12 research outputs found

    Energy saving market for mobile operators

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    Ensuring seamless coverage accounts for the lion's share of the energy consumed in a mobile network. Overlapping coverage of three to five mobile network operators (MNOs) results in enormous amount of energy waste which is avoidable. The traffic demands of the mobile networks vary significantly throughout the day. As the offered load for all networks are not same at a given time and the differences in energy consumption at different loads are significant, multi-MNO capacity/coverage sharing can dramatically reduce energy consumption of mobile networks and provide the MNOs a cost effective means to cope with the exponential growth of traffic. In this paper, we propose an energy saving market for a multi-MNO network scenario. As the competing MNOs are not comfortable with information sharing, we propose a double auction clearinghouse market mechanism where MNOs sell and buy capacity in order to minimize energy consumption. In our setting, each MNO proposes its bids and asks simultaneously for buying and selling multi-unit capacities respectively to an independent auctioneer, i.e., clearinghouse and ends up either as a buyer or as a seller in each round. We show that the mechanism allows the MNOs to save significant percentage of energy cost throughout a wide range of network load. Different than other energy saving features such as cell sleep or antenna muting which can not be enabled at heavy traffic load, dynamic capacity sharing allows MNOs to handle traffic bursts with energy saving opportunity.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, to be published in ICC 2015 workshop on Next Generation Green IC

    Energy-efficient infrastructure sharing in multi-operator mobile networks

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    ©2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Network infrastructure sharing and base station switching off mechanisms have been recently introduced as promising solutions toward energy and cost reduction in cellular networks. Although these techniques are usually studied independently, their combination offers new alternatives to MNOs for serving their users and could potentially provide them with additional benefits. In this article we introduce the concept of intra-cell roaming-based infrastructure sharing, where the MNOs may switch off their BSs and roam their traffic to active BSs operated by other MNOs in the same cell. Motivated by the coexistence of multiple operators in the same area, we present possible network deployments and architectures in current and future cellular scenarios, discussing their particular characteristics. In addition, we propose an innovative distributed game theoretic BS switching off scheme, employing an integrated cost function that takes into account all the different cases for a given operator to serve its own traffic (i. e. through active BSs of neighboring cells or exploiting intra-cell roaming-based infrastructure sharing). Finally, we demonstrate some indicative simulation results in realistic scenarios to quantify the potential energy and financial benefits that our proposed scheme offers to the MNOs in multioperator environments, providing them with the necessary incentives to participate in the infrastructure sharing.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Green Cellular Networks: A Survey, Some Research Issues and Challenges

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    Energy efficiency in cellular networks is a growing concern for cellular operators to not only maintain profitability, but also to reduce the overall environment effects. This emerging trend of achieving energy efficiency in cellular networks is motivating the standardization authorities and network operators to continuously explore future technologies in order to bring improvements in the entire network infrastructure. In this article, we present a brief survey of methods to improve the power efficiency of cellular networks, explore some research issues and challenges and suggest some techniques to enable an energy efficient or "green" cellular network. Since base stations consume a maximum portion of the total energy used in a cellular system, we will first provide a comprehensive survey on techniques to obtain energy savings in base stations. Next, we discuss how heterogeneous network deployment based on micro, pico and femto-cells can be used to achieve this goal. Since cognitive radio and cooperative relaying are undisputed future technologies in this regard, we propose a research vision to make these technologies more energy efficient. Lastly, we explore some broader perspectives in realizing a "green" cellular network technologyComment: 16 pages, 5 figures, 2 table

    How much energy will your NGN consume? A model for energy consumption in next generation access networks: The case of Spain

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    The contribution to global energy consumption of the information and communications technology (ICT) sector has increased considerably in the last decade, along with its growing relevance to the overall economy. This trend will continue due to the seemingly ever greater use of these technologies, with broadband data traffic generated by the usage of telecommunication networks as a primary component. In fact, in response to user demand, the telecommunications industry is initiating the deployment of next generation networks (NGNs). However, energy consumption is mostly absent from the debate on these deployments, in spite of the potential impact on both expenses and sustainability. In addition, consumers are unaware of the energy impact of their choices in ultra-broadband services. This paper focuses on forecasting energy consumption in the access part of NGNs by modelling the combined effect of the deployment of two different ultra-broadband technologies (FTTH-GPON and LTE), the evolution of traffic per user, and the energy consumption in each of the networks and user devices. Conclusions are presented on the levels of energy consumption, their cost and the impact of different network design parameters. The effect of technological developments, techno-economic and policy decisions on energy consumption is highlighted. On the consumer side, practical figures and comparisons across technologies are provided. Although the paper focuses on Spain, the analysis can be extended to similar countries

    Next-Generation Environment-Aware Cellular Networks: Modern Green Techniques and Implementation Challenges

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    Over the last decade, mobile communications have been witnessing a noteworthy increase of data traffic demand that is causing an enormous energy consumption in cellular networks. The reduction of their fossil fuel consumption in addition to the huge energy bills paid by mobile operators is considered as the most important challenges for the next-generation cellular networks. Although most of the proposed studies were focusing on individual physical layer power optimizations, there is a growing necessity to meet the green objective of fifth-generation cellular networks while respecting the user's quality of service. This paper investigates four important techniques that could be exploited separately or together in order to enable wireless operators achieve

    Energy and cost management in shared heterogeneous network deployments

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    Pla de Doctorat industrial de la Generalitat de CatalunyaDuring the recent years, a huge augmentation of the data traffic volume has been noticed, while a further steep increase is expected in the following years. As a result, questions have been raised over the years about the energy consumption needs of the wireless telecommunication networks, their carbon dioxide emissions and their operational expenses. Aiming at meeting the high traffic demands with flat energy consumption and flat incurred expenses, mobile network operators (MNOs) have opted to improve their position (i) by deploying heterogeneous networks (HetNets), which are consisted of macrocell base stations (MBSs) and small cell base stations (SBSs) and (ii) by sharing their infrastructure. However, questions could be raised about the extend to which HetNet densification is of aid. Given that network planning is executed according to high traffic load volumes, BS underutilisation during low-traffic hours cannot be neglected. Similarly, the aggregated energy needs of multiple SBSs equals the ones of an energy hungry MBS, having thus a respectable share of the net energy consumption. In this context, a set of research opportunities have been identified. This thesis provides contribution toward the achievement of a greener and more cost efficient operation of HetNet deployments, where multiple stakeholders develop their activity and where energy support can have the form of various alternate schemes, including renewable energy (RE) sources. Depending on the network energy support, i.e., whether RE sources are used in the network or not, the main body of this thesis is divided in two research directions. The first part of the thesis uses the technology of switching off strategies in order to explore their efficiency in terms of both energy and costs in a HetNet. The HetNet is assumed to be a roaming-based cooperative activity of multiple MNOs that is powered exclusively by grid energy. A switching off and a cost allocation scheme are proposed, using as criteria the BS type, the BS load and the roaming cost for traffic offloading. The performance of the proposed schemes is evaluated with respect to energy efficiency, cost savings and fairness, using computer-based simulations. The second part of the thesis explores energy and cost management issues in energy harvesting (EH) HetNet deployments where EH-BSs use an EH system (EHS), an energy storage system (ESS) and the smart grid (SG) as energy procurement sources. The EH-HetNet is assumed a two-tier network deployment of EH-MBSs that are passively shared among an MNO set and EH-SBSs that are provided to MNOs by an infrastructure provider. Taking into consideration the infrastructure location and the variety of stakeholders involved in the network deployment, approaches of RE exchange (REE) are proposed as a cooperative RE sharing for the shared EH-MBSs, based on bankruptcy theory, and a non-cooperative, aggregator-assisted RE trading, based on double auctions, for the EH-SBSs. The performance of the proposed schemes is evaluated in terms of the hours of independence of the studied system from the SG, the fairness regulated by the provided solution and the economical payoffs extracted for the stakeholdersDurante los últimos años, se ha notado un aumento enorme del volumen de tráfico de datos, mientras que se espera un nuevo aumento en los próximos años. Como resultado, se han planteado preguntas sobre las necesidades de consumo de energía de las redes inalámbricas de telecomunicaciones, sus emisiones de dióxido de carbono y sus gastos operativos. Con el objetivo de satisfacer las altas demandas de tráfico con consumo de energía constante y con gastos incurridos constantes, además de utilizar soluciones basadas en la nube, los operadores de redes móviles (MNOs) han optado por mejorar su posición (i) desplegando redes heterogéneas (HetNets), que consisten en estaciones base de macro-células (MBSs) y estaciones base de células pequeñas (SBSs), y (ii) compartiendo su infraestructura. Sin embargo, podrían plantearse preguntas sobre hasta qué punto la densificación de una HetNet es de ayuda. Dado que la planificación de la red se ejecuta de acuerdo con los volúmenes de carga de tráfico más elevados, no se puede descuidar la subutilización de las estaciones base (BS) durante las horas de poco tráfico. De manera similar, las necesidades de energía agregadas de múltiples SBSs son iguales a las de una MBS que consume mucha energía, teniendo así una parte respetable del consumo neto de energía. En este contexto, se ha identificado un conjunto de oportunidades de investigación. Esta tesis contribuye al logro de una operación más ecológica y rentable de las implementaciones de HetNet, donde múltiples partes interesadas desarrollan su actividad y donde el apoyo energético puede tener la forma de varios esquemas alternativos, incluidas las fuentes de energía renovables (RE). Dependiendo del soporte de energía de red, es decir, si las fuentes de RE se usan en la red o no, el cuerpo principal de esta tesis se divide en dos direcciones de investigación. La primera parte de la tesis utiliza la tecnología de las estrategias de apagado con el objetivo de explorar su eficiencia en términos de energía y gastos en una HetNet. Se asume que la HetNet es una actividad cooperativa basada en la itinerancia de múltiples MNO que se alimenta exclusivamente de energía de la red. Se propone un esquema de desconexión y de asignación de costes, que utiliza como criterios el tipo de BS, la carga de BS y el coste de la itinerancia para la descarga de tráfico. El rendimiento de los esquemas propuestos se evalúa con respecto a la eficiencia energética, el ahorro de costes y la equidad, usando simulaciones en computadora. La segunda parte de la tesis explora los problemas de gestión de energía y de costes en las implementaciones de HetNet donde las estaciones base recolectan energía usando un sistema EH (EHS), un sistema de almacenamiento de energía (ESS) y la red eléctrica inteligente (SG) como sistemas de adquisición de energía. Se asume que el EH-HetNet es una implementación de redes de dos niveles donde los EH-MBSs se comparten pasivamente entre un conjunto de MNOs y EH-SBSs se proporcionan a los MNOs de un proveedor de infraestructura. Teniendo en cuenta la ubicación de la infraestructura y la variedad de partes interesadas e involucradas en el despliegue de la red, se proponen enfoques de intercambio de RE (REE) como un intercambio cooperativo de RE para los EH-MBS compartidos, basado en la teoría de bancarrota, y un no cooperativo comercio de RE para los EH-SBSs, que es asistido por un agregador y basado en las subastas dobles. El rendimiento de los esquemas propuestos se evalúa en términos de las horas de independencia del sistema estudiado con respecto al SG, la imparcialidad regulada por la solución proporcionada y los beneficios económicos extraídos para las interesadas.Postprint (published version

    Energy and cost management in shared heterogeneous network deployments

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    During the recent years, a huge augmentation of the data traffic volume has been noticed, while a further steep increase is expected in the following years. As a result, questions have been raised over the years about the energy consumption needs of the wireless telecommunication networks, their carbon dioxide emissions and their operational expenses. Aiming at meeting the high traffic demands with flat energy consumption and flat incurred expenses, mobile network operators (MNOs) have opted to improve their position (i) by deploying heterogeneous networks (HetNets), which are consisted of macrocell base stations (MBSs) and small cell base stations (SBSs) and (ii) by sharing their infrastructure. However, questions could be raised about the extend to which HetNet densification is of aid. Given that network planning is executed according to high traffic load volumes, BS underutilisation during low-traffic hours cannot be neglected. Similarly, the aggregated energy needs of multiple SBSs equals the ones of an energy hungry MBS, having thus a respectable share of the net energy consumption. In this context, a set of research opportunities have been identified. This thesis provides contribution toward the achievement of a greener and more cost efficient operation of HetNet deployments, where multiple stakeholders develop their activity and where energy support can have the form of various alternate schemes, including renewable energy (RE) sources. Depending on the network energy support, i.e., whether RE sources are used in the network or not, the main body of this thesis is divided in two research directions. The first part of the thesis uses the technology of switching off strategies in order to explore their efficiency in terms of both energy and costs in a HetNet. The HetNet is assumed to be a roaming-based cooperative activity of multiple MNOs that is powered exclusively by grid energy. A switching off and a cost allocation scheme are proposed, using as criteria the BS type, the BS load and the roaming cost for traffic offloading. The performance of the proposed schemes is evaluated with respect to energy efficiency, cost savings and fairness, using computer-based simulations. The second part of the thesis explores energy and cost management issues in energy harvesting (EH) HetNet deployments where EH-BSs use an EH system (EHS), an energy storage system (ESS) and the smart grid (SG) as energy procurement sources. The EH-HetNet is assumed a two-tier network deployment of EH-MBSs that are passively shared among an MNO set and EH-SBSs that are provided to MNOs by an infrastructure provider. Taking into consideration the infrastructure location and the variety of stakeholders involved in the network deployment, approaches of RE exchange (REE) are proposed as a cooperative RE sharing for the shared EH-MBSs, based on bankruptcy theory, and a non-cooperative, aggregator-assisted RE trading, based on double auctions, for the EH-SBSs. The performance of the proposed schemes is evaluated in terms of the hours of independence of the studied system from the SG, the fairness regulated by the provided solution and the economical payoffs extracted for the stakeholdersDurante los últimos años, se ha notado un aumento enorme del volumen de tráfico de datos, mientras que se espera un nuevo aumento en los próximos años. Como resultado, se han planteado preguntas sobre las necesidades de consumo de energía de las redes inalámbricas de telecomunicaciones, sus emisiones de dióxido de carbono y sus gastos operativos. Con el objetivo de satisfacer las altas demandas de tráfico con consumo de energía constante y con gastos incurridos constantes, además de utilizar soluciones basadas en la nube, los operadores de redes móviles (MNOs) han optado por mejorar su posición (i) desplegando redes heterogéneas (HetNets), que consisten en estaciones base de macro-células (MBSs) y estaciones base de células pequeñas (SBSs), y (ii) compartiendo su infraestructura. Sin embargo, podrían plantearse preguntas sobre hasta qué punto la densificación de una HetNet es de ayuda. Dado que la planificación de la red se ejecuta de acuerdo con los volúmenes de carga de tráfico más elevados, no se puede descuidar la subutilización de las estaciones base (BS) durante las horas de poco tráfico. De manera similar, las necesidades de energía agregadas de múltiples SBSs son iguales a las de una MBS que consume mucha energía, teniendo así una parte respetable del consumo neto de energía. En este contexto, se ha identificado un conjunto de oportunidades de investigación. Esta tesis contribuye al logro de una operación más ecológica y rentable de las implementaciones de HetNet, donde múltiples partes interesadas desarrollan su actividad y donde el apoyo energético puede tener la forma de varios esquemas alternativos, incluidas las fuentes de energía renovables (RE). Dependiendo del soporte de energía de red, es decir, si las fuentes de RE se usan en la red o no, el cuerpo principal de esta tesis se divide en dos direcciones de investigación. La primera parte de la tesis utiliza la tecnología de las estrategias de apagado con el objetivo de explorar su eficiencia en términos de energía y gastos en una HetNet. Se asume que la HetNet es una actividad cooperativa basada en la itinerancia de múltiples MNO que se alimenta exclusivamente de energía de la red. Se propone un esquema de desconexión y de asignación de costes, que utiliza como criterios el tipo de BS, la carga de BS y el coste de la itinerancia para la descarga de tráfico. El rendimiento de los esquemas propuestos se evalúa con respecto a la eficiencia energética, el ahorro de costes y la equidad, usando simulaciones en computadora. La segunda parte de la tesis explora los problemas de gestión de energía y de costes en las implementaciones de HetNet donde las estaciones base recolectan energía usando un sistema EH (EHS), un sistema de almacenamiento de energía (ESS) y la red eléctrica inteligente (SG) como sistemas de adquisición de energía. Se asume que el EH-HetNet es una implementación de redes de dos niveles donde los EH-MBSs se comparten pasivamente entre un conjunto de MNOs y EH-SBSs se proporcionan a los MNOs de un proveedor de infraestructura. Teniendo en cuenta la ubicación de la infraestructura y la variedad de partes interesadas e involucradas en el despliegue de la red, se proponen enfoques de intercambio de RE (REE) como un intercambio cooperativo de RE para los EH-MBS compartidos, basado en la teoría de bancarrota, y un no cooperativo comercio de RE para los EH-SBSs, que es asistido por un agregador y basado en las subastas dobles. El rendimiento de los esquemas propuestos se evalúa en términos de las horas de independencia del sistema estudiado con respecto al SG, la imparcialidad regulada por la solución proporcionada y los beneficios económicos extraídos para las interesadas

    As TIC na promoção da eficiência energética industrial

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    Mestrado em Engenharia MecânicaNo contexto da nova Revolução Digital, as diferentes Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação têm desempenhado um papel preponderante no desenvolvimento da sociedade como a conhecemos. A sua integração nos processos e tecnologias de produção, fornecimento, e consumo de energia, tem-se mostrado vital para o desenvolvimento socioeconómico, aliado ao cumprimento das metas estabelecidas pelas várias organizações governamentais no sentido de diminuir as emissões de Gases de Efeito de Estufa e garantir o fornecimento mundial de energia. No entanto, vários desafios têm surgido na integração destas tecnologias às redes actuais de energia e esforços são ainda necessários, já que a situação energética actual é grave e o mundo encontra-se submerso numa crítica recessão económica, onde a retenção de custos tem sido prioridade máxima das Empresas e dos organismos corporativos. O presente trabalho propõe-se divulgar o panorama actual e principais tendências no desenvolvimento e integração das TIC nos processos de eficiência energética de todos os sectores da actividade humana, propondo uma solução para os problemas encontrados no sector industrial. Esta solução tem como contexto a utilização da internet, e serviços de informação, para criar um portal online de gestão de energia que permita fundamentar diversas opções de melhoria de eficiência energética dentro de uma Instalação consumidora. Este livro é composto por uma revisão do tema em análise (panorama actual, trabalhos a decorrer e desafios a ultrapassar), a descrição da solução proposta, o projecto dessa solução, e a aplicação com sucesso do projecto a duas Empresas reais. No final, ainda se tecem as principais conclusões e trabalho futuro.In the field of the new Digital Revolution, the different Information and Communication Technologies have been fulfilling a preponderant role in the society development, as we know it. Their integration in energy production, delivering and consumption processes is vital to socioeconomic development, and to fulfilling the objectives established by the multiple government agencies on carbon emissions and global energy demand. However, many challenges have arisen in the integration of these technologies to the present energy networks. Efforts are necessary to overcome these obstacles in spite of low investment policies in every Company due to the present global economic crisis. This paper proposes to disclose the current landscape and key trends in the development and integration of ICT in energy efficiency in all sectors of human activity, proposing a solution to the problems encountered in industry. This solution involves the use of internet and information services, to create a portal that allows energy management support and various options for improving energy efficiency within a consumer installation. This book consists of a review of the topic under consideration (current landscape, work in progress and remaining challenges), the description of the proposed solution, the project solution, and the successful implementation of the project to two real companies, major conclusions and future work