10 research outputs found

    Enumerative Branching with Less Repetition

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    We can compactly represent large sets of solutions for problems with discrete decision variables by using decision diagrams. With them, we can efficiently identify optimal solutions for different objective functions. In fact, a decision diagram naturally arises from the branch-and-bound tree that we could use to enumerate these solutions if we merge nodes from which the same solutions are obtained on the remaining variables. However, we would like to avoid the repetitive work of finding the same solutions from branching on different nodes at the same level of that tree. Instead, we would like to explore just one of these equivalent nodes and then infer that the same solutions would have been found if we explored other nodes. In this work, we show how to identify such equivalences—and thus directly construct a reduced decision diagram—in integer programs where the left-hand sides of all constraints consist of additively separable functions. First, we extend an existing result regarding problems with a single linear constraint and integer coefficients. Second, we show necessary conditions with which we can isolate a single explored node as the only candidate to be equivalent to each unexplored node in problems with multiple constraints. Third, we present a sufficient condition that confirms if such a pair of nodes is indeed equivalent, and we demonstrate how to induce that condition through preprocessing. Finally, we report computational results on integer linear programming problems from the MIPLIB benchmark. Our approach often constructs smaller decision diagrams faster and with less branching

    On Solving Word Equations Using SAT

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    We present Woorpje, a string solver for bounded word equations (i.e., equations where the length of each variable is upper bounded by a given integer). Our algorithm works by reformulating the satisfiability of bounded word equations as a reachability problem for nondeterministic finite automata, and then carefully encoding this as a propositional satisfiability problem, which we then solve using the well-known Glucose SAT-solver. This approach has the advantage of allowing for the natural inclusion of additional linear length constraints. Our solver obtains reliable and competitive results and, remarkably, discovered several cases where state-of-the-art solvers exhibit a faulty behaviour

    Why CP Portfolio Solvers Are (under)Utilized? Issues and Challenges

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    International audienceIt is well recognized that a single, arbitrarily efficient solver can be significantly outperformed by a portfolio solver exploiting a combination of possibly slower on-average different solvers. Despite the success of portfolio solvers within the context of solving competitions, they are rarely used in practice. In this paper we give an overview of the main limitations that hinder the practical adoption and development of portfolio solvers within the Constraint Programming (CP) paradigm, discussing also possible ways to overcome them and potential extensions outside the CP field

    MaxSAT Evaluation 2021 : Solver and Benchmark Descriptions

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    On the relationship between satisfiability and partially observable Markov decision processes

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    Stochastic satisfiability (SSAT), Quantified Boolean Satisfiability (QBF) and decision-theoretic planning in finite horizon partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs) are all PSPACE-Complete problems. Since they are all complete for the same complexity class, I show how to convert them into one another in polynomial time and space. I discuss various properties of each encoding and how they get translated into equivalent constructs in the other encodings. An important lesson of these reductions is that the states in SSAT and flat POMDPs do not match. Therefore, comparing the scalability of satisfiability and flat POMDP solvers based on the size of the state spaces they can tackle is misleading. A new SSAT solver called SSAT-Prime is proposed and implemented. It includes improvements to watch literals, component caching and detecting symmetries with upper and lower bounds under certain conditions. SSAT-Prime is compared against a state of the art solver for probabilistic inference and a native POMDP solver on challenging benchmarks

    Portfolio Approaches in Constraint Programming

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    Recent research has shown that the performance of a single, arbitrarily efficient algorithm can be significantly outperformed by using a portfolio of —possibly on-average slower— algorithms. Within the Constraint Programming (CP) context, a portfolio solver can be seen as a particular constraint solver that exploits the synergy between the constituent solvers of its portfolio for predicting which is (or which are) the best solver(s) to run for solving a new, unseen instance. In this thesis we examine the benefits of portfolio solvers in CP. Despite portfolio approaches have been extensively studied for Boolean Satisfiability (SAT) problems, in the more general CP field these techniques have been only marginally studied and used. We conducted this work through the investigation, the analysis and the construction of several portfolio approaches for solving both satisfaction and optimization problems. We focused in particular on sequential approaches, i.e., single-threaded portfolio solvers always running on the same core. We started from a first empirical evaluation on portfolio approaches for solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs), and then we improved on it by introducing new data, solvers, features, algorithms, and tools. Afterwards, we addressed the more general Constraint Optimization Problems (COPs) by implementing and testing a number of models for dealing with COP portfolio solvers. Finally, we have come full circle by developing sunny-cp: a sequential CP portfolio solver that turned out to be competitive also in the MiniZinc Challenge, the reference competition for CP solvers

    Exploiting machine learning for combinatorial problem solving and optimisation

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    This dissertation presents a number of contributions to the field of solver portfolios, in particular for combinatorial search problems. We propose a novel hierarchical portfolio which does not rely on a single problem representation, but may transform the problem to an alternate representation using a portfolio of encodings, additionally a portfolio of solvers is employed for each of the representations. We extend this multi-representation portfolio for discrete optimisation tasks in the graphical models domain, realising a portfolio which won the UAI 2014 Inference Competition. We identify a fundamental flaw in empirical evaluations of many portfolio and runtime prediction methods. The fact that solvers exhibit a runtime distribution has not been considered in the setting of runtime prediction, solver portfolios, or automated configuration systems, to date these methods have taken a single sample as ground-truth. We demonstrated through a large empirical analysis that the outcome of empirical competitions can vary and provide statistical bounds on such variations. Finally, we consider an elastic solver which capitalises on the runtime distribution of a solver by launching searches in parallel, potentially on thousands of machines. We analyse the impact of the number of cores on not only solution time but also on energy consumption, the challenge being to find a optimal balance between the two. We highlight that although solution time always drops as the number of machines increases, the relation between the number of machines and energy consumption is more complicated. We also develop a prediction model, demonstrating that such insights can be exploited to achieve faster solutions times in a more energy efficient manner

    Portfolio approaches in constraint programming

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