4,286 research outputs found

    Energy Efficiency and Goodput Analysis in Two-Way Wireless Relay Networks

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    In this paper, we study two-way relay networks (TWRNs) in which two source nodes exchange their information via a relay node indirectly in Rayleigh fading channels. Both Amplify-and-Forward (AF) and Decode-and-Forward (DF) techniques have been analyzed in the TWRN employing a Markov chain model through which the network operation is described and investigated in depth. Automatic Repeat-reQuest (ARQ) retransmission has been applied to guarantee the successful packet delivery. The bit energy consumption and goodput expressions have been derived as functions of transmission rate in a given AF or DF TWRN. Numerical results are used to identify the optimal transmission rates of which the bit energy consumption is minimized or the goodput is maximized. The network performances are compared in terms of energy and transmission efficiency in AF and DF modes

    Energy Harvesting in Cooperative Communications

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    Ühiskommunikatsioon on võimalik meetod lahendamaks informatsiooni levimist juhtmeta võrgus mitmikteekonna korral. See võimaldab laiendada võrgu katvust ning pakkuda võimendust kasutades olemasolevat taristut. Praktikas tehakse seda kasutades sõlmpunkte vahereleedena. Nii mitmese ligipääsuga releede süsteem kui paralleelsete releede süsteem on võimalikud kandidaadid tulevastes juhtmeta ühisvõrkudes nende ülekandekiiruse efektiivsuse ning parema energiatarbe tõttu.\n\r\n\rVõimenda-ja-edasta (AF) ning dekodeeri-ja-edasta (DF) on peamised ühisreleede protokollid, mida kasutatakse üle releekanalite. Me uurime käesolevas magistritöös paralleelseid releesid AF ühiskommunikatsiooni võrkudes kasutades QPSK signaliseerimist üle Rayleigh’ kiirelt hajuva kanali koos valge aditiivse Gaussi müraga. Sihtkohas vastuvõetud signaali detekteerimiseks kasutades võrgus olevaid tegevuseta kasutatakse maksimaalse suhte ühendamise (MRC) meetodit. Mõõtes sihtkohast vastu võetud ühendsignaali sümbolite veasuhet (SER) arvutusliku simulatsiooni abil, uurime me suhet releede arvu ning kommunikatsiooni kvaliteedi vahel.\n\r\n\rSüsteemi energeetiline efektiivsus määrab selle operatsioonilise jätkusuutlikkuse. Energiakogumise (EH) meetod on hädavajalik tehnoloogia juhtmeta süsteemides, kus on piiratud ligipääs usaldusväärsele elektritoitele ja laadimisvõimalustele. Käesolevas magistritöös uurime me mitmese ligipääsuga releede süsteeme kasutades EHtehnoloogiat. Me eeldame, et lähte- ja releesõlmedel pole ühendatud energiaallikat, kuid on taaslaetav energiatalletus. Seega, iga sõlme käivitatakse ligipääsupunkti (AP) edastatud raadiosignaalidelt kogutud energiast ning iga sõlm toimib salvesta-siis- koostööta (STC) režiimis. Me simuleerime arvutuslikult ühendusetaseme jõudlust kasutades füüsilise ühenduse võrgukodeerimist EHja DF protokolli olemasolul. Käesolev magistritöö esitab erinevaid energiakogumise meetodeid (EH ja STC) ning nende katkemistõenäosusi. Esitatud skeemid saavutavad SER jõudluse, mis läheneb püsiva toiteallikaga jõudlusele ning laiendab oluliselt süsteemi energiapüsivust, samas säilitades pidevat läbilaskejõudlust.Cooperative communications is a promising technique used to combat the multipath propagation in wireless networks. It can also extend the network coverage and provide the diversity gain by using the existing infrastructure. In practice, this is often achieved by using idle nodes in the network as relays. The multiple access relay system and parallel relay system are appealing candidates for emerging wireless cooperative networks due to bandwidth efficiency and improved power consumption.\n\r\n\rThe amplify and forward (AF) and decode and forwards (DF) protocols are basic cooperative relay protocols used over the relay channels. In this thesis, we study parallel relays in AF cooperative communication networks using QPSK signalling over the Rayleigh fast fading with additive Gaussian noise channels. The maximum ratio combining (MRC) method is employed to detect the received signals at the destination. By simulating the symbol error rate (SER) of the combined received signal at the destination, we study a trade-off between the number of relays and the quality of the communications. \n\r\n\rThe energy efficiency of a system determines its operational sustainability. Energy harvesting (EH) is a crucial technology for a variety of wireless systems that have limited access to a reliable electricity supply or recharging sources. In this thesis, the design of a multiple access relay system (MARS) using EH is considered. We assume that the sources and the relay have no embedded power supply but rechargeable energy storage devices. Thus, each node is powered by harvesting the energy from the RF signals broadcasted by an access point (AP), and it operates in store-then-cooperate (STC) mode. We simulate the link level performance by using the physical layer network coding in the presence of EH with DF protocol. The thesis presents energy harvesting schemes (EH and STC) and outage probability analysis. The schemes presented in this thesis achieve SER performance approaching that of a fixed power supply and contribute significantly to sustaining the energy in the system while maintaining a constant throughput

    Energy Harvesting Enabled Cooperative Networks Resource Allocation Techniques, Protocol Design And Performance Analysis

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    In In wireless cooperative communication networks, cooperative relaying techniques can be employed to mitigate fading and attenuation problems by positioning relay nodes between a transmitter and a receiver. Therefore, network performance such as efficiency, throughput, and reliability can be improved. However, energy-constrained wireless cooperative relay nodes have a limited viable lifetime,which cannot sustain steady network connectivity, thereby making reliable communication difficult. Recently, energy harvesting (EH) via radio frequency (RF)signals appears to be a solution for sustaining the lifetime of the wireless cooperative relay nodes. In the past years, researchers have proposed some resource allocation techniques and protocols for simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) in the wireless cooperative communication networks. Nevertheless, there are still a lot of challenges being faced by the researchers to achieve an efficient SWIPT in such network. In this work, a new energy saving (ES) resource allocation technique is proposed for RF-EH enabled cooperative networks by adopting time switching relaying (TSR) and power splitting relaying (PSR) protocols. This is based on the assumption that the relay node uses a certain proportion of the harvested power in the current transmission block and then save the remaining portion for the next transmission block. Unlike the previous works, in that the resource allocation techniques in RF-EH enabled cooperative networks have been considered under the assumption that the energy-constrained relay must utilize all of its harvested power in each transmission block. The proposed ES technique is then optimized by considering the optimization problems. Then, the scenario of EH-enabled cooperative network with the presence of an interfering transmitter is considered. A hybridized power-time splitting based relaying (HPTSR) protocol is also proposed with amplified-andforward (AF) and decode-and-forward (DF) relaying techniques by introducing a channel-based and power-time splitter into the relay receiver architecture are analyzed. Numerical results revealed that the proposed ES-TSR and ES-PSR protocols outperformed the existing TSR and PSR protocols with an energy efficiency gain of 13.87 % and 8.31 %, respectively, particularly, when the number of transmission block L 10. These results show that the proposed ES resource allocation technique is more energy efficient than the existing ones. At the optimal throughput value, the proposed AF HPTSR protocol outperformed the existing AF PSR, TSR, and time power switching relaying (TPSR) based protocols with a throughput gain of 54.18 %, 72.31 %, and 10.47 %, respectively. The proposed DF HPTSR protocol showed a performance gain of 2.81 % over the proposed AF HPTSR protocol. These results show that the proposed AF or DF HPTSR protocol can achieve a better throughput performance over the existing protocols, especially at high signal-to-noise ratio

    Efeitos da Interferência Co-Canal no Desempenho de Redes Cooperativas AF e DF Usando Combinador Ótimo e Múltiplas Antenas no Relay e Destino

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    Las redes cooperativas a través de relays son una técnica prometedora utilizada para mejorar las comunicaciones inalámbricas en términos de diversidad, cobertura y ahorro de energía. AAmplify-and-forward (AF) y Detect-and-forward (DF) son los protocolos de cooperación más utilizados, que operan en dos fases: la fase de transmisión y la fase de retransmisión. En AF, el relay recibe la señal de la fuente durante la primera fase, la amplifica y la retransmite al destino. Mientras tanto, en DF, el relay recibe la señal, la detecta y envía el símbolo detectado al destino. Por otro lado, en las redes celulares, la interferencia cocanal (CCI) es uno de los principales problemas que degradan el rendimiento, especialmente cuando se utiliza una alta reutilización de canal. En este escenario, el combinador óptimo surge como la técnica que maximiza la relación señal-interferencia-más-ruido (SINR, del inglés, signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio) y elimina el CCI, logrando la mejor diversidad incluso en presencia de interferencia de cocanal de alta potencia. En la presente tesis, se propone el combinador óptimo junto con múltiples antenas para combatir los efectos de la interferencia en redes celulares cooperativas. Específicamente, el rendimiento se evalúa para ambos protocolos (AF y DF), afectados por múltiples interferencias en el relay y el destino. Además, se estudian y comparan dos técnicas: transmisión de antenas múltiples y selección de antena de transmisión. El SINR instantáneo y la diversidad se analizan para cada escenario. Después, las expresiones cerradas de la función generadora de momento se derivan para obtener la tasa de error de bit (BER) para una variedad de modulaciones. Todos los resultados analíticos se validan utilizando simulaciones de Monte-Carlo, que muestran que los escenarios propuestos combaten el ICC y obtienen diversidad para AF y DF, y también para ambas técnicas de transmisión. Finalmente, las expresiones BER se utilizan para evaluar la cobertura y la eficiencia espectral del enlace femtocelular inverso, considerando un modelo de pérdida de propagación a 28 GHz.Cooperative communication through relays is a promising technique used to improve wireless communications in terms of diversity, coverage extension and energy saving. Amplify-and-forward (AF) and detect-and-forward (DF) are the most used cooperative protocols, which operate in two phases: the broadcast phase and the relaying phase. In AF, the relay receives the signal from the source during the first phase, amplifies it and retransmits it to the destination. Whereas, in DF, the relay receives the signal, performs detection and send the detected symbol to the destination. On the other hand, in cellular networks, the co-channel interference (CCI) is one of the main problems which degrade the performance, specially when a high channel reuse is used. In this scenario, the optimum combining appears as the technique that maximizes the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) and eliminates the CCI, achieving the best diversity even in the presence of high-power co-channel interferers. In the present thesis, the optimum combining joined to multiple antennas to combat the effects of interference in cooperative cellular networks is proposed. Specifically, the performance for both protocols (AF and DF) affected by multiple interferers at relay and destination is evaluated. In addition, two techniques are studied and compared: multiple antenna transmission and transmit antenna selection. The instantaneous SINR and the diversity are analysed for each scenario. Then, closed-form expressions of the moment-generating function are derived in order to obtain the bit-error rate (BER) for a variety of modulations. All the analytical results are validated using Monte-Carlo simulations, which show that the proposed scenarios combat the CCI and obtain diversity for AF and DF and also for both transmission techniques. Finally, the BER expressions are used to evaluate the coverage and spectral efficiency of the uplink of femtocells by considering a path-loss model at 28 GHz.Brasil. Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Tesi

    Cooperative network-coding system for wireless sensor networks

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    Describes a cooperative network coding system for wireless sensor networks. In this paper, we propose two practical power) and bandwidth)efficient systems based on amplify)and)forward (AF) and decode)and)forward (DF) schemes to address the problem of information exchange via a relay. The key idea is to channel encode each source’s message by using a high)performance non)binary turbo code based on Partial Unit Memory (PUM) codes to enhance the bit)error)rate performance, then reduce the energy consumption and increase spectrum efficiency by using network coding (NC) to combine individual nodes’ messages at the relay before forwarding to the destination. Two simple and low complexity physical layer NC schemes are proposed based on combinations of received source messages at the relay. We also present the theoretical limits and numerical analysis of the proposed schemes. Simulation results under Additive White Gaussian Noise, confirm that the proposed schemes achieve significant bandwidth savings and fewer transmissions over the benchmark systems which do not resort to NC. Theoretical limits for capacity and Signal to Noise Ratio behaviour for the proposed schemes are derived. The paper also proposes a cooperative strategy that is useful when insufficient combined messages are received at a node to recover the desired source messages, thus enabling the system to retrieve all packets with significantly fewer retransmission request messages

    Resource Allocation for Energy-Efficient 3-Way Relay Channels

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    Throughput and energy efficiency in 3-way relay channels are studied in this paper. Unlike previous contributions, we consider a circular message exchange. First, an outer bound and achievable sum rate expressions for different relaying protocols are derived for 3-way relay channels. The sum capacity is characterized for certain SNR regimes. Next, leveraging the derived achievable sum rate expressions, cooperative and competitive maximization of the energy efficiency are considered. For the cooperative case, both low-complexity and globally optimal algorithms for joint power allocation at the users and at the relay are designed so as to maximize the system global energy efficiency. For the competitive case, a game theoretic approach is taken, and it is shown that the best response dynamics is guaranteed to converge to a Nash equilibrium. A power consumption model for mmWave board-to-board communications is developed, and numerical results are provided to corroborate and provide insight on the theoretical findings.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    Energy Efficiency Analysis in Amplify-and-Forward and Decode-and-Forward Cooperative Networks

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    In this paper, we have studied the energy efficiency of cooperative networks operating in either the fixed Amplifyand- Forward (AF) or the selective Decode-and-Forward (DF) mode. We consider the optimization of the M-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (MQAM) constellation size to minimize the bit energy consumption under given bit error rate (BER) constraints. In the computation of the energy expenditure, the circuit, transmission, and retransmission energies are taken into account. The link reliabilities and retransmission probabilities are determined through the outage probabilities under the Rayleigh fading assumption. Several interesting observations with practical implications are made. It is seen that while large constellations are preferred at small transmission distances, constellation size should be decreased as the distance increases; the cooperative gain is computed to compare direct transmission and cooperative transmission.Comment: Proc. IEEE WCNC2010, Sydney, Australia, April, 201

    On the optimization of distributed compression in multirelay cooperative networks

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    In this paper, we consider multirelay cooperative networks for the Rayleigh fading channel, where each relay, upon receiving its own channel observation, independently compresses it and forwards the compressed information to the destination. Although the compression at each relay is distributed using Wyner-Ziv coding, there exists an opportunity for jointly optimizing compression at multiple relays to maximize the achievable rate. Considering Gaussian signaling, a primal optimization problem is formulated accordingly. We prove that the primal problem can be solved by resorting to its Lagrangian dual problem, and an iterative optimization algorithm is proposed. The analysis is further extended to a hybrid scheme, where the employed forwarding scheme depends on the decoding status of each relay. The relays that are capable of successful decoding perform a decode-and-forward (DF) scheme, and the rest conduct distributed compression. The hybrid scheme allows the cooperative network to adapt to the changes of the channel conditions and benefit from an enhanced level of flexibility. Numerical results from both spectrum and energy efficiency perspectives show that the joint optimization improves efficiency of compression and identify the scenarios where the proposed schemes outperform the conventional forwarding schemes. The findings provide important insights into the optimal deployment of relays in a realistic cellular network