1,396 research outputs found

    Clone Detection for Efficient System in WSN Using AODV

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    Wireless sensor networks accommodate a whole lot to thousands of sensor nodes and are wide employed in civilian and security applications. One in every of the intense physical attacks faced by the wireless sensor network is node clone attack. So 2 node clone detection protocols area unit introduced via distributed hash table and arbitrarily directed exploration to detect node clones. The previous primarily based on a hash table value that is already distributed and provides key based facilities like checking and caching to observe node clones. The later one is exploitation probabilistic directed forwarding technique and border determination. The simulation results for storage consumption, communication value and detection chance is completed exploitation NS2 and obtained arbitrarily directed exploration is that the best one having low communication value and storage consumption and has smart detection chance

    Hybrid Multi-Level Detection and Mitigation of Clone Attacks in Mobile Wireless Sensor Network (MWSN).

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are often deployed in hostile environments, where an adversary can physically capture some of the sensor nodes. The adversary collects all the nodes' important credentials and subsequently replicate the nodes, which may expose the network to a number of other security attacks, and eventually compromise the entire network. This harmful attack where a single or more nodes illegitimately claims an identity as replicas is known as the node replication attack. The problem of node replication attack can be further aggravated due to the mobile nature in WSN. In this paper, we propose an extended version of multi-level replica detection technique built on Danger Theory (DT), which utilizes a hybrid approach (centralized and distributed) to shield the mobile wireless sensor networks (MWSNs) from clone attacks. The danger theory concept depends on a multi-level of detections; first stage (highlights the danger zone (DZ) by checking the abnormal behavior of mobile nodes), second stage (battery check and random number) and third stage (inform about replica to other networks). The DT method performance is highlighted through security parameters such as false negative, energy, detection time, communication overhead and delay in detection. The proposed approach also demonstrates that the hybrid DT method is capable and successful in detecting and mitigating any malicious activities initiated by the replica. Nowadays, crimes are vastly increasing and it is crucial to modify the systems accordingly. Indeed, it is understood that the communication needs to be secured by keen observation at each level of detection. The simulation results show that the proposed approach overcomes the weaknesses of the previous and existing centralized and distributed approaches and enhances the performance of MWSN in terms of communication and memory overhead

    Clone Detection for Efficient System in WSN using AODV

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    Wireless sensor is wide deployed for a spread of application, starting from surroundings observance to telemedicine and objects chase, etc. For value effective sensing element placement, sensors are usually not tamperproof device and are deployed in places while not observance and protection, that creates them at risk of fully different attacks. As an example, a malicious user may compromise some sensors and acquire their private information. Then, it?ll duplicate the detectors and deploy clones in an exceedingly wireless sensor network (WSN) to launch a spread of attack that?s mentioned as clone attack. Because the duplicated sensors have an equivalent information, e.g., code and crypto graphical information, captured from legitimate sensors that may merely participate in network operation and launch attacks. Because of the low value for sensing components duplication and preparation, clone attacks became one in all the foremost essential security issues in WSNs. Thus, it?s essential to effectively detect clone attacks therefore to ensure healthy operation of WSNs

    Distribuirani obrambeni mehanizmi za clone napade temeljeni na algoritmu za istraživanje gravitacije (GSA) u WSN

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are often deployed in hostile environment and are vulnerable to attacks because of the resource constrained nature of the sensors. Clone attack in WSN is one of the major issues where the messages are eavesdropped, the captured node is cloned, and multiple nodes with same identity are produced by attacker. In order to overcome these issues, in this paper, a Distributed Defense Mechanism for Clone Attacks based on Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA) in WSN is proposed. For efficiently detecting the suspect nodes, the nodes in the channel can be divided into witness node and the claimer node. The witness nodes are responsible for the suspect nodes detection, whereas the claimer nodes should provide their identities for the detection process. For the witness nodes selection, we utilize the GSA to pick out the best witness nodes set. After selecting the witness nodes, clone attack detection is performed by observing the behavior of the neighbor nodes. On detecting the clone attack, revocation procedure is triggered to revoke the clone attack in the witness nodes. By simulation results, it can be concluded that the proposed algorithm provides better protection to clone attacks by reducing the packet drop and increasing the packet delivery ratio.Bežične senzorske mreže (WSN) često su raspoređene u neprijateljskom okruženju i ranjive su na napade zbog prirode senzora koji su tehnološki ograničeni. Clone napad u WSN jedan je od glavnih problema gdje se poruke prisluškuju, zarobljeni čvor se klonira te napadač proizvede višestruke čvorove istog identiteta. Kako bi nadvladali te probleme, ovaj rad predlaže distribuirani obrambeni mehanizam za clone napade temeljen na algoritmu za istraživanje gravitacije (GSA) u WSN. Kako bi se sumnjivi čvorovi efikasno detektirali, čvorovi u kanalu mogu se podijeliti u čvorove svjedoke i tražene čvorove. Čvorovi svjedoci odgovorni su za otkrivanje sumnjivih čvorova, dok traženi čvorovi trebaju za potrebe procesa detekcije navesti svoj identitet. Za izbor čvorova svjedoka, koristi se GSA kako bi se izabrala grupa čvorova koji su najprikladniji. Nakon izbora čvorova svjedoka, otkivanje clone napada vrši se promatranjem ponašanja susjednih čvorova. Otkrivanjem clone napada aktivira se proces opoziva kako bi se opozvao clone napad u čvorovima svjedocima. Prema rezultatima dobivenim iz simulacije može se zaključiti kako predloženi algoritam pruža bolju zaštitu od clone napada smanjivanjem odbacivanja paketa i povećavanjem omjera isporuke paketa