provodi i vrši edukacija graĊana, te potom slijedi praćenje provedbe i evaluacija rezultata.Thesis is based on pointing out that a smart city is creating a better quality of life. Bulding a strategy with regard to the lements that make city smart are smart information communication, smart network, energy efficiency. When developing the idea of a smart city it is necessary to take into account the detailed steps that are required to implement the idea itself. It is then important to determine the long-term visions of the city and measurable goals and identify projects themselves. It then follow the development of an investment plan and identification of financial mechanisms and the launch of pilot projects and exchange of experiences with other cities. At the end, the project itself is implemented and conducted by citizens, followed by monitoring implementation and evaluation of results


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    Rad je baziran na tome da bi ukazali da pametni grad uvelike stvara bolju kvalitetu ţivota. Pristupi strategiji s obzirom na elemente koji ĉine grad pametnim su informacijsko komunikacijska tehnologija, pametna mreţa, energetska uĉinkovitost. Kod razvoja ideje pametnog grada potrebno je uzeti u obzir i detaljne korake koji su potrebni da bi se sama ideja implementirala. Potom je vaţno odrediti dugoroĉne vizije grada i mjerljive ciljeve te identificirati same projekte, Nakon toga slijedi izrada investicijskog plana i identifikacija financijskih mehanizama i pokretanje pilot projekata i razmjena iskustava s drugim gradovima. Na kraju se sam projekt provodi i vrši edukacija graĊana, te potom slijedi praćenje provedbe i evaluacija rezultata.Thesis is based on pointing out that a smart city is creating a better quality of life. Bulding a strategy with regard to the lements that make city smart are smart information communication, smart network, energy efficiency. When developing the idea of a smart city it is necessary to take into account the detailed steps that are required to implement the idea itself. It is then important to determine the long-term visions of the city and measurable goals and identify projects themselves. It then follow the development of an investment plan and identification of financial mechanisms and the launch of pilot projects and exchange of experiences with other cities. At the end, the project itself is implemented and conducted by citizens, followed by monitoring implementation and evaluation of results

    Sustainable Lighting Layout in Urban Areas: Maximizing Implicit Coverage and Minimizing Installation Cost

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    A key decision in the design of urban lighting is the location of the luminaries that are used to illuminate the specified region. The decision needs to account for coverage requirements identified in certain areas, based on safety considerations and nature of work activity, along with ensuring the cost effectiveness of the installation pattern adopted. In this work, a novel approach is presented via a multi-objective mathematical optimization model that results in a sustainable layout of light poles in urban region. A maximal coverage objective, with implicit demand cover, is formulated as a measure of the social requirement in urban lighting, which models security and safety associated with night-time lighting of the urban region. At the same time, the economical aspect of the layout is considered via minimizing the installation cost of the lighting layout. A realistic case example is then solved using the ϵ-constraint method. A Pareto optimal front for the case considered is constructed and analyzed

    The effect of turbulence in the built environment on wind turbine aerodynamics

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    Urban Wind Energy is a niche of Wind Energy showing an unstoppable trend of growth in its share in the tumultuous DIY energy market. Urban Wind Energy consists of positioning wind turbines within the built environment. The idea is to match energy production and consumption site so to increase the efficiency of the system as energy losses and costs due to the transportation, conversion and delivery of energy are virtually zeroed. Many aficionados advocate the advantage of such a technology for the environment and argue that a greater diffusion might overcome its flaws as a newborn technology. However, no urban wind application to date is known to have been successful in providing but a derisory amount of ‘clean’ energy. The reason for this fiasco lies in the way research in urban wind energy is conducted, i.e. mostly concerned either in improving the efficiency of wind energy converters, or the assessment of the available wind resource. Very few works have considered the technical implications of placing a wind energy converter, one of the most complex aerodynamic devices, in a complex inflow such as that found in built environments, of which very little is known in terms of its turbulence environment. In fact, it has long been acknowledged that the power output, the fatigue limit state or the total service-life downtime of a wind turbine is well correlated with turbulence at the inflow